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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LoveConquers, don't feel bad about not being able to bridge the gap between the shipper groups. I've seen other shippers (on each side) try and fail and it's frustrating because most of the shippers on each side can be reasonable about other topics so it's a puzzle why shipping is such a hot button, it's my way or the highway issue for some.

    Anyway, it's shippers like yourself who keep trying to reach out that gives hope that this shipper divide won't get any wider than it already is.

    Hatcheter, I've seen questionable comments about Torri's appearance and I've also seen questiontable comments about Rachel's appearance and they both make me uneasy. And, I'm not talking about posts wondering how old they are because I don't see anything wrong with wondering. I'm talking about the little snide comments that are carefully worded enough to not get modded, but still carry the intended sting. Very annoying, but I tend to ignore them because I've seen people give thoughtful, eloquent responses to such posts, only to see the same comments made again later.

    As for the hype, I didn't see the John/Teyla shippers hype Phantoms as a J/T ship episode anymore than I saw the John/Elizabeth shippers hype The Real World as a J/E ship episode. What I saw on both sides (for each episode) was the wish for a lot of moments for their pairing, with the hope (not the expectation) of seeing something shippy for their pairing.

    If I saw any hype, it came more from anti-J/T shippers who feared that Phantoms would become a big old J/T ship fest and who weren't shy about sharing their displeasure. For instance, the Bam/Bam thread was not pleasant to visit after he mentioned that J/T would have several scenes together. Some of the anti-J/T comments he received were so harsh that I was concerned that he wouldn't return.

    For the most part, after past disappointments (Conversion and The Long Goodbye), I've seen shippers of all camps take more of a wait and see attitude about whether ship would become canon. And, some have even been able to laugh at themselves for going overboard, which is refreshing to see. Unfortunately, the vocal few who take shipping way too seriously tend to get the most attention and are therefore often considered representative of all shippers.
    Sig by Luciana


      Originally posted by LoveConquers
      Depressingly, I accomplished absolutely nothing.
      I'd just like to say thanks for trying anyway. Childish comments from both sides of the camp have made Gateworld a less enjoyable experience than it used to be, for me anyway, so it's nice to see you and others trying to bridge the gap.



        ok I took 3 caps while I was doing my usual Beckett cap run (36 of Beckett - it's a record for me). ANYWAY

        Just John's expression when he sees Teyla hurt. I know he's supposed to be confused at the time and maybe I'm reading into it...

        then Teyla trying to reach him when he's zonked

        and then at the end


          Hi everyone,
          I loved the episode! The fact that Teyla called Shepphard "JOHN" throughout the episode was shipper enough for me!! LOL
          Last edited by mestes; 16 September 2006, 09:13 AM.


            Originally posted by Hatcheter
            They have been. There is a tiny group around the forums who have been pretty harsh in comments about Torri's age or appearance. But that doesn't apply to the vast majority of posters here.

            And please, don't think that there's anything malicious in the comments from Sparky shippers. We're just amused about how something got hyped and didn't deliver as expected. Again.

            We must all be mad to ship in this franchise. This is Stargate. Has ten years of SG-1 taught us nothing?
            Hi Hatcheter! Thank you so much for your comments! It means a lot to me, thank you.
            Alas, I think you're right. We all must be mad.


            Edited to add: Allie, I missed your post earlier, sorry about that! I hate seeing it become less enjoyable too. I come here to escape real life, not get dregged down in garbage like we sometimes see here. But thankfully as others have said, the majority of posters are kind and considerate of all, so that is very cool. Thank you for your encouragement! Guess I needed it after messing things up last night!
            Last edited by LoveConquers; 16 September 2006, 10:21 AM.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by maxbo
              LoveConquers, don't feel bad about not being able to bridge the gap between the shipper groups. I've seen other shippers (on each side) try and fail and it's frustrating because most of the shippers on each side can be reasonable about other topics so it's a puzzle why shipping is such a hot button, it's my way or the highway issue for some.

              Anyway, it's shippers like yourself who keep trying to reach out that gives hope that this shipper divide won't get any wider than it already is.

              Hatcheter, I've seen questionable comments about Torri's appearance and I've also seen questiontable comments about Rachel's appearance and they both make me uneasy. And, I'm not talking about posts wondering how old they are because I don't see anything wrong with wondering. I'm talking about the little snide comments that are carefully worded enough to not get modded, but still carry the intended sting. Very annoying, but I tend to ignore them because I've seen people give thoughtful, eloquent responses to such posts, only to see the same comments made again later.

              As for the hype, I didn't see the John/Teyla shippers hype Phantoms as a J/T ship episode anymore than I saw the John/Elizabeth shippers hype The Real World as a J/E ship episode. What I saw on both sides (for each episode) was the wish for a lot of moments for their pairing, with the hope (not the expectation) of seeing something shippy for their pairing.

              If I saw any hype, it came more from anti-J/T shippers who feared that Phantoms would become a big old J/T ship fest and who weren't shy about sharing their displeasure. For instance, the Bam/Bam thread was not pleasant to visit after he mentioned that J/T would have several scenes together. Some of the anti-J/T comments he received were so harsh that I was concerned that he wouldn't return.

              For the most part, after past disappointments (Conversion and The Long Goodbye), I've seen shippers of all camps take more of a wait and see attitude about whether ship would become canon. And, some have even been able to laugh at themselves for going overboard, which is refreshing to see. Unfortunately, the vocal few who take shipping way too seriously tend to get the most attention and are therefore often considered representative of all shippers.

              Thanks Maxbo! And I love how you said this; You summed it up so well.
              And most of us do sit back and take a wait and see approach. We've all learned to know better than to expect too much! But I just wanted to thank you for your comments. You said everything I meant to say, but only ended up saying rather poorly, thank you!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                ok I took 3 caps while I was doing my usual Beckett cap run (36 of Beckett - it's a record for me). ANYWAY

                Just John's expression when he sees Teyla hurt. I know he's supposed to be confused at the time and maybe I'm reading into it...

                then Teyla trying to reach him when he's zonked

                and then at the end

                Oh, nice caps!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by Doxymom

                  The ep didn't go down quite as I expected (course I didn't read all the speculation or spoilers), but it was still satisfying. Oddly enough, it was the Beckett parts that hit me hardest, not the Shep parts. I don't usually pay Beckett that much attention, but I betcha he had to go cry on Cadman's shoulder after this episode!

                  Hi Anna! Hope you and big baby (LOL!) are doing well! You know, I too felt the same way about this ep. I LOVED all the J/T moments, but it was actually Carson's scenes that really got to me. I had a little trouble emotionally connecting to John's flashbkacks, but Carson tugged at the old heartstrings for sure!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by mestes
                    Hi everyone,
                    I loved the episode! The fact that Teyla called Shepphard "JOHN" throughout the episode was shipper enough for me!! LOL

                    Hehe, as silly as it sounds, I love that too!!!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Sorry, one more comment re: Spanky in Phantoms:

                      I've been surprised by the numbers of comments I'm seeing about how people thought Ronon being able to recognize Teyla was spanky. I just wanted to point out, that while influenced and while Leonard was still alive, Ronon recognized both John and Teyla. After Leonard got killed, Ronon's mind then transferred the wraith onto John, which is completely logical. The device played on their worst fears and ultimately turned them against each other. Once the "real" enemy was disposed of, their mind's latched onto the next figure available. For Ronon and John, it was each other. Logical, because they were the two running around and the two their minds would latch onto as that running and darting through the woods could naturally look suspicious.
                      For someone to claim that Ronon recognizing Teyla still is shippy would then also have to claim that Carson, Beckett, and the two soliders still recognizing each other throughout was also shippy. Clearly, that is not logical.
                      Ronon's delusions were still in "this world" for him, so he still recognized everyone else except John once his mind told him John was the wraith. Same for Carson, his delusion was in his patients, so everyone else remained the same. Rodney again as well, as his delusion was in technology, not the people around him.
                      John was the only one who was different. He was the only one who relived his past. The signficant difference for John and Teyla is that while John saw EVERYONE else as the enemy, his mind refused to see Teyla that way.

                      Last edited by LoveConquers; 16 September 2006, 10:25 AM.
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        Hey about a little light reading before 'Phantoms' tonight...Here is chapter 2 of my Teyla/Rodney fic...this chapter is short with a focus on Shep and Ronon...


                        Next chapter will be all Teyla and Rodney again...
                        Another great one...keep them coming.. good to see what they are up to and holding of the enemies...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers
                          Sorry, one more comment re: the supposed Spanky in Phantoms:

                          I've been surprised by the numbers of comments I'm seeing about how people thought Ronon being able to recognize Teyla was spanky. I just wanted to point out, that while influenced and while Leonard was still alive, Ronon recognized both John and Teyla. After Leonard got killed, Ronon's mind then transferred the wraith onto John, which is completely logical. The device played on their worst fears and ultimately turned them against each other. Once the "real" enemy was disposed of, their mind's latched onto the next figure available. For Ronon and John, it was each other. Logical, because they were the two running around and the two their minds would latch onto as that running and darting through the woods could naturally look suspicious.
                          For someone to claim that Ronon recognizing Teyla still is shippy would then also have to claim that Carson, Beckett, and the two soliders still recognizing each other throughout was also shippy. Clearly, that is not logical.
                          Ronon's delusions were still in "this world" for him, so he still recognized everyone else except John once his mind told him John was the wraith. Same for Carson, his delusion was in his patients, so everyone else remained the same. Rodney again as well, as his delusion was in technology, not the people around him.
                          John was the only one who was different. He was the only one who relived his past. The signficant difference for John and Teyla is that while John saw EVERYONE else as the enemy, his mind refused to see Teyla that way.

                          Ah I liked the moment
                          between Ronon and Teyla, because it showed how much his teammates mean to him. I agree with what you're saying and you said it wonderfully. When he was able to see Teyla, I just thought Ronon couldn't see another wraith helping another out, maybe too human of an action, so the person being helped/carried by the other person had to be a prisoner, since Teyla was already out there Ronon latched on to the fact that she must then be a prisoner. Errrrr....that was muddled thinking but to sum it up, the being shooting back at him, this being Shep, became the enemy, which to Ronon was a wraith. Teyla, was not shooting back but instead was being helped/dragged along, therefore she became the hostage. Ronon was living his worse nightmare...present tense. But i can never begrudge someone their ship...I tend to think I would squee too!

                          Or maybe it's just me that noone could shoot Teyla that I absolutly loved! Everyone likes Teyla!

                          Just Kidding!

                          Overall...I loved 'Phantoms'...wasn't shippy to me but it did what I thought it would and furthered friendships and team interaction...

                          THANK YOU FOR THE FOCUS ON CARSON AND TEYLA! They rocked this favorite parts were Carson's delusions and Teyla at the end when she had to get through to John....

                          I think the only thing I could see as potential ship worthiness was the end when John chose to sit beside Teyla, not go off, stand by himself or anyone else...he sat beside Teyla and once again voluntarily offered something of himself...he could have just ignored the question, brushed it off but he told her the truth...

                          And yes...a little pathetic squee from me from he carried her...I need caps!

                          One thing that hit home to me is that once again John doesn't hurt Teyla...just like in 'Conversion' ...he just can't seem to see her as the enemy... ...Yay!


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Ah I liked the moment
                            between Ronon and Teyla, because it showed how much his teammates mean to him. I agree with what you're saying and you said it wonderfully. When he was able to see Teyla, I just thought Ronon couldn't see another wraith helping another out, maybe too human of an action, so the person being helped/carried by the other person had to be a prisoner, since Teyla was already out there Ronon latched on to the fact that she must then be a prisoner. Errrrr....that was muddled thinking but to sum it up, the being shooting back at him, this being Shep, became the enemy, which to Ronon was a wraith. Teyla, was not shooting back but instead was being helped/dragged along, therefore she became the hostage. Ronon was living his worse nightmare...present tense. But i can never begrudge someone their ship...I tend to think I would squee too!

                            Or maybe it's just me that noone could shoot Teyla that I absolutly loved! Everyone likes Teyla!

                            Just Kidding!

                            Overall...I loved 'Phantoms'...wasn't shippy to me but it did what I thought it would and furthered friendships and team interaction...

                            THANK YOU FOR THE FOCUS ON CARSON AND TEYLA! They rocked this favorite parts were Carson's delusions and Teyla at the end when she had to get through to John....

                            I think the only thing I could see as potential ship worthiness was the end when John chose to sit beside Teyla, not go off, stand by himself or anyone else...he sat beside Teyla and once again voluntarily offered something of himself...he could have just ignored the question, brushed it off but he told her the truth...

                            And yes...a little pathetic squee from me from he carried her...I need caps!

                            One thing that hit home to me is that once again John doesn't hurt Teyla...just like in 'Conversion' ...he just can't seem to see her as the enemy... ...Yay!

                            Yes, exactly! It's logical that neither would see Teyla as the enemy since she was the injured one and they were the still strong ones running around and shooting. So really, as we've already said, it wasn't shippy for anyone, LOL! And I did not mean to sound like I was begrudging a ship; I am so sorry if it came across that way. I was just trying to explain why I didn't think it was shippy. (For me, a discussion is not bashing or begruding. Pointing fingers at a person or a ship and saying cruel and pointless things are however).
                            And to be fair, as much as I love that Teyla was the only one that John didn't see as the enemy, it too can be logically explained, as I just mentioned above. Her being injured is what triggered his delusion. And logically, her being injured made his mind see her as his captain, just as logically, John running and shooting and carrying Teyla made Ronon logically see John, not Teya, as the wraith.

                            Or mabye it's just as you said,
                            Everyone loves Teyla! Hehe. Well said.

                            I love your take on the ending though...completely agree! Awww!
                            Last edited by LoveConquers; 16 September 2006, 10:59 AM.
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers
                              Yes, exactly! It's logical that neither would see Teyla as the enemy since she was the injured one and they were the still strong ones running around and shooting. So really, as we've already said, it wasn't shippy for anyone, LOL! And I did not mean to sound like I was begrudging a ship; I am so sorry if it came across that way. I was just trying to explain why I didn't think it was shippy.
                              And to be fair, as much as I love that Teyla was the only one that John didn't see as the enemy, it too can be logically explained, as I just mentioned above. Her being injured is what triggered his delusion. And logically, her being injured made his mind see her as his captain, just as logically, John running and shooting and carrying Teyla made Ronon logically see John, not Teya, as the wraith.
                              Oooo great point!

                              I think you hit it on spot why I didn't get the shippy vibe...makes me wonder what would have happened had Teyla not been about being in a difficult position, she would still be the only sane one but she wouldn't fire at Ronon yet at the same time wouldn't stand by and watch Ronon shoot John...

                              And you in no way put down any other ship, Ronon/Teyla or otherwise, I hope you didn't think that...your initial post was wonderfully stated and I just wish more people would give posts like that when they want to show their opinion...I think 'begrudge' was the wrong choice to use, more like...'I don't see it that way, but I get where you're coming from'...

                              Or mabye it's just as you said,
                              Everyone loves Teyla! Hehe. Well said.
                              And yes...everyone like Teyla!
                              She is my favorite character!

                              I love your take on the ending though...completely agree! Awww!
                              Perfect ending to the episode for me!


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl

                                Oooo great point!

                                I think you hit it on spot why I didn't get the shippy vibe...makes me wonder what would have happened had Teyla not been about being in a difficult position, she would still be the only sane one but she wouldn't fire at Ronon yet at the same time wouldn't stand by and watch Ronon shoot John...

                                And you in no way put down any other ship, Ronon/Teyla or otherwise, I hope you didn't think that...your initial post was wonderfully stated and I just wish more people would give posts like that when they want to show their opinion...I think 'begrudge' was the wrong choice to use, more like...'I don't see it that way, but I get where you're coming from'...

                                And yes...everyone like Teyla!
                                She is my favorite character!

                                Perfect ending to the episode for me!
                                Thanks AG! I didn't think you were, but just had to add the disclaimer in there for anyone else just in case. And oohhh, very good question!!

                                That would make a great AU fanfic...what if Teyla hadn't been injured and hadn't been seen as the friendly in either of their hallucinations? I love that thought!

                                I can never decide if John or Teyla is my favorite character. I tend to go back and forth on that one. Carson is my third favorite! He is just so endearing. Rodney, Ronon, Elizabeth, even Lorne and Zalinka, LOL, are all great characters as well. But Shep's team is always my favorite. Gotta love them all.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

