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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    She's referring to me Camy...

    Here's a link to what DM and I were talking about on SGO.
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      Hey, Capt!

      Yep, Camy, I meant Capt. Ritter. :-)

      Thanks for the compliments, Camy! :-)

      I sure hope you're right that it doesn't stretch so long. I'm just trying to plan ahead to come up with the best ways to keep everyone interested.

      If it turns out the hiatus is only 3 or 4 months, well, that's still cool because we'd have stuff planned and could just squish it all together a little bit! LOL.

      Right now, I'm just curious as to what types of things people actually want to participate in. Without participation, there's no way to keep interest up.

      Oh, and a Virtual Season means you pick up from the last moment the show aired and continue writing the episodes from there on. It can be in script or story format, doesn't matter. Since you're basically writing as if you were the show's writers you'd try to extrapolate from what's happened to what might happen.

      You wouldn't suddenly have the Wraith all die and have pink Martians show up because there's been no hint of that in the show. Or have Teyla yanking John into a closet for nookie because that's out of established character--unless you come up with a very plausible explanation. But you could use the spoilers for upcoming eps and any dropped plotlines, etc., in the show to write new episodes. A lot of people have Virtual Seasons for shows that have been cancelled. There used to be websites that would "air" the episodes once a week or month.

      Doing a Virtual Season probably wouldn't be best for this thread since it would cover all characters. But doing an AU Teyla/John-centered fic could fit here, as would all sorts of discussion about their relationship and the possibilities.

      As for the communties, one thing that helps is that each seems to have a different "specialty". A few are PG-13, some are Adult. Some are geared toward fic and some are easy for pictures. Some can do both, some can't. Some can do polls easily, some can't. So if events are kind of tailored to the specific place, then we can cover everything more efficiently.

      The coordination and facilitation are the hard parts.

      When I get a chance, I'll repost the list I had of JT sites/lists/LJs/bbs. I know I don't have them all, but I have quite a few.



        =Doxymom]Hey, Capt!

        Yep, Camy, I meant Capt. Ritter. :-) can I possilbly forget you're the must have gotten a chuckled at least out of this one...LOL

        Thanks for the compliments, Camy! :-) deserve it...

        sure hope you're right that it doesn't stretch so long. I'm just trying to plan ahead to come up with the best ways to keep everyone interested.

        If it turns out the hiatus is only 3 or 4 months, well, that's still cool because we'd have stuff planned and could just squish it all together a little bit! LOL.

        Right now, I'm just curious as to what types of things people actually want to participate in. Without participation, there's no way to keep interest up.
        Oh, you don't have to worry...I like the idea..and organizing this is great...and you're right, it's no fun when there's no participation...

        You wouldn't suddenly have the Wraith all die and have pink Martians show up because there's been no hint of that in the show.
        Oh, man...I had that idea....

        Or have Teyla yanking John into a closet for nookie because that's out of established character--
        Are you kidding me! WHY NOT? I can see that happening!

        unless you come up with a very plausible explanation. about she wants to!

        But you could use the spoilers for upcoming eps and any dropped plotlines, etc., in the show to write new episodes. A lot of people have Virtual Seasons for shows that have been cancelled. There used to be websites that would "air" the episodes once a week or month.
        OH, gosh..the BAD word...NOPE, blasphemy..don't even think like that...NO CANCELLATION!...lOl

        Doing a Virtual Season probably wouldn't be best for this thread since it would cover all characters. But doing an AU Teyla/John-centered fic could fit here, as would all sorts of discussion about their relationship and the possibilities.
        I love the idea...

        As for the communties, one thing that helps is that each seems to have a different "specialty". A few are PG-13, some are Adult. Some are geared toward fic and some are easy for pictures. Some can do both, some can't. Some can do polls easily, some can't. So if events are kind of tailored to the specific place, then we can cover everything more efficiently.
        See that..I never thought of it that're you have some specific communities in mind...? don't forget to include Trippy's lj..stfever..and there are so many out there..WOW..I'm getting all worked up about this....

        The coordination and facilitation are the hard parts.
        HOn..I"m all coordinated....LOL
        Let me know how I can help....I"m reallly good at boucing off ideas and them looking at the bigger picture..

        When I get a chance, I'll repost the list I had of JT sites/lists/LJs/bbs. I know I don't have them all, but I have quite a few.
        See that...great minds think alike...

        I also think that one person or two shouldn't do the entire's exhausting and you have a baby on the, my suggestion is come up with the ideas...get feedback...and acquire a team that you can delegate certain responsibilities..say, let others run a week and have a schedule ready for others to see and post ahead of time.. or have people be in charge of certain activities and monitoring or coordinating something specifically...this way it's not all on you or two or three people..and also when people are involved and in charge of something, there will be more ideas, more creativity and less stress on you...I know when I do the parties it's very time consuming..but when I saw that Annie posted pics, you posted Challenges and posted ideas and began discussions.... and others help out...I was very much relieved...and it was a big help...
        I think it will be a huge success....and you're can happen whether it be 3 or 6months hiatus....



          Originally posted by Doxymom
          So, let's say they do go with the 6 month hiatus at the end of the year, what types of things would you all be interested in to keep the bbs active during that time? All John and Teyla focused stuff, obviously.

          I know Capt had some great ideas too. :-)

          an AU RR type fic?
          traditional RR's?
          discussion questions
          a virtual season?
          Ficathons in various forms?
          Theme parties?
          Graphics challenges?
          Timed fic days-- a challenge to write for, say, 20 min or 30 min and post what you finish.
          ep by ep discussion or challenges, etc.
          Personally, I love the idea of a ficathon - or maybe different ones for different ratings of stories? I took part in the Teylafen one at LJ and thought it was great - the quantity and quality of stories that came out of it was fantastic. I'd be happy to help with the organising too


            Originally posted by Camy
            See that..I never thought of it that're you have some specific communities in mind...? don't forget to include Trippy's lj..stfever..and there are so many out there..WOW..I'm getting all worked up about this....
            Oh, yes. I couldn't help but think of all the various places: GW, Omega, JT fic list, STF fic list, 4 or 5 LJs plus the JT newsletter. One of the problems with having a logistics degree is all this stuff popped into my head as peices of the same puzzle. Bam, there it is! One big picture.

            Originally posted by Camy

            HOn..I"m all coordinated....LOL
            Let me know how I can help....I"m reallly good at boucing off ideas and them looking at the bigger picture..
            Don't worry, I really had no plans to facilitate all of this. I was trying to get people thinking and then figured I'd ask around to get people to "run" each thing. A nudge, nudge, kind of thing rather than "hey, we're doing this here and this there and that's final" deal. Everyone is free to contribute ideas or whatever. No pressure, no strictness.

            I thought maybe I'd just monitor the various communities and make suggestions when it looked like things would overlap or maybe suggest certain things would be better for certain communities--with links and crossposts for all activities everywhere of course.

            I had in mind a big John/Teyla Calendar listing events on all the various communities so that all JT fans could pick what they wanted to do on any given day/week or what they might want to help out with. That way each community would have things they could do but also get a break where they could go enjoy another thing somewhere else.

            Now's a good time for people to break out a notepad and start brainstorming challenges or discussion questions, or opening a folder to save pictures they would love to see used to inspire stories or pics they'd love to see made into wps/banners/pic fics, etc. Sure, still post some now, but start a file to list some things for the next hiatus.

            You're right, I not only have Baby coming I'm doing a 1/2 K a Day in August Challenge (write 500 words a day, every day) and plan to do Nanowrimo for the month of November--you try to write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel and check in daily.

            Now, I'm hoping to use the August challenge to finish my John/Teyla wips and to work on an original novella. But it's going to be hard. If I'm lucky I'll finish my...uh...three, four?? JT fics. If I do I'll post links here.

            It's probably not going to be hard to do all this anyway, not if people come up with their own ideas and plug them into the calendar. It could be as simple as making the Giant Suggestion, posting a calendar of the time, and having people plug in stuff they want to do.

            Last edited by Doxymom; 26 July 2006, 11:24 AM.


              Originally posted by purple_cube
              Personally, I love the idea of a ficathon - or maybe different ones for different ratings of stories? I took part in the Teylafen one at LJ and thought it was great - the quantity and quality of stories that came out of it was fantastic. I'd be happy to help with the organising too


              Hey that'd be great! We did have JT ficathons for the two fic lists, different ratings, and their respective LJs about 12-18 months ago. It went really well, but as coordinator I found I just am NOT organized enough to handle that! LOL.

              Would you want to run a ficathon during the first half of the season and another during hiatus or just one during one of those times? I'm sure you could get volunteers to help run it.



                Originally posted by Doxymom

                Hey that'd be great! We did have JT ficathons for the two fic lists, different ratings, and their respective LJs about 12-18 months ago. It went really well, but as coordinator I found I just am NOT organized enough to handle that! LOL.

                Would you want to run a ficathon during the first half of the season and another during hiatus or just one during one of those times? I'm sure you could get volunteers to help run it.

                Well I'm British and have to get my SGA by 'alternative' means, so the hiatus isn't an issue for me. However, I have noticed that the fic lists on the sga_newsletter have been really short since the new episodes began, so I would assume that for Americans it would be more suitable to run one during the hiatus - no one seems to be writing anything at the moment!

                On a personal note, I have three other ficathon deadlines coming up in the next month, so would prefer to start a JT one after that. The people who took part in the Teyla ficathon might appreciate that too, to have a bit of break before taking part again as I imagine that some of the same people would be interested. It would also give us a few more episodes (and hopefully JT interaction) to work with. So maybe towards the end of the first half of the season would be best to introduce it? And let people work on it for a month or so of the hiatus?

                I'd love for other people to volunteer or give advice on how best to approach it, as I've never been involved in the organisation before.


                  Okay everyone... I have a fanfic present. Just a quick oneshot, nothing fancy, no real plot. Enjoy some well earned fluff.


                  Purple_cube... we'd love to have you aboard for it. I'm not sure about ficathons.. but we're still in the brainstorming stage.
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                    We missed an opportunity. The anniversary of the first airing of Rising was on July 16th--theoretically the date that John and Teyla met.

                    Maybe we can celebrate a half-anniversary during the hiatus.



                      Originally posted by purple_cube

                      On a personal note, I have three other ficathon deadlines coming up in the next month, so would prefer to start a JT one after that. The people who took part in the Teyla ficathon might appreciate that too, to have a bit of break before taking part again as I imagine that some of the same people would be interested. It would also give us a few more episodes (and hopefully JT interaction) to work with. So maybe towards the end of the first half of the season would be best to introduce it? And let people work on it for a month or so of the hiatus?

                      I'd love for other people to volunteer or give advice on how best to approach it, as I've never been involved in the organisation before.

                      That's a great idea. Shortly before the start of the hiatus would give people time to write and not make everyone wait a long time for fic.

                      You're right, we do seem to be having a quiet time right now. If they air even one clear shippy moment in the new eps, I bet we'd have a bunch of stories come out. LOL.

                      Well, I've only run one ficathon and admittedly didn't do the best job. Keeping track of who submitted what plot idea and who got it to write is the most important. What confused me is I ran it for two lists with different rating but a lot of the same authors. So I mixed up a couple of plots/people, giving a PG-13 list submitted plot to someone on the NC list to write.

                      JT fandom has a lot of writers under 17 and a lot who are older and prefer to write R or NC-17. So be careful matching the challenges to not only the writers, but to a rating the person is old enough to read when the other person finishes the challenge the under-17 person submitted.

                      Or, you could simply post a list of plot ideas you make up and tell every writer volunteering to pick one and write any rating they want.



                        I'll throw in my vote for a ficathon sometime in the future. Tielan helped organize a Teyla-centric one on Livejournal that turned out really, really, really well. I know that purple_cube was also a part of that one. I think about two dozen writers participated and we got some excellent stories out of it. If we could organize one of those we might be able to get at least ten or twelve fics out of it. Definitely worth thinking about.

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          I'm totally for anything J/T creative...

                          And for a gift....

                          HOW DO YOU DO ---S/T Vid.......Enjoy

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            loved the video!!!


                              I agree completely, SP.

                              Witchy, wonderful vid!



                                Hi all,

                                I've been following the talk of ficathons and challenges and would love to see it come to light. If you need any help just shine the J/T or Sheyla skylight and I'll come running.

                                I just finished another video. It's another John POV. The scenario is that Teyla gets a bit tired of John's so called Kirking and they have a falling out. It's basically John regretting not expressing or voicing his emotions and trying to salvage their relationship. This song is beautiful, so turn up your speakers or better yet, use headphones. Hope you like it. This Woman's Work.

                                FYI - This will probably be the last vid for a while. I need my season 2 clips and I'm still looking for a song for Teyla's POV.

