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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I remember we've had this conversation before about image posts and everyone posts links and spoiler cuts for a while but then it fizzles out. I don't want to periodicly post reminders and I don't think anyone else does.

    It has been difficult loading this thread for the past few days because of the image posts (which I love regardless!). All it needs is a few people in the future to decide to post image heavy posts at the same time and forget links/spoilers or misjudge them and we're back here again.

    I think is great but a website can't compete with a fast moving thread. I often post something just after I've made it, especially if it's relevent to a discussion or challenge, and going through JTC (or any other site) would be too slow. (Unless Sanssong is willing to work on the site 24/7 at inhuman speeds with no time for rest, eating or RL. )

    That's pretty much my arguement for two threads.
    Mind you, I currently have the time to keep up with an extra thread, I only have about 5 anyway.


      Here's my two cents....

      I think that having a separate thread exclusively for pics and artwork is a great idea not only because you would get more viewers to see your work but also it less time consuming in the sense that you just go to WOW yourself and not read per say...

      Here we have post with Thank yous' and what nots that has also been complained about whereas if we dedicate a thread just for posting pics and artwork it would allow others to just briefly comment with once in a while doing some longer post...and not even...this thread can then be dedicated to simply discussions and people would selectively come and go...

      So, far look at all the viewers in the thread that I opened and I'd like to think that some of those are not posters that necessarily come here...the Convergence site would still be there for us to post our stuff..but I doubt that you are going to get the same people that would most likely browse in here to go to the Wow thread to go also go to the Convergence site...does that make any sense....?

      As far as having to visit two threads...well...if you come here and you post your artwork, really, what would be the difference of clickin in another thread and doing the same steps besides getting out of this one and going to the Wow thread? I don't mean this in any sarcastic way, I'm just curious...

      In the end, the thread is pointless if you guys aren't willing to post and, I would like for Sky and the rest here to give it a chance..and see where it goes...if it becomes a problem and goes down the pipe, then merge it...

      Obviously....I don't want to repeat things in here..I would make the other thread exclusively for pics and artwork and this for discussions..I mean..I even got comments because of my in this new thread..I think we have a more legitimate reason to post things like pics and dialogue pics and whatnot...

      In addition, like I said earlier...other posters who may not necessarily care to come and read our comments here, might be interested in just browsing and viewing your FANTASTIC work...which I think merits others to see....

      If the problem was spoiler tags..that hasn't been an issue in the past couple of weeks to my knowledge..we have been using the spoiler tags for large images...and in addition, Sky was also commenting on the pics.....which are part of our discussions but apparantely it hinders with people who just want to read and discuss and not view..

      this way, we can please both groups...if you just want to SEE things, you go to the WOW thread, if you want to read and come here...

      Frankly, I think John and Teyla deserve their own thread to just WOW everyone!

      and then we can also have the thank yous and your welcomes and I Love that and THAT is FANTASTIC comments not blog down this thread...LOL!

      All things considered, it's pointless for me to do it on my own..that is not the purpose....Bella, Warrior, and I who seem to post the most pics are willing to do it...and those of us who post artwork..with all due respect, I don't see how this would really be more work for you to post your work in another thread and not this one! but, again...if the majority is unwilling or it's too much then, I will ask Sky to delete it....

      Guys, forgive me for wanting to share your FABULOUS work and for thinking that having our very OWN WOW thread where people can just go and SEE and be WOWED by your work is a great idea!..sorry if that sounds lame.....I do think that I"m the most CRAZY NUT poster in here...LOL that is willing to go with it...but in the end...I'd do either one! so whatever works for the majority of us, works for me!


      Bella, I feel funny writing in HEAVEN for the thread..I'm willing to change to John and Teyla's Haven WOW thread...whatcha think...?


        I have to say..I can't be bothered with two threads..and if there are two, I hope no one would expect me to post and keep up. Again right now the Teyla fans can barely keep both threads up and to have more of the same... I'm one of the people who feels that the Teyla Appreciation and WoW threads could merge without a problem. I don't think us TEyla fans have drama enough to go from two to one to two again. I actually get a bit unnerved by the two seperate threads.

        I even think that the character/relationship section has a multitude of too many useless threads, running around; which can merge together. Kind of brings up my annoyance with the anti threads---when there can be a NON-ship thread and be done with the whole thing. I think this would just add to that nonsense.

        Furthermore..the only reason that WE have so many pics this time around is because of the party. When the party is done with and we start discussing the show itself, when the season starts...the separate thread will be rarely used. Another reason, I don't see the sudden need for two.

        One of the reason I like our thread is because we don't have high maintenance drama....this just feels like it when it can be easily solved with spoiler tags.

        Oh by the way for those artists out there....You can upload your artwork YOURSELF, from the site to here. So those of you worried about links. If CONVERGENCE is not sufficient I do prefer having spoiler tags---since I can just come back to one location and give my props and then walk out. Not go looking for our specific thread...again as BlueAlien mentioned, it would feel like a full time job and I'm not cool with that.

        Last edited by vaberella; 14 June 2006, 12:54 PM.
        Click statement above to read article.


          I really hope this debate isn't going to get ugly.

          I'm willing to put my stuff anywhere (okay, so I won't post my fic on, but that's different), so I'll put it on one thread or both. I'll put it on Convergence... Only I seem to be having trouble figuring out how to do that...

          If people want to/don't want to post their artwork in the other thread, that should be up to them. I don't think we have too much for this thread, but I don't mind having a second. Is it superfluous? Maybe. But it's about S/T love, and that's the point, isn't it?
          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


            Have a lot of people complained about too many pictures?.

            Is the problem just to do with slow loading because of pictures. I'm sure everyone still wants to see the pictures so won't they have the same problem in a separate wow thread if they are on dial up.

            I think there will still be a need to post pictures here particulary when the show starts again. Its nice to discuss a caption or a particular picture, so will they not be allowed in this thread anymore. I do enjoy a good discussion but I also like to look at the pictures and as I get plenty to look at in the Shep thunk thread and the Teyla appreciation thread. I don't know whether I want to go to another thread to look at John/Teyla pictures.

            Maybe some feel that by taking out the pictures and the banners etc it will leave more room for discussion . I think the discussion aspect on this thread will probably pick up a lot once the show starts again. It does seem that a lot of posts are just either pictures or banners or some form of artwork.

            Unfortunately I have no idea how to make banners or contribute any artwork so I guess I would just be commenting on the pictures if we have another thresd. I do still feel that it would be nice to have it all under one roof. A mix of pictures, sigs, banners and discussion.


              Camy, I'm sorry hon, but I really dont' think we need another thread. The same rules for posts apply to the other thread so they must ALL be put behind spoiler tags- Lets just do that here.

              As for Convergence, we have HUGE overlap with who visits the site and as much as humanly possible, I will upadate things like Graphics daily. I've been on hold till today because of lack of space, but give me a couple of days and everyone's work will be there.

              The new thread is just TOO simliar to this one. I for one want all our stuff in one place as my time is at a preimum and I can barely make it here once a day! Please don't make us divide our time to see the great artwork produced here.


                Originally posted by bluealien
                Have a lot of people complained about too many pictures?.

                Is the problem just to do with slow loading because of pictures. I'm sure everyone still wants to see the pictures so won't they have the same problem in a separate wow thread if they are on dial up.

                I think there will still be a need to post pictures here particulary when the show starts again. Its nice to discuss a caption or a particular picture, so will they not be allowed in this thread anymore. I do enjoy a good discussion but I also like to look at the pictures and as I get plenty to look at in the Shep thunk thread and the Teyla appreciation thread. I don't know whether I want to go to another thread to look at John/Teyla pictures.

                Maybe some feel that by taking out the pictures and the banners etc it will leave more room for discussion . I think the discussion aspect on this thread will probably pick up a lot once the show starts again. It does seem that a lot of posts are just either pictures or banners or some form of artwork.
                This is my point exactly! The pics are a vital part of our discussions here. And I don't want to loose them. So lets get our ducks in a row- use spoiler cuts and keep our thread one thread.


                  Originally posted by bluealien
                  Have a lot of people complained about too many pictures?.

                  Is the problem just to do with slow loading because of pictures. I'm sure everyone still wants to see the pictures so won't they have the same problem in a separate wow thread if they are on dial up.

                  I think there will still be a need to post pictures here particulary when the show starts again. Its nice to discuss a caption or a particular picture, so will they not be allowed in this thread anymore. I do enjoy a good discussion but I also like to look at the pictures and as I get plenty to look at in the Shep thunk thread and the Teyla appreciation thread. I don't know whether I want to go to another thread to look at John/Teyla pictures.

                  Maybe some feel that by taking out the pictures and the banners etc it will leave more room for discussion . I think the discussion aspect on this thread will probably pick up a lot once the show starts again. It does seem that a lot of posts are just either pictures or banners or some form of artwork.

                  Unfortunately I have no idea how to make banners or contribute any artwork so I guess I would just be commenting on the pictures if we have another thresd. I do still feel that it would be nice to have it all under one roof. A mix of pictures, sigs, banners and discussion.
                  Praise the *insert diety* my thoughts exactly. Once the show starts..the pics lessen and discussion takes over. So even if there is a separate WoW thread it's pointless---why? Because you'll still have to put them in spoiler tags so people with dial-up has easy access. So why then would we need another thread?! When spoiler tags can easily be put previously suggested.

                  Originally posted by fishyone
                  I really hope this debate isn't going to get ugly.

                  I'm willing to put my stuff anywhere (okay, so I won't post my fic on, but that's different), so I'll put it on one thread or both. I'll put it on Convergence... Only I seem to be having trouble figuring out how to do that...

                  If people want to/don't want to post their artwork in the other thread, that should be up to them. I don't think we have too much for this thread, but I don't mind having a second. Is it superfluous? Maybe. But it's about S/T love, and that's the point, isn't it?
                  For the Convergence site the site hasn't even been lauched yet, but I'm sure Sanssong will be posting how to go about doing that. But I do know you have to be a member? Are you a member yet?!

                  Well the thing was...before the thread was even created it was under discussion...there was no vote taken; but a few of us, if not more of us did say that we were more partial to it staying on this thread. That was all. But since it's already started..that's for the people who do choose to post there. I'm still only coming to this thread, cause I don't live on the J/T thread, I do visit other parts of this forum, and like to contribute there. And I won't add a thread I don't see a purpose for when it could have easily been done here---since the rule still apply. I could easily send my reviews and appreciation here.

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Um, I looked twice today and can't even find the new thread. Where is it and what's it called?

                    In all honesty, I seldom even have time to try to find the Teyla threads. I try to pop in here daily, then visit all the LJs a couple of times a week. But my time is so limited I'd end up alternating and coming here less just to find time to visit a new JT thread.

                    I never understood why there were so many different threads dedicated to each of the characters or each of the pairings--same thing with the LJs, actually. I'd much rather there be one or two comprehensive places. One stop shopping, if you will.

                    And to make this on topic, I'd forgotten the JT moments in Seige. I still love the rainy scenes and wish JT had more together.



                      Well... spoiler cuts are probably the best solution, or if your posting large pictures... well I know Imageshack automatically makes little previews for me. Even on my high-speed this thread can get bogged down.

                      I'm against another thread because I barely have time for all these threads as it is, I mean, I moan when I see my inbox... and then it takes me hours to get through them all.

                      If its what you guys want... then by all means do it, I'll try to catch up... I don't want to impede anything.
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Originally posted by Doxymom
                        Um, I looked twice today and can't even find the new thread. Where is it and what's it called?

                        In all honesty, I seldom even have time to try to find the Teyla threads. I try to pop in here daily, then visit all the LJs a couple of times a week. But my time is so limited I'd end up alternating and coming here less just to find time to visit a new JT thread.

                        I never understood why there were so many different threads dedicated to each of the characters or each of the pairings--same thing with the LJs, actually. I'd much rather there be one or two comprehensive places. One stop shopping, if you will.

                        And to make this on topic, I'd forgotten the JT moments in Seige. I still love the rainy scenes and wish JT had more together.

                        Exactly Doxy. That's why when it was because of the beginning of this party, and the artwork that I was going to have Suz set up a section for Episode related work....for each artist who decides to post. It just makes things more effective.

                        Oh and the thread is around..but it's going through the same thing I expected, and maybe the artists who posted here will post all their work there..who knows?! But as you said..time is limited and then trying to keep up two threads is too problematic for the fans.

                        So we have 4 artists, they post their work once a day or twice a day then it fades down to page 4 when you show up...can't give any reviews or love---unless it's kept up with a level amount of spam; then I'll see it on page 1.
                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        Well... spoiler cuts are probably the best solution, or if your posting large pictures... well I know Imageshack automatically makes little previews for me. Even on my high-speed this thread can get bogged down.

                        I'm against another thread because I barely have time for all these threads as it is, I mean, I moan when I see my inbox... and then it takes me hours to get through them all.

                        If its what you guys want... then by all means do it, I'll try to catch up... I don't want to impede anything.
                        This is what I was saying, or what they can do is just use the icon---which seems to accompany sigs and WPs--that links back to the larger WP and then everything is fine.

                        --But since it's already in affect...I've lost the last of my fire arguing this point.
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by majortrip
                          I think that the pics, WP's, sigs, at whatever else should be done behind spoiler tags or with links. Two threads will be tedious. This way, the shippers for this couple will have all their stuff in one place, and those who have a problem with the caps don't have to click on the spoiler tag if they don't want to.
                          How do I LOVE your sig Trippy! It is truly divine! *falls over ded from the pretty pilot*


                            Trippy made a sig? WHERE IS IT?

                            Trip..have you been hiding from me?

                   today is the Siege...where is everyone's work of art?

                            comments...I thought The Siege was very shippy! let me see what I find in the transcripts...


                              Realizing that some of you are having an issue with the *Other* thread...I would like to point out that a Moderator has already made the clarification that THIS thread is not the place for pictures, artwork and the like on a regular basis but more on a sporatic basis since this IS a discussion thread.

                              It was also recommended by the Moderators that a new thread be set up just for Artwork, pictures and the like for two reasons.

                              1) it will cut down dramatically on the complaints we receive from your fellow S/T shippers that are on Dial-up and cannot enjoy the discussion because of the overabundance of pictures being posted in the middle of a discussion.

                              2)It will cut down on the complaints from your fellow shippers that are NOT on dial-up but would like to have a discussion that is not interuppted by 20-50 posts of pictures before the discussion can resume. and Keep the Focus of the thread on the discussion and not making it into a Thunk Thread.

                              No one is stopping the sporadic posting of a picture or a link to artwork in this thread....nor is anyone forcing you to post in the other thread. All that has been asked is that THIS thread adhere to the topic rules and keep the pictures to a minimum and if anyone would like to post an abundance of pictures then they need to do so in the other thread.

                              If you have any questions please feel free to PM one of the Moderators
                              Thanks Everyone
                              GateWorld Staff
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Camy your welcome! I strive to please!

                                Letters From Pegasus Shippy Moments Part 2

                                John and Teyla are sitting in the jumper watching the culling. It is interesting how they seemed to have switch places. John: This is hard to sit and watch. Teyla: There's nothing we can do. John: We could do a lot. (He Pauses) It'd just be the last thing we'd ever do. Teyla: We are far outnumbered and the Gate is still inaccessible. She turns and faces John. (Comfortingly) But if we save Orin and his family, we will have done something. John nods his head but isn't entirely happy. John: Something.

                                A beam of light appears in the village. John: What is that? Teyla: I have never seen such a thing. John: I'll go and check it out. John gets up to leave. Teyla grabs his arm. Teyla: You may be discovered! John: I'll make a point not to. Teyla shakes her head. Teyla: Major... John: I just wanna see what... whatever that is. Teyla looks at him pleadingly. Just stay here until Orin and his family show up. Teyla grabs her right arm rest as John turns and grabs his P90. John turns and looks back at Teyla as he presses the control panel to open the back door. Teyla watches worried as John leaves.

                                The next couple of scenes has Teyla preparing for Orin and his family's arrival and watching worriedly. Teyla is watching through the binoculars.


                                Love the smile Teyla gets when she sees John.

                                She hurries to the back of the jumper and out the door. Teyla: Major! John sees the refugees and asks if they are Orin's family. Teyla: No. They have not seen Orin since the culling began. John: The village is pretty much wiped out. He looks through the binoculars. The stargate shuts down. The Gate just shut off. We should be able to dial up and get out of here before the Wraith can do anything about it. Teyla: Please, Major, give Orin more time. John: If he was able to get here, he'd be here by now. We've gotta get back. Teyla looks resolute. Teyla: Then go. She picks up her P90. I will stay and search in the daylight. You can return for me later. John (Firmly): Can't do that. Teyla (Angry): I consider Orin as family, Major. I am sorry if you do not understand what that means. John: I understand it, Teyla, but that's not the point I am trying.. Teyla (Interrupting): With or without you, I am staying. They stare at each other for a moment. John: You won't make it. Teyla (Softer): Then I ask that you stay as well just a little longer. John stares at her. Allow something good to come of this. John looks away, glances back at her, and looks away again. John: Alright. He turns back to her. We'll give him a little more time. It is interesting to note this is the first and only fight they have in front of others.

                                Orin and his family have arrived and they have brought others. The wraith noticing a group of humans swoop in. Orin and his family make it into the jumper with Teyla. John grabs a little girl and barely makes it in. The rest get beamed up as they watch in horror. John turns and hurries to the front of the jumper. Teyla, still staring at the empty area in shock, reaches out and lays her hand on John's upper arm as he walks by. John quickly dials up the gate and starts flying the jumper looking quite determined and angry at what just happened. Teyla stares for a few more seconds. She turns and looks at John. Then she comforts Orin and his family. She turns and joins John in the front of the jumper sitting down in the seat next to him. She looks out the window filled with grief. After a moment she looks over at John and studies him. Then she looks back out the window.

                                John and Teyla informs Elizabeth of what they went through. During this they keep glancing at each other. John: We saved a few that's worth something. He doesn't sound entirely satisfied. Teyla looks at him in sympathy. Sorry she put him through that. After they are done Teyla leaves. Before she does John and Teyla look at each other.
                                Last edited by Black Panther; 14 June 2006, 02:29 PM.

