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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Welcome {Name redacted}. And what ep are we on anyway? I lost track.
    Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:22 AM.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Originally posted by Name redacted.
      I don't mean to be disrespectful, but could you give an example of this, I've never seen any rude remarks directed towards Shep/Weir shippers on this thread. Sorry if I missed something.
      Unfortunately {Name redacted}... there is a fair bit of truth to what Sky says. I try to avoid even mentioning Shep/Weir... but I know I'm not perfect in any way. I do have a couple of friends who are Shep/Weir (mainly Nightingale from Stargate Omega)

      It's unfortunate that we all can't get along... but distinct differences of opinion breed this kind of stuff. Best not to let it get personal. Enjoy shipping... but don't go crazy.
      Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:22 AM.
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        DARN IT! that means me!

        I go cookoo...for John and Teyla...

        *camy runs and hides*


          Tame came into this thread and had to snip comments made by several posters. I am not going ot name names, nor am i going to take individuals to task - at this time anyway - but this petty bickering isn't helping anyone. And it certainly is not making the fandom any nicer for the people in it.

          I urge people, take the high road. Life is too short to waste your time fretting over whether or not someone else agrees with you. Enjoy your own preferences and likes.

          Maybe if y ou spend less time worrying about what the shweirs think or feel, you can have more time to spend on what you enjoy, john and teyla
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Hi {Name redacted.}
            It was probabley a one post troll. The best thing to do is ignore them and use the 'Report post' button. The problem is the Mods delete the offending post and then post a 'don't do it again' message but because said offending post is now gone, we're left with the feeling we're being accused of something theres no evidence of. I realise that t's deleted because it's offensive and i agree with that. I'd just like a clearer explanation of what's happened rather than what looks like a crash-bang modding in the middle of a harmless discussion.

            I'm about to post a JTC request wall in the Galleria. I've also posted a question on the JTC forum too. (not that I'm looking at Sanssongand VB )
            Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:19 AM.


              Sky...I am sorry about this...I know you and Tame have better things to do...and lately it seems that we are on overdrive with emotions...including me..and maybe I"m not the best person to write this right now...but I just want to get this done and over....I love this thread and I hate to see what is happening to it...

              We tend to be very good about policing one another in here...and due to other circumstances, I wasn't here....but I hope that in the many do for me...everytime I goof up..and believe me as much as you guys think I"m perfect, I do make mistakes...tons of them...(Sky, you don't need to mention them, LOL) but seriously....we need to get back to what this forum was made for....and what this thread is for....having fun and discussing John and Teyla following GW guidelines...

              I think this thread, considering that we have had our ups and downs, and we all do...has maintain itself away from most this, lets move on...and let's do what is right, and let's stop worrying about the shweirs or any other ship for that Ritter, I have lots of Shweirs friends..JS is one of them..and many late Whistler was a wonderful example of showing us that even though we may have a difference of opinion, it doesn't mean that we can't get along and that we can't have friends with a difference of opinion...more so...we need to be mindful and respectful to others..including the actors...

              I know I met Rachel in real a con..and one of the things that she continously said makes this show so special is that fact that all of them, from the actors to the writers to the makeup artist..they all get along and feel like a happy, let's respect that and let's stick with John and Teyla....

              Thanks Sky..and sorry for the unnecessary postings....we will strive to do our best...right guys?


                OH, Bella..this is another side to this story......let's just move on!

                What episode are we on...? i'm not going to post much this let's say that we are on Siege III today and tomorrow Intruder....let the fun begin!


                  I would like to issue a challenge to both the sheylas and shweirs.

                  Let's see if each group can enjoy their favored pairings and what is to happen to them in the upcoming season WITHOUT reveling in the disappointments of the 'other' side.

                  So, in the Sheyla thread things like 'ooh, that has to really tick off the Shweirs' should never be said, and in the Shweir thread, things like 'yeah, that'll show those Sheylas' also will not be mentioned.

                  Revel in what you like and enjoy and don't worry about 'the other guys'.

                  And i'm gonna go post this in the Shweir thread too.

                  Let's see how long each of these passionate groups can go simply enjoying what they like most and not worrying about anyone but themselves.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Camy
                    OH, Bella..this is another side to this story......let's just move on!

                    What episode are we on...? i'm not going to post much this let's say that we are on Siege III today and tomorrow Intruder....let the fun begin!
                    Technically we're not on any ep. The plan as to go through Season 1 then possibly Season 2. But no one has created a Season 2 schedule yet.


                      I would appreciate such a challenge, Sky.
                      Sig by Camy


                        Listen, don't have all those greeny squares for nothing! LOL

                        I can vowed to that challenge..and I know Trippy will smack me if I don't!
                        Will ya, Trippy....please hon!

               want a'll get one...give me a couple of hours...okay maybe minutes....LOL

                        Anything for you....

                        Season 3 John and Teyla...bring it on...oh, and BELLA has worked her MAGIC again! go drop in the Galleria and you'll see!


                          I'm all up for the challenge too. Personally... what I'm looking forward to in Season 3 is...
                          A concerned look of Sheppard when everyone is taken in by that alien with the good charms... especially Teyla. I want Shep to get annoyed when it finally gets her... if I see this... I will die a happy shipper (hopefully long after Atlantis is over)
                          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                            I'm all for this being a shep and teyla and ONLY shep and teyla thread...who needs any other ship but our own...

                            Ummm...okay...and NEXT!!!...

                            So I come bearing a gift...something to get our spirits up....

                            A manip....I'm going to try to use both if i do this wrong just holler....


                            Season 3 spoiler manip....

                            And for the artwork that came from this pic visit the galleria

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Happy Birthday Vaberella!

                              And happy belated birthday to Ritter!
                              Last edited by majortrip; 18 June 2006, 09:12 PM.
                              Sig by Camy


                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY VABERELLA

                                Hope you have a fantastic DAY or NIght there...i am SOO confused!!! Thanks for the PM...have added you...will have to see what happens with my study!!
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

