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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Sheylafan87
    Originally posted by bella
    I'm still confused about what Shep and Teyla can actually do with their Ancient or Wraith genes.
    Teyla can tap into the Wraith telepathic network but can she activate Wraith tech or telepathicly manipulate wraith like Micheal did to her? And if so why doesn't the Atlantis/ancient tech 'switch off' in response to her wraith genes?
    Can Shep control Atlantis doors etc as I've seen in fanfic with his ancient genes? Does he have the other ancient abilities like healing?

    EDIT: Hey I'm a Death Glider Pilot! Now all I need is a Death Glider.
    Teyla doesnt have the full wraith gene she only has a small amount from what Dr Beckett said in the epsiode the gift. I dont thinkg the ancient systems/ techs sences the gene since its only a small amount.

    Shep can control the dorrs of atlantis and can fly the jumpers. He pretty much can do alot of stuff but the story lines dont tell much of what his genes can do. He hasnt masterd the healing and i dont think he even knows he has a lot of the gene in him.
    I'll give a stab at this. From what I gathered altough it's said that Teyla has a small part of her that is Wraith. There have been episodes leading to more. Let's go back to be fore she knew about her Wraith gene, she was only able to sense the Wraith we also have knowledge that she can pretty much see the face of said wraith in her nightmares whch proves that although it's said to be small....her sense of connection to them is relatively strong; not to mention her strength level, her healing ability, and also the fact she can jump rather high. We do have a knowledge of Teyla's ascendents powers were more prevalent and far more noticeable they could have also been phsyically different---for someone to have a small part, yet that still contributes to such a physical advantage, I would say that the gene probably altered a few things of her dna, not to mention it could be laying dormant. So it's not a reactive gene until something affects it. But since Lost Boys and the enzyme she was on--for an undetermined amount of time, I wondered if there could have affected her wraith gene and possibly woken it more than we initially thought.
    Remember since Lost Boys there has been no discussion and compared to the others, on the Wraith gene Teyla although sweating porfusely was stable and very coherent---while Ronon looked near deaths door.
    With her flying a ship it's quite possible that the enzyme probably built up the Wraith gene within her so her former possibly dormant wraith gene is becoming more apparent.---all speculation.

    As for John he's my biggest disappointment. I just find that the Ancient gene is so bloody boring. I personally dislike it, just looks like polytechnics. I would love it if he could do things like Chaya---but she's a full ancient and as Sheyla87 has said he pretty much owns Atlantis since they respond to his commands. But that gets boring as well as that silly chair---I prefer Pinheads chair. I think there are deifinite things they can build on, such as the possible healing ability at least on a minor level. The telepathy thing would be interesting....although we've seen him use levels of brain power when he's had to fight the Wraith Queens intrusion. But I would love to see him have a smaller level ability like Chaya maybe send blast of energies out....too many comic books for VB--

    Last edited by vaberella; 16 June 2006, 01:41 PM.
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
      Hey everyone...well i should be studying for my final exams for the semester...but this board is much more entertaining!!!

      Anyway a spolier for episode 3.14 has popped up and i thought i would share it..cause it is very very interesting...i wont say anymore

      This was on a blog...i dont think i need to explain it...

      well almost bed time for me!
      Wow! Thanks SC! This is really terrific news in more ways than one.
      First off, it shows us how Weir behaves when she's REALLY smitten with a man. She's not shy, or evasive, nor does she mask her feelings in friendship.

      The suboridinate thing really didn't stand in her way here, so that tells me, if she'd wanted Johh, she'd already have made a play for him. Next, this guy is said to be recurring so that means, that he will quite possibly be a serious love interest for her- this a vastly different thing than Shep's little 'indescrections'. (which let's hope to heaven we've seen the last of!)

      Lastly, I do love the idea that one of our SGA ladies is finding some romantic hapiness! In light of the other spoilers from this season I'd say TPTB are making a pretty emphatic statement that Sheppard and Weir will never be an item and that they are sticking to their guns for developing John and Teyla! The news for S3 just gets better and better! Whoot!!!!! I'm sorry for the S/W supporters, but honestly, the evidence has been there from the beginning, they just didn't want to see it.


        Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
        HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow..... it's been AGES since I've been on here! Hows everyone doing?? Looking forward to the new season I trust?

        Hmmm.... the spoilers for the Sunday episode could potentially be good for our ship....yet it could also unfortuantely be A sparky ship plot device....

        Hopefully there will be a cute Sheyla scene after the gym explosion though!

        Remember your spoiler cuts please! Anyway I have to challenge one of your fears...
        Spoiler: could this story or series of stories with Weir and Michael be a device for S/W? How in the world could this possibly, in any universe, be good for them? I know if this were Shep with the same plot line, I'd be devastasted as it would pretty much mean the end of J/T in canon.

        TPTB have given LOTS of clues that J/T is going to continue this season, possibly in a big way. And since they've never written any S/W romance in any episode, I fail to see how this or any other ep could be a device for that non-existant ship. {Mod Snip} we are and have always been the canon ship.
        Last edited by TameFarrar; 18 June 2006, 12:56 AM.


          Originally posted by vaberella
          thank you SC for this post. Yes, I'm all about J/T but darn it I'd love teh ladies to get the love and I don't care who gets it first as long as one or both of them get it. And if men like John, Mac, and Carson--I hear Ronon too: can get a little love on the side---since I strongly believe in 'Love the one your with'; then I think our girls need one. Good for her,
          but why do I get the feeling that he's the bomber...too bad, if that's the case!! I'd love to see someone other than Carson be somewhat happy.
          Amen to that VB! I'm all for Weir getting a little!
          As for him being the bomber? I dont' think so, else why would be be recurring? Maybe the bomb brings her to her senses that life is short and she should take what she can with him. Who knows. *shrugs*

          Originally posted by vaberella
          If this works out who knows what's in store for J/T
          Only good things! Very good things!


            Originally posted by sanssong
            Amen to that VB! I'm all for Weir getting a little!
            As for him being the bomber? I dont' think so, else why would be be recurring? Maybe the bomb brings her to her senses that life is short and she should take what she can with him. Who knows. *shrugs*

            Only good things! Very good things!
            What the dilly?!
            he's recurring too?! And he's hot? And he's younger? *insert deity*...Weir scored! It's not fair. Well, at least it's not Ronon..cause if it guys know you'd never see me again. I'd be with Sheppard/Weir all the way; if that nightmare ever happened!! Forgot to mention my one problem with this ep. Weir dumping her meeting with Teyla for her dinner with this man?! Can we say disgusted. Again I love that their giving her this direction but it also reflects badly on her as a friend to other characters. I always was really pissed at a mate who dumped me because her man wanted to go out. It's not right and it reflects poorly on her. Although, if that was omitted I do feel that this would just be a great change of pace for the show and kind of be a refresher.

            oh the thought of J/T wonder with this new revelation....or the great stuff for them alone....I wonder when Phantoms comes out I think it's later in the darn it; we'll have to wait then for something more to them and the fire they bring. I do still hope Teyla gets her groove on with an outsider---it would just add more to their relationship. You know me and angst... so the more the merrier. It would just add that extra something, like when we saw Mulder was married in X-files or Scully had a love affair with her medical school teacher--and he came back into her life. I like that spin on things and it would help our J/T fanfiction to delve deeper.

            Last edited by vaberella; 16 June 2006, 01:31 PM.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally Posted by bella
              I'm still confused about what Shep and Teyla can actually do with their Ancient or Wraith genes.

              Teyla can tap into the Wraith telepathic network but can she activate Wraith tech or telepathicly manipulate wraith like Micheal did to her? And if so why doesn't the Atlantis/ancient tech 'switch off' in response to her wraith genes?
              Can Shep control Atlantis doors etc as I've seen in fanfic with his ancient genes? Does he have the other ancient abilities like healing?

              Teyla CAN operate Wriath technology, we saw her do it in The Gift, when she was able to go through the cloaked door of the Wraith lab and no one else was. As for Ancient Tech, not turning off- I don't think that would be necessary as she has to HAVE the Ancient to operate it. I think she does posses the ability to telepathcily manipulate Wraith, but she's not learned how to use it yet. Something that needs to be addressed in my view. She has GOT to learn to control that ability and to shield herself from Wriath taking her over.

              As for Shep, he can control anything that is accessed by the Ancient gene. He is the most naturally gene gifted person on Atlantis- most likely equal to Jack O'Neill. Both of whom posses more of the mental aspect of the gene than anyone else.

              As for the other abilities, Teer said in Ephipany that some of these abilities were gained as they got closer to ascension and John is by his own admission, NOT pursuing that. The gene has been a conveninet plot device on the part of the writers, with little or no intenionality about it, I really wish they'd change that!


                Originally posted by sanssong

                Remember your spoiler cuts please! Anyway I have to challenge one of your fears...
       could this story or series of stories with Weir and Michael be a device for S/W? How in the world could this possibly, in any universe, be good for them? I know if this were Shep with the same plot line, I'd be devastasted as it would pretty much mean the end of J/T in canon.

                TPTB have given LOTS of clues that J/T is going to continue this season, possibly in a big way. And since they've never written any S/W romance in any episode, I fail to see how this or any other ep could be a device for that non-existant ship. {Mod Snip}we are and have always been the canon ship.
                Hi all! *ducks in door at a trot*
                I'm not much good at posting in this thread during the off season (yay for season premiere!) but I did want to comment about Sunday...

                I agree that it's VERY unlikely this is a Sparky plot device, it's possible, but it would be as likely as it being a McWeir device *sobs, as this is her favorite ship* I think it's much more likely a nice character piece for Liz, (or I'm sure that's the intention, but well, I have my doubts about it's sucess given their track record for character development through dating) at any rate, the only good thing I saw in the spoiler when I first saw it was "wow, at least this is a good sign for Teyla and John!" Hurray! Plus, Sheppard may no longer be kirking..maybe he's passing off the torch to Liz...*giggles* Look for the romancing Ronan machine in Season four...or maybe Rodney, I'd like that...

                Hope this post brought cheer! (I for one needed some nice analyzations of the ep from a more logical mind than mind before I stopped screaming
                at my computer. *whistles innocently*
                Last edited by TameFarrar; 18 June 2006, 12:52 AM.


                  Originally posted by maxbo
                  Cpt. Ritter, I love this fic. I just finished Chapter 1 and it was action packed and the cliffhanger was inspiring. You have a firm grasp on writing angst and action, and your characterizations were spot on - the Ronon/Rodney scenes were priceless. I hope real life allows you enough time to keep updating this regularly.
                  I wish real life gave me enough time for it too... but I've got so much I wanna do... soo much to do... and upgrading my computer's gonna take some time too.

                  Lauradorable.. if McKay starts kirking I will be on the floor laughing histerically forever... it would be so anti-SciFi it wouldn't be funny... but it would be funny all the same.... lots of fun to be had there.

                  Uhh Maxbo... one warning... I seem to have an endless taste for cliffhangers... generally gets people to review.
                  Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                    Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                    tsk tsk...naughty thoughts!!!..i dont think it is a 'look he gives her' though, i think it is more that he is contemplating the information, and she happens to be in his line of sight!
                    hehe...naughty make me laugh!
                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    As for the naughty thoughts look...hmmm...that's indescribable to's just one of those oh no.....or maybe one of his every worried'm not sure either...but it does give me shivers...
                    I agree. It is just when I see that look it reminds me of the J/T vid it is in. Believe me when that look is taken out of context it can make you shiver and think naughty thoughts!

                    Another reason he would give Teyla that look is that, as we have been shown in Allies, he values Teyla's opinion. He wants her to be fine with any idea they may come up with to stop the ships. He can be saying, "You and I need to talk and figure this out."

                    Vaberella What does Ronon/Elizabeth has to do with John/Teyla? How can Ronon and Elizabeth getting together affect your feelings and opinions about John and Teyla's relationship?


                      Gotta go..didn't get a chance to read...but what is up with the new spoiler...


                        I just saw a fantastic new ad on Skiffy featuring Joe as John in the new S3 clothes--leather jacket and all. Talk about a muse-kickstarter! Made me want to write a fic about John teaching Teyla to play pool. :-D

                        Wowsa. I hope they replay it, but since I just saw a second one--with Teal'c and a poker game--I'm thinking they may not replay Joe's for a while.

                        It was cool to glimpse him in the new get-up and it really, seriously, made me want to write. Alas, RL is such a time hog. It'll have to wait, though I could sketch out an idea.

                        I wonder if they'll have one with Teyla? Joe was in-character as John.

                        If you all see it, tell us if it pokes your JT muse also.



                          Originally posted by Doxymom
                          I just saw a fantastic new ad on Skiffy featuring Joe as John in the new S3 clothes--leather jacket and all. Talk about a muse-kickstarter! Made me want to write a fic about John teaching Teyla to play pool. :-D

                          Wowsa. I hope they replay it, but since I just saw a second one--with Teal'c and a poker game--I'm thinking they may not replay Joe's for a while.

                          It was cool to glimpse him in the new get-up and it really, seriously, made me want to write. Alas, RL is such a time hog. It'll have to wait, though I could sketch out an idea.

                          I wonder if they'll have one with Teyla? Joe was in-character as John.

                          If you all see it, tell us if it pokes your JT muse also.

                          DM I haven't seen it..but I ship a soap OLTL where my favorite couple has this pool thing romance. It's great, and so I loved that idea of John teaching Teyla the dynamics of pool. Oh shoot I could just see this way cool rec room where alll the peeps go to chill.

                          Ongoing battle between John and Carson as best pool players and they drink some beers and just basically R&R---oh wow...and then maybe one night he's in the pool room just chillin' and teyla walks in ---oh god I have pool table sex that just entered. But Teyla just sits there watching and then he decides to teach her a few things....oh wow..then we have pool table sex. Okay, we can wait until the next night.

                          Anyway that is sexy....maybe I can set it up as a challenge or I can harass Gigs or Suz or both to write a one shot of that..woohooo.

                          Okay shot or entire story of John and Teyla in rec room with pool table....G-NC17 interaction.... Of course label with warnings and spoilers if you decide to do it...

                          BP I pmed you my answer...
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            The Siege Part 1 Shippy Moments Part 1

                            Teyla is sitting on a bed in the infirmary with John on one side and Carson on the other. Teyla: I am fine. John (Firmly): I'm looking for something a little more enthusiastic than 'fine'. Teyla: I am ready to be put back on active duty. John: I'm sure you think so but, uh... He looks over at Carson. Teyla turns to Carson. Teyla: Tell him I am fine. Carson: She is, Major. I see no further reason she should be kept here under medical supervision. Teyla looks back at John. John bites his lower lip and slowly drags his gaze down to Teyla. He takes in a slow deep breath. John: Alright. You're back on active duty. Teyla smiles up at John. John turns and leaves. Teyla sighs and Carson pats her on the back. Teyla turns to him and smiles. Teyla then turns, looks in the direction John left, lets out a breath, and looks away.

                            After having a meeting with Elizabeth and Bates John gets up and leaves to prepare for his mission. Bates follows him. Bates: Major. Is Teyla coming with you? John gets an expression that is a mixture of shock and disgust. John: You're not seriously asking me that? Bates: I think that's a bad call, sir. John (Flippantly): Here we go again! Bates: All I'm saying is, we still don't fully understand her connection to the Wraith and, in my opinion, I don't think we should expose her to information we wouldn't want the Wraith to have. Not the least of which is the location of our evac site. John: The doctor gave her a clean bill of health. Bates: And that's good to hear, sir, but if she can't control how the Wraith use her... John (Interrupting): You don't know that. Bates: That's right, we don't! She saw everything they saw. Who's to say they can't do the same with her, see what we see? If she's been compromised in any way... The look John gets on his face, while Bates speaks, says he knows Bates has a point but doesn't want to believe or even consider it. John (Interrupting and Irritated): She's an integral part of my team. Period. End of story. We're done. John walks away.

                            John's team come back from their mission early. John, Teyla, and Aiden come through the gate firing back through it. The gate turns off and John turns toward the steps. Bates approaches John. Bates: I told you she was a liability, sir! Now I'm not gonna let your personal feelings endanger this facility any longer! Teyla approaches Bates. Teyla: What?! Bates turns to Teyla. Bates: Look, I'm not accusing you of doing it intentionally, but the Wraith must be getting information from you! John glances at Teyla. John (Angry): What the hell are you talking about? We ran into a... uh... He turns to Aiden. What the hell was that? Aiden: Looked an awful lot like a T-rex, sir. John turns back to Bates. John (Angry): Yeah, a T-rex! It wasn't even a Wraith! So why don't you check those accusations? Elizabeth: I take it you don't recommend the planet as an Alpha site, Major? John: Wouldn't be my first choice. John glances at Teyla. If McKay doesn't get the satellite online, we're screwed. John turns and looks at Teyla. Then he turns and, I can only guess, looks at Bates retreating back. I can't think of anyone else he would look at in that direction and not with that expression.

                            Teyla confronts Bates. Bates insults Teyla. Teyla punches him. John and Aiden sees this. John grabs Teyla. John: What the hell's going on here?! Aiden restrains Bates. Teyla: I was simply stating an opinion, Major! Bates: She attacked me! Teyla: And for good reason! John moves Teyla behind him. Teyla stops trying to get at Bates.John: Yeah, what reason would that be?! Bates: My guess would be the Wraith! Teyla lunges forward at Bates, but John stops her. Teyla stops. Bates is still fighting to get at her. John: Walk away, Bates. Bates: Sir! John (Angry): Walk away! Bates backs off. He points at Teyla. Bates: This isn't over. Bates storms off. Teyla: I would be disappointed if it were. John and Teyla watch him leave. I was wrong about Letters From Pegasus being their only witnessed fight. Aiden doesn't leave after Bates as I thought. John turns to Teyla. John: What the hell are you doing? (Angry) You don't go around decking the head of security! Teyla: He said... John (Angry): I don't care what he said! His tone softens a bit. He says a lot of things. His tone softens further but remains firm. You just stay away from him. Teyla looks down the hall where Bates left. She turns back to John and nods. She looks one last time down the hall and leaves. John looks at Aiden concerned over what just happened. Aiden approaches him shaking his head. John looks down the hall, in the direction Bates left, he narrows his eyes. Aiden follows his gaze. They look at each other. John looks back down the hall again looking displeased. Aiden looks back down the hall.

                            Bates has been beaten badly. John is questioning Carson about his condition with Aiden there as well. Aiden: Teyla and Bates got into it pretty badly yesterday, sir. John: A fistfight and a beating like this are a long drive apart, Ford. Aiden: I understand that, sir, but they were in a fight; they were both looking to continue it. John looks at Carson. John: Anything pointing to who did this? Carson: I'm having a forensic exam of both his body and clothing performed right now. John: Let us know what you find out. John looks at Bates concerned, but it doesn't seem to be concern for Bates. It appears to be concern over the fact it may be Teyla who did this. Let's go get her side of the story. He glances at Aiden then back at Bates. John leaves. Aiden follows.

                            John and Aiden are in Teyla's room. Teyla is sitting on her bed. Teyla: You do not think I had anything to do with it? Teyla glances a few times at Aiden as she says this, but she looks mainly at John. John: Of course not. Aiden: You and Bates did get into it pretty good yesterday. Teyla: You know me, Aiden. I never would have taken it that far. Aiden: I know, so let's just see if we can't rule it out altogether. Teyla looks to John. John nods. Aiden seeing Teyla's look. Looks at John then back at Teyla. Where were you last night? Teyla quickly glances at John. Teyla: I was here, in my room. Aiden: The whole night? Teyla (Slightly Irritated): Yes. John: So there's no way of knowing whether you blacked out or not?

                            Teyla: I have no way of proving it, no,

                            Teyla looks back at Aiden. but I did not leave this room last night. She quickly glances at John then faces Aiden squarely. I am sure of it. Aiden nods and looks at John. John nods, looks at Aiden, then back at Teyla. Teyla is looking directly an John.

                            I did not leave this room.
                            Last edited by Black Panther; 17 June 2006, 10:44 PM.


                              Anyone got links to the promos, I really want to see that jacket move (on the basis of that one pic, I don't like it but i'm keeping an open mind).

                              Back to the gene thing. I thought the ancient gene activation thing was a security measure to stop the Wraith using their tech if it was captured or they lost the war. Thats why i thought it would 'switch off' if it sensed wraith genes.


                                Hi everyone!!!

                                I think Sunday might actually be quite a good episode but an explosion near the gym!!!

                                Maybe we might get to see John carrying Teyla out in his arms

                                Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*

