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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Tame and Sky...Thank you!

    Melita..this video was absolutely wonderful! WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing...and to dedicate it to Ritter...PERFECT!

    Now, is what I was referring to as far as the Siege scene at the beginning with Teyla and John...Mel has this scene in the vid and I did notice that it goes by very quickly...but at first you see the serious John, the military John...but the entire time, I didn't sense that...and I will tell you why...he's very close to Teyla..if he feared or thought that she was still in danger of being possessed or not trusting her agian....why is he extremely close to her...and why doesn't he have a weapon..? so, those things told me that he was just "playing" his role and taking precautions..but more importantly I really think he was genuinely concern for Teyla's health...In addition, Carson was extremely confident on her well-being, and honestly so..but yet, he wasn't as close to her as John was...also, Teyla is very smart..she can read people right from the start as she did with Summner and John in Rising..if John had any inclination of anything else of concern for her well-being, I am sure that Teyla would have either said something or decide to leave or something...she just wouldn't take it is what I"m trying to say...and if you look at the picture where she asks Carson to tell John that she is okay...her demeanor and her tone and posture tell me that she was also interpreting Johns actions as one who is genuinely concern for her and not for fear of anything else...does that make any sense...? well here are the pics...

    if you notice on the last two pics John and Teyla are both very happy, it's almost as if both are relieved that this is over and just another test that they both passed on their trust and care for each other..

    since I've posted more than one...I won't display them...

    I don't want to linger more on this...but since things are clearly being directed at me, I feel the right to give my two cents...again...I will put it under spoiler tags so those who care to read, can choose to...


    I am sorry for caring and wanting to share your fantastic work with others...

    I never thought that this would cause this drama and separation..

    I assumed and believed that ALL Shep/Teyla shippers support and genuinely respect one another.

    I am sorry for assuming that you would all support anything that means showing off your work to others and promoting more of John and Teyla as a good thing...

    It is hurtful to think that others in this thread would even remotely accuse that I am trying to sabbotage or even think of causing separation and competing with another thread or hindering the progress of another J/Tsite...there are so many LJ's, Yahoo groups, forums and sites that I never imagined that opening one itty bitty thread would cause this problem and would even be looked at as a threat! I never knew you guys thought of me as that influential!

    I am sorry that some of you here think and claim that I am doing this for my own personal gratification...If you read my postings, I don't have a problem with who I am..I don't need and/or gain nothing from adding another thread....I DID it thinking of everyone here...and just as I said, the thread is causing many others that aren't supporters of our ship to not only view the thread but to post in it and even share some J/T artwork...THAT IS PoWERFUL in my opinion!

    You never gave it a chance! and that is just a reflection of who you are!

    But there is no wrong that isn't around for some good..and there has been some good done! and I've learned a lot from this horrible experience!

    Thank you to those who have been respectful and kind...whether you agreed or not was not in question, it was where you stood in the middle of it all that defines who you are...

    Lastly, I plan on continuing to post here....I've been called and been through worse in here and I'd lasted when others have left! So, I will be around! I support ALL and ANYTHING John and Teyla....



      I will miss you VB!

      Thanks Padme18! Hope you enjoy this one!

      The Gift Shippy Moments Part 1

      Teyla has a dream of a wraith feeding on her. She wakes up and, after looking around, she throws back the covers, gets out of bed, and leaves her room. She hurries over to John's room. Teyla: Major Sheppard! There is no answer. Major! She opens the door, rushes to his bed, and pulls back the covers. John is a dried up corpse! A victim of a wraith attack. She gasps and stares in horror. Her mouth hangs open like she is trying to scream but no sound is coming out. She whirls around and comes face to face with a wraith. Teyla wakes up it was all a dream. She sits up terrified and her eyes dart around the room. She is taking in shallow, shaky breaths.

      Teyla and John are faced off getting ready to spar. They touch rods and John delivers a chain of blows. Teyla blocks each one until John aims one at the back of her knee. Teyla takes the hit and falls into a kneeling position. John stares in shock as Teyla gets back up and repositions herself. She twirls her rods and takes a fighting stance. John raises his brows and twirls his too. He takes a fighting stance. For a second they stare at each other intently. John attacks with another series of blows. Teyla again blocks each one until she takes one on the shoulder hard. She grunts in pain. John stares at her shocked and concerned. Teyla: Continue. John: Going easy on me, huh? John says this like he wants that to be the reason but knowing it is not. Teyla: I assure you, Major, I am not. Continue. They retake there fighting stances. John shifts his weight to his back foot and goes in for the attack. Teyla is at her worse yet. She just manages to block his blows. Each time John hits one of her rods she buckles under the pressure her rod touching the floor. Teyla moves in for an attack of her own. John easily blocks her blow, wraps an arm around her, and tosses her to the floor. John is clearly worried now.

      John: You OK?

      Teyla sits up. Teyla: Yes. John (Skeptically): Are you sure? Cos it's usually me picking my butt up off the mat. Teyla holds out her hand. John grabs it and helps her up. Teyla: Truthfully, I have not been sleeping much and, when I do, I have been having nightmares about the Wraith. John: Well, you're not the only one. Teyla: It has not been so bad since my father was taken. Teyla packs her rods into her bag.

      John looks away concerned.

      Elizabeth is holding a conference. Checking on everyones progress. John and Teyla listen standing right next to each other. Elizabeth: Teyla: are the Athosians getting prepared for an evacuation? Teyla: Yes, but many believe there is no other world that is safe from the Wraith. Elizabeth: They want to stay? Teyla: As we have heard from our allies and seen for ourselves, John and Teyla glance at each other. there are cullings happening all over the galaxy. My people have spent their lives hiding from the Wraith. Elizabeth: Yes, well, the difference here being we do intend to destroy the city rather than let it fall in the hands of the Wraith and, if it comes to that, anyone left on the mainland will be cut off from the Stargate for good. Now, thanks to Rodney's discovery of the Gate's control crystal we at least know we'll be able to take that with us and hopefully use it to access Earth again some time in the future. Teyla: We understand that, Doctor Weir. Elizabeth: I'm sorry, wh...? Teyla (Irritable): I am merely saying the people of Athos wish you to know that if we are going to stay and fight, they too will help defend the city of the ancestors. John looks shocked and glances at Teyla worried. Elizabeth: Well, that is very honourable, but I... Kavanagh: Oh, please! We can't possibly consider staying and fighting. John: I disagree. I think it's entirely within the realm of possibility. John glances twice at Teyla. Kavanagh responds with his typical negative personality. Teyla is looking at John. She turns and looks straight ahead and takes a steadying breath. Rodney gets involved and John gets into a debate with him. Elizabeth intervenes and ends the conference. Teyla looks over at John. John turns and looks at her.


        Hi! I have dial-up, and I am missing the pics! I don't care if takes forever to load, they speak more than words. What EP are we on? I am afraid I am behind due to many things doing on in my life. Mainly, my little bro.

        Oh, and do we have any EP information on the EP 'Phantoms'?

        I would go check myself, but Gateworld doesn't want to load. I had to try five times to even get here!

        (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


          Originally posted by melpomene
          Sheppard, having agreed to wait can't stand to do nothing and against Teyla's wishes leaves the jumper and ends up risking his life to save a few more people. I think it's this fact of his becoming emotionally involved that truly heals any possible rift between Sheppard and Teyla as she realizes his choices weren't based on a lack of feeling but a sense of responsibilty, and that he'd gladly risk his life if that responsibility wasn't an issue. In the end I think they aquired a better understanding of each others needs and a stronger appreciation for each others feelings. And's a fun episode to watch. *scurries back under rock*

          P.S. Glad you guys liked the vid
          I sooo agree with you here Mel, I think the growing emotions between them really did help to smooth this over- and he was Mr. Gung Ho, when he was able to help. I personally think it killed when he had to tell her no, in the first place. :-)


            Originally posted by melpomene
            Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation
            I'm 53% downloaded... make that 54% as I type... and wether or not I like the song... all your vids are masterpieces Mel... thanks alot. I'll see if it lets me green, but probably not... not that you exactly need the green...
            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


              Okay... present for everyone... or maybe I should call it a peace offering...

              Here is Never Alone Again Chapter 4... I know... they're slow in coming... but my Betas loved this... sadly one of them is MIA. I'm working on getting more of this stuff on Convergence... but time is short... yes I know its summer... still got get out and do stuff...


              Master Mel... that vid was wonderful... the song kinda grew on me... probably because I've never heard it before. Thanks a bundle and three/quarters.

              Yes Camy... I see the concern... its just... I don't know... maybe its me. But I swear he's... maybe it was just a rushed delivery of the line for time constraints... I don't know. You see... now you've warped all my logic. It just seems too reluctant... maybe I'm just looking at it differently. Oh well... we agree on the concern.. just about that something else...
              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                Okay... present for everyone... or maybe I should call it a peace offering...

                Here is Never Alone Again Chapter 4... I know... they're slow in coming... but my Betas loved this... sadly one of them is MIA. I'm working on getting more of this stuff on Convergence... but time is short... yes I know its summer... still got get out and do stuff...


                SQUUUEEEEEE!!!! A new chapter! Sweet! First a Mel vid and now more great fic, I love it! I should have the two chapters of Ties That Bind, out by tomorrow too!


                  Ritter, I left you a very brief message, cause frankly that was EXTREMELY Powerful! You just keep getting better and better....


                  it's interesting and I wonder if John and Teyla will ever be able to do this..(i don't want to give off the fic) but someone posted here, I think, that John has telepathic powers as well..right? Can someone elaborate on this...I don't remember this...the only powers I remember is that he has the Ancient gene that allows him to power things in Atlantis..that's about it!


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    Ritter, I left you a very brief message, cause frankly that was EXTREMELY Powerful! You just keep getting better and better....


                    it's interesting and I wonder if John and Teyla will ever be able to do this..(i don't want to give off the fic) but someone posted here, I think, that John has telepathic powers as well..right? Can someone elaborate on this...I don't remember this...the only powers I remember is that he has the Ancient gene that allows him to power things in Atlantis..that's about it!
                    If you watch the episode 'Before I Sleep' we see Janus using mental abilities to control thing. If John's gene is so much stronger than anyone that Carson has seen...we can pretty much assume or further speculate that John with tapping into the gene--as Teyla did with the Wraith gene--can use his own telekinesis. Of course there's no proof that this will ever happen, although it has gotten practice if we look at Rising 2 and The Hive where Wraith Queens tried to enter his mind to garner information but couldn't.
                    This says he has amazing mental capabilities. Teyla does as well....although she's a fledging especially up against the Wraith's powers which are out of control.

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      The Gift Shippy Moments Part 2

                      John sent Kate to see Teyla. Teyla confronts him about it. Teyla: Major. Both are dressed ready to go off world. John turns to Teyla just inside the gateroom. John: Teyla. It should be noted despite Teyla's anger she keeps her voice down so only John can hear her. John despite Teyla's anger remains calm and doesn't get angry. Which isn't something he usually does when people take that tone with him. Teyla: What did you tell Doctor Heightmeyer? John: Exactly what you told me. That you couldn't sleep because you were having nightmares. Teyla: I confided in you. John: You're a member of my team, which makes you my responsibility, and I only told one person whose job, by the way, is to deal exactly with this sort of thing. Teyla: There is nothing wrong with my mind. John: Nobody said there was. Teyla: I have a hard enough time getting your people to respect me without them thinking I'm crazy! John: Nobody thinks you're crazy and everybody respects you. Teyla: That is not the point. John: Look, Teyla, you may wanna sit this one out. Teyla: What do you mean? John: Rodney's staying back, and Ford and I are just gonna check out the Alpha site one last time before we have to move in. Teyla: Should we evacuate, my people will be forced to that planet as well. John: And I'll make sure it's safe for everyone. Look, Teyla, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you, God forbid. But you yourself admit it that you're a little off your game. You snapped at Doctor Weir this morning in the Briefing Room for no good reason. Now you're biting my head off for caring that you might need help in dealing with the fact that it's been three days since you've had any sleep. Teyla: I'm sorry. But I do not need any help. The Wraith are coming. What I need is to do something! John: OK, good. I suggest you take a nap. John turns back to the gate. Teyla turns and goes to her room.

                      Teyla tells John and Elizabeth the story she learned from Charan. Teyla asks to go to the planet it occured on. Elizabeth is uncertain and turns to John. John shrugs a bit uncertain himself but still backs up Teyla despite Elizabeth's legitimate concerns. John: Doesn't hurt to take a look around.

                      John's team is on the planet Charan talked about. They are walking about in the of an ancient village ruins. Aiden walks over to John. Aiden: Sir, there's nothing here. John: I know. Aiden: Well, it's dark. Shouldn't we be getting back? John: Give her a minute. He gestures over at Teyla who is studing an old vase it looks like. Aiden: Sir... John: Ford, I need her to put this behind her; get some sleep. We all do, so whatever it takes. Rodney mentions he is getting an energy reading. Rodney leads them to a rock wall. John and Teyla go over to it and investigate it. John not finding anything walks back over to Rodney and Aiden. They talk about the reading Rodney is getting. Teyla still checking out the wall and goes over the spot John did. Touching it she passes through disappearing. Aiden: How about that?!

                      John stares in shock for a few seconds.

                      John runs over to where Teyla was at. John (Yells): Teyla! He presses the spot, but it won't budge.


                      Rodney: Maybe she got a good running start. You know, really slam into it. John turns and give Rodney a black look. He turns back to the wall and reaches out to touch it. The wall vanishes. Teyla is standing on the other side with her hand raised like she just touched it. John: How'd you do that? Teyla: I do not know. I was just looking for a way out. John joins her in the corridor Rodney and Aiden follow. On the inside it appears to be of wraith design.

                      They find out that a wraith was performing experiments on humans to make them a more compatible food source. To do that he combined their DNA with a small portion of wraith DNA. Teyla is a descendent of one of these subjects. Elizabeth is informing the rest of her team. John is mainly shocked. He is also concerned but it seems to be for Teyla. Aiden: Still, Bates is gonna go nuts over this. John: Let's just keep this one under our hat.

                      They find out Teyla may have wraith mental abilities due to her wraith DNA. Teyla is going to try to mentally connect to the wraith. This is something I have to ask. I know why Carson is there. He has to make sure nothing goes wrong and administer the medication. I know why Kate is there. She is leading Teyla through the hypnosis. I understand why Elizabeth is there as well. She talked Teyla into doing this and wants to make sure nothing goes wrong. Why is John there. They didn't know at the time that Teyla could be taken over by the wraith. So it wouldn't be for security especially not without someone there to back him up. He serves no purpose. So why is he there? When Teyla enters the mind of a wraith John begins to watch her intently. Teyla sees the wraith feeding. Elizabeth calls a stop to it and has Carson wake Teyla up. Elizabeth: Teyla, I... I have no right to ask you to do this. Teyla stares at her with an expression that seems to say, "What?" John looks at Teyla taking in her expression. Elizabeth leaves the room upset over what just happened. Teyla immediately sits up and starts messing with the monitor pads attached to her. Teyla: Get these things off of me. John looks at Teyla and then rushes after Elizabeth.

                      Elizabeth: I can't put her through this, John. I know it was my idea but it's too much to ask. John: You may feel differently once the hive ships show up. Teyla rushes onto the scene. She is upset as well that Elizabeth put a stop to it. Teyla: Doctor Weir. Why did you make them stop? Elizabeth: Excuse me? Teyla: I was on one of the hive ships that is headed here. I could hear them. I could see. It was working. Elizabeth: You were watching them feed. Teyla: Yes, I actually felt one of them feed, Her expression and tone of voice shows that she was disturbed by what she experienced. She glances at John. but I can handle it. I can help us. I know it. John seeing her expression and hearing her tone of voice looks away. He appears to be rethinking his position on this issue. He looks back at Teyla. Elizabeth: Teyla, I never should... Teyla (Interrupting): I'm going to try again. John quickly looks at Elizabeth concerned.

                      Teyla connects to the wraith again. John is watching with his arms crossed. Teyla all of a sudden seems to wake up and looks around. Teyla: You are all so pathetic. John becomes concerned. John: Something tells me that's not Teyla talkin'. Elizabeth orders Carson to wake Teyla up. Teyla needs to be shocked twice to wake her up. As she gasps and looks around John watches her intently worried. Teyla: What happened? As everyone else lets out the breath they were holding and starts looking at each other. John slowly lets his out and slowly drags his eyes away from Teyla to look at Elizabeth.
                      Last edited by Black Panther; 15 June 2006, 11:02 PM.


                        Those who are interested in what that light in Letters From Pegasus was it is explained when the Alpha site is attacked. Bates: They showed up by ship and dropped some sort of device by the Gate as we were leaving. John: I've seen it before. They're tagging the planet.

                        The Gift Shippy Moments Part 3

                        John tries to talk Elizabeth into letting Teyla try again. John: She said she could see some type of control room. Maybe a map, an attack plan. She just needs to get a better look. It is interesting how Teyla seems to echo his words when talking to Aiden. Teyla: I was close. I was so close. I really think if I had another chance... Aiden tries to talk her out of it. I think this could make a difference. I saw a hologram. I think it was a map, maybe even a battle plan. Their words are too exact . It makes me think Teyla talked to John and won him over to her side.

                        The Alpha site has been attacked and Bates has learned of Teyla's newfound abilities. Bates: If what you're saying is true, then chances are it was Teyla who gave away the location of our Alpha site to the Wraith! John: I don't think there was time. Bates: You don't know that they didn't have a ship in the general area. Elizabeth: Look, I admit, in retrospect, asking Teyla to connect with the Wraith may have been a mistake. Bates: With all due respect, I don't think there's much doubt about that! John: Take it easy, Sergeant, it's not like she wilfully gave away our position!

                        Teyla connects to the wraith again. John is watching Teyla closely. Teyla is taken over by a wraith. One more violent. He grabs the I.V. stand, destroys the equipment, and attacks Carson. Aiden tries to grab her. The wraith tosses him over Teyla's back. Then heads for Elizabeth. John just stands there shocked and worried as this happens. When has John ever been slow to react? Bates shoots Teyla twice in the back. She drops and everyone, except Bates, rushes over to her. John has his gun out and pointed at her unconscious body. By the way he keeps looking to Carson, Elizabeth, and Kate, who are checking her out, it seems that he is more interested in her welfare then protecting the others in case the wraith is still in control, gets up, and attacks again. John looks at Carson. Carson looks at him and nods signaling she is fine. John looks over his shoulder at the smug Bates.

                        This is the look he gives him. If only looks could kill.

                        John and Elizabeth are on a balcony talking about Teyla. Elizabeth is worried about how Teyla's state of mind will be affected after what she has just been through. John: Teyla's one of the strongest people I know. The fact that she's been able to hold it together until now after what she's been through in her life... John's confidence in Teyla is endearing. Carson walks in and informs them Teyla has awakened and wants to see them.

                        Carson, John, and Elizabeth enter the infirmary and approach Teyla laying on a bed. Carson stops at Teyla's feet. John walks around him and right up to Teyla's bedside looking concerned. Elizabeth watches from over John's shoulder. Teyla looks up at John. Teyla: I am so sorry. I really thought I could throw off the... John (Interrupting): No, no, it's fine. Elizabeth: We are concerned that the Wraith can connect to you at will, though. Teyla: It has never happened before. No, I am sure I have to connect with them first. John cringes slightly. Teyla goes on to tell them the wraith know about them. That is why they are all waking up. That is why they are coming here. They know that Atlantis is the only way to get to a new, rich, feeding ground. John looks at Carson and Elizabeth. John: Earth. After exchanging looks with them John turns and looks at Teyla.

                        This is the looks he gives her.
                        Last edited by Black Panther; 16 April 2007, 04:14 PM.


                          Originally posted by Black Panther

                          This is the looks he gives her. I keep trying to decipher it. All I know is that it makes me shiver and think naughty thoughts.
                          Excellent summary and analysis BP!!! i have enjoyed all the ones you have done!!

                          tsk tsk...naughty thoughts!!!..i dont think it is a 'look he gives her' though, i think it is more that he is contemplating the information, and she happens to be in his line of sight!
                          hehe...naughty make me laugh!
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            I'm still confused about what Shep and Teyla can actually do with their Ancient or Wraith genes.
                            Teyla can tap into the Wraith telepathic network but can she activate Wraith tech or telepathicly manipulate wraith like Micheal did to her? And if so why doesn't the Atlantis/ancient tech 'switch off' in response to her wraith genes?
                            Can Shep control Atlantis doors etc as I've seen in fanfic with his ancient genes? Does he have the other ancient abilities like healing?

                            EDIT: Hey I'm a Death Glider Pilot! Now all I need is a Death Glider.


                              Originally posted by bella
                              I'm still confused about what Shep and Teyla can actually do with their Ancient or Wraith genes.
                              Teyla can tap into the Wraith telepathic network but can she activate Wraith tech or telepathicly manipulate wraith like Micheal did to her? And if so why doesn't the Atlantis/ancient tech 'switch off' in response to her wraith genes?
                              Can Shep control Atlantis doors etc as I've seen in fanfic with his ancient genes? Does he have the other ancient abilities like healing?

                              EDIT: Hey I'm a Death Glider Pilot! Now all I need is a Death Glider.
                              Teyla doesnt have the full wraith gene she only has a small amount from what Dr Beckett said in the epsiode the gift. I dont thinkg the ancient systems/ techs sences the gene since its only a small amount.

                              Shep can control the dorrs of atlantis and can fly the jumpers. He pretty much can do alot of stuff but the story lines dont tell much of what his genes can do. He hasnt masterd the healing and i dont think he even knows he has a lot of the gene in him.
                              part of:
                              Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                              wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                                Hi Sheylafan! don't often see you around.

