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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
    Busy busy day today so just a quick post before going out.
    Yeah, the same here, I'm also just here for a quick post.
    But tomorrow I'm home alone: Thunk-time! Ah, that will be wonderful, nothing pressing to do, just me and the computer! And RM.
    Easter Monday will be family time, and on Tuesday I can't be here much to celebrate DH's birthday because it's my grandmother's birthday, too. But I'll enjoy the free day tomorrow. And I'll finally write this rant-post-explanation I promised.

    So, Mx, enjoy 'Century Hotel'! Sadly DH isn't in it that much, but it's good nonetheless, and the part where he's in is just great.

    I'm happy that you liked 'Get down'/'Treed Murray', it's my favourite DH film (right before 'Cube' and 'Nothing'). I think DH portrays Murray very well, all this up and down, not just from the tree but also regarding the emotions in this film.

    Thanks for the "Where the heart is" pics, watcher! This film is too funny, I loved mega-geek Jimmy and his computer game.

    Yesterday I discovered that there's a funny widget for my Mac - a Stargate counter. It's a little Stargate and it displays the days left until the new episodes start. Since the air date isn't announced yet it doesn't display the correct number, but it's funny nonethless. I wish there was a McKay widget for my Powerbook - something like the snarky quote of the day or something like that.

    Starting 26th April they show the first season of SGA on TV again over here (the second season will premiere after that). So I just saw a Rodney pic in my TV magazine. Biiiig smile from me.

    Two pics and then goodbye until later!

    Rodney being smug:

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      good morning all!

      Sounds like we are all pretty busy this weekend. I am too, what with Easter and all. We're having a bunch of family over for a reunion tomorrow.

      Last night I had an RM dream. I was at Rodney's house (on earth) and we were watching the Olympics - baseball and one of the teams was loosing pretty badly. That's really all I can remember. Hmm, pretty random, I know.


      sig by Pandora's_Box


        Originally posted by Arlessiar
        But tomorrow I'm home alone: Thunk-time! Ah, that will be wonderful, nothing pressing to do, just me and the computer! And RM.
        I am out visiting relatives tomorrow so will think of you having your perfect day!

        Yesterday I discovered that there's a funny widget for my Mac - a Stargate counter. It's a little Stargate and it displays the days left until the new episodes start. Since the air date isn't announced yet it doesn't display the correct number, but it's funny nonethless.
        Will that be for when it airs in USA and Canada? That sounds like a fun thing to have but if it is for USA/Canada airing I would be getting all jealous knowing they were watching Atlantis and I had to wait

        Haven't had this for a while! Let's lower the tone just a little bit!

        2 for the price of 1
        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by pavaneofstars
          good morning all!

          Sounds like we are all pretty busy this weekend. I am too, what with Easter and all. We're having a bunch of family over for a reunion tomorrow.

          Last night I had an RM dream. I was at Rodney's house (on earth) and we were watching the Olympics - baseball and one of the teams was loosing pretty badly. That's really all I can remember. Hmm, pretty random, I know.

          which epi is this from?
          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


            Originally posted by mckaychick
            which epi is this from?
            Hi mckaychick - it is from Before I Sleep. He's so cute when he is asleep!

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                i agree david is sweet when hes aslepp he always looks so peaceful! ok so we know hes not really asleep hes just acting but still!

                Happy easter to you all hope you dont eat too many eggs!


                  Thank you watcher
                  I can't wait to see it.
                  **Easter Hugs to all**


                    Good Night all!

                    And for those of you who celebrate it: Happy Easter!

                    See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                    Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                      Night Tracker, its still afternoon for me here, such a quiet easter for me! I'm sooo Bored!! No chocolate, my family's gone away for the long weekend and my b/friends gone on an all day motorbike ride with his bikie mates.

                      so I've come to cheer myself up with some DH goodness



                        Just checking out some screen caps for DH's movie "Clutch" I havn't seen it yet, but I've totaly fallen for his character! how hot does David look in that jacket!!? My high school crush used to have one just like it, I don't think I can resist a man in a woolen winter coat. Do you think that makes me a bit weird...?


                          Hello, I'm back.

                          How's everyone? Good Easter or whatever you do or do not celebrate, apparently it is the new year in Peru or... somewhere. I had a great time in the beautiful south even if it was cold, wet and yes windy.

                          Anyho...the beard work again. Although there is a certain something about his glasses.

                          Ooh glasses.


                            See I disagree with McKay not being McKay in The Rising I think he was, he was certainly more than annoyed Sheppard turned out to be another person with the gene who wasn't him, he was very arrogant and abrupt once they got to Atlantis, and he wasn't afraid to go up against the military. The only part that wasn't IMO McKay is when he talks with O'Neill and I was thinking that had more to do with wanting the green light to use the ZedPM, then being out of character.

                            Of course what Arlessiar said is true, none of the actors knew where their characters where going because that is the nature of a new series and a premiere episode. I actually think some of the newer episodes have been portraying McKay out of character... guess it is all in how/why you watch the show.


                              Yay, Hi rose, glad you had a great holiday! damn weather tho, you know I don't remember the last time I had a dry easter!!

                              Mmm Glasses...

                              Well kinda.


                                Lol, nice goggles.

