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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
    No - it's no use.
    Can't keep quiet any longer.
    It just has to be said.

    (and I don't care who knows it!! )
    Lol!! well she's finally out of the closet! who would have thought that Mx of all people would have a thing for David Hewlett!!! well stranger things have happened!!!

    I have just ordered Get Down (Treed Murray), Nothing and Century Hotel!!! Have never seen any of these so am so excited!!!!!!!! I know there's lots more to order but have to do it gradually - that way I can fill the time til Atlantis comes back in the Autumn (too long to wait!)
    Thats a really good idea, I'm thinking of doing the same myself, & I don't even know when Aust will show season 2, let alone season 3!!!

    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Oh thank you peeps, you made me smile on a crappy day!
    *shouts* Yes, I'm still here!
    And I'm fine, thanks so much for asking, FH!....
    ....No serious, I wish I had more time for the thunk atm, but there are a few things I have to take care of in real life, things that keep me from thunking and also depress me a little, so I can't be here as much and as happy as I'd like to. But I'm fine and I hope I can return to the thunk soon, 'blue-eyed and bushy-tailed'!
    Hey georges, I've noticed you a lot lurking all around GW so I havn't been that worried that you may have been sucked into a black hole, I know you still love us (and that sexy sexy man) and I think your doing really well at keeping up apperances considering how all encompassing RL seems to be for you at the moment, just hang in there, I know you'll be back in full swing in no time!!

    Phwaor... Check out the Pecktoral definition!!!
    Edit: and now I look closer.. those ARMS!



      Not spoilers just off-topic ramblings.

      Originally posted by False hope
      Anybody know how Rose and Arlessiar are doing? They haven't been on for a while
      Aw, miss me? No one to make fun of hey. Yes I am still around I posted yesterday in the Dr Who thread actually.
      I think I did lousy at the interview turned out to be a panel interview I hate them!!! Anyway I have yet another interview next week so it's all happening.

      I will be off-line for a while as my sister has her operation in ooh about 2 hours...I'll be leaving work early today to be with my family. I am up-beat about it, I am sure she will be fine. Anyway enough of the off-topic stuff.

      McKayRocks! hope you enjoy the DH films *how can you not???* Nothing is funny and silly and still my fave DH film, and the small part *cough* DH has in Century Hotel is HOT! Not one for the kiddies though. Oh and make sure you keep your eyes out for the *slap!* heehee.

      Knee porn.

      See ya.


        Hiya everyone,

        A quick one during my lunch break!

        Sorry to hear the news - hope sis is ok! I remember you telling us in your LJ about it. Best wishes to you.

        Hope all is well. Nice to see you too.

        MX ,
        I love your proclaimation! Someone new on my flist (in LJ) recently said that she had heard so much about how hot David Hewlett was but she didn't believe it. Sure she thought he was a good actor, funny, fun etc, but then she saw some non-Rodney pics and she's hooked. Plus she loves the pretty boy look he had!

        Here's an oldie (from the Loving David Hewlett website):



          Howdy folks, this is going to be quick as I'm meeting some of the other GW'ers here for the con in Vancouver for dinner in a bit.

          Someone asked where I got the font for the RodneyBear "I'm with genius" shirt. I didn't use a font, I just worked off of a clear screencap of the shirt and made an image from that.

          Neural, thanks for the suggestion on the Ancient's personal shield, but I've already got plans for it. I've worked with electronics for a while now and models when I was younger so I'm building the shell of the shield and I'll fit the battery, LED and even an on/off switch afterwards. Here's what I've got so far... which means I've not got it for the Con this weekend. I intend to post a 'how-to' in my LJ once I've got it done so anyone can make one for themselves.

          Rose, sorry about the interview and I hope the next one will go better.

          Anyway, I've started my Vancouver Con notes on my LJ if anyone's interested. So, yeah.. made it safe to the hotel and Party is here too. We just got back from the Unofficial GW dinner and I'll be heading to pre-reg in a bit. Yay!


            Hello. Just stopping by to say my sister is fine, the operation went really well, she is at home now and she will know in a few days if it was the success we hoped for. I can't even tell you how happy I am.
            Originally posted by strivaria
            Rose, sorry about the interview
            I don't know if I got the job or not yet, I just feel like I could have done better in the interview...but if not, it's OK no biggy.

            Heya to everyone at the Van Con! So a lot of GW members are there and lots of Australians headed over as well. I'm not too fussed about the whole SG fandom thing but I can see the attraction of a studio tour and meeting fellow fans from GW. I'm sure you will all have a great time.

            I really hope you see David, I'll keep my fingers cross he makes an appearance, if not maybe you'll bump into him on the street! It could happen. Man has to go to the supermarket I'm sure.

            I need to go and have something to eat and relax for the rest of the night, bye.


              Morning! How is everyone?
              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              Just stopping by to say my sister is fine
              Rose! It's good to see you here, and it's wonderful that the operation went well! I'm so happy! All my best wishes for your sister's recovery!
              [...]but I can see the attraction of a studio tour and meeting fellow fans from GW.
              Yeah, these are two things I'd also like to do. A studio tour would be really great since I love all the bts stuff, and I'd also love to meet some of you GW peeps in person! Oh, and when I see the pics of Vancouver, I also long to go there to see this beautiful city and the wonderful surrounding. The pics look so great, I want to be there!!!
              Meeting the actors would be fun, too, but I'd be far too nervous for a normal conversation, I guess! I'm sure, if I ever met David I'd forget every single word of the English language I've ever learnt in an instant!

              Will post more a little later,
              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Hello all,

                A quick one from me.

                Glad to hear all's ok - Rose, Arlessiar, Mx...

                Strivaria, thanks for the update. I'm impressed with your electronic skills!

                Party was starving or something the last time we heard from her... She mentioned the meet and greet!

                Arlessiar, Vancouver is gorgeous as is the rest of British Columbia. My best friend went there just a few months ago and took all these pics and wrote of all the wonderful sights. I'd love to visit too if I ever save enough money!

                And they're not just meeting the actors but also Martin Gero is going to be there! Woo hoo!

                OK better thunk to make this legal:

                A very old pic:

                Everyone's fave (Tiggerific - I believe this was first posted by you in the DH forums? )



                  That pic of David and Joe is so sweet. *Thunk*


                    Rose and Arlessiar - Glad to see you're both ok And thats great news about your sister Rose Too bad about the interview though
                    Originally posted by mcalex22
                    Everyone's fave (Tiggerific - I believe this was first posted by you in the DH forums? )
                    *dies* Thats a great pic!!!!!!! And no, I will not take off the image tags!!! That pic deserves to be posted twice!

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Forget twice!
                      Originally posted by mcalex22
                      Everyone's fave (Tiggerific - I believe this was first posted by you in the DH forums? )
                      This pic deserves to be posted 3 times!
                      I'm back and more evil then ever!


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        Forget twice!
                        This pic deserves to be posted 3 times!
                        You are sooo crazy, you know that, girl?
                        March seems to be your favourite month!

                        Bye, A.

                        P.S. Did you read my post in the "What's your name?" thread, MG?
                        Last edited by Arlessiar; 24 March 2006, 06:08 AM.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          You are sooo crazy, you know that, girl?
                          Really? i hadnt noticed
                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          P.S. Did you see my post in the "What's your name?" thread, MG?
                          Just read it, what a coincidence Thats a great name btw

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            Originally posted by False hope
                            Really? i hadnt noticed
                            Neither had I
                            I'm back and more evil then ever!


                              Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
                              Lol!! well she's finally out of the closet! who would have thought that Mx of all people would have a thing for David Hewlett!!! well stranger things have happened!!!
                              Yes! I kept that well hidden didn't I - you never would have guessed!

                              Phwaor... Check out the Pecktoral definition!!!
                              Edit: and now I look closer.. those ARMS!
                              Oh Beeeeehave!!! There should be a health warning on that pic - "concussions may occur due to excessive thunking".

                              That pic of David and Joe - well that brings a smile to your face doesn't it! And I agree - who wants to URL that!

                              Hey to Rose - glad it went well with your sister and I'm keeping everything crossed for a full recovery Re the interview - I'm a great believer in what will be will be so if it is meant to happen it will!!

                              False Hope / McKay's Girl - I thought you were the same person Must be my age!

                              Strivaria - please, please keep us updated on the con!! You and Party both!

                              Arlessiar *waves* Glad you are back!

                              Alex Hiya!

                              Is that everyone!! If not a big Hello to you too! (Can you tell I've got that Friday feeling! )

                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                To be honest I think that Friday feeling is open for all of us. Especially me. LOL.

                                A big hello to the following:



                                McKayRocks because I know you a bit LOL.

                                And well everyone else who I need to get to know.

