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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by smushybird
    And his hair looks good too.
    Let's be honest - it's ALL good!!!!

    sig by SheppyD
    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
    So he just looks crazy


      Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
      Oh this pic/scene almost always makes me cry! Death of drowning is one of the things I fear most, and I always cry when I imagine how Rodney dies this horrible death in the alternative timeline!
      And David played it so well! There wasn't any water when they filmed it, but the fear in DH's/RM's eyes is so real and convincing...

      Just a quick info: The mods are currently in the process of reviewing all the character threads (today the Torri/Weir threads were reorganized). That means that repeated or unnecessary threads get deleted or renamed or merged with other threads. I think this is basically a good idea, all the characters (including McKay) have different thread structures and there are often repeated threads. Nonetheless I hope that this thunk here stays the way it is (title and what it's about). I guess it will, it's the biggest McKay thread, but you never know. Beside the thunk I'd personally also like to keep the McKay whump and the RM discussion, but we have to see what the mods plan. There are so many small McKay threads (anti threads, backpack, quotes, ship and slash etc.), I wonder what will happen to them. I think they all have a right to exist (I just don't like different threads about the same topic), but we'll have to see how it will turn out.
      The mods had a discussion thread in the forum announcements where they asked for the opinion of the regulars in the Weir threads, so I guess they'll make that for all the characters when it's their turn.

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
        See? She's not so lucky.
        Well she does get to
        cradle Rodney's head in her arms as he falls to the floor in Duet
        so she's luckier than me!

        *folds arms in a strop and glares at Heightmeyer*

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by xfkirsten
          Actually, I don't think he ever was dating her... he just said that so people in Atlantis wouldn't think he was talking to a psychologist.
          I agree, I also never believed him the dating thing! He was just embarassed!

          More arm porn:

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Oh this pic/scene almost always makes me cry! Death of drowning is one of the things I fear most, and I always cry when I imagine how Rodney dies this horrible death in the alternative timeline!
            And David played it so well! There wasn't any water when they filmed it, but the fear in DH's/RM's eyes is so real and convincing...
            I just posted on the whumping thread that this is a scene I don't like because I know he is about to drown and it really upsets me. You are right - it is the look on his face that makes me crumple

            Just a quick info: The mods are currently in the process of reviewing all the character threads ....Nonetheless I hope that this thunk here stays the way it is (title and what it's about). .....I'd personally also like to keep the McKay whump and the RM discussion
            I agree - I really only post here, the whump thread and on the appreciation one. I've just got used to it here so would be disappointed if it changed. These are the key McKay/Hewlett threads so I hope they stay

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              Well I am hoping for an intelligent display instead of the load of rubbish we have been feed lately he is becoming a huge joke and I am pretty sure if it continues I will not be bothering with Season 3 for long.

              Why do they have to change him so much from SG-1 Rodney? Why do they have to make him so inconsistent? Why does the humour surrounding him always at his expense, that will get old (it was old for me as soon as it started)...Why do it? God dam it why?

              Don't do the cat thing, it is beyond a joke in Fanfic without making it even more canon on the show.

              Yeah I need to vent and here is as good a place as any.
              Awww, Rose. I know just how you feel! :hugs: I suppose it's a challenge for the writers to maintain consistency of characterization week after week--well, it must be, or they wouldn't be screwing it up now and then, I guess.
              I think it's partly the rush to get episodes written, but I think it's also partly carelessness and more of an interest on the writers' part to write a hopping sci fi story rather than worry about how accurately each character is portrayed. If you ask me (and yes, to certain parties, this is my opinion...), it is a tendency of writers young and male to lean more on the action and explosions than on character development (and I'm not talking just Stargate but in all things televised and in a lot of novels I've read lately). That the writers here are additionally burdened with the dictum that continuity is a no-no in the world of Stargate pretty much guarantees that less bother will be taken to assure true characterizations on a consistent basis. Why should they, if they aren't allowed to let characters grow and change from show to show and season to season? Tho' Rodney has changed a little since the start of the show and I think it's great--when they revert to treating him like a blathering idiot, it's disheartening. And there's just no excuse for it.

              As for the cat... You know, I don't think, for sheer poignancy, they can top that one scene in Home when Rodney checks his phone message machine and his comment about it. That one little moment spoke so much about his character. And it just crushed my heart for him in a way that a million cuddly reunions with kitties will never do.

              And that, I think, is one of the reasons I find his growing friendship with Sheppard so fascinating. It's all such a new thing for Rodney--to have a genuine friend--and to watch his clumsy attempts to keep bonding with Sheppard despite the mistakes he's made--it's so sweet.
              While the plots are usually fairly interesting on SGA, the characters keep me tuning in. And I don't think that's true of only me. So I sincerely hope the writers and producers understand that enough not to spoil something that started out so divinely.


                Originally posted by xfkirsten
                Actually, I don't think he ever was dating her... he just said that so people in Atlantis wouldn't think he was talking to a psychologist.

                Oh, yeah, I know. I'm just saying. Whereas some people have the attitude that he would be lucky to date her, we know it's the other way around. And Heightmeyer, at least to me, is about as interesting as the women Sheppard kirks. In other words, not remotely interesting at all and therefore not worthy to date either of our intrepid and vastly interesting heroes.


                  Originally posted by smushybird
                  I suppose it's a challenge for the writers to maintain consistency of characterization week after week--well, it must be, or they wouldn't be screwing it up now and then, I guess.
                  This is one of my main 'bugbears' - character development is just as important as story/plot development because without believeable characters the stories just wouldn't work. Let's face it - the things they get up to each week are so far beyond the realms of possibility that they would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that by making the characters 'real' they make the situations real also. Lose that and it all falls apart.

                  If you ask me (and yes, to certain parties, this is my opinion...), it is a tendency of writers young and male to lean more on the action and explosions than on character development
                  I love a good bit of action and excitment but not at the expense of character development - *a plea to the writers* why can't we have both?

                  Tho' Rodney has changed a little since the start of the show and I think it's great--when they revert to treating him like a blathering idiot, it's disheartening. And there's just no excuse for it.
                  The humour of McKay is very special and one of the reasons I like his character so much. Of course, David plays it beautifully and I can't see anyone else making a better job of it. However as we all agree there is a depth to Rodney that they just aren't exploring and I would hate to see them keep trawling out 'comical' Rodney as a standard plot tool.

                  You know, I don't think, for sheer poignancy, they can top that one scene in Home when Rodney checks his phone message machine and his comment about it. That one little moment spoke so much about his character. And it just crushed my heart for him in a way that a million cuddly reunions with kitties will never do.
                  I know - poor Rodney (I'd have left him a message if I only knew his number!! )

                  And that, I think, is one of the reasons I find his growing friendship with Sheppard so fascinating. It's all such a new thing for Rodney--to have a genuine friend--and to watch his clumsy attempts to keep bonding with Sheppard despite the mistakes he's made--it's so sweet.
                  Yes, this is my favourite friendship in Atlantis, although Carson/Rodney comes a close second.

                  While the plots are usually fairly interesting on SGA, the characters keep me tuning in. And I don't think that's true of only me. So I sincerely hope the writers and producers understand that enough not to spoil something that started out so divinely.
                  Absolutely! I've always been a fan of sci-fi but there is something about Atlantis that has touched me like no other programme and it is just as you say - the characters and their friendships. PTB - let them grow and develop - please!

                  sig by SheppyD
                  Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                  I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                  So he just looks crazy


                    Leather and dirt



                    (Inspired by Rose) *realisation dawns on Rodney that his fangirls are not here for the fraking conversation!*

                    sig by SheppyD
                    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                    So he just looks crazy


                      Good(insert time of day here) it's morning for me & really hot already!

                      Originally posted by ra-hanna
                      Tee hee! This one made me giggle. *Keep it PG! Keep it PG!* Who am I kidding!
                      ROTFLMAO I Know exactly what your talking about... I Shall say no more...

                      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                      *realisation dawns on Rodney that his fangirls are not here for the fraking conversation!*
                      Man you guys are cracking me up today!

                      Hmm this Mod review sounds a bit scary, i hope not too much is changed, I love it here. I wouldn't no what to do with myself if it dissapered into the Internet Abyss... hmm too dramatic?

                      Ooh this Heightmeyer were they wern't they, I'm pretty sure, its officially no, but I hardly think it's possible any way, Rodney didn't even respect/consider her as a real doctor, and I dont really think he's her type, she comes across as the type who needs to be the smart one in a relationship...

                      Hmm time for a pic

                      aww how cute.

                      Guess what, I got BLUE JELLY/JELLO! however, it's supposed to taste like raspberry... what the, is it that hard to simulate the flavor of blue berries?!


                        Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
                        Hmm this Mod review sounds a bit scary, i hope not too much is changed, I love it here. I wouldn't no what to do with myself if it dissapered into the Internet Abyss... hmm too dramatic?
                        It really only concerns the Weir threads, they are many and they are mostly being used in the wrong way..too many 'about' Torri posts in the Weir threads and stuff. She does have three threads on the character or something silly like that, never even lurked there so don't really know. Rest assured the Thunks will not be touched...they wouldn't dare.

                        Hey it is hot here too, meant to get to 30 or something. I am going out for lunch to a nice air conditioned bar and I may stay there.

                        I noticed while watching 'Duet' he does touch the other side of his face for the head set thing, maybe he was just disorientated.

                        He also does this.



                          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                          This is one of my main 'bugbears' - character development is just as important as story/plot development because without believeable characters the stories just wouldn't work. Let's face it - the things they get up to each week are so far beyond the realms of possibility that they would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that by making the characters 'real' they make the situations real also. Lose that and it all falls apart.
                          Yep, you are so exactly right, and sometimes it does seem the writers are making an effort to go above and beyond the usual Stargate to bring at least a little continuity through showing us the emotional consequences of everything the characters are going through--and it's tantalizing to see that the writers are capable of doing it--and then we get episodes like Epiphany where it could have been
                          a brilliantly insightful look into John Sheppard and instead turned out to be an excruciatingly predictable and done-to-death tale with lifeless dialogue and an unsatisfying ending. And it just makes you cry, because here's a whole hour of potential just thrown away. The writers should have all stopped short on that one and said this can be beefed up and twisted around and turned into something interesting and revelatory. They should have used Joe Flanigan's original ideas--God knows they must have been better than what was finally produced.

                          I didn't mean to get off on a rant about Epiphany but it's a ripe example of the Brilliant Episode That Wasn't. I think if the writers just sat down with what they considered a "finished" script and really ripped it apart and turned it inside out just to check and be sure they weren't missing any golden opportunities for character development, revelation, continuity, etc--that the chances of ending up with a weak script would be a lot less.


                            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                            It really only concerns the Weir threads, they are many and they are mostly being used in the wrong way..
                            Well, TameFarr said in one of her posts that ALL character threads will be reviewed in the time to come, and the Weir threads were the first. But that is just an info, I didn't want to scare anyone! I really don't think they'll change the thunks, maybe some of the smaller threads they deem 'unnecessary'. But that is just speculation on my part.

                            Bye, A., off to catch a bus, returning to the internet later today
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              Well, TameFarr said in one of her posts that ALL character threads will be reviewed in the time to come, and the Weir threads were the first. But that is just an info, I didn't want to scare anyone! I really don't think they'll change the thunks, maybe some of the smaller threads they deem 'unnecessary'. But that is just speculation on my part.

                              Bye, A., off to catch a bus, returning to the internet later today
                              Catch a bus? Where are you?
                              Why do they review the threads at all? I'd just assume the unused threads sink to the bottom and lie there out of the way. Is it just cleaning house or is there a darker purpose?
                              I'd think they'd keep all McKay related threads, since he's the most popular character on the show. ::ducking flying missles from outside thread::


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                It really only concerns the Weir threads, Rest assured the Thunks will not be touched...they wouldn't dare.
                                cool, currently resting assured..

                                Hey it is hot here too, meant to get to 30 or something. I am going out for lunch to a nice air conditioned bar and I may stay there.
                                yeah about 30 here too, but i went to visit my dad and his lovely swimming pool!

                                I noticed while watching 'Duet' he does touch the other side of his face for the head set thing, maybe he was just disorientated.

                                Yeah i think the only reason he looks for his headset there is cos he's so freaked out at not finding it on his normal ear, you know the way you look for something lost in places it would never be.

                                Damn have to go to work now, catch ya's later

