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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Cynicat
    Yeah, Virgin/Sanity/HMV is a great place to get Cypher (picked up mine there for $10) - JB HiFi still wants $38 for it. It's good, but it's not THAT good LOL.
    Wonder if I can get it here for that? Probably not even in stock.

    I have been distracted by Dr Who today brilliant, brilliant, well just fantastic new episode almost makes up for the dismal The Tower SGA ep last week.

    Can we ever have enough of this pic? NO!!


      How come everyone hated The Tower? I thought it was ok apart from the whole Sheppard thing

      Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
      Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


        Originally posted by McKay's girl
        How come everyone hated The Tower? I thought it was ok apart from the whole Sheppard thing
        You are kidding? Well this isn't the place to talk about it but I will say that I stand by my comment in the Season episode thread, that it was the worst SG episode ever! *I know I sound like a Simpson character*

        Even Rodney can't believe how bad it was and he was in it!


          Hi everyone! I just drop by for a short moment to check out the newest posts.
          Originally posted by McKay's girl
          How come everyone hated The Tower? I thought it was ok apart from the whole Sheppard thing
          I already wrote about that on the episode thread, but as a short answer: I thought the Rodney parts were ok and I liked the team action. But the rest was simply too silly for me.
          And a small spoilerfree rant:
          Judging from the episode thread some people seem to think that there was still too much Rodney in this ep. I'm a little annoyed by this discussion by now. More of this character because he's too cute for words, less of this character because he's annoying, much more of this guy because he hasn't enough development, more of this character because he has enough screentime but only talks nonsense, blablabla, again and again. Many points are valid, but the discussion isn't neutral anymore but full of mean comments too often.
          And as objective as I can be: There wasn't too much Rodney in this. There was no need for more, that's right, but what was there was part of the little bit that made this ep bearable.

          I probably won't be around much until the new year, I have to share the computer with my father since I'm at my parents' house at the moment, and there's also still much to do, lots of visits and other things, so I can't thunk very much. I already miss it, I got so used to full time thunking that I'm getting cranky now when I don't get a certain daily dose.
          But I'll stop whining now.

          Here are some older pics:

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Hi everyone! I just drop by for a short moment to check out the newest posts.
            Judging from the episode thread some people seem to think that there was still too much Rodney in this ep. I'm a little annoyed by this discussion by now. More of this character because he's too cute for words, less of this character because he's annoying, much more of this guy because he hasn't enough development, more of this character because he has enough screentime but only talks nonsense, blablabla, again and again. Many points are valid, but the discussion isn't neutral anymore but full of mean comments too often.
            Well I just had to go and check it out and yes I had to stirr. Look I am sorry but I did I know it isn't mature but they get on my pip.

            I probably won't be around much until the new year, I have to share the computer with my father since I'm at my parents' house at the moment, and there's also still much to do, lots of visits and other things, so I can't thunk very much. I already miss it, I got so used to full time thunking that I'm getting cranky now when I don't get a certain daily dose.
            Haha, Thunk withdrawls, well at least it is only for a short time the new year is almost here! *2006* Where did the time go?

            Love the wet Rodney.


              Hey all,

              It's late and I should really be in bed but because I've been bad and not sleeping at the right times over the holiday period, I'm wide awake at this hour.

              I just wanted to say in response to MG and Arlessiar's comments that I wish you hadn't mentioned that episode! Issues highlighted by Arlessiar are one of those reasons why I am a bit reluctant to visit GW these days... (and I know a few others have echoed this sentiment from time to time).

              I really do enjoy watching the show but when I started reading comments some time back, I found the level of enjoyment going downhill! I respect that others have the right to air their grievances or pleasure and if I don't or do agree, I have the right to not read those comments as much as they have the right to state them. This is why I have stopped reading any episode threads and comments in GW - there are too many things that I don't like reading about! My pet peeve is character bashing especially towards Sheppard and McKay... I don't mind criticisms but I hate it when it sinks to well, insults and other stuff which I can't mention here .

              Now on to thunking to take my mind off all that...

              Here's Rodney from Conversion - I wish I could have made a happier cap but his expression kinda sums up how I feel about GW these days (not pointing the finger at anyone specifically - since I haven't read anything anyone has said in the past week - I can't point the finger!)...

              I fixed up this cap I previously made because it was too light... just love the shadows on his face:

              Ok here's a happy pic!

              And finally - goodnight!

              BTW, I finally bought my copy of that sci-fi mag - Watcher, you were right... the pics and article are so squeeworthy! The cast really seem like such a nice bunch of people who enjoy what they do.


                Originally posted by Cynicat
                Yeah, Virgin/Sanity/HMV is a great place to get Cypher (picked up mine there for $10) - JB HiFi still wants $38 for it. It's good, but it's not THAT good LOL.

                I also spotted a copy of Boa Vs Python there one day, but it was gone within a couple of hours - frankly, that surprised me. Either there was a thunker about, or a hardcore snake movie fan lol
                Really? $38. I saw it there for $10. Talk about a difference in price!! When I was there last time there were two copies of Boa vs Python for $5, OK, only one after I picked up a copy.

                Has anyone seen the interview with the crew on the extra features of Cypher? Its like an hour of DH looking really bored.


                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  Well I just had to go and check it out and yes I had to stirr. Look I am sorry but I did I know it isn't mature but they get on my pip.
                  Don't be sorry! I didn't want to point out any special person nor did I want to say that we shouldn't talk about this topic at all. I talked and still talk about it too. And many points are valid. Personally I'm just a little tired of the constant whining or the character/actor bashing that one can read so often now. But if someone bashes another character then it is good that someone else steps in and says something about that.

                  Great pics, Alex, love them all! Oh, Rodney is so cute, especially when he smiles like in this pic:

                  Did anyone here who lives in the UK buy the TV Zone magazine? I read that there is a new special edition about Stargate and that there is a DH interview in it. Maybe someone here can provide the rest of us with details?

                  Off again,
                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    Don't be sorry! I didn't want to point out any special person nor did I want to say that we shouldn't talk about this topic at all. I talked and still talk about it too. And many points are valid. Personally I'm just a little tired of the constant whining or the character/actor bashing that one can read so often now. But if someone bashes another character then it is good that someone else steps in and says something about that.

                    Great pics, Alex, love them all! Oh, Rodney is so cute, especially when he smiles like in this pic:

                    Did anyone here who lives in the UK buy the TV Zone magazine? I read that there is a new special edition about Stargate and that there is a DH interview in it. Maybe someone here can provide the rest of us with details?

                    Off again,
                    Bye, A.

                    Yes UI have the new TV zone it is a SG spesh and there is a David Nykl interview in there too (woooohooo)

                    not read it yet been watching sg season 7 today

                    Zelenka for regular Season 3!! More Lorne!!! Whumping and Thunking my way along! I'll be in the bar! sig thanks to crazybitchqueen on LJ


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar

                      Did anyone here who lives in the UK buy the TV Zone magazine? I read that there is a new special edition about Stargate and that there is a DH interview in it. Maybe someone here can provide the rest of us with details?

                      Off again,
                      Bye, A.
                      im hopefully getting it tomorrow..ill scan and post if my scanner will be nice to me!!

                      if im not on before i would like to wish you all a very very happy new year! you guys have been soo rock!!!!!
                      happy new year!!!


                        Hiya all! Time to post some more screencaps for everyone. There will be four posts, each one for a different movie. First off, the Boys of St Vincent.

                        Needs a hug desperately.

                        Smug grin.

                        More shirtless D. H.

                        Next post century hotel
                        Mahlia Belonn


                          Century Hotel.

                          Just like the way he is standing in this photo.

                          Looking worried.

                          Next post Treed Murray.
                          Mahlia Belonn


                            Treed Murray.

                            Profile shot.

                            Another profile shot.


                            Next post, Where The Heart Is.
                            Mahlia Belonn


                              Last post for now.
                              Where the Heart Is.

                              Another butt shot.

                              Looking like an angel... sort of.

                              Love the jeans.

                              Mahlia Belonn


                                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                                Don't be sorry! I didn't want to point out any special person nor did I want to say that we shouldn't talk about this topic at all. I talked and still talk about it too. And many points are valid. Personally I'm just a little tired of the constant whining or the character/actor bashing that one can read so often now. But if someone bashes another character then it is good that someone else steps in and says something about that.
                                Oh I am not that kind of sorry, and mostly none of it bothers me because it is only a TV show and a fictional character but the negative DH stuff needs to stop.

                                I am so glad Dr Who fans know how to conduct themselves on GW well in the Dr Who threads anyway.
                                Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                                Last post for now.
                                Where the Heart Is.

                                Another butt shot.
                                We call them Dignity shots here. You need to stop I am beginning to feel like a dirty old women with all these young DH caps. *don't stop*

