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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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      Originally posted by S.G.C
      Guh! Is it getting hot in here?

      Hey S.G.C did you make your Jack siggy(s)? I gave you green for it anyway 'cause it is soooo good, yum Jack with his gun.


        I will PM you


          Whooo 5 Green Jellos

          And I am in a thunking mood today
          More Hand Porn


            Hi everyone!

            A late night post for me - been busy and absent!

            I keep forgetting to say these things but:

            BIG THANKS TO THOSE WHO GIVE ME GREEN... yes I do check and I am grateful

            CONGRATS TO ARLESSIAR AND PARTY for landmark posts! Party you are catching up to me very quickly!

            WELCOME to newbies in the McKay thunk thread - yes, pls post any John and Rodneyones! Love the guy to pieces too... actually come to think of it, I love all the SGA men and SG1 guys!

            Guys and girls, lovely lovely posts and piccies. I love all the Allies ones and the old ones...

            SGC - I love those arm pics from the BTS clip. Used to have it as a siggie.

            So here we go, some more Rodney goodness (these may be duplicate of Arlessiar's)...

            I'm a big fan of side profiles and yes, I'm working on some "happy" pics...

            Oh and another thing, did anyone notice that in Allies, they inverted one of the scenes???? I mean it's a mirror image - and they obviously didn't realise that being such big David fans, we'd notice the mouth slanting the wrong way!!!

            Here is the pic:

            It's a bit spoilery but I've cropped most of it out except for Rodney's face. Check out his mouth. I have never seen it slant right down! And the other thing was also the crewman's Atlantis symbol on one of the the left arm sleeve - it's normally on the right arm (I only notice this because I cap lots of Johns and Rodneys).

            I should say Danvers on my flist (LJ) was the first person to pick this up!

            Take care now,


              Originally posted by PsychoPenguin
              Um, you don't really think people are blaming the character, do you? You do realize that all complaints are actually aimed at the living and breathing people who produce this stuff, right?
              Sadly there are people out there who blame it on the character. Maybe they don't mean it that way, but they write it that way, and that's the only thing that counts in a forum since no-one here can read minds.
              And it's through the sheer number of those interactions that this character has become developed. Because you can't give someone that much attention, dialogue, and sheer control over the way the plot unfurls without developing him
              Then why do so many people whine that Sheppard doesn't have enough character development? This character definitely has as much screentime and action as McKay, so consequentially we have to know as much about him as we kow about McKay through his interactions with others, right?
              Thanks to eps like "Letters to Peg" and "Duet," we know more about his personal background than any other character. (Education, sister, family relationships, interactions with the opposite sex)
              Superficial tidbits I know about a lot of the other characters too to the same extent.

              I still think that Rodney is a character with a lot of screentime but I disagree with anyone who says that he is the best developed character of the show. He's someone who easily attracts attention because of his behaviour, he has presence, you can't overlook him, and because he also has many scenes/interaction with others one can think that there is too much of him, yes. Because of his obvious different behaviour he's also a very complex character, which is why many people are thinking/talking about him, leaving the impression that there is so much we know about Rodney. But that's mainly speculation. It's really not the case that McKay has an official seven page biography while everyone else has just one page.
              You could say that Rodney is one of the few characters who had some visible social character development. He's slowly starting to learn what friends are and what it means to be in a team. That's something one can really see because he was so very different from all the other characters regarding this in the beginning, and this is changing. Albeit slowly, most of the time he still is his snarky self.

              In the end I can understand the fans of other characters, they want to see more of their favourite people (I'm also a Beckett fan, so this is not unfamiliar to me). But TPTB obviously have notived that his character has become very popular because he attracts love and hate, so they promote this character. And, judging from reviews, ratings and the fanbase I honestly have the impression that many, many fans want that, the McKay concept works.

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                What do you mean were out of power bars???


                  Originally posted by mcalex22
                  Oh and another thing, did anyone notice that in Allies, they inverted one of the scenes???? I mean it's a mirror image - and they obviously didn't realise that being such big David fans, we'd notice the mouth slanting the wrong way!!!
                  And the other thing was also the crewman's Atlantis symbol on one of the the left arm sleeve - it's normally on the right arm (I only notice this because I cap lots of Johns and Rodneys).
                  That's definitely been inverted. That's funny, I watched the scene and it seemed odd to me but I didn't know why and then I forgot about it. But of course, I was looking at Rodney in this scene, and now I know what was wrong! Thanks for pointing that out, Alex!

                  They often flipped scenes when they filmed Titanic and LOTR, but it made sense then (to hide something for example, or because of directions). But often this means a lot of work because all the props have to be rearranged/adjusted for that. They didn't do that in this Atlantis scene (see the patch), so I guess they decided on that when they were cutting the episode. But why did they flip this scene at all? Is there an obvious reason for that which I'm missing?

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    This has got to be the most active this thread has been in ages


                      Keeps on Thunking


                        Nice pics SGC...

                        It's late here and I gotta go to bed but first...

                        Did someone ask for John and Rodney?

                        (I hope this is not spoilery - pls advise if it is)

                        Arlessiar - I'm not sure why they inverted the scene. Maybe originally they thought it would look more dramatic if those people were walking from the right to the left of the screen rather than vice versa??? Or as you said, perhaps it was to fit in with some other shots of a certain person's feet as he/she/they walked?

                        And since others have mentione McShep, well here is a pic of our intrepid heroes at work! I did this a long time ago back when I went cap crazy with both of them while capping them!

                        Good night ladies and gents:






                              New Pic

                              I swear it was this big!


                                Haha, S.G.C fills the thunk thread single-handedly today! Not that this is a bad thing! Thanks for all the pics.

                                [tease mode]
                                And now I know how you achieved that impressive post count!
                                [/tease mode]

                                Have some green!

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

