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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Aw, you can just SEE the "*snark*" there, can't you?

    In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
    it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
    It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
    And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


      I would really like to find out more about McKay in the time before Atlantis especially in Russia. I mean we learned more about his past in SG-1 then in all of the Atlantis shows put together. Maybe they could have some future story arcs about his past like they did with Daniel in SG-1. That would be really cool.

      Oh and I really want to see Sam and Rodney argueing with each other again.
      I think I see that in the near future though. *cough*moebius*cough*

      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


        It's sooo cute, looks like the precise moment before he says the snark - like he's just thought it and already is amused enough to consider saying it outloud.


          To the person who gave me "greens" for the previous pic... this is for you... a thank you present if you like...

          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Awwww he's just so cute with his facial expressions!!! That pics gorgeous!


              Isn't he just ... I like the feeling of vulnerability that emanates in the second one.
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                It's a nice thank you present, but what scene is it from? The lighting looks quite different though background samey, is it still Hotzone?
                Because that quite explains his look, very nice - just touching enough, a fear to his expression. Aw, makes me want to hug him! But sadly it's only a picture.

                Though that's all we have, so there should certainly be more. I'll try to make some tomorow from Seige Part 1 if anyone wants, if I can make any without spoilers.


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  I'll try to make some tomorow from Seige Part 1 if anyone wants, if I can make any without spoilers.
                  I highly doubt we'd turn down screencaps with McKay in them. I know I'd look forward to seeing them.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    It's a nice thank you present, but what scene is it from? The lighting looks quite different though background samey, is it still Hotzone? Because that quite explains his look, very nice - just touching enough, a fear to his expression. Aw, makes me want to hug him! But sadly it's only a picture. Though that's all we have, so there should certainly be more. I'll try to make some tomorow from Seige Part 1 if anyone wants, if I can make any without spoilers.
                    Yes... it's from Hot Zone... an earlier scene... he's yakking with Weir over the communication device... He DOES look very huggable...
                    Good fun these screen caps... but I think my computer is either protesting or thunking at the weight of posting these caps here and in the OTHER thunk thread... It crashed three times today...
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Okay I've got a question: Is McKay really a hypoglycemic? If he is that would explain alot. I looked it up and some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia are:

                      --Feeling hungry or needing to eat very often
                      --Feeling anxious or nervous
                      --Chronic fatigue
                      --Feeling faint
                      --Poor sleep
                      --If unusually severe, fainting

                      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                        Originally posted by GatetheWay
                        Okay I've got a question: Is McKay really a hypoglycemic?
                        It's quite possible. Here's an expanded list of possible symptoms from the Hypoglycemia support pages ( )
                        • fatigue
                        • insomnia
                        • mental confusion
                        • nervousness
                        • mood swings
                        • faintness
                        • headaches
                        • depression
                        • phobias
                        • heart palpitations
                        • a craving for sweets
                        • cold hands and feet
                        • forgetfulness
                        • dizziness
                        • blurred vision
                        • inner trembling
                        • outbursts of temper
                        • sudden hunger
                        • allergies
                        • crying spells

                        That doesn't mean he isn't also a bit of a hypocondriac. That said, hypoglycemia doesn't always result in a dramatic fainting episode and so a person may go their whole life and never get diagnosed. The only reason I knew I was hypoglycemic was because my mom's a nurse and recognized the symptoms.... and there were the dramatic fainting episodes to help draw attention to it.


                          Ok here are the caps. Too many to post to one message for it would kill my server but here's link to server directory and its listing page.

                          All but one are of McKay, so please ignore the one called spoiler_whatisthis (unless you have seen the episode the seige part 1 and want to). Two other McKay pics that are slightly spoilerish and I put spoiler in the name - not spoilery if you've read the gateworld entry though, the short one they had up for months that is rather than the new longer one.

                          Hope they are good enough caps.



                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            Ok here are the caps. Too many to post to one message for it would kill my server but here's link to server directory and its listing page.

                            Very nice, thank you. I'm new to the whole McKay/Hewlett thunk, but find I am enjoying the view immensely. I spend most of my time in the Daniel thunk thread. But I think I need to expand my horizons a little more. So, thanks!



                              Originally posted by strivaria
                              That doesn't mean he isn't also a bit of a hypocondriac
                              At the end of Thirty Eight Minutes, McKay, Ford and Teyla were in the infirmary visiting Sheppard. McKay was taking his pulse and I wondered if he was doing that because he was in the infirmary and it was a nervous reaction, or if he was testing to see if it was speeding up as he was checking out that med tech that walked by.

                              McKay not only has hypoglycemia, he's allergic to citrus and (spoiler for The Defiant One)
                              bee stings.
                              I can see why he can be a little over cautious. No wonder he likes MREs, he probably knows exactly which ones he can and can't eat. A little comfort in not having to worry about that kind of meal.

                              Originally posted by strivaria
                              That said, hypoglycemia doesn't always result in a dramatic fainting episode and so a person may go their whole life and never get diagnosed. The only reason I knew I was hypoglycemic was because my mom's a nurse and recognized the symptoms.... and there were the dramatic fainting episodes to help draw attention to it.
                              Apparently McKay has passed out before from his hypoglycemia. He and Beckett didn't seem surprised about his fainting spell in Hide and Seek. McKay was just embarrassed, not concerned about the actual fainting.

                              McKay can be very focussed, and I can see where he would forget to eat and start showing symptoms. So the munching has become a part of his lifestyle.

                              I think it's interesting that they gave him some real medical problems. It makes him that much more human. I wonder if he may be the only one with such problems in Atlantis. Given that there are so few people in the expedition, you would think they would want people with the fewest medical problems, as well as people having the fewest emotional ties. But you couldn't really leave McKay behind, could you? They needed his knowledge and it would have been very hard to not take him. It's a good thing he really wanted to go to Atlantis.

                              Since you're hypoglycemic, strivaria, I have some questions if you don't mind. How long can you go without eating before you start showing any symptoms? I know it could vary from person to person, but I was just wondering. And how much would you have to eat to alleviate the symptoms?

                              If you fainted from hypoglycemia, and unable to eat, how would your blood sugar be brought back to normal? I believe there's a shot that could be administered. How soon after the shot would you be awake again? Would the one shot be enough, or should there be some sort of follow up?

                              Thanks for any info!
                              Last edited by watcher652; 27 January 2005, 02:10 PM. Reason: add spoiler tag

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                Originally posted by watcher652
                                At the end of Thirty Eight Minutes, McKay, Ford and Teyla were in the infirmary visiting Sheppard. McKay was taking his pulse and I wondered if he was doing that because he was in the infirmary and it was a nervous reaction, or if he was testing to see if it was speeding up as he was checking out that med tech that walked by.
                                I noticed that too, wondered if it was a geeky game to tell who is more attractive by pulse. Anyway maybe he was checking out the sights after being sure he would die.

                                I have a screencap of that odd moment too for anyone who wants to see it.

