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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    It's late, I'm wide awake, I don't have anything to celebrate - that means I can spend some quality time with my Dreamy!Rodney clone and post a few more caps!

    Uhh, looks like Rodney thunked himself in the last pic, not? Like "I'm such a genius! I'm sooo great!" *thunk*

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by watcher652
      Um, don't get mad at this, but I don't think anyone really notices that things are "slow" until people point that out. And "slow" is in the mind of the beholder. I dont think it's slow if a few hours go by without a post. Some of us have jobs that don't allow us to post to fan sites. Instead of complaining that you think it's slow, just give us something to thunk about, McKay or David.

      Personally, I think it's slow when there are posts that go off on tangents that have nothing to do with McKay or David.

      I'm not picking on you, there are others who also complain about "slowness".

      Also, I just thought of this, you have to take into consideration where the people are posting from. You may think "where is everybody?" when in fact they're sleeping as well as taking in account work time.
      Good morning everybody,

      How are you all?

      Watcher, firstly I wanted to say that I respect your opinion and while I do agree with some of the comments made, your post left me feeling a bit odd and made me go away for a while to think about it. In the past if you've said something I didn't quite agree with or thought was a bit off, I've kept my mouth shut because I am generally a non-assertive non-confrontational kinda person (call me cowardly if you must! ) or I subscribe to the old saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing!".

      I have noticed others making this "slow" comment in other threads and I don't personally consider it a complain. I think it was just a light hearted comment and made in reference to the fact that certain threads have a higher posting frequency at certain times.

      It may not personally sit well with you (we all have out pet peeves!) as it comes across as being a complain, which is ok, because everyone is entitled to their opinion.

      I do think that most of us (and Rose of course) here know that we all come from different timezones and have other parts in real life and can't post from work etc and we all respect that. I myself love it that there are so many of us from around the world.

      As for going off on tangents, yes, I have noticed that happening sometimes. But I think we are generally a sensible bunch here and it never goes on for long and most of us to come back to Earth and talk about David/Rodney.

      We are all only human and it's difficult (at least for me) to post here without wanting to offer a greeting, a cheerio or some sort of acknowledgement to my other thunkers, or even at times, to discuss something outside David. I do notice this trend in other threads too. I think this is unavoidable but I don't think it goes overboard as most people know when to stop.

      Anyhow, big apologies to others for this long winded comment, but I come bearing piccies...

      So here is my thunk for the morning:

      After listening to the commentary of The Siege Pt 1, I rewatched it.

      Here is one pic which I love (lightened because the original was really dark):

      I love the expression on their faces - I think it's just after they did the rock paper scissors thing (it's amazing how that is so universal across so many countries - even Asia!)

      Martin Gero mentioned that David did all his stunts (though in sickness) for this episode so here is one of him on the floor:

      A quick thanks to all for the pics posted - and love the talk about everything. Keep them coming. A, love the space suit ones!


        Arlessiar, we have the same pic - how cool! I took my time typing up my post so that's probably why I didn't see your post!

        Great minds think alike, eh?

        Well, here is another gorgeous Rodney pic:

        His ever cute side profile

        That cute curve of the lips

        More will come later.

        Take care all,


          OK, Arlessiar, I just realised I'm posting the same pics as you - sorry - I was not looking at your post and just powering ahead.

          To make up, here is another pic:

          The boys - I love this shot!

          And another pic:

          Rodney giving Radek the finger:

          Take care,


            Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
            where'd everyone just seemed to have died...everyone thunked out or something
            I'm here... but not very talkative this past weekend as I was busy doing Pagan things and celebrating Samhain/Shadowfest. My other quiet periods.... sometimes its just amusing to sit back and cuddle with my own Rodney Clone and watch y'all fuss over getting the real Rodney.

            I've also been preoccupied with arrangements to get home to see my new baby nephew who was born this past Friday. So it's a little distracting around here right now.

            And a happy Halloween/All Hallows Eve and all that. I normally go a little more all out... last year I was an autumn Fairy, complete with wings, but I thought I'd be a bit more subtle this year and just go as a working class Elf.

            As for Rodney's costume.. I figure if he didn't go as a famous science guy, he'd go as one of the Doctors' Who or some other not so mainstream sci-fi show.


              Originally posted by mcalex22
              OK, Arlessiar, I just realised I'm posting the same pics as you - sorry - I was not looking at your post and just powering ahead.
              Well, for a second I was a little pissed, like "Is anyone actually looking at my posts?", but then I laughed. It's really strange and funny that we chose the same ep and the same pics on the same day! And what you said to watcher652's post is very similiar to what I said about it a few posts earlier! You sure we aren't related?

              Posting on this thread is really a phenomenon sometimes. I often noticed that nothing was happening for hours, and once I decided to post some pics a handful of other people decide to do so too in nearly the same minute.
              I tell you girls, we are connected somehow because of the Hewlett Luv!

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Yay! Jumpsuit pics.... that would be clone #12. Thank you both, Arlessar and Alex.


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar
                  -snip- It's really strange and funny that we chose the same ep and the same pics on the same day!
                  I often noticed that nothing was happening for hours, and once I decided to post some pics a handful of other people decide to do so too in nearly the same minute. I tell you girls, we are connected somehow because of the Hewlett Luv!
                  Well... if you notice Rodney and Radek seem to have this brain sharing thing going on where they can talk at each other in half sentences... perhaps it's just a side effect of everyone spending so much time with their Rodneys...

                  ... eh, don't mind me.. I'm not properly caffineated.


                    Me again,

                    Meant to say - uh, Happy Halloween or Happy Hallow's Eve (did I get that right Carylyn?)

                    Since we don't celebrate that here in Oz, can't say I have much experience in it but it is rather fascinating to read about others' experiences (which is another reason why I love the fact that we are all from different parts of the world here).

                    (Arlessiar, once again - I really had no idea we were posting the same pics!)

                    I agree, I'd love to see Rodney in a sheet for Halloween too!

                    So here is a pic to remind us all of that...

                    And another one:

                    And because I love his smile:



                      Originally posted by mcalex22
                      (Arlessiar, once again - I really had no idea we were posting the same pics!)
                      Hey, like I just said, it's no big deal and rather funny!

                      Originally posted by strivaria
                      perhaps it's just a side effect of everyone spending so much time with their Rodneys...
                      Wouldn't it be great if Rodney's genius was contagious? The snark however - not so much...

                      Oh, and congrats to the aunt!

                      Bye, A., who really really has to go to bed now although she'd like to thunk all night long. But it's past 1am here and the still sane part of my brain yells "!" and "You can dream of Rodney there!"
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        I've got my SGA costume today! Don't have a pic at the moment, but this is me wearing it at ComicCon. I also wore my Sorcerer Mickey costume to Disneyland's Halloween party a couple of weeks ago.
                        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                          Originally posted by strivaria
                          As for the Zed vs. Zee... though I'm American, I've taken to calling it a ZedPM lately. When I was making my LJ posts from the convention in Vancouver in April I was even using the Canadian/Brit spellings of things like 'harbour'.. I figured while in Canada.. So, some of it stuck.
                          From the fanfic "Due Rimward" by Paul E. Jamison:

                          "Oh – one more thing. What did you say the Dysk was?"

                          "A theatre, Ray."

                          "A theater, right?"

                          "Yes, Ray. Is there something wrong?"

                          "Oh, no. It's just – why is it that we both pronounce the word the exact same way, but when you say it, it comes out 'theatre', but when I say it, it comes out 'theater'?"


                          The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                          Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                            Originally posted by xfkirsten
                            I've got my SGA costume today! Don't have a pic at the moment, but this is me wearing it at ComicCon. I also wore my Sorcerer Mickey costume to Disneyland's Halloween party a couple of weeks ago.
                            Hey Kirsten,

                            Wanted to say great pic! Nice outfit.

                            Also browsed through the con pics - holy cow, David is sooooo cute....

                            I'm gonna bookmark to your site. Can't help drooling.



                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              I've got my SGA costume today! Don't have a pic at the moment, but this is me wearing it at ComicCon. I also wore my Sorcerer Mickey costume to Disneyland's Halloween party a couple of weeks ago.
                              Me again... I should add, maybe you should post some of those lovely photos here - and all over the threads (eg the Jason thread) if you haven't already - lucky you!

                              And Arlessiar, you are right - we seem to be in sync - must be a random Hewlett love thing going on

                              Anyhow, thunking wise....

                              From the brotherhood...

                              Ok so he's giving this look to Alina...

                              Giving Shep his I'm sorry look:

                              And coz I love his lashes:

                              You can tell I'm not working much today - actually it's sort of a festive season (no not halloween) more like something called Melbourne Cup day so people are sort of in a celebratory mode.



                                Thanks!! I actually got incredibly shy when I saw Jason... my friend (who's also big into SG-1 and SGA) insisted that I ask for a photo... and in the end, he had to go over to Jason and ask for me! I'm glad he did, though.

                                Here's DH and PM, just after the panel ended...

                                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art

