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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I popped in to say MCKAY RULES


      Originally posted by McKay's girl

      This pic is great! I love all the pics here...I have been hunting one where McKay is fussing with Ronon...I love that!

      Happy McKay Day to all.
      *ponders updating sig*


        Mckay day?? have I missed something


          Originally posted by Arlessiar
          Sadly nothing more about "Grace under pressure", but there's a spoiler for "Critical Mass". It's the episode where
          a new female scientist joins Rodney's team, and from what I can read about this it seems as if Rodney soon has a crush on her!
          According to the gateworld page on Critical Mass :
          The Allison/crush part has been rewritten to a Cadmen/probably Carson crush part.
          Some of those spoiler places are out of date or conjecture, and are sometimes just plain made up so I try to take them with a grain of salt.
          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


            I don't think that Rodney is the sort of guy to have "normal" friendships. The kind where you go out to the bar for drinks or go play basketball after work, that sort of male friendship. During Duet
            when "McKay" asked Beckett to have dinner with him and Katie Brown, Beckett was surprised and confused because McKay had never done anything like that before.

            I think he is able to develop the sort of deep friendships that one can make, where you are concerned for one another and you go out of your way to help someone. That's the sort of unspoken friendship though, and that's why he'll say he doesn't have friends.
            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


              Originally posted by aaobuttons
              According to the gateworld page on Critical Mass :
              The Allison/crush part has been rewritten to a Cadmen/probably Carson crush part.
              Some of those spoiler places are out of date or conjecture, and are sometimes just plain made up so I try to take them with a grain of salt.
              Ok, thanks for letting me know!
              Phew, one less thing to worry about!
              Originally posted by aaobuttons
              I think he is able to develop the sort of deep friendships that one can make, where you are concerned for one another and you go out of your way to help someone. That's the sort of unspoken friendship though, and that's why he'll say he doesn't have friends.
              That's an explanation I really like!
              Just like Rose I was a little disappointed that DH said that he doesn't want McKay to make friends. For me it always felt as if he has made friends already, although he wouldn't admit it openly, maybe not even to himself. Judging from fanfic or this board many other people seem to think that too.

              For me it feels as if he already has a bond with some people on Atlantis which I would call friendship. Maybe not the "let's hang out together" friendship that is plain to see, but a more silent, deep and true friendship instead, where you really care for someone or help him if you feel that he needs that. Where you can feel good or consoled in each other's presence. Where you go through difficult times together and find comfort in each other.
              Maybe DH means that he wouldn't like Rodney to become soft and admit that he has friends or could, heaven forbid, need someone else than himself or depend on other people. Maybe he just wants him to stay the good old annoying McKay for a little longer, who has his problems with social behaviour and doesn't go along very well with others. I'm sure he doesn't mind the slow changes in Rodney's characters (which IMHO are inevitable if the character's ought to stay convincing and believable), but they must be really slow and with many setbacks before McKay can ever admit that he really has friends or someone he really cares about, or that there are people who actually care about him.
              There are so many possible explanations out there why Rodney is the way he is, and I think it's a fact that Rodney is a very complex character. That's what makes him so interesting for me. But I would hate it if he never evolved the slightest bit. Yes, Rodney will and should never be an easy, outgoing guy or "Mr. Social". But it would be strange if life on Atlantis had not even a little influence on him in the long run. I really think it has already begun.

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~



                great piccys everyone...that cake with mckay jumpin' outta it sure looks tasty...mckay, not the cake

                oh and i am sorry, but rodney is currently tied up on my bed...but you will get him back soon


                  I sometimes have a debate in my head about Rodney and Radek, maybe some of you want to join the fun. Does Rodney have that friend feeling towards Radek, or is it all business with just the blessing that Radek is less stupid? Sometimes when I see them together, it's playful banter like with John, but then other times, he just yells and orders and degrades like he does to all the other scientists. Thoughts?
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    It's funny, this thread has times when you nearly can't catch up on the new posts and times in which nothing happens for hours!

                    Sorry, had no time for new caps, so some old ones again:

                    Hey MG, is this Kiss or Lick in the first pic???

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      A, i believe that is Lick


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        I had to rename it to Lick because Pat's the name of someone on this thread
                        Who? Who? Um, I think it is Kiss actually.

                        I'm back and GW is still slow.

                        Originally posted by Explorerwinds
                        Happy McKay Day to all.
                        It's always a Happy McKay day here.


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          Ok, thanks for letting me know!
                          Phew, one less thing to worry about!
                          That's an explanation I really like!
                          Huh! I knew I had read that somewhere and yes it was here in the episode spoilers. They did decide to make it Carson instead of Rodney and Cadman instead of a whole new character.

                          Just like Rose I was a little disappointed that DH said that he doesn't want McKay to make friends.
                          It was more surprise then disappointment, I was just surprised an actor would say that, what actor doesn't want to be challenged and DH strikes me as an actor who needs to be challenged, it seemed an odd thing to say.

                          Maybe DH means that he wouldn't like Rodney to become soft and admit that he has friends or could, heaven forbid, need someone else than himself or depend on other people. Maybe he just wants him to stay the good old annoying McKay for a little longer, who has his problems with social behaviour and doesn't go along very well with others.
                          I remember DH said he had someone come up to him and say (paraphrase) don't let them change him. Maybe DH has taken this a little too seriously, but again in S2 Rodney has changed in fact Rodney has change a lot since SG-1 so I don't have a problem with the continuing changes, personality wise I would like to keep the snarky Rodney but just not so much the simpering Rodney. I want him to kill a Wraith and mean it my plan would go like this...I will spoiler because I want this to happen in S2 second half after TLB.

                          I want Rodney to be the one that pulls the trigger on the so-called Queen Wraith.

                          All the way leading up to the start of Season 2 we have had John and Rodney realising how much they both put themselves at risk for each other and Atlantis. John obviously because that is why he is there, but Rodney not so much, Rodney just happened to be the one with the knowledge that ultimately leads to him figuring out how to save Atlantis. (I know that is also why he is there ).

                          For Rodney to feel like he has John's trust fully again he needs to be the one to save him and I don't want it to be through his intelligence I want it to be through brut force and/or the barrel of a gun.

                          Of course I absolutely realise this will never happen but that is what I want to see.


                            You guys, give DH a break. When was this interview? Like early season 1?! I think he just ment he didn't want McKay to loose his snarky edge which was the same fear I had at the time. Ofcourse inorder to have a character like McKAy be likably he has to change. Don't go over analizing something that was said jokingly in an interview a year ago.

                            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                              Hey everyone,

                              Love the birthday cakes and pics around!!! Rodney in a head - good enough to eat...

                              Here are Rodney pics - been working on the Aurora caps again:

                              I just love it when he's snarky:

                              And again the snark goes on:

                              I thought this was a cute pic: Rodney smiling, Shep has that Here he goes again pic and Elizabeth has that - there they go again!

                              Take care,


                                Another pic - not purely McKay but the expressions are hillarious:

                                NB Got this cap from Merentha - lucky girl gets SGA on HDTV in Canada!

                                I love Rodney's woobie-like expression here and John's hair just standing up - he looks like he's had enough of Rodney's talking Teyla and Ronon look like they're used to all the snarking.

