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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    well i am getting ready to head out for dinner...yep, rodney is taking me out and then who knows what after


      Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
      Ha! I slept in until around noon. God, I love not having classes on Friday.

      Rodney likes sleeping in too. Can you blame him?
      If I was sleeping next to him, what am I saying there would be no sleeping going on! *ouch* it hurts to thunk this early when I haven't had my coffee.

      *Party loved the lyrics if I didn't know better I would say Trey Parker was involved* Hmm, Trey is there nothing he cannot do. Oops sorry wrong forum.


        Originally posted by watcher652
        Nice interview with David in the Feb 2005 issue of Starlog magazine #331. Jennifer Garner as Elecktra is on the cover. Now on news stands in the US.

        Some quotes to tempt you:

        "When you first meet people, it's black and white. Your first sense of McKay is, 'Oh, this is an obnoxious, misogynist jerk.' But if you get stuck in an elevator with someone, you're going to see other sides of them. [The Stargate characters] get to prove themselves, make fools of themselves, make mistakes and correct them. McKay goes through so much in this show. It's not so much that he softens; you're just seeing other sides of him. No one can be that obnoxious all the time. There's more than just the arrogant astrophysist in there."

        "Frankly, I wouldn't want McKay to have a friend. What, he's going to be nice to them? There's some dull science fiction!"

        "You'll laugh at this analogy, but he's a bit like Neo in The Matrix. Neo is this nerd who suddenly discovers that he has to save the universe. Well, McKay, in a way, sees himself like that. He's the chosen scientist who's going to have to fix all this stuff. It's his time in the Sun."

        Full page photo of McKay and his gun from Childhood's End. Another large photo as the mist-McKay from Home. Smaller photos from Rising, Thirty Eight Minutes, Underground, Home, The Eye, Sanctuary. (Just identifying them because I'm pleased I recognize all the photos except the second photo on the bottom of Sheppard and McKay. Maybe it's from Before I Sleep, I haven't seen that one yet).
        O.K I know this is old but I wasn't around then and hadn't seen SGA, I also find this snippet interesting given what the character has gone through in the first half of Season 2. *Trying to avoid anything spoilery*

        David is right about the "Frankly, I wouldn't want McKay to have a friend" but of course a lot of us do think he is now friends with Dr Beckett and Col Sheppard, well as much as an annoying obnoxious scientist can be! So I guess I am wondering if we see this as dull or do we see it as growth?

        I found that comment from David interesting, I know the actors would not have that much say if any in the direction of their characters but I get from this that David thinks maybe McKay shouldn't grow and develop so much as to change his basic characteristics (which of course is right) but then I wonder can you play the same character for 6 years without that kind of growth, wont that in-fact be what becomes "[snip] some dull science fiction".

        Also the
        "Well, McKay, in a way, sees himself like that. He's the chosen scientist who's going to have to fix all this stuff. It's his time in the Sun"
        does seem to be the way the writers have gone with the character, and I think in "Trinity" we see where this has lead him, this way of thinking or looking at his place in history.

        No I don't want McKay to start being a happy go lucky guy but I do want him to be human, and to do that he needs to grow to see things from other people's prospective.
        Again I think in "Trinity" he does start to see that when he realises what his actions did to his 'friendship' with John and for that matter with Elizabeth, IMO if it was the SG-1 McKay I think he would of ignored it and just moved on with the next thing.

        I see him in SG-1 as being much different a man then the man we see in The Lost Boys, and I may not always agree with the way the writers portray him *too much of the cliche science buffoon in S2* but I think they are aware he cannot tread water.


          Tonight's caps are from the extras on Nothing... basically a little documentary on Vincenzo, Andrew and David and their friendship and how the movie came about. Some of these I've seen elsewhere, but really... you can't have to many of these caps:

          Sullen teenager DH

          Boonie DH

          A blurry but familiar pose.. if you've seen Duet. And he's got Sheppard hair!

          Speaking of hats... how about DH and a cowboy hat....

          There's a few more... 10 in all, to include a couple from Elevated, here.


            i loved watching Condemned tonite (again) and seeing all that bondage rodney...mmmmm....bondage rodney, that's what i haven't done for my bday yet


              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              David is right about the "Frankly, I wouldn't want McKay to have a friend" but of course a lot of us do think he is now friends with Dr Beckett and Col Sheppard, well as much as an annoying obnoxious scientist can be! So I guess I am wondering if we see this as dull or do we see it as growth?

              I found that comment from David interesting, I know the actors would not have that much say if any in the direction of their characters but I get from this that David thinks maybe McKay shouldn't grow and develop so much as to change his basic characteristics (which of course is right) but then I wonder can you play the same character for 6 years without that kind of growth, wont that in-fact be what becomes "[snip] some dull science fiction".
              I for one would find it very dull if Rodney never made any deep friendships on the show! Rodney is sort of the "investment character" for me on Atlantis - I see all his faults and I see all the good qualities that lie deeper and I want to see good things happen for him. Granted, I don't want to see him become sweet and sappy and lose his snarky edge, but I would like to see him break down and truly trust people. Right now I'm not so sure he deeply and completely trusts anyone other than himself.

              But right now I could see how DH would think that McKay doesn't have any friends. Oh, he has colleagues, sure - Zelenka, Carson, Shep - and he can argue and snark with them, but I don't think he personally sees them as his friends. Rodney seems more the guy who gravitates toward certain people, but it would take a blow to the head for him to admit they were his friend. Such an attitude can be seen in plenty of people, especially men.


                oh look, Rodney is waiting for me i wonder what he has planned tonite before i have to give him back to MG



                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  Rodney seems more the guy who gravitates toward certain people, but it would take a blow to the head for him to admit they were his friend. Such an attitude can be seen in plenty of people, especially men.
                  Well that is an interesting perspective. Hasn't he had a few blows to the head?

                  I think with John you can argue they will never admit it (that they are friends) but Carson I see as being different, he is a much more up front kinda character with his emotions. I don't think Rodney would have a choice. Although I do remember in was it "Runner" (?) when

                  Lorne made the comment about Ford being Rodney's friend and Rodney's lame (embarrassed) reaction.

                  I guess he just doesn't know which way is up when it comes to personal relationships. But he needs friends or he will go nuts! Again.


                    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                    oh look, Rodney is waiting for me i wonder what he has planned tonite before i have to give him back to MG

                    Don't give him back! Hide him. Make her beg for him. *Oops I think I better hide*


                      oooooooooooh, good idea Rose

                      *hides Rodney from MG*

                      *evil laugh* MG, when you read this, you must beg for him back...muahahahaha...blame Rose, it was her idea

                      g'nite all!


                        Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
                        Ha! I slept in until around noon. God, I love not having classes on Friday.

                        Rodney likes sleeping in too. Can you blame him?

                        Well, actually, Rodney's unconscious from having a direct hit to the face with a Wraith stunner. When he wakes up, he's paralyzed and can't speak. Not much fun for the poor guy.

                        Now this is a sleeping Rodney.

                        From Before I Sleep.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          hehehehe, yup, that's how rodney is in my...uh...bed right now and i am about to join him


                            Originally posted by watcher652
                            Now this is a sleeping Rodney.


                            From Before I Sleep.
                            No that is a Sleeping Beauty, oh he is so gorgeous when he is sleeping.

                            PM I am willing to take the heat if I get him after your done, otherwise your on your own.


                              sure sure...fair when i am done with him, you want me just to give him to you instead of MG???


                                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                                sure sure...fair when i am done with him, you want me just to give him to you instead of MG???
                                YES! Of course I am well aware you wont be finished with him for ages. I can wait. I'm going to snag Jonas!

