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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Hi alyssa, good to see you on the thread! And Mcalex - great pics as always.
    But I must tell you both that I envy you sooo much that you get to see THEM! Especially you, Alex - you'll see David! Wow, I'm so jealous! I hope you'll write a detailed report when you're back from the con!
    Yes that can never be said enough.

    alyssa, I have to say it too where have you been?
    I have been be-moaning and just plain moaning about not being able to go to the BOBW con to see David H and Paul M in here and in the Calling all Australian's thread for weeks and weeks.

    Joe and Torri sound good (he is still going to Brissie too) but David and Paul sound so much better.
    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Rose? You in bed already?
    Haha, I can see in your location that Rodney has found you already after I let him go! Isn't he a good boy? Goes from one fangirl to another and doesn't try to escape! Maybe we're too good to him?
    Ah, we are good girls, we cherish and pamper him...

    Bye, A.
    Yes I have people staying with me, no one important just my sister. I did lurk a little, hehe glad you like the sig, it had to be done oh and in case you don't know the first pic is Dr Who and Capt Jack They kissed and I went *Squee*

    In fact that is funny because David Hewlett mentions in an interview that he thought maybe the SGA kiss was the first Male/Male kiss in SciFi but then this Dr Who episode was screened before the SGA one and the Dr Who one is really a Male/Male kiss unlike the SGA one. Well I found it funny.

    And. yes Rodney is very well trained.


      Rose, Rodney is not a dog, he cannot be trained...well, maybe he can just a little bit...

      come rodney, sit rodney, stay rodney...


        and WOOT! i soooo cannot wait for this next friday...cuz it is DUET!!!! i love it when they show the repeats, although i wish i had the second half of season 2, but repeats are okay when you are waiting such a loooooong time


          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
          and WOOT! i soooo cannot wait for this next friday...cuz it is DUET!!!! i love it when they show the repeats, although i wish i had the second half of season 2, but repeats are okay when you are waiting such a loooooong time
          Oh poor you! I don't get to see any repeats of any eps at all, unless I would love to see 'Duet' on the um, larger screen. Mostley for the *6 seconds of bliss*


            of course, gotta see Duet because of the "6 seconds of bliss"

            but, if ya can't see it on TV then why not here on GW

            and how about a random (yet funny) piccy



              Poor David he's thighs must have been hurting after that scene.


                Originally posted by Drwho'srose

                Poor David he's thighs must have been hurting after that scene.
                Don't you think David and Joe look like they'd have fun working together? The expressions in that pic.....
                Also, stupid question --- I'm sure all you 'serious' fans know this, but I was reading interviews yesterday and they mention David's girlfriend Jane. Isn't he married?? Was he married???


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  Don't you think David and Joe look like they'd have fun working together? The expressions in that pic.....
                  Also, stupid question --- I'm sure all you 'serious' fans know this, but I was reading interviews yesterday and they mention David's girlfriend Jane. Isn't he married?? Was he married???
                  Well as watcher652 and others have said this isn't really the appropriate place to talk about David's personal life but he was married and is now with Jane. Can we not mention his gf again I really feel uncomfortable talking about his personal life here.


                    Look it's Rodney.

                    Look it isn't Rodney.

                    I have to leave. Yea! I hear you say well Pfft! to you.

                    See ya.


                      awwww, bye Rose

                      cya laters


                        Hello all,

                        It's a beautiful sunday in Sydney but I have to stay in and study This is what you get for working and studying at the same time ie no social life!!!

                        Anyhow, a couple of things I wanted to say:

                        I know Watcher mentioned Derry a couple of weeks ago - just so you know, she made another another video recently concentrating on Rodney and Rodney only!!! It's awfully cute and a great delight to watch - all the Rodney moments. It even inspired me to do some HD caps from Season 1.

                        The vid is at Derry's LJ but let me know if you wanna know how to get there.

                        Next, oh, here are some Rodney caps:

                        I've posted a 4 pages on my LJ and have to say, compared to the response I got from the Shep caps, the Rodney ones have had a PHENOMENAL response - lots and lots of Rodney admirers out there... shucks!

                        Well, I have to study hard now.

                        Take care,


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          In fact that is funny because David Hewlett mentions in an interview that he thought maybe the SGA kiss was the first Male/Male kiss in SciFi but then this Dr Who episode was screened before the SGA one and the Dr Who one is really a Male/Male kiss unlike the SGA one. Well I found it funny.
                          And. yes Rodney is very well trained.

                          I'm sorry if this is a little bit off topic, but is this a new Dr Who episode w/ a kiss that you're talking about? I've been wondering when and where the latest eps would ever be shown in the U.S. and I don't really have any information about them at all. I haven't seen any of them since the first few eps of Sylvester McCoy ages ago. I really miss it.
                          And I'd certainly like to see m/m kisses. We don't get enough of them over here.

                          Originally posted by mcalex22
                          The vid is at Derry's LJ but let me know if you wanna know how to get there.
                          I'd like to know, please. I've also been wondering if there would be any second season videos any time soon. They were so wonderful last season.


                            Originally posted by smushybird
                            I'm sorry if this is a little bit off topic, but is this a new Dr Who episode w/ a kiss that you're talking about? I've been wondering when and where the latest eps would ever be shown in the U.S. and I don't really have any information about them at all. I haven't seen any of them since the first few eps of Sylvester McCoy ages ago. I really miss it.
                            And I'd certainly like to see m/m kisses. We don't get enough of them over here.
                            Off-Topic - Firstly just for the Mods this kiss could happen in any Dr Who episode. It's not a spoiler!

                            It is from the new Dr Who, Series 1 (or 27 as I call it because I am old). The kiss in my sig (first pic) is the Dr (Christopher Eccleston) on the left and Capt Jack (John Barrowman, yum. ) on the right. As far as I know the US will not get to see the new Series anytime soon, no-one has brought the rights but I think Canada has shown it.

                            Back on topic.

                            OMG! That is a great pic his eyes wow love those eyes. Um, bummer spending a bright Sydney day in doors studying. Raining here. It always rains here!


                              Originally posted by smushybird

                              I'd like to know, please. I've also been wondering if there would be any second season videos any time soon. They were so wonderful last season.
                              Hi there,

                              The link is here:


                              Just scroll down to the vid released on 8/10/05 - it's made to the music "You may think" by the Cars. Guess I must be young or something - I've never heard of them, but the tune is pretty catchy. It's actually a snippet of Rodney expressions scenes from SG1 48 hours and Redemption, all the way to SGA S1 and S2. She called it "Everybody loves Rodney" and yes, it may be spoilerish for some S2 epis.

                              Just beware it is a rather huge file - if you're on dialup it will take ages to download. But I think it's a must for any Rodney fan... Don't forget to let Derry know how much you love it.

                              Anyhow, here is more Rodney:

                              As someone said on my LJ, there is such thing as Death by Eyelash...

                              Thunk Thunk!

                              Take care,

                              PS, thanks for the green Rose and hope you love the above piccies!


                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                Just scroll down to the vid released on 8/10/05 - it's made to the music "You may think" by the Cars. Guess I must be young or something - I've never heard of them
                                What? You have never heard of The Cars!?! O.K now I do feel old. Hmm, never heard Drive or Shake it up? O.K they are not really my "cup of tea" but wow never heard of The Cars.

                                Originally posted by mcalex22


                                As someone said on my LJ, there is such thing as Death by Eyelash...

                                Thunk Thunk!

                                Take care,
                                *Thunk* I am dying here guys, Ooh and his little mole. I am so going to give that mole a name.

