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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
    Yeah! They are all over...he's so messy but we must make allowances for geniuses, i guess

    Is it sad that his house bears a striking resemblance to my room? Although, mine might actually be a little bit better, because I have everything organized into neat little piles, for the most part.

    I agree that I want to see Rodney's quarters in Atlantis, it must be a mess! But his lab always seems so clean and tidy, I wonder why there's a difference there?

    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


      If y'all haven't seen it yet, check it out ; it's one person's account of their set visit to SGA. She's got lots of interesting things to say about David. I swear, the more I read about him, the more I like him.

      And sorry to hear about your breakage Porthos... hope you mend quickly and as painlessly as possible. And Emmett is just plain surprised to hear about it:

      And now that my caffeine has worn off, I might actually get some sleep... G'night folks...

      Ahh... before I forget... thank you for the Traders caps Watcher, I just love the way DH looks. Will have to get that S1 set next time I've got some spare change.


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        I always wanted to have a ginger cat and they're pretty much always male. Looking forward to photos.
        Come visit America sometime. I know someone who'd love to meet you:

        That's Clancy Finn McCool. I gave him such a fine name but I started calling him The Swatter for his enormous orange paws and his tendency to pop anything and anyone with them.

        Of course, he's not ginger, but Rodney's kitty Jane is back here on earth, waiting for him. Because I'm sure the brunette neighbor is very very nice, but there's no substitute for Rodney.

        not so ancient

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          Here...have another wonderful pic of that darling Dr. McKay

          And here is another that you all might want to is linked due to some is a pic from Season 2!



            Aw, that is so cute, I am a cat girl too. I have a female ginger called wait for it *Scully* yeah X-Files ginger hair, hehe. I also have a moggy, that is a bit of this and a bit of that. I love the DH has a kitty. Ah, I just love DH! HELP!

            Sorry to here about your toes "Porthos1013" I broke my big toe when I was a kid that can really hurt! You would think something so small wouldn't hurt mine also swelled up and they couldn't plaster it or anything. Get better soon.


              Originally posted by strivaria
              If y'all haven't seen it yet, check it out ; it's one person's account of their set visit to SGA. She's got lots of interesting things to say about David. I swear, the more I read about him, the more I like him.
              Oh my gosh, what an amazing link! I don't think that I could stand that much personal attention from David without fainting or something equally embarrassing That girl is soooo lucky. The DH pics were great too...especially the one where he has the candy fangs on! Thanks for spreading the link Strivaria!
              Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
              :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                I don't think that I could stand that much personal attention from David without fainting or something equally embarrassing
                LOL, I know! I doubt I'd have made it the full day with that kind of attention... I'd be a little puddle of happy fangirl goo.


                  Originally posted by strivaria
                  LOL, I know! I doubt I'd have made it the full day with that kind of attention... I'd be a little puddle of happy fangirl goo.
                  Haha! Me too. That much personal contact in one 24 hr period could take days to recover from.


                    Originally posted by Porthos1013
                    Waah! I feel like crap, because a couple of hours ago, I broke two toes on my left foot and strained another! How am I going to wrangle a bunch of 10 to 12 year olds when I'm on crutches??? <cry, sob>
                    Oh dear, I just strained a toe a few years ago and it hurt enough to drive me mad. The pain lessened a good deal soon but it took forever til it faded away completely. So, I hope you're feeling better soon! All the best!

                    Originally posted by Porthos1013
                    Okay, now on to the discussion: I have had dreams about Rodney, too. But they're always in the context of McWeir, is that strange?
                    Yup, it is. Or maybe you see yourself as Weir in these dreams?

                    Originally posted by Porthos1013
                    And QueenKale, I second the question about where you got that cap!
                    Yes, I'd like to know that, too. Where is it from?
                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                      Here...have another wonderful pic of that darling Dr. McKay
                      Thanks for posting these pics. I'm so damned nervous at the moment because in two day I have the first of three oral exams for my degree, and I feel like there are ants living in my stomach at the moment. Looking at RM/DH calms me a lot, or should I say, distracts me by making me think of other things...

                      In return here is a pic of our dear Dr. McKay while doing essential things: Eating. I like the ways he's holding the fork...

                      Bye, A.
                      Attached Files
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        On the cursing issue.

                        I just can't see McKay doing much of it, he'd never fit write with say things like 'darn' either. He insults alot but it is with wit (albiet sarcasm) and he used such a wide vocabularly he doesn't need to actually swear. In fact they'd be getting off light if he only swore rather than verbally tearing them down.

                        There are a few words I can imagine him using for choice people B****** for Kolya and maybe B**** for some female character. But they'd have to have done something really bad, hence why I can see him swearing about Kolya.

                        Apart from those I can only see real swearing as the last resort. I can picture him saying F*** but it'd have to be over something amazingly bad, so shocking or terrible and sudden that he'd have nothing to say on it apart from that. And I'm betting there's nearly nothing that could reduce his brain function to such words or have no solution so that he'd be left with just that. Possible but extreme.

                        Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                        Almost on page 2! Hopefully this may stir up conversation. I admit that I have not read this whole thread so if this was already discussed I'll delete.

                        I was re-reading DH's latest interview and this paragraph confused me a little:

                        DH: My fear when I got the role actually confronted me when we were at ComicCon. A fan walked up to me and said, “Don’t lose McKay.” And we have to watch for that. He doesn’t say or do the right thing. He’s a misogynist, and he doesn’t play well with others. As long as you maintain that you’re okay.

                        I guess I never really thought about McKay as being a misogynist. Yeah, the way he treated Carter could be contrued as such but, but I took his treatment of her and comments as more of a "dumb blonde" or "beautiful women aren't smart" stereotype rather than hostility towards women in general. Course I haven't read the transcipts in awhile so I might be missing some key phrases.

                        And I really don't see misogynistic behavior from him on Atlantis either. He tends to treat his science team, women and men alike, with the same egotistical and snarky attitude. He certainly doesn't treat Teyla or Elizabeth with undue hostility, in fact he seems to have a lot of repect for them. What do you guys think? DH said it himself so I wonder what exactly he meant....if only we could still ask questions for the special. I missed that by a mile!
                        Hmm. I'd say his behaviour in SG1 was misogynistic but that doesn't make him a misogynist exactly, especially not having seem any more behaviour to support that.

                        McKay's alot of things, arrogant, grating, socially inept, but if they had him suddenly be misogynstic out of a decent context for it (like the Sam comments) then I'd be sorely dissaponited. Really apart from a possible presumption that women don't know what they're doing (which many women have disproved to him - Carter, Weir, Teyla, scientists in his department) anything else wouldn't seem logical. Infact even that would seem out of character to me. I couldn't picture McKay falling for such ideas when surely he could appreciate a brain's a brain, intelligence isn't based on gender and I doubt he'd want any intelligence wasted or refused simply because of gender. I think he usually judges people on their own merits, though he might have preconceived notions for the military which are being taken down by what he's seen on Atlantis.

                        And for anyone interested there's an interivew with Jaime Ray Newman on Duet that has a few interesting comments in.

                        Anyway, I was browsing some scifi magazine in WHSmith's today when I had time to kill before meeting a friend and read something interesting in an Atlantis interview with Martin Wood. S2 spoilers that should get some good discussion going.
                        he refered to "Trinity" where Mckay's overconfidence backfires - he has to save the day and doesn't manage to!


                          Originally posted by watcher652
                          Where is that photo from?
                          I'm pretty sure that's from "The Life Before This" - my caps for that coming soon

                          And poor Porthos! It hurt quite a bit when I almost broke all my toes a few years ago (yes all of them at once nearly, I launched off into the school pool not realising quite how shallow it was and didn't get a chance to straighten my feet out so my toes took my weight. Thankfully nothing broke, just got my toenails rammed into my toes. Lots of blood but nothing lasting. Also hurt a fair amount when I drunkenly used lump of concrete as a football - hurt like hell all night but being drunk I left it, wasn't broken but I sure did something considering I can't bend my big toe nowadays... ) Anyway, I really can't imagine just how painful breaking 2 toes is but eek it sounds awful and I'll endeavour to make haste on the DH caps for you.
                          Last edited by Purpleyin; 22 June 2005, 04:45 AM.


                            Originally posted by not so ancient
                            Come visit America sometime. I know someone who'd love to meet you:

                            Awww. That's such a sweet looking cat! Making me catsick now, I gotta say good bye to the neighbours cat when I move in 8 days It's a lovely ginger/white sort of like your cat but less fluffy. I cant wait until next year after uni, can actually have a cat agian then.

                            Oh and I finished reading the tour blog - so amazing, can't wait until she's allowed to put up the spoilery photos. And David... he sounds a handleful but so nice too.


                              Originally posted by strivaria
                              If y'all haven't seen it yet, check it out ; it's one person's account of their set visit to SGA. She's got lots of interesting things to say about David. I swear, the more I read about him, the more I like him.
                              I read this set report this morning and I can't tell you how I envy these two women!
                              I'd like to experience something like that, although I'm quite sure there would be happening so much at once, my brain would never be able to worship every moment as it should. One great impression after another, I would either go crazy or just live through it as if it was a dream, not realizing that it's actually happening!
                              I love it that DH seems to be quite the joker, but I guess that would be hard for me when meeting him, just because of the language. Maybe I wouldn't get every joke and look extremly dumb! And since I love to counter jokes I'd be devastated when I don't have the right words to do so!

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by watcher652
                                Where is that photo from?
                                Originally posted by Porthos1013
                                And QueenKale, I second the question about where you got that cap! I have to admit, I may not like DH with a full beard, but some scruffy stubble really does it for me!
                                Ahh, I didn't even know my post made it through, I was having issues with the forum yesterday...anyways, I nipped the photo from #1 David Hewlett Fansite. It's apparently from 'Life before This,' (aww, Purpleyin beat me to it) there's tons more photos over there, even one's with him robbing a bank, if I'm not mistaken Here
                                Here's another one similar to that one: It's from 'Survivors,' heehee, I love the retro-y glasses

                                That's Clancy Finn McCool. I gave him such a fine name but I started calling him The Swatter for his enormous orange paws and his tendency to pop anything and anyone with them.
                                Awww, what a cute name!! And perfect for such a cute kitty I've started calling my Rodney, Rodders, but I always give my pets nick names. My dog's name is Belle, so I call her Belle-erina and my other cat Perky is Perk-cules (like Hercules)

                                "Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.
                                The most important product of his effort is his own personaility."-Erich Framm
                                "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing
                                Only I will remain."

