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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    nothing I'd really want to talk about at's nothing much really
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      ahh ok well hope everything is ok
      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


        Hey Guys,

        sorry not been around much. i've been watching, just not had anything to say.

        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
        Hmm, right....
        At least my comment showed up.

        Originally Posted by JuneBug625
        Is anyone else annoyed that there are no actor commentaries for any of the eps on the season 3 DVD?
        I was wondering about that too, especially since....

        Originally Posted by sueKay
        As far as I'm aware, David has said he'd done a few commentaries
        ... I think that I remember him saying something like that too. Or was that for ADB?

        I so wanted to hear David's comment on "Tao" and "M&MM".
        I'm sure Paul McGillian said he had just gotten back from doing some communites at the start of the last interview on gateworld. It will be a right shame and waste if there are none on the DVD's.

        Really glad David won the spacy. So happy for him.

        Sig made by Suekay.


          Back home, yeah!

          And David twittered, but he didn't mention the Spacey's! Maybe he'll do so later as he has the day off.

          dhewlett: Cup of tea and a late Atlantis today! Back to Spoils of War tomorrow.

          He drinks tea. I like that. Me too. Although I started drinking coffee when I started working. Sometimes I really need that stuff to stay awake, and then I worship it like the holy grail. Weird.

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            I'm having a cup of green tea right now. I find tea soothing and coffee the opposite.

            This thread has been mighty busy this past evening and morning....Must be that SPACEY that MCKAY/HEWLETT WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              You guys are a howl!

              And hey, did you hear thatDR. RODNEY MCKAY WON THE SPACEY FOR FAVORITE CHARACTER???


                Finally seen the vid!!

                Still wiping away the tears!!

                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  im so happy david won it!!!!!!!
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                    You guys are a howl!

                    And hey, did you hear thatDR. RODNEY MCKAY WON THE SPACEY FOR FAVORITE CHARACTER???

                    he didn't!?!

                    OMG, that is so cool


                    I LOVE YOU SPACEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Finally seen the vid!!
                      Still wiping away the tears!!
                      Yeah, me too! Just saw it and OMG that man IS CRAZY!!! A 100% actor, he's not afraid to embarrass himself, he just does the job. And has obviously fun doing it. I bet he was hoarse after shooting the acceptance speech a few times. Ah, this nice girlish screaming!

                      The rest of the awards was funny too, like the cast fighting for the award, David talking in geek-speak (the first seconds of that were missing in the vid unfortunately), the presentation of Rodney McKay, and the presenters liking SGA.

                      Four things I didn't like that much
                      Keller, Carter (sorry for mentioning it again, but these two always spoil my S4 excitement (which I do have deep inside) when I see them, somehow they don't seem to belong to that set), the uniforms (although Rachel looks damn hot in it!) and the JF 'star comment'

                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                        Don't know what to think about the fact that he answered a fan's question directly. ...And ok, he probably answered this one because it's such a general question. But still, this answering thing is dangerous imho, because as soon as you treat the fans differently, you have to deal with things like envy and people feeling privileged.
                        I wondered about that too.


                        YAY!!!! DAVID AND SGA CAST WON SPACEYS!!!

                        Willow, thanks for the caps. It will be a while before I can see the vid.

                        sig by Pandora's_Box


                          I knew it! It's his day off after all and he HAD to comment on this!

                          David updated his website with the Spaceys thing.

                          But he doesn't say that much about it. Instead he continues with shameless self-promotion. More about Glastonbury (he has to work, so he can't go. And poor darling will be without his Jane. Man, they're addicted to each other! Seems he constantly has to be around her. *g*), a review website (I won't visit because I haven't seen the film yet) and the blogger's choice award.

                          You gotta admire that man when it comes to self-promotion. You know, David should be responsible for the SGA promotion and not the people who are in charge now, and the ratings wouldn't be a problem anymore! He'd find ways to tell everybody on Earth about the show.

                          But: Hey David, where's the bouncing and squeeing because of the award?

                          But what he had to say about ADB shocked me. Maybe only a North America release? Noooooo, say that isn't true! He says nothing's official yet, but still... I get the feeling that I might never see that film.

                          Bye, A.
                          Last edited by Arlessiar; 11 June 2007, 11:25 AM.
                          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                            Oh yeah! DH should be responsible for promoting SGA!
                            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                            Sig and avi by me


                              Has someone youtubed it yet? My computer sucks and I couldn't dl that clip. Thanks and Yay! McKay!!

                              "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                              My clone:
                              Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                ^ I swear I did try to cap him with his mouth shut but we are talking about David.

                                ^ Tummy

                                In your face Jack. LOL

                                He Won!!!!
                                i am so glad he won, but what that about Jack Bauer? ......does he have a grudge against him
                                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook

