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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
    I'm remaking your slashgate banner, or trying too... from scratch. We'll see how it turns out. Hope you don't mind?
    Do I have a choice?


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      I wasn't having a go at you.

      Obviously LS wants the ones with the grey background I just personally find them not of the same quality. *shrugs*
      Didn't think you were, pet, the shrug was just a shrug.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        Do I have a choice?
        Ermmm. sure, i mean if you don't want me too.

        No i don't care about what the background is, i'm going to be taking it out anyways.


          Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
          Ermmm. sure, i mean if you don't want me too.
          Well it isn't that I don't want you to, I just would prefer you make yours completely different to mine, which I am sure you will, I hate seeing sigs that are similar... of course given your profession I may also end up taking my out of rotation due to yours showing mine up.

          No go ahead *not that you need my permission or anything* I await the results with baited breath.


            It is so wonderful to hear that McKay and Atlantis won.

            "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

            My clone:
            Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


              Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
              It is so wonderful to hear that McKay and Atlantis won.
              Isn't it? Well maybe not Atlantis, it may lead Joe M to thinking he has done nothing wrong in season 3 but even I have to admit that season 3 was a lot better then season 2 and for M&MM alone the show should have won.

              Also Squee! I can't wait to see them together... you know for all the interviews about the place we really never get to see them just hanging around (yeah there are bits on the DVDs ) but I would love one of those sit down interviews where all the actors get to intermix and express their opinions.

              I can dream.

              EDIT: LOL I still laugh everytime I read your sig!


                Love that sig!

                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                My clone:
                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                  Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                  Yes yes, that's the one, do you have a link to the sheppard one?
                  Sorry, Logic, I missed this reply, earlier. I only have the McKay & Beckett ones...


                    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                    You're lucky! There hasn't been a screening close enough to me that i could afford to get there. Otherwise i would have been there, a day early, saving my seat as close to the podium as possible .
                    lol. I reserved my tickets as soon as they went on sale. I was so paranoid that if I waited until payday it would sell out! And my friend (who I dragged with me to the Sunday screening) still makes fun of me for being so star struck and so dorky with my "OMG Its David!" She just doesn't understand...

                    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                    Here ya go Eve, i fixed up your favorite photo for you.

                    Did a lot, but the short version, in case you want to try it on your own, is:
                    Shad/Mid/High: +25 +37 +50
                    Saturation: +25
                    Digital Camera Artifact Removal: 60%
                    Moire Pattern Removal: 30%
                    High Pass Sharpen: +10
                    Color Balance: Warm +8
                    Edge Preserving Smooth (background only): +30 x2
                    Manually removed some specks and lense flares
                    Resize: 125dpi, 1333x1000 (which will make a nice 8x10 print)
                    Eeekk! THANK YOU!!!!! okay, I gonna write that down somewhere... Oh, where are my sticky notes?

                    Originally posted by dllmzca View Post
                    Breaking News, Thunkers!


                    Congrats to DH: YES!!!

                    You all will get a kick out of his acceptance once someone's YouTubed it!

                    That's awesome!

                    heh, it literally took me oh, an hour or so to post this. My house its crazy right now. 1 nephew and 2 nieces running around hyper as hell. I am sooo gonna kill my sister! She just HAD to give them sweets...


                      Originally posted by dllmzca View Post
                      Sorry, Logic, I missed this reply, earlier. I only have the McKay & Beckett ones...
                      I don't have Sheppard either, or if I do he is not with Rodney... I have all the season 2 ones.

                      I think if he asks in the Sheppard Thunk they would have them.

                      I have these... oh wait, I can't really post them here I suppose... Maybe in the slash thread.

                      Eve04 Kids and sweets? NO! I never give my neice any kind of sweets or cordial, I leave that to the experts (her parents when she goes home). I feel your pain.


                        Ergh, 7am, just got up, and I'm so tired...

                        But great news awaited me here!!!
                        The Spacey's are on tonight, it has June 10 on the site
                        So they WERE on! Logic! What did you tell me, guy?

                        Originally posted by dllmzca View Post
                        And he won!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh! Congrats David/Rodney!!!!

                        I can't believe it, I really expected that other guy to win! But wow, Rodney does seem to have a large fanbase! Wheeeee!
                        You all will get a kick out of his acceptance once someone's YouTubed it!
                        Wanna see, wanna see, wanna see!

                        Also the cast acceptance speech, it's so great that Atlantis won too!

                        Now I want to see the ratings for last week's ep, JM asked the fans to watch, and afterwards all the fans posted "watch it" messages too in their LJs and who knows where else! Hope it worked so that the ratings are a bit better this time!

                        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                        No Kavan's dog is Lucy
                        Ahh, you're right of course, how could I forget that, Mars girlfriend....

                        Now who are Lester and Maggie? Did he ever say that?

                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        On Joe's Blog, well Joe does vet the comments... I can't say he would vet RM questions anymore then other character ones but I do think it is odd that there are not more say Weir questions
                        Hmm, right....
                        At least my comment showed up.
                        Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                        Is anyone else annoyed that there are no actor commentaries for any of the eps on the season 3 DVD?
                        I was wondering about that too, especially since....
                        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                        As far as I'm aware, David has said he'd done a few commentaries
                        ... I think that I remember him saying something like that too. Or was that for ADB?

                        I so wanted to hear David's comment on "Tao" and "M&MM".

                        Bye, A., off to work
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          *am stunned*

                          Rodney McKay won favorite TV character in the Spacey '07 Awards. Viewer's Choice. Here's the breakdown.


                          Kate Austen (Lost) 7%
                          Jack Bauer (24) 11%
                          Dr Rodney McKay 40%
                          Hiro Nakamura (Heroes) 18%
                          Starbuck (BSG) 24%

                          It's very cool, but....I confess to being a little bewildered. How big a deal are the Spacey Awards?
                          - Life after Stargate -
                          Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            OK, soooo that slashgate sig didn't turn out the way i wanted, so i abandoned that for now... gee i'm fickle eh? So i decided to make this instead, eh?:



                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                              *am stunned*

                              Rodney McKay won favorite TV character in the Spacey '07 Awards. Viewer's Choice. Here's the breakdown.


                              Kate Austen (Lost) 7%
                              Jack Bauer (24) 11%
                              Dr Rodney McKay 40%
                              Hiro Nakamura (Heroes) 18%
                              Starbuck (BSG) 24%

                              It's very cool, but....I confess to being a little bewildered. How big a deal are the Spacey Awards?
                              We love em. That's the kinda deal they are. I was shocked by the extreme percentages that both he, and Atlantis won by. And wasn't his acceptance speech just priceless.....


                                Here's the news release from Space.

                                And the some caps for Hooray!

                                "Of course, I knew I'd win."

                                "Oooh, this is so cool!"

                                "Yay, for me!"

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

