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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
    Ermm... Willow... wanna... forward me that PM?
    Just google shower and golden! *goes to hide under a rock*

    They did make a lot of joking about the Duet kiss, but if you listen to the Duet commentary (with David of course) they talk about it more seriously.
    Yeah I know, Peter De Luise (another man I would marry any day) did say that the guys high up (I assume SciFi Channel) wanted to remove it, and the he and tptb wanted it left in.... I know it is not all cut and dry and I never said or felt David or Paul were being anti-gay, I just got sick of the joking... maybe it is just a case of neither realising how many times they used the same line (chocolates and flowers) or that fans *like me* read every interview they do so we read 'the jokes' numerous times. It just got really old, really quickly.

    At least Torri was good with her little comment about tongue. Hot indeed Torri.


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      Just google shower and golden! *goes to hide under a rock*
      NO NEED I know EXACTLY what you're talking about already.


        Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
        NO NEED I know EXACTLY what you're talking about already.
        Oh good I really didn't want to have to explain that again. Once was enough.


          OK time for the reason we are really here lusting Thunking over teh Hewlett!

          First off Porn!


          *remember he is the one on your right*


            David & Vincenzo *Aw*



                Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                They did make a lot of joking about the Duet kiss, but if you listen to the Duet commentary (with David of course) they talk about it more seriously. In fact david comments that it was almost cut from the show, and that he was glad it wasn't. Someone else, i forget whether it was David or one of the others, said that there were protests about it (anti-gay i assumed). The comment was like, "remember all the protesters that came about it?", to which i beleive (i remember David responding, so it wasn't him that mentioned it) David responded "Um-hmm", and then i beleive came the comment about him being happy they didn't bow to pressure and cut the scene.
                Oh yeah, i'd forgotten about the commentary! I find it really odd that people still protest about stuff like that! Goodness sake.

                Here in Blighty we have a "teen" soap that has two lads snogging most tea-times and no-one bats an eyelid. (except we're subjected to the slurping noises tv people....etc.etc.)

                Originally posted by LogicSequence
                I don't take the Duet kiss joking as anything more than friends rabbing on friends for having an on screen kiss. I certainly don't beleive there was anything anti-gay about the joking. I'd feel a little weird about kissing someone i worked with and was friends with too. And some of it may have been to deflect fan's thoughts that they might actually *be* gay, but i don't hold that against them, unfortunately there's still a lot of stigma attached to being a gay actor... hell to being gay period . But the point is David, and Paul, did it. They weren't opposed to it, nor afraid of it. And to me, that's what counts.
                - that's what i was trying to say in a very inarticulate way!

                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                OK time for the reason we are really here lusting Thunking over teh Hewlett!

                [CENTER]First off Porn!




                *remember he is the one on your right*
                Oh i didn't need reminding! I'd know those hands anywhere!!

                Deliberate repost!! Love how he's looking so intently there. *sigh*


                Looking at his lovely dirty arms and hands.........*cough* sorry distracted again.......just noticed he has a plaster on his finger! Aww, he had a woobie! I'd kiss it better...........
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Hi all!

                  I made a McKay wallpaper..
                  if you like it, feel free to snurch


                    I have to admit - McKay used to annoy the heck oout of me. Now I think he is the funniest character. I just sit and laugh at things he says.

                    ^Cool wallpaper by the way!!

                    The All Seeing Eye


                      Rodney constantly mentions how smart he is and I'm sure it irritates the other characters. But, they all know who to turn to when they're in trouble. And they're not always nice about it either.

                      I suppose McKay flaunts his intelligence because it seems that no one really values him for anything else.....even though he's proven himself to be brave and loyal.

                      I do think that Rodney should be kinder to Zelenka, though. Poor Radek does nothing to Rodney yet gets insulted quite often.


                        Two sites again. OK Willow, great, fantastic photos! And dangerous, thanks god I have pillows under my chair (they are there because of this thread )

                        Spamity spam:


                        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                          Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                          Rodney constantly mentions how smart he is and I'm sure it irritates the other characters. But, they all know who to turn to when they're in trouble. And they're not always nice about it either.

                          I suppose McKay flaunts his intelligence because it seems that no one really values him for anything else.....even though he's proven himself to be brave and loyal.

                          I do think that Rodney should be kinder to Zelenka, though. Poor Radek does nothing to Rodney yet gets insulted quite often.

                          And yes he should be nicer to poor old Radek! Though he did make up for it in
                          Tao. bless
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Ooooh, I can't wait to see Tao. It sounds like an amazing Rodney episode, one I'll rewatch many times. I'm glad he's good to long suffering Radek finally.


                              Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                              Ooooh, I can't wait to see Tao. It sounds like an amazing Rodney episode, one I'll rewatch many times. I'm glad he's good to long suffering Radek finally.
                              Tao is an awesome episode. Probably the best Rodney episode ever. I loved M&MM, and I thought this was was even better for Rodney.

                              People that aren't Rodney fans probably got frustrated because of the intense Rodney focus, but I thought it was awesome. It had loads of character moments with him and every member of the cast.
                              - Life after Stargate -
                              Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                              Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                                Aww at the last pic. David and Kate seem to have such a great relationship. And they've got food. Is David ever without it? My God, he really is McKay!

