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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sueKay View Post
    LogicSequence - look I really don't want to argue with you, but your posts are a bit more direct than the average poster, and sometimes humour and sarcasm don't translate that well over the internet. I got given this piece of advice regarding internet humour - use smileys - they make all the difference.

    I'll apologise though, cos I'm completely wound up over a final exam I have tomorrow.
    It's ok, you don't have to apologize, but thanks just the same. Personally i don't think you guys are used to manspeak in this thread . Men, Mars; Women, Venus... no speaky same language... Not even me .


      David gets bored easily...I don't think I could ever be bored on any tv set or stage...ever
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Weee! ADB coming out for my birthday! And on iTunes. Very happy!

        Love the updates. Thanks for posting those, Sue.
        Sig by im_meli
        More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


          One wonders if he and Jane are... actively trying... at this point. There may be a little Hewlett sooner than we think! Squee! Can you imagine all the adroable pictures of Daddy and baby? lol


            Yeah I think they are...David's mentioned that all to frequently for it to just be a thought in their minds.

            LOL - He's changed the dates of the entries to January to bring the other entries back to the top...kinda like what people do with their LJs only in reverse...he's such a geek
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Twitter Update:

              "Mortal Coil"
              ...whoever asked. Mum flying in tonight for the long weekend...I think she's going to be on the ADB commentary!"

              AHA! see! i knew he had something planned for the weekend! Mum coming eh? I can hear him now...
              David: "Uh... JANE! Um... We need to clean the house up for mum."
              Jane: "By we you mean me"
              David: "Exactly! Thanks for volunteering!"

              I wonder if "whoever asked" was a general statement, like: I'm doing such and such, whoever wanted to know... Or if he's actually responding to someone on Twitter wonder what he's shooting?


                hello thunkers, newbie here (although I've been lurking for a while...)
                I thought Id post cos no one else has, David and Mars's competition vid is up on youtube now:
                You must check it out! its frickin hilarious!
                keep up the wonderful thunkage xxxx


                  THANK YOU TINYPENGUIN!!

                  *is happy*

                  edit: Davis Hewitt? WTF??
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by tinypenguin View Post
                    hello thunkers, newbie here (although I've been lurking for a while...)
                    I thought Id post cos no one else has, David and Mars's competition vid is up on youtube now:
                    You must check it out! its frickin hilarious!
                    keep up the wonderful thunkage xxxx

                    OMG that was almost as funny as the rap video! I'm so entering this contest.


                      OMFG...OMG that was OMG!!! LMAO!!!!

                      THE UNDERWEAR!!! Ahh! LMAO!!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Thanks Tinypenguin!

                        That was hilarious. I am definitely signing up. *wonders if she can somehow get the horde of kids at work to help her*

                        Speaking of work, I'll talk to you all later.


                          Look out! Wraithdog!!! AHHH!


                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            Twitter Update:
                            "Added FAQ's to and waiting to shoot the last scene of the day...which unfortunately is scheduled as the last scene of the day ;-("

                            Looks like he's bored in a back room again, playing on his laptop No wonder he had time to make all those updates! I certainly hope the last scene of the day doesn't start shooting at 7pm or something, heh.
                            I was already wondering, he said that he'd have a long day, so he must still be on set. Figured that he has a long break and decided on making a FAQ update.

                            I really wonder how he manages all that stuff. All the updates, SGA, his private life, his movie, duties of everyday life... I just have one job and literally no private life and my head is spinning already after a long day! All the small things one has to think of...

                            Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                            Yeah I think they are...David's mentioned that all to frequently for it to just be a thought in their minds.
                            I didn't want to talk about this on the thread before, since I thought that it's a too private topic. But since David just made it a public topic (just like his divorce! ) I think I can say that I was wondering if Jane might already be pregnant. They cancelled the Australia con, delayed the wedding, speak about upcoming 'projects', David talks about "the future" in such a cheeky way in his post... Did someone maybe see Jane lately?

                            Ah well, and even if she isn't pregnant yet, they definitely plan to have a baby. Hope it will happen, so that they'll have a beautiful child, making David a very proud Daddy! Just imagine him with a child in his arms! So cute! I'd squee myself to death! Ok, I'd also be jealous, but I'd still squee!

                            Ok, enough about that now, enough speculation on my part. Couldn't help it, had to post about it as it makes me so excited. He'll surely let us know when it happens.

                            LOL - He's changed the dates of the entries to January to bring the other entries back to the top...kinda like what people do with their LJs only in reverse...he's such a geek
                            Not only that, he also changed this weird date I was asking about in my last post (2004, his website didn't even exist then! )

                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            Twitter Update:
                            "Mortal Coil"
                            ...whoever asked. Mum flying in tonight for the long weekend...I think she's going to be on the ADB commentary!"
                            Oh, his Mum is flying over from Italy! Hope she's recovered completely from her emergency surgery.

                            My, I already know too much about the Hewlett family.
                            I wonder if "whoever asked" was a general statement, like: I'm doing such and such, whoever wanted to know... Or if he's actually responding to someone on Twitter wonder what he's shooting?
                            I was wondering about that too!! He might actually be reading all the (thousands of) twitter messages he gets!

                            Originally posted by tinypenguin View Post
                            hello thunkers, newbie here (although I've been lurking for a while...)
                            I thought Id post cos no one else has, David and Mars's competition vid is up on youtube now:
                            You must check it out! its frickin hilarious!
                            keep up the wonderful thunkage xxxx
                            Hi tinypenguin, often saw your name in the lurking list! Glad you delurked! Welcome!!!

                            And the vid? LMAO!!!

                            Love this actor, did I say that already? Yeah, and David's great too.
                            --> Mars is sweet, not? A really great actdog.

                            And David? This man has no shame! Great. *g* The underwear is back! Lemons, smilies, kiwis, whatever, it's baaaack!

                            There'll be some cool vids in that contest. I won't participate, but I'll surely enjoy seeing the entries. Wow, David himself will review the vids and probably help choosing the winner.

                            Bye, A.
                            Last edited by Arlessiar; 18 May 2007, 01:42 AM.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              the underwear is "Psychedelic Kiwis" one of the nutters at the SG1 Archive asked him
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                With David's recent advertising success on youtube, i wouldn't at all be surprised if the whole promotion WAS David's idea to begin with. After all, it IS advertising ADB and Atlantis.

