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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    great pic Merc glad you had fun...i hope to make it 2008 and see ya there


      Okay, so I really should be sleeping now... but I just had to post this. I was also at the convention, and a friend and I went to the 10am "ADB" screening -> we were third and fourth in line, since we got there about 8:15am. Lucky us, we were chatting with some of the other people in line, when around 8:30-8:45, David, Jane, and Mars came walking across the street. There were maybe 8-10 people in line total, and David was nice enough to sign autographs and pose for pictures, even though he was only half awake. So, even though it's not exactly flattering to either of us... here's a pic of David & I!


        Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
        After the Q&A at the cinema, David said he had to go home and learn his lines, since they started shooting season 4, so he didn't have time for autographs (I'm sad, but I understand) and he walked across the street waiting for Jane & Mars to finish up with John Lenic and some other people (I think they were from the theatre) so I snapped this one of him, spoiler for size:

        Everyone else left, except Lexa and I. Lexa got a phone call, so we waited until she finished her call. I look across the street and see Jane and David in their car, waiting for the street to clear out so they can pull into traffic. David sticks as much of his upper body out of his sunroof and starts waiving at me like a maniac. I wave back with as much gusto. I didn't get a pic, since I was laughing and waving, but he is such a sweet guy.
        Thanks for posting this very cute almost candid pic of David! I love to see small glimpses of the way he is in real life, when he's not posing or when he doesn't feel watched, when he's just David Hewlett. Ok, in this pic he probably knew you were there, but still...

        Would have loved to see David and Jane in their car for the same reason, justto see the everday life Hewlett. Loved that and how he waved at you! *g*

        Glad you had so much fun!

        Bye, A., off to work
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          Wonderful pics of DH Mercury and Woodsie

          By Kidwizz

          By JessM


            Woodsie22- OMG how cute!!!

            Isn't he the nicest person? Luv him!

            What a great picture. His eyes are just sparkling in the shot.
            Sig by im_meli
            More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


              Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
              Oh no, sorry! That wasn't my intention. I know how depressing such talk can be, especially during cons...

              More of the pretty for you then:

              This man's too cute for words.



              Hope you'll have nice dreams of TEH HOTNESS. *g*

              Geez, feels like I'm 14 again.

              Bye, A.
              Wow - i certainly went to bed with a smile on my face!! Thanks A.

              Originally posted by Team SG-1*save the show* View Post
              DH is so hot. He is not fat-he is just how a man should be!!!! he is so down to earth and cares about his fans. He is amazing.
              Too right!! And Welcome!!

              Originally posted by sueKay View Post

              and I don't know who I snerched this cap from!!

              Also a funny little thing I noticed in Where the Heart Is...(spoilers for size)


              look at the jeans
              Whoever you snurched that from should get a medal - oooo the eyes!!

              And then the jeans Oh deary me - oooo the 80's!!

              Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
              Cool!! My clone has a twin.
              Yay!! How's yours behave?
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                Thought i better split my post cos it was getting stooopidly long!! What can i say - you people have been busy!

                Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
                Hi kids! I'm back to Seattle. Need sleep!!! But post 1st.

                I figure it's gonna take me a week to really get things cleaned up and posted. A lot of my pictures at ADB were blurry, so I will try to get them cleaned up. Plus, my internet connection is running really slow tonight, so I think I will post one pic now.

                After the Q&A at the cinema, David said he had to go home and learn his lines, since they started shooting season 4, so he didn't have time for autographs (I'm sad, but I understand) and he walked across the street waiting for Jane & Mars to finish up with John Lenic and some other people (I think they were from the theatre) so I snapped this one of him, spoiler for size:


                Everyone else left, except Lexa and I. Lexa got a phone call, so we waited until she finished her call. I look across the street and see Jane and David in their car, waiting for the street to clear out so they can pull into traffic. David sticks as much of his upper body out of his sunroof and starts waiving at me like a maniac. I wave back with as much gusto. I didn't get a pic, since I was laughing and waving, but he is such a sweet guy.
                Great picture!! Love the hair - he so needs to keep that for McKay.

                I can totally imagine him doing something as crazy as that - you lucky thing!!

                Post more piccies sooooon for us poor sods who couldn't go!

                Originally posted by woodsie22 View Post
                Okay, so I really should be sleeping now... but I just had to post this. I was also at the convention, and a friend and I went to the 10am "ADB" screening -> we were third and fourth in line, since we got there about 8:15am. Lucky us, we were chatting with some of the other people in line, when around 8:30-8:45, David, Jane, and Mars came walking across the street. There were maybe 8-10 people in line total, and David was nice enough to sign autographs and pose for pictures, even though he was only half awake. So, even though it's not exactly flattering to either of us... here's a pic of David & I!

                That pic is totally flattering to both of you!!

                Christ you should see me at that time in the morning - in fact it is that time of the morning and the shadows under my eyes are so black i look like i've been in a fight!!

                *wails* you got to touch!!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Great pics, girls! Now I envy Thanks for them

                  So me and my friend decided that we probably will go next year to Pegasus con again. Few problems (I need new card, money...such ordinary things ). When can I order tickets? And where? In wolfevents site is still P2.

                  Arlessiar: I agree with the "chubby face" thing. The reason why I am not too much into Joe Flanigan, Jason Momoa or Michael Shanks are that they are such pretty model boys. I don´t want anything like this. They are nice but...David has BIG charisma. So big that he can carry whole episode and so big that even Amanda looks like good actress next to him (sorry, couldn´t resist)

                  And OT for Arlessiar-your football players were great, much better than ours

                  "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                    Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                    Great pics, girls! Now I envy Thanks for them

                    So me and my friend decided that we probably will go next year to Pegasus con again. Few problems (I need new card, money...such ordinary things ). When can I order tickets? And where? In wolfevents site is still P2.
                    Here is the link
                    It says there are 15 tickets left. I believe that means there are 15 of the meet & greet tickets left. When I bought my ticket, there were 57 left.

                    I had never been to a convention before Vancouver. It was a hoot, but I'm really lookin forward to P3, since it's all Atlantis.
                    Sig by im_meli
                    More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                      Hey everyone. Great pics!! Woohoo for the clones lol.

                      Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
                      (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
                      Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
                      Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


                        Found a good report for the Vancouver screening

                        AND STARCROSSED GOT THE GO AHEAD!!!!!!!


                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                          Found a good report for the Vancouver screening

                          AND STARCROSSED GOT THE GO AHEAD!!!!!!!


                          OMG!!!! *runs round room squeeing*

                          That's so great!! *bouncing*
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
                            Here is the link
                            It says there are 15 tickets left. I believe that means there are 15 of the meet & greet tickets left. When I bought my ticket, there were 57 left.

                            I had never been to a convention before Vancouver. It was a hoot, but I'm really lookin forward to P3, since it's all Atlantis.
                            What? 15 left? I need to get my credit card and I don´t have money now. What are the people doing? I mean, I thought that the main sale will start sometimes on July or so I am going to bank tomorrow but new card takes at least 7 days....hmm, this will sound horribly and very, very selfishly but....I can get to only one abroad con once a year and it costs all my money...and when I get there, people who have "professional hobby" in going to cons and have tons of photos and autographs just block everything. I don´t understand it
                            Sorry, if I just made someone mad but I am really, really disappointed bc last Pegasus were tickets under 300 yet on August
                            Last edited by Klenotka; 27 March 2007, 09:28 AM.

                            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Wow - i certainly went to bed with a smile on my face!! Thanks A.
                              You’re welcome, glad I could make you happy again.

                              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                              Arlessiar: I agree with the "chubby face" thing. The reason why I am not too much into Joe Flanigan, Jason Momoa or Michael Shanks are that they are such pretty model boys. I don´t want anything like this. They are nice but...David has BIG charisma.
                              I can only agree 100%! *g*

                              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                              And OT for Arlessiar-your football players were great, much better than ours
                              It was a good game, the Czech team played very well!

                              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                              What? 15 left? I need to get my credit card and I don´t have money now. What are the people doing? I mean, I thought that the main sale will start sometimes on July or so [...]Sorry, if I just made someone mad but I am really, really disappointed bc last Pegasus were tickets under 300 yet on August
                              Yes, it was very weird how fast the tickets went away this time! A lot of them were already sold at P2, and when I looked at the page again two weeks after the con I couldn’t believe that only so few tickets were left for the M&G! As you said, for P2 there were still many M&G tickets left in August (when I bought mine)! But now I decided to buy a ticket for P3 right away. I wasn’t even sure if I really wanted to go (thought I had months left to contemplate that!), and I’m still not sure if I can go at all (because of my job), and heck, no guest has been announced yet! But I bought it anyway, because a con without M&G somehow isn’t the real thing for me, and I figured it might become a great con no matter which guests will be there, as it’s purely a SGA con. So I said better safe than sorry and bought the ticket already (or let’s say, a friend bought it for me, as I didn’t have a credit card then).

                              I have no idea why tickets sold so fast, maybe because P1 was great and P2 even greater and now people want to be a part of P3 at any cost?

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Actually...buying out of that lot of tickets doesn't guarantee you a meet and greet ticket.

                                The most tickets I saw online (a week after P2 was 130) now I doubt that they sold 170 tickets at P2

                                I can't afford to buy a ticket right now...if I miss the meet n greet, then I miss the meet n greet...I know from experience I'll have a good time regardless
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

