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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Mercury973, congrats. I am green with envy
    I doubt I will have ever chance to see this movie in big screen *cries*

    But I am in suprisingly good mood today, so few Rodney´s smiles.

    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


      Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
      Whoot! I got 2 tickets for the 12:15 pm showing of ADB in Vancouver!

      This calls for my fave pic:

      (Not rubbing in anyone's face, I'm just very happy today. I never thought I'd get a chance to see it in a theatre)
      Much!! *between gritted teeth* I'm happy for you...really

      I agree, that pic is a gooden!

      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      I am so annoyed at the moment! My New McKay Vid was removed from YouTube for copyright infringement! Dam it! Yeah I know MGM were within their rights to ask for its removal but everyone who makes vids infringes copyright *songs alone are an infringement!* Oh well I may have to just stop using YouTube, it takes MBs to upload these things!


      David can keep the dam Lion!
      ARRGGHH!! This is getting worrying - soon nothing will be allowed!

      May actually have to get Sky.....
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
        The hair!! *ruffles*
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Squonk, I KNOW!!! My Carson tribute vid was deleted from YouTube ARGH!! Go to let you post anything


            Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
            Squonk, I KNOW!!! My Carson tribute vid was deleted from YouTube ARGH!! Go to let you post anything
            Ooo, not heard of that one - will definately check it out, thanks!
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Glad to help I am SlytherinGal over at LiveVideo (smileyluv at the other place )


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                I am so annoyed at the moment! My New McKay Vid was removed from YouTube for copyright infringement! Dam it! Yeah I know MGM were within their rights to ask for its removal but everyone who makes vids infringes copyright *songs alone are an infringement!*
                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
                Squonk, I KNOW!!! My Carson tribute vid was deleted from YouTube ARGH!!
                Wait, they're already removing fanvids from youtube now? Oh my, this is worse and happened faster than I thought, and it worries me to think where this may lead...

                Filesharing sites delete stuff, fanvids are removed, fansites with promo pictures get closed... what a way to ruin a fanbase. I understand that there are things out there that are copyright protected, and rightfully so. But there's also something like a fanbase that lives because fans celebrate their fondness for the show, their enthusiasm and excitement by sharing thoughts and ideas and by creating art (in different forms). Fanart is what keeps a fandom vivid and active, it connects people. It's not meant as disrespect but as quite the opposite, it's the evidence that people love the show and the characters!

                If we don't get new pics (and where do we get the new promo pics now? Not from MGM, that's for sure), if DVD release dates get postponed, if new eps air months later than they should, then fanart and people's own imagination (and talents) are the only things that are left to keep the spirit alive, so to speak. I think that if they take that away from us then they cut off their face to spite their nose in the end!

                Anyway, new DH related comment on Joe Mallozzi's blog:
                Cowpants write: Also, if you could write for any show or project other than Stargate, what would it be?”

                Answer by JM: 1) Writing an episode of Dr. Who would be cool. I can sweeten the pot by bringing along David Hewlett as an eager guest star.

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
                  Squonk, I KNOW!!! My Carson tribute vid was deleted from YouTube ARGH!! Go to let you post anything
                  *Let* is a relative term. YouTube even with its rules lets you put up anything, it is the getting caught that is the killer. I think the problem is that Google now owes it so every man and his dog can see $$$ when it comes to suing them (apparently they are being sued a lot). Also it raised the profile of YouTube so much that the Studios can't ignore what goes on there now.


                  Will fanfics be next?


                    DH in Dr. Who, that would be heaven!!
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      Answer by JM: 1) Writing an episode of Dr. Who would be cool. I can sweeten the pot by bringing along David Hewlett as an eager guest star.
                      *cough* Over my dead body will that man get anywhere near writing Doctor Who!!!! No! No! God No! *that is the stuff of nightmares*


                        I don´t want this man to write anything. He wrote Irresponsible, the worst episode in SG history (at least for me). About DH in

                        Youtube was bought by google, right? I think we can expect more than this, unfortunately

                        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                          Concerning the manips, I don't know if the rules are written down somewhere, but there is this Photoshop thread here on GW and the mods visited it quite a few times and stated the GW-manip-posting rules there. Basically, and if I recall that correctly (haven't visited the Photoshop thread for months), it's a "respect the actor/person" rule, meaning that putting pics of real people's heads on other people's bodies isn't allowed (normally - many people post it nonetheless).

                          ETA: The photoshop thread is so long already that it's probably hard to find the posts that were about the rules. So I did a quick thread search in the photomanip thread, and this is the result:

                          This way it might be easier to find the posts that were about the rules there.

                          Bye, A.
                          .:Listening to: Bring Me Down//Pillar//Broken Down

                          .:Oh, thanks very much, A!
                          .:I don't want to get in trouble for amusing myself...


                            Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                            Oh. Oops.
                            Thanks very much for telling me!
                            *goes off to read*
                            The general rule of "respect the actors/writers/tptb" is where manips come in. Most people on the Photoshop thread do manips of the actors *of course* but they are usually respectful, usually I don't see anything wrong with your manip but I would just say this is a Thunk thread... so please bare in mind not all of us find these manips Thunk worthy. Just saying they may be off-topic to some and reported for removal, after all there are numerous threads like Whump for the other kind of caps/manips of Hewlett. *cough* the ones with the lemon *cough*


                              .:Listening to: Bring Me Down//Pillar//Broken Down

                              .:Mmmm. Well.
                              .:Unfortunately, I think McBeast qualifies a "pasting a Stargate actor's head onto another person's body."
                              .:I'm going to remove it. If anyone's saved it, could you please make the file name "Haliyah's manip" or something similar? I forgot to add my username before I saved it.


                                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                                .:Listening to: Bring Me Down//Pillar//Broken Down

                                .:Mmmm. Well.
                                .:Unfortunately, I think McBeast qualifies a "pasting a Stargate actor's head onto another person's body."
                                .:I'm going to remove it. If anyone's saved it, could you please make the file name "Haliyah's manip" or something similar? I forgot to add my username before I saved it.
                                Well you could just ask the mods. I mean you have already posted it, may as well find out if it meets the rules... I do think the rules are mainly for more sexual content or just plain mean manips *if you know what I mean*

