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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Aurore

    Welcome Ces! Wow, you joined in February and resisted the urge to post? You're stronger than I am!
    heh, not that hard, I think I'm a more lurker on the inside

    I just found out (I come from a country where they *not* air stargate at all... shameless isn't it?) And sometimes when a foreign tvshow is aired here, they are usually translated/subtitled names and places (it's really weird) anyway, just watched a atlantis episode with subtitles, (a fansubbing group I think it is that does it) and they actually have translated "Wraith" into 'Gengångare'... something that I think is a animal (those slow walking looking monkeys, sort of) I just hate it >.< I hope it doesn't pick up as the official term of them..

    Anyone else having some translating hate-words that you've seen/noticed?

    I took a peek at, looks cool. almost surreal that DH runs it I just hope it turns out at the best, and we get a lot of reports form DH himself -_^


      Originally posted by Arlessiar

      OT explanation for some things:

      It seems I have caused this thread trouble again (the mod posts), don't remember if I was the trigger, could be, and not only because of the not-serious "blame Arlessiar" insider game.
      My misbehaviour or whatever to call it really makes me sad. Fact is, somehow I also can't deal well with that guilt emotionally right now for several reasons. I feel very alone and stressed and worried in my private life (although I shouldn't complain so much, since I'm well and my life ok compared to other people), and sad and embarrassed because I (probably, but somehow I feel responsible) brought trouble again to the thread I love the most. Not a good fan thing to do. Seems I don't know my boundaries either although I talk about rules and such stuff so much.
      Engaging oneself in a fandom a lot can be harder than I thought.

      Anyway, I probably (don't know yet) won't post much in the time to come. So if you don't see me, don't worry.

      Bye, A.
      To spare you the mostly-off-topicy stuff
      Aww hon. :hugs of the Rodney-est kind: Don't knock yourself out over anything that goes on online! Truly....I've done the same thing in the past and it's just sweating the small stuff, really. You've got enough in real life to be anxious about. This stuff here is supposed to be fun--not stressful.
      Just say poo to the cranky people and stick around. Life's too short to let flamers and petty-minded people get you down.
      DH has handled the whole thing beautifully, adding acreage to the doggie park so the pups don't chew on each other so much. I'm sure he understands about us all just being human and impulsive and passionate about our interests. He's a nice guy.
      And if you want my opinion (which I'm sure you don't ) he handles things exactly the way I think all mods ought to...
      But don't you go away anywhere. You're one of our hostesses with the mostests on this thread, you and Willow and a couple of others, and I for one would find the thread a snoozefest if you were gone.

      (I'd post a thunky pic but for some reason every time I use photobucket now, my browser starts acting very strangely and not working at all. So someone post some more M&MM caps, because the ones you guys have posted so far are just gorgeous.)


        Originally posted by Arlessiar
        I honestly have no idea if there's only one way of posting allowed on the thunk thread. Don't think so though. Don't hope so!
        I think it's for more superficial things (the classic "thunk" and "squee" post) and for pics of actor and character, but also for discussions, namely about the actor, his activities and his other works. It's a place where you can act a bit silly and fangirlish and enjoy yourself.
        Ditto! Though I tend to be a bad girl and sometimes write a little bit too much about Rodney's character. Or writing too much period, with not enough pictures posted.

        Originally posted by sueKay that DH has set up some rules...It's time to relax and have some fun!
        Rules? *snort*
        I like how he handled it!

        Forgot to say yesterday
        Is it me or did David used a different voice for Rod? Closer to his real one? It was more mellow, less high pitched. Sexy as hell

        Red Phoniex, sorry for your mum. It's not too bad, right?

        Aurore, who caught tonsillitis playing with a kid who had it


          It was rules in the loosest sense...more like guidelines lol!

          But yes, he's handled it well

          I'll be making some icons today, so I'll post them here to try and make up for the chronic lack of piccies from me.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Aurore
            Forgot to say yesterday
            Is it me or did David used a different voice for Rod? Closer to his real one? It was more mellow, less high pitched. Sexy as hell
            I didn't even think of that the first time, but watching it again yesterday, I think you're right. I think it helps too that Rod doesn't seem to be too alarmed when all this bad stuff is happening. Like he's all 'eh we'll fix it' whereas typically Rodney absolutely flips and his voice cracks and all that.

            In general Rod bothered me. Even if the team was fibbing at the end about how he was creepy, I *did* think he was creepy lol. He seems a lot more secure with himself and his environment which is way different to see in McKay, but I just prefer our Rodney for sure.
            Dark blue.

            the short, the blonde and the geeky


              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              I honestly have no idea if there's only one way of posting allowed on the thunk thread. Don't think so though. Don't hope so!
              I think it's for more superficial things (the classic "thunk" and "squee" post) and for pics of actor and character, but also for discussions, namely about the actor, his activities and his other works. It's a place where you can act a bit silly and fangirlish and enjoy yourself. It's less about lenghty discussions about the character because there's a thread solely for that. But personally I think a thunk thread should also have some... let's call it 'substance' or 'meat', that means it should be more than just the same old "look here" pic - "oh cute/hot/adorable how I love him" posts, because they get so boring after some time and are only good for high post counts. But that just IMHO of course.
              I agree with everything you said. I love the pics but if the thread were limited to pics only w/o a little discussion it wouldn't be as interesting for me.

              Red Phoniex *hugs* for you and your mom.

              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              It seems I have caused this thread trouble again (the mod posts), don't remember if I was the trigger, could be, and not only because of the not-serious "blame Arlessiar" insider game.
              My misbehaviour or whatever to call it really makes me sad. Fact is, somehow I also can't deal well with that guilt emotionally right now for several reasons. I feel very alone and stressed and worried in my private life (although I shouldn't complain so much, since I'm well and my life ok compared to other people), and sad and embarrassed because I (probably, but somehow I feel responsible) brought trouble again to the thread I love the most. Not a good fan thing to do. Seems I don't know my boundaries either although I talk about rules and such stuff so much.
              Engaging oneself in a fandom a lot can be harder than I thought.

              Anyway, I probably (don't know yet) won't post much in the time to come. So if you don't see me, don't worry.
              OT response:
              Aww, don't feel bad. It was an issue that several of us here were concerned about and needed to vent about. ((((Arlessiar))))

              Originally posted by unknownterra
              ...I started the whole dgeek chat on this thread and for that I am truly sorry. I thought that since it was about David and this is a thread about him it would be OK. I guess I was wrong . From what I gather someone reported it to the mods as a fight not a discussion and the mod appears to not have bothered to read back.
              OT response:
              What I said to Arlessiar goes to you too. Don't feel bad about it. ((((unknownterra))))

              Originally posted by Aurore
              Forgot to say yesterday
              Is it me or did David used a different voice for Rod? Closer to his real one? It was more mellow, less high pitched. Sexy as hell
              Yes definitely! And completely agree on your last point!

              On with the thunk!

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                Hey guys,

                thanks for all the well wishes :hugs everyone: you're all so great, mum's home today, has to have someone come out to give her injections everyday but fingers crossed, should be fine.

                A and unknownterra, you did nothing wrong! A, do not even think about leaving cos of it!

                Anyway, here's one of my fav Rodney hair cuts (just really love it, don't know why )

                Sig made by Suekay.


                  I was the the one who reported this thread to Skydiver. I actually PM'd Skydiver and asked for clarity on what we could talk about re: other forums and the users on them.

                  Because of length...
                  She made it clear that we cannot talk about other posters *generally or not* on other forums (any forum) that it is against GW rules. She posted here and said as much and I am glad for that.

                  I remember last year when this thread got dragged into a similar thing, I hated what resulted and I still can't (or can't bring myself to) post in a certain part of GW because of it.... and I didn't want this thread to become a place to whinge about other posters on an entirely different forum!

                  We can still talk about off-topic things, still talk about DH's forum and website, still talk about his movie and the rest. This was about the talk being directed at the users on the other forum. Lets face it if they started talking about us *negatively* over there would we like it?

                  Arlessiar, as you and I are two of the more regular/older posters in this thread I always feel we need to be up front and honest with what goes on here. Sometimes I may be a little too honest, I forget we have a language barrier and I often forget a cultural one as well.... I consider you a friend (on-line maybe but still a friend) which is why I PM'd you with an explanation yesterday. I did not at any time wish to give the impression that this was your fault, if I did I am *confused* and truly sorry.

                  I was as much to blame for the posting here about the users on the other forum, even worse probably because I was going mostly on second hand knowledge/hear say.

                  Anyway as was said it is all old news now, DH has made changes, and hopefully we need never feel the need to talk about posts/posters there in here again. I am hoping for smooth sailing, but hey we are talking about fandom it is never smooth...

                  Arlessiar, again this was no more your fault then it was mine or anyone else here. GW has rules, we (myself included) broke one of those rules, it is no biggy... I see I am just too use to reporting things and being reported.... although I now see why report is meant to be anonymous.

                  Still I would rather fess up to being the one who reported then have that become another thing to talk about here... if you *general you* don't like it or me red and ignore are your friends but hey I am not going to change and I am not going anywhere.


                    wow, i've never known it to go this long on this thread without a post. you've scaried everyone away willow

                    no seriously, don't worry, you only asked for information and i don't think the mods read all the posts to see what we were really talking about. No worries, we all made the same mistake.

                    Anyway, poor Rodney's getting lonely, no one was posting for hours!

                    Sig made by Suekay.


                      Willow! You killed the thread!

                      Also something weirds happened to my Firefox, the bookmarks have completely disappeared And photobucket doesnt seem to be working judging on the above pics, although my sig is working I need some caffiene...

                      Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                      Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                        Originally posted by iLemon
                        And photobucket doesnt seem to be working judging on the above pics, although my sig is working I need some caffiene...
                        seems to be working fine for me.

                        Sig made by Suekay.


                          Wow, it is pretty dead around here. Anyway, maybe this will brighten people up. Strangely enough, last night I had a dream about DH, but I just don't understand why other people get these awesomely cool dreams about SGA and DH/RM and I only ever dream about him just sitting there in a chair. The first one was just him sitting there in the darkness, and last night I dreamt that I was at a con in some city somewhere (no idea which one), and the con was almost completely dead because there was like two feet of snow outside on the sidewalks, and still falling. DH and about a dozen other people were all crowded around a rectangular table, just sitting there staring at everybody else. There was absolutely nothing else to my dream! Why? Why can't I have normal dreams about SGA where something exciting happens, like everybody else?

                          I'm tempted to create a thread on dgeek to ask people about dreams they've had... but I don't think I have the courage to do that.


                            i had an odd sga dream, didn't have dh in it but was still odd,
                            i dreamt the wraith lady from rising was a mermain n she was going round wraithing all the other murmaids, was quite creepy


                              Originally posted by Jersey13
                              Wow, it is pretty dead around here. Anyway, maybe this will brighten people up. Strangely enough, last night I had a dream about DH, but I just don't understand why other people get these awesomely cool dreams about SGA and DH/RM and I only ever dream about him just sitting there in a chair.
                              You must have a secret fetish for RM/DH sitting in a chair


                                Firstly, OT...

                                I'm currently putting together a Features section for my Stargate Website revamp, so I'm looking for the following:

                                Essays on ANY aspect of Stargate
                                Convention Reports
                                Anything else Stargate-related you can think of!

                                If you submit something, you'll get credit, and be listed as a site contributor, plus you'll get access to advanced members-only areas of the forum if you're a member

                                just PM me

                                And to make this post legal...(in tags because of size)


                                Edit: and CONGRATS to all on 16000 posts!!!
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

