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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Found someone on youtube who's put up Traders clips
    Awww.... and now I find out that there isn't a flash driver for a 64bit linux distro. Will have to plug in the winXP laptop for that as well as to listen to Pavane's piano playing. Oh the sacrifice....

    Oh, and MG, I'm running the AMD64 bit desktop version of Ubuntu. I love it so far, despite the quirks. Still not entirely sure about the default dvd player yet as I did more Nothing caps and just can't get real good 'step thru the frames' control. I wanted sequences of the "Candybar!!", pillow fight and jumping muffin man scenes and had to redo it a fair bit as rapid pause/unpause choked the player I was using and you can't do more than one screencap at a time. Of course this is my brute force way of making animated gifs... and someone will come along, smack me upside the head and show me a much easier way. Regarding the server version... if you want to get rid of it and start again, have you found a way to uninstall via command line? Or can you not even get a terminal window up? Or maybe reformat that partition?

    And before I forget to mention it yet again.... love the icons Willow... especially the first one that's cropped a little closer. Also like the one in the other thread... also very nice.

    Anyway... I did manage a few more decent caps:

    Pointy finger:

    Didn't someone here have a thing for his eyelashes?

    And now I think I'm going to go to sleep.
    Last edited by strivaria; 14 September 2006, 10:02 PM.


      Originally posted by Arlessiar
      I asked myself the same question (again ) when I watched M&MM and saw that Jeannie is left-handed. Because you're right, Rodney uses both his hands a lot when he does things (not only his special "sign-language" and pointing *g*), when he types, points or hold things, so he might be ambidexterous. But on the other hand, I've never seen him or DH write with the left hand, only with the right, and writing is one of the most obvious indicators in this case, I think. So maybe he's technically right-handed but capable of using his left hand a lot too.
      I for my part try to train my left hand and use it or both hands at the same time quite often. I'm right-handed, but sometimes I try to write with the left hand and I generally try to use it more. Don't know why, it's fun.

      I think that "left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous" thing could be a good question for the dgeek FAQ forum. Or something to look out for or ask at P2.

      Bye, A.

      I've always thought that a lot of southpaws used their right hand for many things because they have to adjust to a right-handed world. I'm left-handed but use my right for a lot of things, including using a mouse. I've tried to use a mouse left-handed and it feels unnatural! I write very poorly with my right hand, despite being forced in grade school to write right-handed.
      But it doesn't seem so uncommon for right-handers to use their left as frequently. I read a bio of Scott Fitzgerald that claimed he was left-handed in everything but writing. That combination seems to produce a lot of creative people. (not that I am. I'm just saying. ) I noticed that Kate was a southpaw, too. Go, Kate!


        If nothing else had been at stake here, I'd agree that he did what any decent human being would have done. But it wasn't - Atlantis' survival depends on that ZPM. Rodney has effectively said, "I might be giving up our chance of survival in the future for Rod to survive now". I know that it wouldn't've powered up the shields no matter what - but if the Wraith come with a surprise attack, they can't get 300 [people onto jumpers, especially not in 5 mintues' notice - these people's only chance would be going through the gate to Earth, and now they can't do it.
        It's one person's life against the possibility of saving 300, and that's not the light, simple decision it might seem - especially in a show with as sketchy a moral basis as Atlantis seems to have.

        Schoolboy - also spoilers for Trinity
        I dunno. It's not his insecurities and fears, as the way they were presented. It's the "oh, he's so cooler than me, he got his life right, look at him and then look at me" attitude that made me feel the angle was missed. That's why I love Trinity so. Because it does confront McKay with his fears and his insecurities - but it's forcing it out of him in a muchg more mature way. Look, obviously it's all personal here - I just felt this was too much teenage angst..
        Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
        Yes, I am!
        Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
        Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
        Peter Pan R.I.P


          I've never really noticed how many actions DH does with his left hand as compared to his right, but hey, it's gotta move around at some point. He's very expressive with his hands so they are both usually doing something while he is talking. That is a really good FAQ question for dgeek as suggested by Arlessiar.

          I'm right handed but I use a left handed mouse so I can take notes at the same time with the right and it makes no difference to me whatsoever in terms of control and precision. Also, I can write with my left hand on upright boards such as white boards, but not so nice on paper.


            OT - that what we call 'corrie-fisted' in Scotland where you write with your wrist curled round?

            I use my right hand for just about everything...I can write with it too, but because the muscles are weaker it hurts after a while...I use everything else right-handed.

            My mum had her left-handedness beat out of her at school, so she's now completely right-handed.

            I guess there's really now way to find out if Rodney's a lefty or a righty!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by watcher652
              I think we've had several discussions here on whether or not Rodney is left handed, right handed or ambidexterous. On maybe that's on the Dr. Rodney McKay thread. Anyway, "McKay and Mrs. Miller" adds more fuel to the discussion.
              I didn't notice right away that Kate was left handed because my mother is. I'm so used to see her using her left hand that I never notice left-handed people!
              I know that left-handed persons can often be found in the same family so even if David isn't completely left-handed, he's most probably ambidextrous.
              Like me. I had never noticed until I injured my left hand a few years ago. Boy, I couldn't do a lot of things! I open all the doors (wiht keys and all) with my left hand for instance (very practictal when you're carying a huge bag in your right hand) and if I ever injured my right hand, I could write with my left one without too many difficulties.
              I have worn my watch on my right wrist for something like 15 years before noticing that most of the others worn theirs on the left wrist. Felt a little self conscious about it so changed the side. But from time to time, when I'm really tired and sort of on autopilot, I put my watch on my right wrist!

              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              I asked myself the same question (again ) when I watched M&MM and saw that Jeannie is left-handed. Because you're right, Rodney uses both his hands a lot when he does things
              At this point, my mind took a huge plunge in the gutter
              But you're right, trying to do things with your left hand is fun, esp. writing!

              Originally posted by strivaria
              Didn't someone here have a thing for his eyelashes?
              Nope, nobody here cares for his eyelashes. And this pic is ugly
              Thanks for the caps. I think I'm going to stay awhile in the gutter.


                Originally posted by Aurore
                At this point, my mind took a huge plunge in the gutter
                I write such an innocent little sentence and where do your thoughts go? Straight into the gutter! Get a grip, you naughty girl!


                How's the water in the gutter today?

                When I think about it, I might want to go for a swim.

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Hi all. How ya guys been? Love the discussion. And the pics.

                  Strivaria, eyelashes...*sigh*

                  For anyone interested, iTunes finally updated the Season 3 episodes. M&MM is avaiable, but oddly, not Common Ground. Since I haven't seen that episode, I am literaly bouncing in my seat to see it.

                  Well, back to dGeek. C-ya
                  Sig by im_meli
                  More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                    It's Friday evening and tonight my bf will come home from the conference. We want to spend the whole weekend doing nothing specific, just be as lazy as possible. That means, if he's in the mood for it we might make a SGA marathon. We'll get something nice to drink, lots of snacks, and then we watch the last five eps of SGA. I so hope this will happen! *crosses fingers*

                    Off to bake a cake, cause I'm happy (weekend, bf home, maybe lots of SGA), and when I'm happy I start baking.

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Mmmmmmmm... cake... with cream cheese base icing? That stuff is the BEST. Ooh! Dirt cake! Strawberry Shortcake! Death-by-Chocolate cake! *stomach grumbles*

                      Can I have some, A?


                        Originally posted by Jersey13
                        Mmmmmmmm... cake... with cream cheese base icing? That stuff is the BEST. Ooh! Dirt cake! Strawberry Shortcake! Death-by-Chocolate cake! *stomach grumbles*
                        Can I have some, A?
                        It's in the oven atm, but sure you can have some when it finally resembles a cake!
                        Haven't decided on the icing yet. Maybe I'll just put chocolate on it as there are also chocolate pralines inside it.

                        I'll make a pic for you.

                        And for our hungry darling here:

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by watcher652
                          I think we've had several discussions here on whether or not Rodney is left handed, right handed or ambidexterous. On maybe that's on the Dr. Rodney McKay thread. Anyway, "McKay and Mrs. Miller" adds more fuel to the discussion.

                          Spoiler caps for the episode:

                          Jeannie is left handed.

                          Is Rodney left handed like Jeannie? He's holding his pen in his left hand, but he's wearing his watch like a right handed person.

                          Or is Rodney right handed? Even though Rodney gestures with his with his left hand predominately when he talks.

                          I've said it before, I think David uses whatever hand makes the scene look good from the camera angle.

                          I've seen a photo of David signing autographs, and he was signing right handed. That time, anyway!
                          Well, my sister's left-handed, but she pretty much only writes with her left hand. Almost everything else she does is with the right hand. But she sure would be proud if Rodney were left-handed and not right-handed. lol Because she's the only one in the family who's not right-handed. lol
                          thankee toasteronfire


                            hey guys,

                            sorry i haven't posted in a while. Been so busy with college and work that i've rarely got a chance to go online.

                            My brother's left handed but he only writes left handed, everything else, even eating he does right handed. It wouldn't surpise me if he can do stuff with both hands. He has such nice hands I'm rubbish, can't do anything with my left hand

                            Sig made by Suekay.


                              I'm loving all the pics of McKay/DH hands... such nice lovely hands indeed.

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                candy bar candy bar!!!!!

                                i love that clip!!!!!!!!!!

