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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    just watched the mutant x ep with david hewlett in, it was a shame it wasnt in it more, how cool woudl it be to able to spark explosions

    a smirk for everyone = )


      Originally posted by lil_aber_lisa
      just watched the mutant x ep with david hewlett in, it was a shame it wasnt in it more, how cool woudl it be to able to spark explosions

      Ooh, could you please say what episode number and / or name it is, so I can watch out for it when they show it on Sky Three in a year or two?!
      Please... leave the touching to the experts.


        Originally posted by lil_aber_lisa
        just watched the mutant x ep with david hewlett in, it was a shame it wasnt in it more, how cool woudl it be to able to spark explosions
        I must admit I had NO clue what happened at the end of that ep


          Originally posted by Catsitter
          Ooh, could you please say what episode number and / or name it is, so I can watch out for it when they show it on Sky Three in a year or two?!
          its episode 5 of series 3 and is called the taking of crowns

          Originally posted by unknownterra
          I must admit I had NO clue what happened at the end of that ep
          yeah the ending wasnt brill, the usual the good guys stop evil blah de blah ,lol


            Thanks Lisa.

            Just got round to watching "Cypher" at last (it was on telly a couple of weeks ago but it was so late at night I had to video it)
            I really enjoyed the bit with DH in, but the end of the film made me think the main plot didn't really make much sense, so perhaps I should just have skipped through it and just watched the DH part. I liked how completely different his character was in that film from Rodney! Well, apart from being in charge of the computer, I suppose. Wasn't that eye weird?!
            Please... leave the touching to the experts.


              Originally posted by lil_aber_lisa
              yeah the ending wasnt brill, the usual the good guys stop evil blah de blah ,lol
              I came across Darklight clips recently and wow, David's acting was fantastic....

              too bad he was evil though


                I just love this photo.

                I don't know what it is about this episode but I thought that McKay looked the best in it. Maybe because he looks a bit scruffy with the dirt smudges on his face.
                Last edited by TamMc72; 11 September 2006, 07:49 AM.


                  yeah with cypher i got the dvd, and practically skipped most of it to dh's moment , and loved it , the gelled hair,

                  darklight was ace aswell and unknownterra i so know what you mean

                  the evilness of him, was actually cute in a way , dh with a crossbow , the eyes , his eyes just shone evilness,


                    Originally posted by TamMc72
                    I noticed a few people who are posting photos like mad, one per reply, it seem just to increase their post count.
                    I hope that David does not decided to remove the forum. I really enjoy going there.

                    On another note, I just love this photo.

                    I don't know what it is about this episode but I thought that McKay looked the best in it. Maybe because he looks a bit scruffy with the dirt smudges on his face.

                    i agree that episode was cool with McKay looking a bit scruffy, my favourite pic from there is i'll stick it under a spoiler just in case someone hasnt seen it

                    is when he is tied up , his look is fantastic ,


                      Originally posted by lil_aber_lisa
                      the evilness of him, was actually cute in a way , dh with a crossbow , the eyes , his eyes just shone evilness,
                      Yeah...(Darklight spoilers)...

                      When he was on the table and killed that doctor, the look in his eyes was truly scary. Some person on another forum was saying that DH is great as Rodney because that's the only character he can play. They should watch Darklight and see that's not true.


                        Originally posted by unknownterra
                        Yeah...(Darklight spoilers)...

                        When he was on the table and killed that doctor, the look in his eyes was truly scary. Some person on another forum was saying that DH is great as Rodney because that's the only character he can play. They should watch Darklight and see that's not true.

                        definitely, DH has proved himself in many of his films and tv programmes that he can be different

                        spoilers of DH's programmes

                        you have traders, hes a schizophrenic trader, has so many awww moments,
                        boa vs python, as sad as i may say i loved the film , being a zoologist the whole things with the snakes i bounced, but he was different to mckay less arrogant,

                        and now with the new ep of atlantis aswell hes proved he can

                        sounds like a rant , but i promise it not



                          Finally saw THE episode after a few misadventures.
                          Absolutely hated it. Will never watch SGA again.

                          AH! You didn't really believe that one, did you?
                          It was so good I had goosebumps watching it!
                          It was all I had barely dared to hope for and so much more. My favorite episode of SGA. David and Kate just shined in it.

                          There are so many things I've loved
                          Cried like a baby when McKay resolutely steps to Jeannie to give her a hug.
                          Loved John showing Jeannie the message Rodney had made for her. He tried to mend things between them by doing so and that just shows how much he likes Rodney, even if he's as bad as Rodney at showing it.
                          It seems I have a different interpretation of the mess scene at the end. I think that the team prefered Rod in a way because he was easier to get along with than Rodney and that John doesn't think that Rod was creepy. But they like their Rodney anyway, the way he is, and they don't want him to know they appreciated Rod.

                          Originally posted by Booklover
                          I just loved M & MM. There were a lot of little things that I enjoyed. I especially liked this little exchange betweeen Rodney & John.
                          “John Sheppard.”
                          “Yeah. She’s married and she’s my sister.”
                          “I’m just saying hi.”
                          “Yeah. No. I know exactly what you’re doing. I’ve seen that look before, Kirk.”
                          LOVED it too.

                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          To make you melt even faster, I capped even more scenes from M&MM. Here are three (as I think very cute) pics of
                          AU Rodney. He might be annoying, but he's also pretty cute because, well, because he's Hewlett of course, and because he smiles so much.
                          He smiles much more and that makes a lot of difference on how he looks.
                          I tried very hard to resist because of the way the others were treating him in comparison of our Rodney, but he smiled that sweet gentle smile and I've found myself thunking very hard.
                          And how cool is it when he admits to Rodney at the end that he envies him?

                          Welcome Ces! Wow, you joined in February and resisted the urge to post? You're stronger than I am!

                          Originally posted by strivaria
                          Witness the posting of *that* picture from Century Hotel in the screencap thread on dgeeks forum...
                          No they didn't?! Some people have a black hole between their ears!

                          I've never been at ease with the idea of a forum at Dgeek either, Arlessiar. A place where to post questions, why not, but a whole forum where people can post anything? Nope. That's why I've never tried to read all the posts there. I knew I was going to cringe a lot. I'm not going to be surprised if the forum closes. I just hope David is intelligent enough (and I do believe he is) to understand that all his fans are not like this.

                          I'd like to comment more but I have to leave in a few seconds.
                          Last edited by Aurore; 11 September 2006, 11:28 AM.


                            Originally posted by Aurore
                            Finally saw THE episode after a few misadventures.
                            Absolutely hated it. Will never watch SGA again.

                            AH! You didn't really believe that one, did you?
                            It was so good I had goosebumps watching it!
                            It was all I had barely dared to hope for and so much more. My favorite episode of SGA. David and Kate just shined in it.

                            There are so many things I've loved
                            Cried like a baby when McKay resolutely steps to Jeannie to give her a hug.
                            Loved John showing Jeannie the message Rodney had made for her. He tried to mend things between them by doing so and that just shows how much he likes Rodney, even if he's as bad as Rodney at showing it.
                            It seems I have a different interpretation of the mess scene at the end. I think that the team prefered Rod in a way because he was easier to get along with than Rodney and that John doesn't think that Rod was creepy. But they like their Rodney anyway, the way he is, and they don't want him to know they appreciated Rod.

                            LOVED it too.

                            He smiles much more and that makes a lot of difference on how he looks.
                            I tried very hard to resist because of the way the others were treating him in comparison of our Rodney, but he smiled that sweet gentle smile and I've found myself thunking very hard.
                            And how cool is it when he admits to Rodney at the end that he envies him?

                            Welcome Ces! Wow, you joined in February and resisted the urge to post? You're stronger than I am!

                            No they didn't?! Some people have a black hole between their ears!

                            I've never been at ease with the idea of a forum at Dgeek either, Arlessiar. A place where to post questions, why not, but a whole forum where people can post anything? Nope. That's why I've never tried to read all the posts there. I knew I was going to cringe a lot. I'm not going to be surprised if the forum closes. I just hope David is intelligent enough (and I do believe he is) to understand that all his fans are not like this.

                            I'd like to comment more but I have to leave in a few seconds.

                            i fell for the 'Absolutely hated it. Will never watch SGA again.' was the first thing i saw on the email oops

                            i agree with you on the ep

                            that the ending was their way o fmaking mckay feel better, but in fact they did like Rod but McKay is McKay and they are kinda used to him being that way


                              Originally posted by Aurore
                              Finally saw THE episode after a few misadventures.
                              Absolutely hated it. Will never watch SGA again.

                              AH! You didn't really believe that one, did you?
                              LOL my jaw just dropped for a second and my eyes bulged when I read that. I am so gullible


                                Originally posted by Aurore
                                Finally saw THE episode after a few misadventures.
                                Absolutely hated it. Will never watch SGA again.

                                AH! You didn't really believe that one, did you?
                                Originally posted by Aurore
                                He smiles much more and that makes a lot of difference on how he looks.
                                I tried very hard to resist because of the way the others were treating him in comparison of our Rodney, but he smiled that sweet gentle smile and I've found myself thunking very hard.

                                I didn't like the AU Rodney much, yeah he smiled a lot and it's cute but it's too creepy

                                I think this episode has to be one of my favourites, its one of the few episodes these days that I can watch more than once and I dont do that much anymore.

                                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl

