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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Oh and you know those spoilers for the next ep where
    McKay has a personal medical problem, I think it is the dart, the one they use to drug the Team, McKay escapes back to Atlantis, I think he takes a dart in the um, his um Dignity. Well it makes sense to me.

    Dart? Who uses? Huh what? Tell me more. Everybody on the whump thread is discussing some promo clip for Sateda that I can't download and I don't know any spoilers either. sadness. Something about McKay needing to lean on Shep's manly shoulder? If you guys could point me to spoilers, I'd be much obliged. Need some cheery squishing to get through what's going to be a yucky week.

    Ooohh you got a nice cap! Both of them together and smiling cute as buttons. Lovely. :sigh: I want an all McKay and Sheppard ep. Desert them on an island somewhere miles from Atlantis (hey, not necessarily slashy there, honest)


      Originally posted by abharding
      Defending the writers here, but there is priase for DH.

      Could it be that the writer Paul Mullie didn't use a great of dialouge because he knew it wasn't needed? In other words that they had in DH an actor that could convay McKay's conflicted emotions on what he had to do without saying a word?

      In many ways I would love to write for show with actors lke DH, PM, JF, JM and rest and with guest actors like Connor Trinneer and Robert Picardo because I could be very confident that they would be able to convay complex emtions with out me having to write that dialouge or write a long monolouge were the person talks about his/her feelings. Long monolouges about feelings on TV are boring. In plays they work and are even needed as not everyone can see the actors faces to use that tell what is going through his'her character's mind. But TV can show this. It can up close to the actor's face and to his/her eyes.

      True, the writers often give DH a hugh amoumt of dialouge at times, but almost always it is giving the other characters (and the veiwers) needed information about what is happening. Facts, therories, sometimes a bit of history. Things that can't be conveyed through an eye roll or a facical expression. Rodney almost never talks about his feelings in such a way.

      I have to agree with you, Abharding. The actors you mentioned are all so talented. Both DH and JF are excellent at conveying powerful emotions through expression and body language, and Conner Trineer? Wow. I liked him as Trip, but thought him rather bland. I've realised since seeing him play Michael how much of that was tha characterisation. I've been amazed at how much emotion he can convey as Michael, especially given that with such heavy makeup and wardrobe, a lot of his acting armoury has been reduced. He still conveys so much with a tilt of the head, and holding himself coiled tightly, like he's ready to spring. Marvelous body language. And every actor can be seen playing the role when the camera is not centred on them. I've never seen them slip out of character. JF especially is always doing something, even if it is just facial expressions in response to whomever the is the centre focus. With writers like that, and good directors to make the most of it, going overboard on dialogue can actually overstate things and get in the way. JF,DH and CT can all express things much more naturally and convincingly with body language and a few expressions, whereas saying "I'm doing this because I feel angry" (example for point- you get the idea) is actually detrimental, as it sounds wooden and is unnecessary filler. The writer's must take this into account. Also, I think it was MG (but I'm not sure) who said that one or two of the beginning eps of S1 were re-written and modified once it was confirmed that DH was going to play RM. So they definitely consider the actor and his/her abilities when writing.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by smushybird
        Dart? Who uses? Huh what? Tell me more. Everybody on the whump thread is discussing some promo clip for Sateda that I can't download and I don't know any spoilers either. sadness. Something about McKay needing to lean on Shep's manly shoulder? If you guys could point me to spoilers, I'd be much obliged. Need some cheery squishing to get through what's going to be a yucky week.

        Ooohh you got a nice cap! Both of them together and smiling cute as buttons. Lovely. :sigh: I want an all McKay and Sheppard ep. Desert them on an island somewhere miles from Atlantis (hey, not necessarily slashy there, honest)
        I love that idea.

        The clip; which I was trying to cap but can't because it moves too fast.
        John has to help Rodney to the Gate (or Puddle Jumper) and yes Rodney is leaning into Sheppard's body, which is why I think he got shot with a dart in his Dignity, the spoilers on GW home page say the team gets drugged but I think it may only be Ronon but Rodney is injured, he has time with Beckett dealing with a embarrassing personal issue.


          Originally posted by Lauriel
          So they definitely consider the actor and his/her abilities when writing.
          Well you would hope so or they wouldn't be doing their job. No writer is going to last if all they do is write for some boxed in idea of what the character is, writers on shows need IMO to always keep in mind who they are writing for (the actor who is playing the character) for me that makes all the difference. When David Tennant took over from Chis Ecclestone on Doctor Who RTD said it was important to make sure we wrote to David's strengths, not try and make him fit into Chris's shoes. I think it is give and take but sometimes I think the actor is just far superiour to the product and for me on SGA sometimes I really do think DH is far better then what he has to work with. Just my opinion.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            No writer is going to last if all they do is write for some boxed in idea of what the character is,
            *cough* soap operas! *cough*
            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


              Originally posted by Lauriel
              *cough* soap operas! *cough*
              Ah but I hear sometimes they are so ashamed to admit they write those scripts they use pseudonyms. That is hardly a career builder. Then again acting in soaps is hardly a career builder if you stay there too long.


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat

                Rodney smiling, episodes where we never see any smiles and all of a sudden smiling! Yay!


                Came across this clip of an UGO interview with David, Rainbow, and Torri. David and Rainbow are geeking out about Ghostbusters on the Amiga (at the end).

                sig by Pandora's_Box


                  Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                  Came across this clip of an UGO interview with David, Rainbow, and Torri. David and Rainbow are geeking out about Ghostbusters on the Amiga (at the end).
                  You didn't mention the shirt.


                    I thought I recognised that shirt, this behinds the scenes thing was done as part of the publicity for the start of first season obviously *Ford*.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                      Ooops, silly me! How could I have forgotten about the shirt!

                      sig by Pandora's_Box


                        Just watched this weeks eps of both shows and couldn't help squeeing!! Rodney was so funny in both eps... Though I think Shep and Mitchell are not nice!

                        Now I have a question for any eagle-eared people who watched Irresistable... I will put it in spoilers of course so don't read if you haven't watched and don't want to know...

                        What did Shep say to Rodney at the end? I think I heard "I'm gonna go back and clean your quarters before the next....?" What did he say at the end there? Did that mean that Rodney was using it on Shep? If so I am sure that made the McSheppers wild!

                        Now I am going to go back and rewatch some Rodney moments again!

                        Mahlia Belonn


                          David Hewlett Interview -

                          It's got season 2 spoilers.

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            season three spoilers
                            Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                            What did Shep say to Rodney at the end? I think I heard "I'm gonna go back and clean your quarters before the next....?" What did he say at the end there? Did that mean that Rodney was using it on Shep? If so I am sure that made the McSheppers wild!
                            He said he was going to finish cleaning Rodney's quarters before the next scout (meaning before they go off world to look for more gates) Yes Rodney was controlling Sheppard! Oh yeah! Slash city.

                            Thanks Mg. That has been posted before it is from the DVD.


                              Originally posted by iLemon
                              David Hewlett Interview -

                              It's got season 2 spoilers.


                              That was cute!!!!!!!



                              PS I am in a silly mood today!!!
                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                Hey Willow!

                                This is very OT so in spoilers!!

                                Hubbie and son went to a Smallville convention yesterday (their first ever con!) and there were some Dr Who people too! Danny Webb (security officer from that Devil/blackhole ep) and Martha (?) who played the girl all wired up in the tv game/dalek ep from Christopher E season! (Yes you guessed it - I never remember episode titles!! ) Got some pics signed! Plus (for some reason) Paul Darrow was there - Avon from Blake's 7 - and hubbie got me a signed pic and a signed book!! I used to love him in that show all those hundreds of years ago!!! Everyone was very nice and chatty and made a fuss of Ed who was the youngest there (he's 12 and most of the others were older teens or early 20's with a few oldies like hubbie!!)

                                Now for some on topic loveliness!!

                                sig by SheppyD
                                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                                So he just looks crazy

