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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    My thoughts on McKay and Misbegotten... oh yeah spoilers.

    Well, this was not an episode I understood or liked, so it was hard to know where to start. So I have gone with commenting now on just two moments.

    There wasn't a huge amount in this episode of McKay but we did get two interesting reactions... one was the smile in the meeting room, I personally see this as being out of character but I know others have said it fitted with his place in The Team and his comment about food was self deprecating. I didn't not like that moment; it is always nice to see McKay smile I just thought it was saying something I didn't believe, that is McKay is really comfortable with these people and especially since it was aimed at Dr Weir, I know McKay has shown respect for her in the past but I still find it odd, and twined with Sheppard's reaction to Dr Weir in her office after his meeting with Woosley I can't help feeling manipulated.

    The other scene was the last really, when McKay has to kill The Wraith or as I like to see it do Sheppard's dirty work, I think DH did a wonderful job conveying Rodney's conflict becasue well the script didn't seem to be helping much in that department.

    I have never seen Rodney as the poster boy for tolerance or compassion but I have always felt he has morals *deep down* so I was glad we saw a glimmer of them in his looks at Beckett, it didn't matter in the end as he still "obeyed his leader" but at least it was there. I found that immensely comforting in an episode that has made me question my continuing fandom for this show.


      random pic

      sig by Pandora's_Box


        Originally posted by Klenotka
        I don´t want to wait 6 months to another episodes It´s bad, bad idea and I don´t understand it. I hope that it´s only rumor. And I hope that SGA will run in TMN.
        TMN is supposed to start airing SGA sept. 11th. at least, that's what their site said the last time i checked. so it may turn out that everyone else will get to see S3 before the US (for a change )


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat
          My thoughts on McKay and Misbegotten... oh yeah spoilers.


          The other scene was the last really, when McKay has to kill The Wraith or as I like to see it do Sheppard's dirty work, I think DH did a wonderful job conveying Rodney's conflict becasue well the script didn't seem to be helping much in that department.
          Defending the writers here, but there is priase for DH.

          Could it be that the writer Paul Mullie didn't use a great of dialouge because he knew it wasn't needed? In other words that they had in DH an actor that could convay McKay's conflicted emotions on what he had to do without saying a word?

          In many ways I would love to write for show with actors lke DH, PM, JF, JM and rest and with guest actors like Connor Trinneer and Robert Picardo because I could be very confident that they would be able to convay complex emtions with out me having to write that dialouge or write a long monolouge were the person talks about his/her feelings. Long monolouges about feelings on TV are boring. In plays they work and are even needed as not everyone can see the actors faces to use that tell what is going through his'her character's mind. But TV can show this. It can up close to the actor's face and to his/her eyes.

          True, the writers often give DH a hugh amoumt of dialouge at times, but almost always it is giving the other characters (and the veiwers) needed information about what is happening. Facts, therories, sometimes a bit of history. Things that can't be conveyed through an eye roll or a facical expression. Rodney almost never talks about his feelings in such a way.

          Sheppard: You think it's worth checking out?
          McKay: Any significant energy emission generally indicates technological civilization.
          Sheppard: So... you think it's worth checking out?
          McKay: [sarcastically] I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.


            Originally posted by abharding
            Defending the writers here, but there is priase for DH.

            Could it be that the writer Paul Mullie didn't use a great of dialouge because he knew it wasn't needed? In other words that they had in DH an actor that could convay McKay's conflicted emotions on what he had to do without saying a word?

            In many ways I would love to write for show with actors lke DH, PM, JF, JM and rest and with guest actors like Connor Trinneer and Robert Picardo because I could be very confident that they would be able to convay complex emtions with out me having to write that dialouge or write a long monolouge were the person talks about his/her feelings. Long monolouges about feelings on TV are boring. In plays they work and are even needed as not everyone can see the actors faces to use that tell what is going through his'her character's mind. But TV can show this. It can up close to the actor's face and to his/her eyes.

            True, the writers often give DH a hugh amoumt of dialouge at times, but almost always it is giving the other characters (and the veiwers) needed information about what is happening. Facts, therories, sometimes a bit of history. Things that can't be conveyed through an eye roll or a facical expression. Rodney almost never talks about his feelings in such a way.
            Sorry at the moment I just cannot bring myself to say yeah to TPTB, just not in that mind set at the moment so it is all DH as far as I am concerned. I take comfort where I can.


              Awfully quite around here...

              RM: Where did all my thunkers go?

              Just saw that the ADB on imdb has been updated (July 22). Status changed from in production to completed. Hooray! Another post of note I saw on ADB thread here.
              Last edited by pavaneofstars; 25 July 2006, 09:10 AM. Reason: ADB info

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                OT - I've noticed that DH isn't listed as a producer for 'A Dog's Breakfast' anymore...wonder why...cos isn't 'Kibble Productions' David's Company?
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)




                  Too hot, too busy and too tired to thunk lately!

                  Missed lots of excitement too.

                  Not happy at all about the 6 month hiatus - I really think it means this season will be the last and am even worried now the remaining eps might not get made

                  Very fed up I am now!

                  But how fab was it to read the message from David and see the ADB clip! That certainly helps to cheer you up!

                  sig by SheppyD
                  Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                  I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                  So he just looks crazy


                    Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                    Awfully quite around here...

                    RM: Where did all my thunkers go?
                    I'm here Rodney! I haven't checked in on this thread in so long, and I come back and y'all are getting scolded for nekkidness. Hee hee; that's the best kind of scold!

                    I saw that ADB clip and thought it was the cutest thing ever! This movie looks very funny; can't wait!


                      Good to hear from you Mx! I know, it's been so hot everywhere! There's been a massive heat wave rolling through most of California for... forever! I've lost track of the days!
                      Originally posted by McKayRocks
                      Not happy at all about the 6 month hiatus - I really think it means this season will be the last and am even worried now the remaining eps might not get made
                      Gosh I hope they don't cancel! I think it's too early to worry about that, but there is always that possibility. Trying not to think about that too much. And it is just a "rumor", as reported on the gateworld newspage. Take that to mean what you will. There is a letter writing campaign to scifi to try to get them to change their minds. I'm sure you've seen it (if not, it's in the general discussion thread).

                      sig by Pandora's_Box


                        Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                        Gosh I hope they don't cancel! I think it's too early to worry about that, but there is always that possibility. Trying not to think about that too much. And it is just a "rumor", as reported on the gateworld newspage. Take that to mean what you will. There is a letter writing campaign to scifi to try to get them to change their minds. I'm sure you've seen it (if not, it's in the general discussion thread).
                        I suppose my thinking is if I resign myself to it being cancelled then it will not be a nasty surprise if they do and if they don't it will be a bonus!!

                        Thanks for that info - I shall go check it out now!

                        sig by SheppyD
                        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                        So he just looks crazy


                          Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                          Good to hear from you Mx! I know, it's been so hot everywhere! There's been a massive heat wave rolling through most of California for... forever! I've lost track of the days!
                          Pavane, are you in California? I heard about all the brown outs and power problems, and I hope you're all right.

                          As to canceling the series: I still think SGA is better than 90% of the rest of the crap on SciFi, so I'm not terribly worried. I suppose there could be a possibility for budget cuts, but the producers and directors of SGA are used to working with a minimal budget from the early SG-1 days; I'm sure they could manage.


                            Hi folks, as you see I couldn't stay away for long - who would have guessed.

                            Thought a bit about the trouble we had here and which I caused, there are still things that bother me and also things that still make me feel bad, I don't think I can sort this out completely, so back to thunking.
                            Pavane and Willow, I'll answer to your mails, but work is stressful in the next two days, I also can't be at home for two days, and it's so hot here (as it's seems to be everwhere in the rest of the Northern hemisphere - frightening! Pavane, Mx, let's meet for a nice bath in a tub full of ice cubes!) that I'm rarely sitting at my computer. But I won't forget you and hope I can answer on the weekend!

                            Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                            Too hot, too busy and too tired to thunk lately!
                            My Mx, there you are! *waves back*
                            I thought of you when I was on the bus on my way home today, I planned on asking if anyone here knows where you are. I thought maybe you're away already, on your holiday, because I hadn't seen you for some time! I'm glad to hear that you're fine! I can understand all your reasons why you weren't here that much perfectly!
                            Not happy at all about the 6 month hiatus - I really think it means this season will be the last and am even worried now the remaining eps might not get made
                            Nah, don't worry, I really don't think that this is the reason! They will make the remaining eps, I'm sure that's a contract thing and they'll finish the season in any case. As for the future, I can't be sure of course, but I highly doubt that the gate is buried already.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Rory, I'm with you. I seriously doubt they would cancel the Stargate franchises. Aren't they the highest rating shows on the network? If they need a break, well, I'll give them a few months off. If it's the money, they can release Season 2 on DVD here in the states and sell Season 2 into syndication. Not that I am tired of seeing the same 20 episodes of Season 1 on FOX, but, oh, I *still* haven't seen Duet yet.
                              Sig by im_meli
                              More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                                Originally posted by Mercury973
                                I *still* haven't seen Duet yet.
                                I watched it last night... possibly one of my fav. rodney oriented eps yet... soooo sooo sooo cute!

                                Here in Australia for some reason people just aren't that into scifi... I have no idea why. *shrug* So hopefully the american ratings will stop it from being cancelled.

                                and because these arms are just too perfect

