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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Syera
    Photos like this make me wonder how ticklish he is.

    *Would like to personally conduct research on this subject*
    Let's conduct a little experiment, shall we?

    Everybody in?
    Sig by im_meli
    More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


      Originally posted by Mercury973
      Let's conduct a little experiment, shall we?
      Everybody in?
      Even with his hair like that, I'm totally in!!!
      "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
      "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
      Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
      Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
      "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
      Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
      Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
      (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


        I'm back!!!

        Wheee, I'm back home, the weekend lies ahead - time to catch up with the thunk, to read about the cons and to see two new eps of SGA! Yeah, today life is good.

        The only thing that is not so good is the temperature. I saw you already talked about that, what a coincidence! Mx, I really, really know how you feel! The temp is awful! I managed to come back from my holiday on the hottest day of the year (yesterday in the evening). Really great, the day I have to leave the sea behind we have record-breaking 38°C/100.4°F!!! And no wind! Whenever we took a break and left the car (thank God for the air condition!) I wondered if this is real or some weird film taking place in the Sahara! And back home all the windows were shut of course, and the warmth wouldn't leave the rooms then. Argh.
        Now I'm back at my place and it's a little cooler here, today is also a bit better in general, only 33°C/91.4°F, but I want to go back to the coast and jump into the sea (nice 21°C/69°F warm, and the air had comfortable 26°C).

        But I shouldn't complain too much as I have back my internet now! And much to look at I think.
        This could take while...

        My thunk friends I missed you so much! And RODNEY I missed you too of course!!!!

        Sadly I didn't dream of him while I was away. But at least I had a Carson dream!

        Bye, A.
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          welcome back A! nice to see you here again

          Rodney's not so pleased to see you...

          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


            Originally posted by iLemon
            welcome back A! nice to see you here again
            Thanks. Hope you're fine!
            Rodney's not so pleased to see you...
            Awww, does the poor darling fear me? I've always been so nice to him! *tries to hide the rope she used to drag him away from Willow a loooong time ago*

            Well, he'll have to deal. *evil laughter*

            Bye, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              *waves madly to Arlessiar*


              Glad you had a nice holiday!

              We have missed you too! Although I haven't been on much myself this week as it has been so hot!!

              Another new ep tonight! I am looking forward to it very much as

              Spoilers for Misbegotten
              Carson gets whumped!!!

              And Rodney has missed you and is glad you are back too!

              BTW if I suddenly disappear it is because hubbie has come home and I haven't seen him all week so I will log off straight away! He has driven home all the way from Yorkshire so will be tired and I want to make a fuss of him as he had to go to his uncle's funeral today.

              sig by SheppyD
              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
              So he just looks crazy


                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                I'm back!!!
                Welcome home!!! You have good timing, SGA-wise. And your post makes me want to go to the beach now. Any beach pics? I'm sure your beach is muuuch prettier than ours (most are). Gulf of Mexico waters are muddy brown...
                It's a balmy 96 degrees here...improved over the 100-pluses we had last week. Thank God for the a/c.

                Had a peculiar chat with another SGA fan over how much Rodney must dislike having to do his business out in the woods on various planets, whether he brings his own bathroom tissue, and whether he makes Sheppard carry it.
                Now, have we had that chat in here?


                  A heads up to all you McKay/Hewlett Thunkers!

                  On Monday of this week, had the immense pleasure of interviewing none other than DAVID HEWLETT, who plays Dr Rodney McKay in "Stargate: Atlantis"! This is a BRAND NEW and EXCLUSIVE interview, covering his new film project, "A Dog's Breakfast", the new season of "Atlantis", and his love of "Doctor Who"! The interview will be published at on Tuesday August 1st, so keep your eyes peeled for this special interview!
                  Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG



                      Hi Arlessiar! Welcome home! I think it is extremely hot everywhere right now! (Except in the southern hemisphere, of course. )

                      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                      OMG - how can you stand the heat! We have had up to 36 C which is about mid 80s F and that was just too much!
                      What I wouldn't give for your weather! It's been in the 100's here (37+ C) all week!

                      Originally posted by Anise76
                      A heads up to all you McKay/Hewlett Thunkers!

                      On Monday of this week, had the immense pleasure of interviewing none other than DAVID HEWLETT, who plays Dr Rodney McKay in "Stargate: Atlantis"!
                      Wow! Thanks for the headsup! I'll be looking forward to that. Now, if I only I could've been the interviewer.

                      sig by Pandora's_Box


                        Hi Arlessiar, sounds like the hols were good for you, sorry you came back to the hottest day so far this Summer.

                        So anyone going to the Con? *sigh* Stuck on the other side of the planet sucks sometimes.

                        Originally posted by Anise76
                        A heads up to all you McKay/Hewlett Thunkers!

                        On Monday of this week, had the immense pleasure of interviewing none other than DAVID HEWLETT, who plays Dr Rodney McKay in "Stargate: Atlantis"! This is a BRAND NEW and EXCLUSIVE interview, covering his new film project, "A Dog's Breakfast", the new season of "Atlantis", and his love of "Doctor Who"! The interview will be published at on Tuesday August 1st, so keep your eyes peeled for this special interview!
                        Ooh! Lol! I get all giddy thinking about DH interviews. Thanks Anise76! Um, will we ever get an interview where he doesn't talk about Dr Who? *hugs David* the mad Whovain that he is. I wonder what he thought of all the shippyness in season 28.

                        Well I am off to do really exciting things like wash my clothes and vacuum the floor... yeah Saturday cleaning what joy. Well at least it will keep me occupied until *cough* is ready.
                        I hope for much Sheppard/Beckett interaction, I think they work well together. Don't know how much McKay we will get in this episode seems more about Beckett *about time* and Sheppard. Oh well any full length shots of Rodney are always welcome... just don't get enough of those.
                        At least this episode my have some usable non spoiler caps... last week was a nightmare.


                          Well haven't seen the episode
                          kind of glad giving some of the hints as what has gone on
                          but I just wanted to post some yummy David caps.

                          Yes he likes the stripes. I just like the guy in the stipes.


                            Oh that smile! Someone has to post a cap of that smile....that's the loveliest Rodney smile I've ever seen.

                            Didn't care for the ep. Liz's blatant flirting with Sheppard made me gag. The whole Liz/Woolsey storyline felt contrived as can be. And the episode made just about every character seem like an amoral, self-serving, compassionless jerk. Made me saddest to see Shep and Beckett behave that way. Rodney at least tried....he didn't want to incinerate anyone. I can understand wanting to have characters behave in realistic ways--people are not always good or honest or even decent at times--but the writers are starting to turn these characters, who at least in the beginning tried to do the right thing in difficult circumstances, into people who'll do anything, no matter how reprehensible, to save their own behinds. They're turning into people George W. Bush would like....
                            I hate to see them go this way. I don't mind my heroes being human. But when they don't even seem to care that what they're doing is wrong...
                            A couple of cute Shep/McKay moments made the ep bearable, but it wasn't enough to qualify as a good SGA ep, imoho.
                            That one smile, tho-- too bad it was for Liz and not Shep. It was beautiful. DH has the most darling smile. I hope he gets to show it off more often in the future.


                              Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                              Wow! Thanks for the headsup! I'll be looking forward to that. Now, if I only I could've been the interviewer.
                              It was enormous fun, even though I was up until 2am in order to do it! Just hoping that everyone else likes the interview too.
                              Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


                                Originally posted by smushybird
                                Oh that smile! Someone has to post a cap of that smile....that's the loveliest Rodney smile I've ever seen.

                                Didn't care for the ep. Liz's blatant flirting with Sheppard made me gag. The whole Liz/Woolsey storyline felt contrived as can be. And the episode made just about every character seem like an amoral, self-serving, compassionless jerk. Made me saddest to see Shep and Beckett behave that way. Rodney at least tried....he didn't want to incinerate anyone. I can understand wanting to have characters behave in realistic ways--people are not always good or honest or even decent at times--but the writers are starting to turn these characters, who at least in the beginning tried to do the right thing in difficult circumstances, into people who'll do anything, no matter how reprehensible, to save their own behinds. They're turning into people George W. Bush would like....
                                I hate to see them go this way. I don't mind my heroes being human. But when they don't even seem to care that what they're doing is wrong...
                                A couple of cute Shep/McKay moments made the ep bearable, but it wasn't enough to qualify as a good SGA ep, imoho.
                                That one smile, tho-- too bad it was for Liz and not Shep. It was beautiful. DH has the most darling smile. I hope he gets to show it off more often in the future.

                                I still haven't seen the ep,
                                a few more hours for me... I am not liking what I am hearing so much so I haven't bothered going into the discussion thread *so unlike me* I will make my own mind up but yeah getting the impression not great leadership going on... I made a new sig to celebrate (or commiserate) that... Yes it is mean but it is how I feel. *Not posting here as it is not Rodney* but it will pop up and I am sure you will know which one it is, the time for subtlety is long over.

                                *cough* He has a fab smile, he has one of those smiles that really lights up his face... gorgeous! Sorry until I see it I can't cap it...

                                Until then this...

