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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by iLemon
    slashing real people felt really weird and a bit sick at first but I got used to it when I joined GW, I've even started about 2 not so popular slash threads myself
    Normally I would not talk about this in here as it is way off topic! *what?* Lol! I think that is what people get wrong, this is not about the actors it is about the characters in some ways it is just an extension of the show it has *in my case* nothing to do with the actors, I don't think about David or Joe when I read McShepp slash I think about Rodney and John. It is just a bit of fun.

    And thank you for starting the interesting slash McKavanaugh and the other one whose name I can never get right.


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
      I don't think about David or Joe when I read McShepp slash I think about Rodney and John. It is just a bit of fun.

      And thank you for starting the interesting slash McKavanaugh and the other one whose name I can never get right.

      He has Star Trek-y sideburns!

      I only think about Rodney and John, too--after all (at least for me) what makes it hot are the personalities involved, the emotional connections and conflicts that make sparks fly.

      There are a couple of actors in the past I've imagined (but never written fan fic for) in that sort of relationship because they had great chemistry in movies together, they've given interviews in which they're obviously very open-minded to possibilities and/or they've hinted they've experimented themselves, and they've played gay characters--so just in that instance, my warped little mind mused on the idea. But DH and JF I know very little about, except that they're in steady relationships or married and seem entirely straight--so it just seems more invasive, somehow, to even try to imagine them that way. If that makes sense.

      And then once I did write a fan fic using different actors in two roles that were played on screen by other actors I didn't think had the right chemistry. So that was sort of slashing two real life people, but in the story, the personalities were the characters and not the real life people--so I'm thinking it doesn't quite count the same way. a wee bit disturbing But disturbing can be interesting, too. I've seen some evil character/good character slashes that were great--but I find the character of Kavanaugh too insipid and unappealing to slash, personally. And I think McKay would, too.


        Spoilering for OFF-TOPIC slash talk... Which I didn't start for a change.

        Originally posted by smushybird a wee bit disturbing But disturbing can be interesting, too. I've seen some evil character/good character slashes that were great--but I find the character of Kavanaugh too insipid and unappealing to slash, personally. And I think McKay would, too.
        Disturbing is the point of that slash!

        I have read some JF in First Monday (Julian) and DH in Boa V Python that kind of works, there was even a weird McKay and Julian fic posted on LJ not long ago. I really love JF's portrayal of Julian and I see him fitting well with McKay, but conveniently ignoring the fact he looks just like John is a little off putting and silly plus I don't want a threesome... OK stopping now before I get thrown out of the Thunk for good.

        On topic Thunking.


          Originally posted by smushybird
          He has Star Trek-y sideburns!
          Rodney and Carson have the same kind of pointy sideburns. John's sideburns are square ended.

          Rodney's sideburns don't look so pointy in this Season 1 shot. But you can see the different sideburns.

          Here's an example showing Rodney and Carson's sideburns.

          Changing topics, I just discovered the joys of YouTube. Here's a clip of David "jiving" from Desire and Hell at Sunset Hotel.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            I think TPTB may still have had the old SG-1 McKay in their minds when they wrote the first few episodes, certainly they make reference to having not included McKay in the script; not sure what to really believe, as TPTB say the script was not McKay but Martin Gero said he had McKay in mind when writing his first Atlantis script Childhood's End, I guess this means they were at least 6 scripts in before the casting was confirmed. )
            Rising was written with the character of Dr. Ingram in it, and his lines were not changed much when he was replaced with McKay at the last minute. Some of the other episodes were partially written before casting was complete, such as Suspicion, but they were not all written in the order that they were filmed or shown anyway. They had to be rewritten quite a bit when casting was complete (this information is from the Official Companion; Robert Cooper says in it, "After the pilot was written we started developing episode ideas, but it wasn't until we had cast the show and started to hear the voices come out of the actors' mouths that any really productive writing could take place".) Also, 38 Minutes was filmed before Hide and Seek although they were shown the other way round, so the Sheppard / McKay friendship and banter really got going in Hide and Seek when TPTB saw the chemistry between JF and DH. It is just confusing because of the fact that the episodes go in the "wrong" order.

            Nice to have some season 1 discussion here; I was feeling a bit left out with all the season 3 stuff (and I have actually managed to restrain myself from clicking on any of the spoiler tags for once!)
            Please... leave the touching to the experts.


              Originally posted by smushybird
     a wee bit disturbing But disturbing can be interesting, too. I've seen some evil character/good character slashes that were great--but I find the character of Kavanaugh too insipid and unappealing to slash, personally. And I think McKay would, too.
              Just wait till you see McShepett... Mxsheketmy... McShepext... McSh... McShet.. McShexetet... oh whatever just click the link!

              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                Originally posted by iLemon
                Just wait till you see McShepett... Mxsheketmy... McShepext... McSh... McShet.. McShexetet... oh whatever just click the link!
                Lol! I knew I wasn't the only one who could remember that dam name.

                Rodney: You want me to go with those guys. That's a joke right? Right?!?!

                Ah McKay the little black dress of Shippy/Slashy Stargate.


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                  Rodney: You want me to go with those guys. That's a joke right? Right?!?!
                  Would you rather be with those damned kids?

                  Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                  Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                    Originally posted by Catsitter
                    Rising was written with the character of Dr. Ingram in it, and his lines were not changed much when he was replaced with McKay at the last minute. Some of the other episodes were partially written before casting was complete, such as Suspicion, but they were not all written in the order that they were filmed or shown anyway. They had to be rewritten quite a bit when casting was complete (this information is from the Official Companion; Robert Cooper says in it, "After the pilot was written we started developing episode ideas, but it wasn't until we had cast the show and started to hear the voices come out of the actors' mouths that any really productive writing could take place".) Also, 38 Minutes was filmed before Hide and Seek although they were shown the other way round, so the Sheppard / McKay friendship and banter really got going in Hide and Seek when TPTB saw the chemistry between JF and DH. It is just confusing because of the fact that the episodes go in the "wrong" order.

                    Nice to have some season 1 discussion here; I was feeling a bit left out with all the season 3 stuff (and I have actually managed to restrain myself from clicking on any of the spoiler tags for once!)
                    Wow thanks for that info, makes me see Hide & Seek in a new light but I was sure *OK needs to re-watch it obviously* but Sheppard didn't start the Team talk did he until after Hide & Seek?

                    If The Team was already decided in 38 minutes but that was filmed first... or was it just scripted first? I know you said filmed but that is odd in the context of the eps. Yes have to re-watch them... So they were already Team mates in Hide & Seek (filmed after 38 minutes) but nothing was said on screen about that?

                    Well that might explain why McKay did let Sheppard drop him of the balcony and why he let him shoot him, he was his Team leader.

                    Martin Gero in the extras on the season 2 DVD said he didn't know David was going to play the role in Childhoods End as McKay, he was told by Peter DeLuise to keep McKay in mind when writing it as they were looking at casting DH as McKay instead of Ingram, and although it did screen as the um, 6th episode it too may have been written/filmed earlier then that?


                      Originally posted by iLemon
                      Would you rather be with those damned kids?

                      Lol! That is a tough choice... kids or men who behave like kids.

                      Rodney needs to re-fuel before he makes his mind up.


                        have all the fuel you need

                        Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                        Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                          Lol! Food!

                          "here food, food, food"


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                            Lol! That is a tough choice... kids or men who behave like kids.

                            Oh, that's easy - kids. Believe me, it's so aggravating when a full-grown man slips into Senseless Childish Stubbornness mode. It's annoying when kids do it, but they're kids - at least it's understandable in their case.

                            *Her dad is an Aries, so he gets like that now and then*
                            [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.



                              Too hot to do anything recently! Hate this hot weather - roll on winter I say!!

                              Sorry if I have missed anything exciting or any milestones as have not been around much lately. So congrats to all who need congratulating!

                              Some nice yum to start the weekend off on the right track!

                              Looking forward to Misbegotten!

                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                MX- It's gonna be in the 90s F here in Seattle. Ugh! Yes, think about winter. Maybe hanging out in the snow...maybe a little hot tubbing...

                                *sorta off topic* When comming here, I also really don't think about the real person but the character. I don't know DH and never will, but it's Rodney that I . It's all fantasy and fun; not to be taken seriously, until someone feeds you citrus.
                                Sig by im_meli
                                More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ

