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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Klenotka

    I...agree, of course Nobody is hotter than David.
    Look at his hands, eyes,, I think I should leave now...
    His thigh straps...his blue boxers...the silly little songs from Nothing and Icemen...
    Sig by im_meli
    More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


      Originally posted by pavaneofstars
      Arlessiar, this is beautiful and perfectly describes how DH snuck into my life. My DH obsession did not start until season 2. So I had been watching Atlantis for a while and then one day I realized how talented and thunkalicious (is that a word?)this man is!

      How sweet eh! Does ya think DH/RM feels the same? But I can dream can't I.


        David Hewlett is HOT

        No-one can deny that

        My mum initially didn't like him...but now she does
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by Arlessiar
          I agree completely with the comic relief thing, we discussed this in the RM Discussion thread a few times, and I really think TPTB are in danger of losing the real McKay. But this is not the right place to discuss this,so I better stop before I start ranting.
          Don't know if I'll get yelled at for bring this up in a DH thunkerpager, but I just wanted to make a few comments/concern over this. Your totally right about the risk of losing the "real" RM. The first RM had an edge to him, he was sarcastic ( can relate to that trait ) and yet had a sense of humor, but in the right balance. I believe DH could suffer through the Armin Shimmerman syndrome. What do I mean by this? In an interview after the end of the DS9 series Armin had this to say, " If I had the chance to do the Quark character all over again, I would have done the character quite differently, as it turned out the Quark character became a sorta "comedy relief figure" ( sounds familar?), so I never got to play a serious role or was Quark taken seriously, because I failed to do anything about that at the beginning".

          It could well be that DH may go thru the same thing as Armin. It would be interesting to know what DH really thinks about this and his character. Does he have a say in the matter? You know he will not say nothing negative so long as he has part in the SGA seriers. You know, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". There has been many an actor & actress who because they played a certain character for such a long time, that when it comes to get a new acting job are stereotyped by the producers as being that type of character they played. And it haunts them for the rest of their career.


            As someone who ha only seen Season 1, I am not sure if they watered him down in Season 2 or not, but I also can see this possibly happening. I've read the scripts from season 2, and he seems to have made more mistakes than he did in the first season.

            Yes, McKay can be comic relief, but he can also be heroic and brave. He (along with Zelenka) is one who has a big part in saving the day. But I fear that McKay will be turned into a clown. The snark and "jerk" attitude is what attracted the character to me in the first place. Most guys like that have an interesting past for them to cover up their emotions so much. And it's so easy to see through McKay's tantrums. But I would be really mad if they decide to take the lead away from McKay and make him into a incompetent blowhard. I like him as a competent blowhard.
            Sig by im_meli
            More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


              I do miss the sense of humor. The whole "Oops, sorry, never mind" bit was a riot.
              [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                I forgot to say, Hi S.G.C!

                Originally posted by parisindy
                there are a lot of rule on this board... more then any other i've been on. it feels a bit oppressive at times... i fixed the post.. i didn't want to post it to my own site cause i didn't want to be scene as stealing the pic... and i just lost the original post so i couldn't remember who to quote it to... sorry for the disgression
                Don't worry about this too much, things like this happen at the beginning. I made so many mistakes when I joined! And you fixed your post, that's most important. Learning things this way is better than to get into trouble with the mods one day.
                You'll get used to the rules quickly, and there aren't so many of them, most of them are just common sense stuff. In the actual case it's, like Willow explained, less a mistake than a courtesy.
                Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                Check this out: it's the McKay promo but better. Just click and you'll see.
                Wheeee! Thanks for this link, pavane!
                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                Are you serious? They can do that in Germany????
                About unpaid internships:
                Yes, they can, we don't have such a law you have in your country. Well, normally you get paid for an internship, but lately, with the bad economic situation, you find unpaid internships more and more. It's really not a good development. People are desperate to find a job at all, to gather experience, to maybe get a chance to get into a company this way - and the companies think it's a cheap way to get minor tasks done. This way of thinking gets criticised a lot, but that doesn't change much...
                Anyway, what I said about me wasn't quite right, I do get a little money - 100 Euro per month (that's circa 170 Australian dollars). But I don't have a car, so I have to go to work by bus - and a monthly ticket costs 80 Euro, so there isn't much left from the money I earn.
                But I still hope I can stay in this company after August, and if that happens I'll be paid a full wage. Finally.

                Jeez your memory is bad, she was the younger sister or little sister (well I assume it was Kate ) he talks about in the commentaries for Cypher! We talked about it for weeks!
                Sorry, I don't remember that at the moment, but that might be because I'm very tired and my mind's busy with a thousand other things. I know we talked about the Cypher commentary a lot, but I don't remember this special bit. Maybe I just need to listen to the commentary again. Or sleep more.

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Another Rodney picture...

                  [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                    How about a little wet Rodney... I just want to make him some hot chocolate and curl up in the down comforter.

                    Sig by im_meli
                    More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                      Originally posted by LoveBuzz

                      It could well be that DH may go thru the same thing as Armin. It would be interesting to know what DH really thinks about this and his character. Does he have a say in the matter? You know he will not say nothing negative so long as he has part in the SGA seriers. You know, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"
                      I can see where you're coming from, but I really don't see it happening. For one thing, Quark was never a main character on DS-9, Rodney is. Plus, while I think they went a little hard on him in S2, Rodney still saved the day a ton of times, plus we got to see him being openly brave and going into desperate situations to do the right thing. (I'm thinking, Duet, Aurora, Epiphany, Coup d'etat, Inferno, Allies).
                      We know that David loves the character of Rodney, and we know that the writers love the character too (esp.Martin Gero). I have faith that those factors will keep Rodney a worthy, albeit bumbling ( ), hero.


                        Originally posted by RoryJ
                        For one thing, Quark was never a main character on DS-9, Rodney is.
                        I know that we are getting way off-topic here, but Quark was too a main character, all the way through DS9. But don't get me started!
                        Please... leave the touching to the experts.


                          Originally posted by LoveBuzz
                          Heres a question for you gals: Does your BF or Husband ( or both ); know your a total thunkheads ( yes, it is a word, coz i just said it eh ) over DH or is it hush, hush, ya know a closet thunker. If they know what do they think about it?
                          Oh I think he knows from the videos, from the fics I read from the amount of time I say why aren't you more like that Canadian guy David Hewlett.

                          I'm asking because I "had" a girlfriend who got totally pissed off at me just because I had a poster of Deanna Milligan ( my kinda girl ) in my bedroom. I told my gf Deanna would come down as soon as she gave me a life size picture of her nekid........yo baby!!

                          On the DH/RM "watered down McKay" I have made my feeling known loud and clear in the Discussion and Appreciation Thread so.....

                          Originally posted by Mercury973
                          David Hewlett is hotter than Michael Shanks. There, I said it. And anyone who disagrees will go into the Thunderdome with me!
                          Wow, if we were talking SG-1 season one Michael and SG-1 Redemption David... I have no idea what I would say but now it is all Hewlett. And RM is far more interesting then DJ now, well ever!

                          Arlessiar, I get the work thing I really do,
                          I guess I was brought up in such a Union friendly household I can't believe it when bosses think this behaviour is OK and dandy and Governments go along with it... a fair days pay for a fair days work... just my fundamental belief. I really hope it all works out for you.
                          Speaking of work the one week over-time looks like turning into one month! I am never coming back here again to Thunk I am glad the new eps air on a Friday night US time, at least I will have Sunday to post on GW about them.

                          A little double Thunk



                            Originally posted by LoveBuzz
                            Don't know if I'll get yelled at for bring this up in a DH thunkerpager, but I just wanted to make a few comments/concern over this.
                            Well, the DH bits and speculations are ontopic here, so no-one has a reason to yell at you because of that.
                            The RM character discussion should better take place in the RM discussion thread though, especially since the "comic relief" thing is something we just talked about over there.
                            So I'll just answer to the DH related things here:
                            It would be interesting to know what DH really thinks about this and his character. Does he have a say in the matter? You know he will not say nothing negative so long as he has part in the SGA seriers. You know, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
                            He surely has a say in this matter. Judging from all the interviews I read the actors talk a lot with the director about their characters. They just know the characters so well and I guess their ideas and other input are important.
                            Then in a recent interview David mentioned that he wasn't that fond of the idea of Rodney
                            screwing up again
                            in the next season. That was the first time I read something like criticism on the show from him. Until then I only heard him praise TPTB and say how much he likes his work. Well, I believe him that he loves this job, it's surely an exciting and fantastic workplace. And of course there's also the "don't bite the hand..." thing you mentioned, so even if he's not satisfied with everything he might not complain much. But because of the comment about RM in season 3 I'm now sure that this isn't the only thing he isn't completely satisfied with, he just doesn't say that so often.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                              Smushybird, Boa v Python is stupid! *Ok I know some people like it* But giant snakes? Come on! It's mostly silly not horror, now CUBE has it's moments. Darklight might be the one you are thinking of but he is more menacing then scary, and well... it isn't very long and not the best script IMHO.[/LEFT]

                              I gave my top ten films a few pages back so I won't say again but if you see only one DH film see Nothing, or need to see his little scene in Cypher talk about slash! *you are a bad influence on me*
                              Ohh I loooove the holding hands pic! Awesome. No, that would be a "good" influence on you--I think you meant. Think of it as just expanding our horizons with all the possibilities God and nature allow. Or at least, nature allows. I will probably end up renting all the DH movies, just to see them one time at least. I can't help it. I can always fast-forward through the boring non-David scenes.

                              Unknown Terra, I am so sorry about your break-up. Two yrs is a long time and makes it all the harder to split. Hope you are spending much time with consoling friends, trying to have some fun. I'd also recommend much chocolate. :hugs:


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                                Speaking of work the one week over-time looks like turning into one month! I am never coming back here again to Thunk I am glad the new eps air on a Friday night US time, at least I will have Sunday to post on GW about them.
                                You poor thing! One month! I'm very sad to hear that! I'll miss you, and I can imagine how you'll miss the thunk!

                                Anyway, I have to go to bed, only a few hours left until I have to get up again. I'm so bad when it comes to being consequent with myself.
                                And there are five or more things I want to post about, but I don't know when I'll manage to do so. *sigh*

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

