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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    See: sig image.

    I've always held to the idea (hope) that the "special relationship" is an understanding between Sheppard and Teyla that stems from the fact that they are not entirely human. They can understand each other's plight, but that doesn't lead to anything more.
    Definately in agreement with Hatcheter here. That is the thing with vague spoilers there is just so much room for interpretation. Also I'm sure we've seen interpretations from both extremes, but the best for all of us and our sanity is to listen to Douglas Adams and Jor *points to Hatcheter's sig* Don't Panic!


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Just to let you all know, New Atlantis has high-res images from Intruder, Duet, Trinity, Condemned, and Conversion. And it's not in German. Teyla actually has her navel covered in a few of them!
      oooh those pictures for Conversion look really nasty...
      and Sheppard doesn't look too hot either


        I was just at and found this really cute story. It has a little Shep/Weir in it. I don't know how to get the link on a post yet, but it's called 'Points for Originality' by Angel Leviathan.


          Originally posted by SGLAB
          I was just at and found this really cute story. It has a little Shep/Weir in it. I don't know how to get the link on a post yet, but it's called 'Points for Originality' by Angel Leviathan.
          This story is here. Funny fic
          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


            did you guys see the new intruder pictures? (here here and here(spoilers)) they caused every last bit of panic from the conversion bit to leave my head and fly out the window. now i'm just jumping up and down with joy


              Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
              did you guys see the new intruder pictures? (here here and here(spoilers)) they caused every last bit of panic from the conversion bit to leave my head and fly out the window. now i'm just jumping up and down with joy
              OMG, ok haven't been around much lately (exams), but I thought I'd seen all the recent pics, but I so hadn't seen these! *joins in the jumping for joy* Can't wait to see that!
              Uncontrolled Destiny
              My Atlantis Music Videos (Shep/Weir and Misc.)


                Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
                did you guys see the new intruder pictures? (here here and here(spoilers)) they caused every last bit of panic from the conversion bit to leave my head and fly out the window. now i'm just jumping up and down with joy

                I didn't see those before. Is it just me who thinks he is SO gazing into her eyes over a cuppa?!?!

                *runs off to look at them again*...He is! He is!

                Gotta make sure....yep!

                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                  Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
                  did you guys see the new intruder pictures? (here here and here(spoilers)) they caused every last bit of panic from the conversion bit to leave my head and fly out the window. now i'm just jumping up and down with joy
                  Ooooh, gaze pics. Definite attraction going on there. . on his part anyway.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    I thought since we're getting overloaded by new images from S2 now. I thought i'd add one of my favourite Liz expressions...

                    I think it's the "John you B******! " look...Whadya think?

                    Captions anyone?

                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Ooooh, gaze pics. Definite attraction going on there. . on his part anyway.
                      Deffo, he so likes her.. in fact he may lurve her...


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Deffo, he so likes her.. in fact he may lurve her...
                        hehehehe!! That made me laugh out loud!!

                        YAY!! THOSE PICS ARE GREAT!! I showed my sister them and she joked b.c we always go "OMG! THEY ARE STANDiNG NEXT TO EACH OTHER! THEY ARE IN LOVE!" So I showed her the last one of just shep and I go, "Look! He is gazing lovingly att her!" and she laughed and agreed. Then stopped for a moment, looked at it again and was like "Actually, I think he is!"

                        Mel, you were right!! Sisters always do come around!
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Deffo, he so likes her.. in fact he may lurve her...
                          He lurves her..he wants to kiss her...he wants to marry her...

                          Thanx for the pics Tigon! I too thought i'd seen all the new photos.
                          Glad to see Liz hasn't lost her eyeliner


                            SQUEEE! for the new pics! I thought that I had seen them all and then I come on and there are more shippy pics! SQUEEE! And I agree he is totally gazing lovingly into her eyes.
                            I was listening to Seal's 'Love's Divine' while I was looking at them and that song really fits! Or maybe my brain has just been soaked through with all the pics that have been popping up lately. SQUEEE! (ok that's my last one, I swear )
                            Pro-Season 4
                            Proud Ronon/Keller Shipper


                              One more squee from me for good measure, lol. Ok, two: squee again!

                              But the Conversion photos... I think John needs some lotion.


                                *pops in shortly*
                                OMG! *dies of too much squeeing* *comes back from the dead due to good old sci-fi physics*
                                They are so having an eye sex moment in those pics.

                                A lot to catch up here, too much for this late hour.. I'll be back later... (with some stuff too).

                                Oh yes, one thing.. had really to laugh at this pic.. SPOILER!
                                He surely does look... Like he can't stand straight anymore...

                                (Btw, thanks to everyone who wished me luck for my English exam, some time ago. I got an A, and I get an A for the whole year too. Writing really is good for you. )

                                ~39:30 - Don't panic~

