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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
    A few caps from the end of ep


    I have another ten cause I cannot decide
    Thank you! *sigh* Seeing his face...I just love Joe Flanigan.
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      Reminded me of these looks.
      » YES - that's the one I was thinking of when comparing Fran's look! Or the one in 'Rising'.

      » Hee, yes, and the info's help ^^ Just checking up to make sure I get meh canon right.


        Actually I had time to cap that cause there was no Lorne to cap this time



          i cant stop watching the end of this episode. it's heart wretching. But i saw the expression of Joe's Face when everyone leaves and he's still there it was like "what was i thinking?"


            Ladies and gentlemen... with a little help from SoulSpinder I managed to upload two of the drabbles that have some sparky hidden in them. I leave it up to you to decide whether I hid it too deep or if it's just neutral enough for everybody to see whatever they want to see.

            Rose & Confession over at my journal, @ (Rose - Confession) or right here:

            Title: Rose
            Rating: PG-13
            Warning: character death
            Characters: Elizabeth Weir, Radek Zelenka
            Pairing: Elizabeth/[insert preferred ship-partner here]
            Prompt: rose, Elizabeth Weir

            A single white rose sat on her desk, lonely amidst report files and her computer. It looked fresh and alive, with leaves of dark green and a heart as white as snow. It waited there in silence.

            She entered with Radek at her side, who was explaining something to her. She wasn’t at all paying attention to her surroundings but was listening intently, absorbing every word. As they came to a standstill at her desk the Czech pointed curiously at the rose. She blinked, confused at first. Then she picked it up, looking at it with suspicion, sniffing it. It was real. She smiled. Whoever had brought her this gift had just made her happy.


            A single white rose sat on the headstone, a lonely flower amidst grey stones and her engraved name. It looked fresh and alive, with leaves of dark green and the heart as white as snow. It waited there in silence for a woman that would not come.

            Years went by. But every day a new one would replace the old one, until one day it stopped and people knew that whoever dropped the rose now had a rose of their own.


            Title: Confession
            Rating: PG-13
            Spoiler: Outcast
            Pairing: John/Elizabeth, John & Kate friendship
            Characters: Kate Heightmeyer, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir
            Prompt: confession, John & Kate friendship

            He stood outside her doors hopping from one foot to the other. He had never felt this nervous before. Well, maybe once before; when he was about to ask Nancy to marry him. But it was possible he was now even more nervous than he was then. He knew what he was about to do wasn’t going to be easy and thus he had practiced in his quarters. The only thing, however, he couldn’t practice for was her reaction, which he hoped would stay within the limits of normal. And, if remotely possible, would be without too many consequences for him.

            Holding his breath he waved his hand in front of the lock, hearing the chime ring through the room. He counted down from ten. When he reached five the doors opened before him. He couldn’t help but whistle a little as he noticed the black eye. Oh, he was a dead man. She’d write him up for an evaluation after this one, there was no doubt about it.

            “Colonel.” Her voice was sharp, so different from her otherwise calm and comforting tone. He winced involuntarily.

            “Can I come in?” He really didn’t want to do this in front of everyone.

            “No.” Ouch, razor sharp.

            “Okay...” He nodded, taking a deep breath. If only his stupid little prank meant for none other than McKay hadn’t gone way south. “It was me.” He said it in one breath, seizing up her reaction. To his surprise she laughed. He blinked, utterly confused, and briefly wondered if she hadn’t heard him clearly enough. “It was me who set up the ground works for the prank.”

            “I told you he would come out and confess.” John frowned at the other voice behind the doorway. His jaw dropped as Elizabeth stepped up next to Kate. “It’s unbelievable what the threat of no sex can do to a man’s mind.” She winked at Kate who laughed even harder, tears rolling down her face as she hiccupped to the end. John grumbled and then pouted. They had set him up to do this and Kate had known all along. “Come on now, pouty face. Your reward is waiting.” Elizabeth stepped outside with a grin and dragged her Colonel off to her own quarters, leaving Kate to attend to her eye.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              nice stories Falcon Horus.


                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                nice stories Falcon Horus.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Check out this GITM-themed wallpaper:


                  Make sure you click on the picture to get the full effect.
                  sig by SueKay

                  My Team:


                    Okay, I have dial-up internet at home and I've just spent the last two hours catching up on all the posts since GiTM aired.

                    I'll start by saying the only thing that got me through this episode was my desperate search for all Sparky-related moments. Thank GOD there were some.

                    This next part I'm going to put under spoiler tags because I do not want to ruin the Sparky zen that is going on right now. I'm just doing it because I have to get this out. Please, be warned, it is not happy stuff. SO, if you want to ignore it, feel free, I completely understand.


                    How many times does Elizabeth Weir have to sacrifice herself? Why did no one try to talk her out of it? Yes, we got woobie John (thank God, or I would have shut the damn tv off). But where was the "Please don't do this. Send the others through the gate. You stay here and make your human body. We'll put you under lock and key until it's all done. Please don't go."

                    Don't get me wrong. Since Torri is not coming back, I'm glad we don't have MM on a permanent basis. THAT I would not be able to accept. And for the record, I didn't hate MM's performance as much as I thought I would. She actually did a good job. BUT, for me, there is no other Elizabeth but Torri.

                    I am relieved they didn't destroy Elizabeth. I am glad there is a way to get Elizabeth back.

                    I just wanted someone to step up and protest.

                    I cannot stand the fact they let Elizabeth doom herself to the cold vast tomb of space. Drifting cold, alone, for all eternity. I admired her brave, self-sacrificing decision, while at the same time - it splintered my heart into tiny pieces.

                    It is not fair. Elizabeth is a good, decent, compassionate character. She deserves better. If she had to go, let her ascend and be with the ancients, for cripes sake.

                    I didn't think I could be any more disappointed in the TPTB's decision to dump Torri. I was wrong. GiTM brought that point back home to me again....hard.

                    Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for every Sparky moment we got last night. I've just never been a big angst girl. A little angst is okay, but if I don't get a happy ending, I get pissed.

                    I got no happy ending last night. And, Elizabeth got shafted again.

                    For all the Sparkies who have chosen to focus on the options and possibilities GiTM has given us, I stand up and applaud each and every one of you. You are stronger than I and because of your posts, I have more hope in my heart today than I did last night. Thank you.
                    Signature by Erin87


                      So guys I sat here today and clipped some of this stuff. It's choppy clipping, and I've only chosen the most sparky moments.


                      And then the most important of the scenes ... does Elizabeth wink at John?

                      sig made by me


                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        » OMG. That totally broke my heart, again.

                        » Her leaving through the gate looking back at John >>> so Elizabeth!!!!! Eieeee!!!!

                        » OMFG. Does anyone have a nice big cap of that.
                        Sorry to be gone so long. Two handsome men both of whom I'm related to took me out to dinner.

                        Big cap.

                        Originally posted by Ankareeda View Post
                        Hi! *waves* I made a new Sparky vid!


                        Title: A Tale
                        Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                        Characters: Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard
                        Spoiler: 5x05 Ghost In The Machine
                        Length: 1.14 min
                        Size: 2.83 MB (SMALL) / 14.5 MB (BIG)
                        File: wmv
                        A/N: Sorry for the cheesy end, I couldn't resist. *squee*

                        Click here

                        Thank you!
                        Lovely. Thank you.

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        *comes in, looks at all the lovely screencaps SR posted, and starts bawling*

                        Now you stop that. Blow. That's better.

                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Oh...I was so dreaming about that last night!
                        The million and one ways Elizabeth can come back, and how John can be involved in advocating for many of them. Or doing it covertly or whatnot...and when they decide to write in the ability to create human bodies... there is a great deal of potential.

                        Thank you! *claps!* Cappers, one or two you have caps of

                        1) The face John makes when Elizabeth goes Rambo and saves him?

                        2) His final face--after her goodbye face, when the gate shuts down and everyone walks away and he just stands there staring until it cuts back to Franibeth closing her eyes, floating in space?

                        Yes, according to progeny all those replicators working on different parts of the city were like scientists. I don't think they're 'doctored', I think you look at them in terms of how the Ancients were.

                        Overall I was a little melancholy today, but I still don't regret GITM. I loved the Sparky, the scenes with John, and having a part of Elizabeth be strong enough to elicit emotion in everyone. But I got into reading Mirror, Mirror again and it makes me want to watch s1-s3 all over, so I may have an SGA fest with some of my favorite episodes again *cough*

                        GITM has made me want to go back to work on my secret fic, though. It was going in a good direction but inspiration was killed by TMC. It's back now after GITM.

                        SK--I'll never be satisfied overall-EVER! I've stopped watching because of that! I was referring to the episode--I know a lot of people had doubts about what it might do to Elizabeth, whether John would respond as he should as completely non-emotional, etc, and I think we got better than we'd hoped for, so I hope people feel a little better about that. But will GITM ever be what I wanted? NO WAY! I never wanted this and won't ever be satisfied until something really, really big happens to bring Torri!Elizabeth back.
                        Wish, meet command. Or something.

                        Hand in head reaction.

                        After what's his face dissolves in pieces

                        Close up of John's very last face. *flails*

                        John's very last face.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post

                          How many times does Elizabeth Weir have to sacrifice herself? Why did no one try to talk her out of it? Yes, we got woobie John (thank God, or I would have shut the damn tv off). But where was the "Please don't do this. Send the others through the gate. You stay here and make your human body. We'll put you under lock and key until it's all done. Please don't go."

                          Don't get me wrong. Since Torri is not coming back, I'm glad we don't have MM on a permanent basis. THAT I would not be able to accept. And for the record, I didn't hate MM's performance as much as I thought I would. She actually did a good job. BUT, for me, there is no other Elizabeth but Torri.

                          I am relieved they didn't destroy Elizabeth. I am glad there is a way to get Elizabeth back.

                          I just wanted someone to step up and protest.

                          I cannot stand the fact they let Elizabeth doom herself to the cold vast tomb of space. Drifting cold, alone, for all eternity. I admired her brave, self-sacrificing decision, while at the same time - it splintered my heart into tiny pieces.

                          It is not fair. Elizabeth is a good, decent, compassionate character. She deserves better. If she had to go, let her ascend and be with the ancients, for cripes sake.

                          I didn't think I could be any more disappointed in the TPTB's decision to dump Torri. I was wrong. GiTM brought that point back home to me again....hard.

                          Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for every Sparky moment we got last night. I've just never been a big angst girl. A little angst is okay, but if I don't get a happy ending, I get pissed.

                          I got no happy ending last night. And, Elizabeth got shafted again.

                          I get you and I was really f**king pissed off that Elizabeth decided to sacrifice herself when SHE COULD HAVE HAD A HUMAN BODY. OMG. IT WAS SO EASY, IT WAS RIGHT THERE. You know what would have been shocking if they had actually gone that route and just sealed off Elizabeth in that lab then I don't know how long it would take to build bodies but later we get Elizabeth back. I mean I saw as unnecessary because the rest of the replicators seemed okay. I don't know. But Elizabeth was the one that called the shot and OW, why LIZZIE WHY. I get that she didn't want to put Atlantis at risk and all but Ack.

                          As to your question as to why they didn't just send the others through the gate. I don't think they would have gone without Elizabeth being the first one to go. They seemed hesitant and only when Elizabeth went through the gate and told them it was okay did they follow.

                          I guess I look at it like it was the only way. If Elizabeth was still part of the cast then it would have been different because well they can't get rid of her. I kind of hate/love this episode because while it did show us that John cares so MUCH and obviously is still not ever Elizabeth, it still did suck what happened to Elizabeth.

                          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                          So guys I sat here today and clipped some of this stuff. It's choppy clipping, and I've only chosen the most sparky moments.


                          And then the most important of the scenes ... does Elizabeth wink at John?

                          It totally looks like she winks at him, but then I watched the copy that I downloaded and she just blinks. But zomg John moved up, did he want to say something? get closer to Elizabeth? what? Oh JOHN.
                          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                            » The scene near the end with John yelling at Elizabeth in the hall with the other replicator and his reaction after she defends him just kills me SO BAD. >.<


                              OOO! It's great to see all the creativeness that's coming forth because of this! ^.^ Good to see.

                              Beautiful vid, Ankareeda!

                              Falcon- you didn't have to credit me. It's not like I was able to help that much. But thanks anyway!
                              "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                                » I luff Falcon's new lemming signature

