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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Pajus View Post
    Looks like my statistics were right. McShep outnumbers the combination of others by a factor of 2.5
    This year was the first time Shep/Weir was allowed as a category. SGA Big Bang used to be all about Shep/Mckay. But yes slash is always more popular than het in fandom, particularly in sci-fi shows, especially when there is no one true otp.
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      Hello sparkies!

      I´ve never posted here before because sometimes it´s hard for me to write in english (sorry for my mistakes), but I always have been an absolute sparky.

      When I saw 38 minutes those two became one of my favourite couples, and this thread is my favourite in GW fomum thanks to your comentaries and fanart.

      Of course right now I´m very disappointed with the new seasons of the show, but I really hope that everything goes well (as well as it could be) in GitM. At least I expect one sparky moment in the episode.

      Originally Posted by SoulSpinder:

      Oh! And one last thing! Would you mind sharing with me titles of songs that remind you of sparky? Either from just listening or music vids or the like (bonus if you have links to the vids.) I have evil slightly humourous plans....
      Maybe you have already thougth on this one. It´s an amazing song that goes well for almost all the ships:

      I never thought Id miss you
      Half as much as I do
      And I never thought Id feel this way
      The way I feel
      About you
      As soon as I wake up
      Every night, every day
      I know that its you I need
      To take the blues away

      It must be love, love, love
      It must be love, love, love
      Nothing more, nothing less
      Love is the best

      How can it be that we can
      Say so much without words?
      Bless you and bless me
      Bless the bees
      And the birds
      Ive got to be near you
      Every night, every day
      I couldnt be happy
      Any other way

      It must be love, love, love
      It must be love, love, love
      Nothing more, nothing less
      Love is the best

      As soon as I wake up
      Every night, every day
      I know that its you I need
      To take the blues away

      It must be love, love, love
      It must be love, love, love
      Nothing more, nothing less
      Love is the best

      It must be love, love, love...

      You can found a Jack-Sam version here:

      Last week I found a vid of another of my favourite ships (Both and Bones) and I thought that maybe someone could do a version for John-Elizabeth.

      You could see the vid here:

      Originally Posted by drusila87:
      That´s what I think. If the things won´t get better in the next seasons I´m going to ignore those seasons, and enjoy the first ones.

      Because if we won´t recupere the characters we have lost, the show won´t be able to recupere the real essence of SGA, and it will be like another show. Another show, different of the show that we can enjoy in the seasons 1, 2 & 3.

      And what happen in that "other show" could made me feel sad, but it is not going to spoil my hours watching and enjoying the real SGA.

      For example, when I get angry because my favourite couple from Jericho didn´t go in the way that it should be, I get angry with Jericho, but not with my other favourite shows.

      As I ´ve said, I think If our beloved characters come back (I really believe in it), we won´t have to do that separation, and we will have more episodes to enjoy.

      Maybe you are thinking "This girl´s become totally crazy". But I really see it in that way, and I think it is a healthy way for me.
      No, In fact, it sounds good to me. Good plan, maybe that´s what we should do.
      By the way, who is your favourite couple from Jericho?
      Because I love Jake-Heather and Stanley-Mimi.

      Eri, I love your version of Misbegotten. I always thougth that this episode could have been better.
      And thanks for the book news, I´m going to buy it right now.

      CaptJamieway: Amazing Icons. The last one is the best!

      I couple of days ago I found this one made by Alassiel. And a beautiful wallpaper made too by Alassiel


      My favourite ships:


        I agree with R_P, to get six fics in a year where one half of our ship is supposedly gone, is amazing.

        Go read all the fics everyone. Our very own Anuna wrote one with alternate0ego. Here's a link to all of Sparky bigbang and then Anuna's & alternate0ego fic.
        sig made by me


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
          This year was the first time Shep/Weir was allowed as a category. SGA Big Bang used to be all about Shep/Mckay. But yes slash is always more popular than het in fandom, particularly in sci-fi shows, especially when there is no one true otp.
          And sometimes even when there is an otp...

          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
          I agree with R_P, to get six fics in a year where one half of our ship is supposedly gone, is amazing.

          Go read all the fics everyone. Our very own Anuna wrote one with alternate0ego. Here's a link to all of Sparky bigbang and then Anuna's & alternate0ego fic.
          It's very amazing, especially when you add in the requirements (deadline in 2-3 months, word count of 40,000+). It takes a lot of work, and all the authors who stepped up to the plate and delivered should be commended for a job very well done!

          So, everyone go read Big Bang this weekend!
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Oh, and before I forget: Welcome to the Sparky thread, Cactus228!

            Pull up a chair, have a mojito and a slice of chocolate cake, and enjoy your stay!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
              This year was the first time Shep/Weir was allowed as a category. SGA Big Bang used to be all about Shep/Mckay. But yes slash is always more popular than het in fandom, particularly in sci-fi shows, especially when there is no one true otp.
              Pajus: It sure looks that way... *looks at cell phone* Hey, incoming message from HK! *Connects phone to the big screen*

              On screen: Picture zooms in for a view of Larrin, who is desperately beating the panel of a corridor door that simply won't open. The view switches to HK's targeting mode.

              HK-47: *aims at Larrin's head, fires the blaster rifle*

              Larrin: *gets hit, falls down, her hair is set ablaze by the blast's energy, her clothes are set ablaze as well*

              HK-47: Mocking query: Larrin? Are you dead yet? Smug statement: I believe I forgot to mention that I changed the door codes. Just in case you managed to get this far.

              *message ends*


                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Pajus: It sure looks that way... *looks at cell phone* Hey, incoming message from HK! *Connects phone to the big screen*

                On screen: Picture zooms in for a view of Larrin, who is desperately beating the panel of a corridor door that simply won't open. The view switches to HK's targeting mode.

                HK-47: *aims at Larrin's head, fires the blaster rifle*

                Larrin: *gets hit, falls down, her hair is set ablaze by the blast's energy, her clothes are set ablaze as well*

                HK-47: Mocking query: Larrin? Are you dead yet? Smug statement: I believe I forgot to mention that I changed the door codes. Just in case you managed to get this far.

                *message ends*
                BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! GO HK!!!!!! *cheers*
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                  Pajus: It sure looks that way... *looks at cell phone* Hey, incoming message from HK! *Connects phone to the big screen*

                  On screen: Picture zooms in for a view of Larrin, who is desperately beating the panel of a corridor door that simply won't open. The view switches to HK's targeting mode.

                  HK-47: *aims at Larrin's head, fires the blaster rifle*

                  Larrin: *gets hit, falls down, her hair is set ablaze by the blast's energy, her clothes are set ablaze as well*

                  HK-47: Mocking query: Larrin? Are you dead yet? Smug statement: I believe I forgot to mention that I changed the door codes. Just in case you managed to get this far.

                  *message ends*

                  Yay! Go HK!!! Thank you for the information, Pajus!

                  Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                  I agree with R_P, to get six fics in a year where one half of our ship is supposedly gone, is amazing.

                  Go read all the fics everyone. Our very own Anuna wrote one with alternate0ego. Here's a link to all of Sparky bigbang and then Anuna's & alternate0ego fic.
                  OMG! Thank you for the ego stroking. That fic was almost the end of me. And i still think it could have been so much better than it is. Ankareeda made beautiful art for the fic (but it looks like something is messed up with the links ofr said art?) But the important thing is -sparky got its own category this year and there are six very long sparky fics to be read.

                  OT, but kind of GitMo related. Today the Catholics celebrate the Assumption of Mary. Essentially, the ascension to heaven is what is celebrated. I find it kind of symbolic that GitMo airs precisely today.
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Ok, so I dared to look at the GitMo stills. I'm very interested what happens, and my guess is

                    that John is a very having hard time in this one. He doesn't like when someone plays with his head. I wouldn't be surprised if he is angry and not trusting this new version of Elizabeth - how many times can you have your heart broken? *pets him* But there's a pic with Franibeth, McKay and Wooley boy and it looks like John is smiling. Anyway, whatever happens, whatever the scenario/outcome in this is, we can effectively spin it to our interest. Oh and on the darkness. Hopefully nobody on the set got some kind of vision deficit because it's so damn dark. BSG anyone?

                    Sidenote. This new Elizabeth person - what is she, at least ten years younger than Torri? Not to mention the flawless beauty? Young hawt thang hello, anyone?

                    *sighs* Can't wait until this is over.
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Sidenote. This new Elizabeth person - what is she, at least ten years younger than Torri? Not to mention the flawless beauty? Young hawt thang hello, anyone?

                      *sighs* Can't wait until this is over.
                      I already told you where you can find the original


                        *eagerly awaiting questions*


                        I wouldn't rate this in my top 10 overall eps, but I really do like it. Unfortunately with the benefit of hindsight, the things that it sets up are, well, unfortunate.

                        I understand your criticisms of it plotwise Eri13. I think it is one of those that really should be a full hour rather than the allocated 43min just to tie up the loose ends, but that can be said for many an ep. This may be one of the rare occassions where our tastes differ.

                        Although I've never been a fan of the whole IOA arc, in all its various incarnations, it fits better here. By Woolsey actually coming to Atlantis he gets to see that not everything is black and white. There's a lot of grey in decisions in 'the real world'. And although the outcome of his review was never really in question, its interesting how easily his position changes. He almost seems calculating when he delivers his 'for now' comment at the end, which I doubt is the angle they were going for. Then again, this is an M&M ep, so maybe they did have that in mind. It always irked me in the commentary that in the final shot (Elizabeth standing in her office, with the stargate activating) that they say she is 'in her place'. Grrrr. She's not Walter dammit.

                        One of the most powerful scenes in this ep (IMO) is the scene between Teyla & Michael. He basically asks how wiping his memory is any different to killing him. In typical SG fashion, we don't even get an attempt at an answer. But its funny how this scene is very similar to another strong Conner scene in another sci-fi show. Homage?

                        The conference room scene always slays me. I'm not a fan of gushy scenes, but I do like this one. Elizabeth haters would hate it. But its unique in sci fi. Emotions in this genre are generally stilted, and acknowledging them usually makes the characters involved seem weaker. Here it is so human, so Elizabeth. Words aren't even neccesary. The link between the three of them (all of them, but especially J/R/E) is so strong here. Rodney displays a rare moment of good judgement with his 'hungry' suggestion.

                        And the J/E scene always amuses me too. Firstly, it is sooooo Sparky, secondly, in the commentary they say that it is only there to illustrate that time has passed between the preceding and following scenes. Idiots.

                        Carson, bless him, shines in this. It was s3 where I really started to appreciate him (I hated him in the early s1 eps, how wrong could i be). Michael makes him seem darker. When he brings up his sense of empathy, its so striking how much Carson has evolved.

                        Speaking of s1, this is the first time since then that I've actually seen John as a credible military officer. He's never really been a voice of authority, so I was surprised when he overuled everyone to destroy the settlement.

                        Well Gitmo is probably on by now so I eagerly await your reviews


                          Just saw SG Continuim. Hey Nogigglinmajor/Sam Jack shippers (if you want to be spoiled)

                          Sam's last line is "actually sir, I was hoping we could go over the plans for the new moonbase" (presumably the "new command" she is given at the end of SGA s5). In my country, moonbase is another word for ass crack. So she really said "lets look at some ass". A mistake, or a subtle nod by the PTB? You decide
                          Last edited by gateraid; 15 August 2008, 04:05 AM.


                            I've been listening to Old songs and I Found this song that i would love to do an AU vid too.

                            She sits alone by a lamp post
                            trying to find a thought that's escaped her mind
                            She says Dad's the one I love the most
                            but Stipe's not far behind
                            She lets me in
                            only tell me where's she's been
                            when she's had too much to drink

                            I say that I don't care I just run my hands
                            through her dark hair and I pray to God
                            you gotta help me fly away
                            And just

                            Let her cry:if the tears fall down like rain
                            Let her sing:if it eases all her pain
                            Let her go:let her walk right out on me
                            And if the sun comes up tomorrow
                            Let her be:let her be.

                            This morning I woke up alone
                            found a note by the phone
                            saying maybe I'll be back some day
                            I wanted to look for you
                            You walked in I didn't know just what to do
                            so I sat back down had a beer and felt sorry for myself.

                            Let her cry:if the tears fall down like rain
                            Let her sing:if it eases all her pain
                            Let her go:let her walk right out on me
                            And if the sun comes up tomorrow
                            Let her be:let her be.

                            Let her cry:if the tears fall down like rain
                            Let her sing:if it eases all her pain
                            Let her go:let her walk right out on me
                            And if the sun comes up tomorrow
                            Let her be:let her be.

                            Last nite I tried to leave
                            She cried so much I just
                            could not believe
                            she was the same girl I
                            fell in love with long ago

                            She went in the back to
                            get high
                            I sat down on my couch
                            and cried
                            yelling oh mama please
                            help me
                            won't you hold my hand.

                            Let her cry:if the tears fall down like rain
                            Let her sing:if it eases all her pain
                            Let her go:let her walk right out on me
                            And if the sun comes up tomorrow
                            Let her be:let her be.

                            Let her cry:if the tears fall down like rain
                            Let her sing:if it eases all her pain
                            Let her go:let her walk right out on me
                            And if the sun comes up tomorrow
                            Let her be:let her be.
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Originally posted by drusila87 View Post
                              I hope the information about the leak wasn´t true.
                              It could afect the ratings. And I think that the best that could happens is that the episode reaches a good number of viewers, because maybe it would convince the producers to come back the character of Elizabeth for the next season.
                              It seems it's not true, but leaks don't generally hurt much since only te hardcore downloading fans will download it, while casual viewers don't even know it's out. And it's usually the people that don't get SciFi or non-US-folks.

                              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                              But yes slash is always more popular than het in fandom...
                              That does not include femslash which is not as popular as the male variety, which is highly annoying since I got squad to read for most of the time.

                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Pull up a chair, have a mojito and a slice of chocolate cake, and enjoy your stay!
                              And watch out for the little lemming that occasionally bounces in on a sugar rush. Kate will inform you she's not responsible for what her lemming does and any accidents that might happen during that time.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                                Abundance of CO2 in the air would kill you waaaay before lack of oxygen in the air would even begin to kick in
                                Ah. So you mean CO2 poisoning, then? Thanks for the info!

                                Originally posted by Cactus228 View Post
                                Hello sparkies!

                                I´ve never posted here before because sometimes it´s hard for me to write in english (sorry for my mistakes), but I always have been an absolute sparky.

                                When I saw 38 minutes those two became one of my favourite couples, and this thread is my favourite in GW fomum thanks to your comentaries and fanart.

                                Of course right now I´m very disappointed with the new seasons of the show, but I really hope that everything goes well (as well as it could be) in GitM. At least I expect one sparky moment in the episode.

                                Maybe you have already thougth on this one. It´s an amazing song that goes well for almost all the ships:

                                I never thought Id miss you
                                Half as much as I do
                                And I never thought Id feel this way
                                The way I feel
                                About you
                                As soon as I wake up
                                Every night, every day
                                I know that its you I need
                                To take the blues away

                                It must be love, love, love
                                It must be love, love, love
                                Nothing more, nothing less
                                Love is the best

                                How can it be that we can
                                Say so much without words?
                                Bless you and bless me
                                Bless the bees
                                And the birds
                                Ive got to be near you
                                Every night, every day
                                I couldnt be happy
                                Any other way

                                It must be love, love, love
                                It must be love, love, love
                                Nothing more, nothing less
                                Love is the best

                                As soon as I wake up
                                Every night, every day
                                I know that its you I need
                                To take the blues away

                                It must be love, love, love
                                It must be love, love, love
                                Nothing more, nothing less
                                Love is the best

                                It must be love, love, love...

                                You can found a Jack-Sam version here:

                                Last week I found a vid of another of my favourite ships (Both and Bones) and I thought that maybe someone could do a version for John-Elizabeth.

                                You could see the vid here:


                                No, In fact, it sounds good to me. Good plan, maybe that´s what we should do.
                                By the way, who is your favourite couple from Jericho?
                                Because I love Jake-Heather and Stanley-Mimi.

                                Eri, I love your version of Misbegotten. I always thougth that this episode could have been better.
                                And thanks for the book news, I´m going to buy it right now.

                                CaptJamieway: Amazing Icons. The last one is the best!

                                I couple of days ago I found this one made by Alassiel. And a beautiful wallpaper made too by Alassiel

                                Hello! Welcome! Like so many have mentioned, it's awesome to see sparky fans continue to jump on, even when the show canon has changed. *hugs*

                                Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                                I agree with R_P, to get six fics in a year where one half of our ship is supposedly gone, is amazing.

                                Go read all the fics everyone. Our very own Anuna wrote one with alternate0ego. Here's a link to all of Sparky bigbang and then Anuna's & alternate0ego fic.
                                I shall bookmark and attempt to read them all! I'm am excited to read dear Anuna's work, I remember hearing about how long it took!
                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

