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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
    Pic spam of Siege I & II. Under spoiler tags for space.

    Thanks for the caps! That angsty scene in TS2 is one of the best J/E moments ever. She didn't want to let him go on that suicide mission but she had to (and since he's the resident 'hero' of the show, it's expected of him to go out there ).

    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
    As much as I would love to see that come true, it won't IMO --
    for whatever reason tptb do not seem to know how to handle this character, and I can't see them going back to writing her full time. Our best bet would be a supporting role like Zelenka - same amt. of screen time.
    Sadly, I have to agree.

    Originally posted by tricia View Post
    Hi Guys, been away for a while due to a loss in my family. Actually I was kind of afraid to come back and see how it was all going so close to S4. Been reading up on all the spoilers and I am glad to see that most are keeping positive despite circumstances. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date on the latest.
    Welcome back, tricia.

    Originally posted by A.L. View Post
    Nope. Can't do it. Sorry. I was just skimming the interview with Carl Binder and realized I've hit the end of the road here.

    I may drop in from time to time (doubtful) and I'll listen to what my sis has to say on what airs (very small chance of infinitesimal maybe) but as for me, I'm taking a long indefinite (possibly permant) leave from the Stargate world. It's just too painful. I know I know. I'm being so over dramatic over a tv show but seeing as how much I invested in the beginning, it's like losing a close friend when they suddenly become a new person and not for the better.

    I'll miss you all. It's been grand while it lasted. Perhaps we'll run into each other in other fandoms. Hopefully not on opposing ships. *smirk*

    Good night and good luck.

    I'm sorry to hear that. You will be missed AL. But there are other, better shows out there.

    Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
    I get SkyOne!!!! *jumpsupanddownallexcited*

    I'm done moving to Ireland and settling down now and after we had scrubbed the kitchen (it was ewww) I did an automatic programm tuning of our TV and there it was. This will be the first time in my life that I get to see new episodes right away.
    And I have a really nice flatmate, who is Canadian.

    So, did I miss anything while I was on the move?
    Just had to comment on this because Ireland is awesome.


      Originally posted by tricia View Post
      Hi Guys, been away for a while due to a loss in my family. Actually I was kind of afraid to come back and see how it was all going so close to S4. Been reading up on all the spoilers and I am glad to see that most are keeping positive despite circumstances. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date on the latest.
      Welcome back Tricia, I am sorry to hear about your loss.

      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      The secondary characters are the best anyways! I mean, just look at the fanbase Chuck has, and he only got himself half a name in the last ep of S3 (which wasn't even scripted. Go, Torri! ) And I noticed in Adrift/Lifeline that Archie came over from CSI - hope we get to see more of him!
      Absolutely, Torri would shine no matter how big/small the role. I am just hoping there is a role.

      Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
      Oh, and JT, I wasn't being serious about them rewriting her into the show as a full-time character, but wishful thinking helps me sometimes. So when I heard the spoilers for Outcast, I thought up a new scenario for her...:
      BP - you know I am w/ you on the spinning. I love to wish/hope for things. If they don't come true, well it was fun wishing.

      Originally posted by A.L. View Post
      Thanks. I agree. Sparky in fandom is still good but it can only do so much for someone like me who learns and does best with visual aides. I'm just afraid I won't be able to keep even that up if I see too much that it too come. It's rare when it happens for me but I may wait to hear what all y'all have to say about what happens after it all airs.

      Oh don't go. We can all be miserable/happy together - whatever happens.

      Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
      I get SkyOne!!!! *jumpsupanddownallexcited*

      I'm done moving to Ireland and settling down now and after we had scrubbed the kitchen (it was ewww) I did an automatic programm tuning of our TV and there it was. This will be the first time in my life that I get to see new episodes right away.
      And I have a really nice flatmate, who is Canadian.

      So, did I miss anything while I was on the move?
      Hiya Fionna! Good to see ya. Lots of things have happened. Season 4 in a little over a week! I am excited & nervous. Glad to hear you are getting Sky! Welcome back.
      sig made by me


        where is everyone?
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          I'm here! My computer crashed on me as I tried to write a reply. I'm going to update a fic... wellcome back Fionnait! I missed you!!!

          Don't go AL, please, just like JT said we can all be miserable AND happy together (I refuse to think we'll be miserable all the time. We do know how to have fun 'roind here).

          Oh one more thing. My bf finally saw "The Real Wolrd". After commenting on how gorgeous Weir is, he said the show could really use some Sparky bed scene. Okay, if he sees it...

          Back to you in a bit.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            yay!... how are you Anuna?
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Tired. I got up in 3:45 a.m. Don't ask. I have to take the train to my work. I can barely keep my eyes open...

              Here you go guys. Sensual Healing is completed:
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                I'm sure he's glad you think so, given it's his real name.

                Miller's Crossing / Outcast
                I don't think they're building them to fight, but for research purposes towards using replicator technology as a cure for cancer, etc, without the human being effected otherwise by the nanites.

                The only reason I thought of Elizabeth being the model they created is she's the original half replicator/half human, so maybe they got hold of her DNA somehow (the pesky Trust gets everywhere, yo! Even outer-space!) and used that in creating the first 100% artificial version.

                Plus, it would make a really angsty episode!
                Firstly, no kidding about Chuck? Ahaha, totally missed that one, I don't pay much attention to the little people [unless they're formerly main people who've been reduced to little people], so that's just funny. I get used to calling people a name, but sometimes it really doesn't suit them, you know? Whereas he was totally a Chuck, and lo and behold, it *is* his name.

                Oh, and your theory makes sense, too. I was being silly about my Lizzie!Hunter idea; I'm so ashamed now...XP

                I hate the Trust so much, I can't keep track of all the pies they have their fingers in.

                Anuna, once again, you've read my mind, figured out what I want to say and put it in the best way possible. '...we can all be miserable AND happy together...' I can't leave here now, you guys are the ones keeping me sort of well-adjusted. XP
                'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
                will scorch my pride, scar my heart
                It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

                Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

                my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

                My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

                Thanks, Stef!


                  *sighs* I try... i try really hard... I mean to read your mind of course. j/k My sleep deprivation is talking
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Tired. I got up in 3:45 a.m. Don't ask. I have to take the train to my work. I can barely keep my eyes open...

                    Here you go guys. Sensual Healing is completed:

                    :O! my god no way in my roght mind would i get up at 3:45am!.. morelike 8:00 lol!!...
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post

                      Oh one more thing. My bf finally saw "The Real Wolrd". After commenting on how gorgeous Weir is, he said the show could really use some Sparky bed scene. Okay, if he sees it...
                      Ugh, I'm still irritated with Netty over that- I put RW on her laptop so we could watch it together but then family duty called. So I get back to her later only to find she's *already* watched it on her own. Never mind, I told her I was going to make her watch it with me in July for my birthday, 'coz it's one of my fave eps and I like watching with people...only when I go to visit her, I find she's rewatched it ON HER OWN AGAIN. So now I'm waiting til Christmas til I can finally view it with another appreciative fan. *sighs*

                      Hey, 'nuna, do you have a long commute? I'm lucky, the bus stop is right outside my house and it takes 10/20 mins to uni! I wake up about half an hour before class and I get there on time. XP
                      'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
                      will scorch my pride, scar my heart
                      It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

                      Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

                      my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

                      My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

                      Thanks, Stef!


                        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                        BP - you know I am w/ you on the spinning. I love to wish/hope for things. If they don't come true, well it was fun wishing.
                        Exactly! You can still know the reality but have fun sticking your fingers in your ears and going *lalala*

                        Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                        where is everyone?
                        Asleep, at work, doing housework, and generally saving the Universe!

                        Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
                        Firstly, no kidding about Chuck? <snip>

                        Oh, and your theory makes sense, too. I was being silly about my Lizzie!Hunter idea; I'm so ashamed now...XP
                        Yeah, the guy who plays Chuck is called Chuck Campbell. He said they were shooting the scene and Torri just looks up and calls him Chuck. He was like, "...aren't we shooting a scene?" So that slight confused look you see on Chuck's face is Chuck's reaction to Torri calling him by his name (bc until that point he didn't have a name)

                        Behave! If nothing else, it was a fun image! bc I see all Slayer types wearing a big cape. Except Buffy & Faith


                          naww wake up poeple!
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            A few thoughts on Adrift and Lifeline.

                            John close to tears. Dude! Have we ever seen him like this? This much emotion from him? And in a time when he needs to keep steady, be together (something he was trying in this moment). He has to remain composed in this crisis but you can see (and kudos to JF for acting this scene so brilliantly) that hearing this dreadful news was like a dagger being shoved in his heart. This is Elizabeth, his friend (but to us something more ), the woman who gave him a chance in this expedition, with whom they shared so much. They really gave us one heck of a reaction from this guy.

                            I know some were concerned why he didn't see her more, but with the state the city was in and Elizabeth out of the picture, all of the heavy responsibility of leadership fell on his shoulders. They would always face these threats to the city together, him and her, but now he was alone. So many decisions, and so few choices, the poor guy had to be everywhere to make sure things didn't fall apart completely. This isn't like in Conversion where Elizabeth could afford visiting John more, a time when there were no outside threats.

                            There was one scene that struck me, when John is in Elizabeth's office before Rodney comes in. We see him standing there, turned towards her desk, alone.....what he must have been thinking, not knowing Elizabeth's fate.

                            It made sense why he didn't want Rodney to reactivate the nanites in Elizabeth. He repeated time and time again that he wouldn't agree to something like that unless there was a 100% chance of it working properly ie the nanites not posing a thread to Atlantis and the crew. He thought of it as a bad idea and as we later see so did Elizabeth. "But she wouldn't want us risking the safety of the crew". Yup, he knows her very well.
                            I admired Rodney for wanting to save Elizabeth's life. Plus, the argument we had between him and John was one of the best I've seen, if not the best between them.

                            From Elizabeth's tone and her body language (when she tells Teyla that what they did was wrong) it was obvious that her experience with the replicators was a horrible one, and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if she had shared more of her terrible memories with John after TRW, so his reaction to Rodney activating them made more sense. "You obviously don't know her well." That says a lot. Both John and Elizabeth put the lives of the crew and esp the city before theirs and he knows that. They both have the biggest responsibility out of everyone for this expedition. She respected his order to not give into Koyla's demands in CG, and even though she was in a coma here, he knows her pretty well to know that she wouuld not want he others to do this: to risk the safety of the entire crew and especially the city for her own life to be saved. I also think that as grateful as she was for John risking his own safety to help her in TRW, I can imagine her telling him that what he had done had been dangerous, if not reckless, mostly because he was second-in-command and it would've been really dangerous had he too succumbed to the nanites. They're also both with the biggest knowledge of the city, remember? And I got the impression that she really hadn't told anyone else much of what had happened to her in TRW beside John.
                            Also, the first thing both Elizabeth and John stressed when they found out about the activation of the nanites was the danger of them contacting the replicators. Oh how similar they think.

                            Heh, and she does call to John first when they enter.

                            Watching Keller made me ask: Why did they kill off Carson again?


                            I liked how when everyone left, John remained alone with Elizabeth (and he didn't have to), and assuring her that she'll be alright. Comfort!
                            When she tells him to kill her if the nanites take over, his reply is quick, like "let it go", he doesn't want to talk about that. "That's not going to happen." Ah his optimism. Good scene.

                            We also have a mom and dad moment when they're in the jumper and John jokes to Teyla not to have parties while they're gone. Heee. It's like when the parents go out of town and they warn their kids not to use the place for parties, heh.

                            When they mention the possibility of them not being able to return to Atlantis, I thought: anyone wanna write a fic of them stranded somewhere?

                            A lot of long, lingering looks in this one.

                            He didn't like the idea of risking Elizabeth to activate that thing for the replicators to be able to attack the Wraith. "That's not your call," she said.
                            "The hell it isn't!", he snapped back. Oh yeah, he cares. A lot .

                            How he glances over at her as they head back to the city. The soft tones between them in that scene.....There was just something in that moment that made it so special (and it was also quite sad in a way...).

                            Heeee, when John looks at Elizabeth to have the green light to go and Rodney comments on John believing her instead of him. Aside from the fact that she knows things better because of the nanites, I was amused at the very long look J and E shared in this scene.

                            When he ordered for Rodney to shut the nanites in Elizabeth, you could see on his face that it was heartbreaking for him even if it was needed.

                            I got a kick out of the John/Elizabeth morphing scene. *One happy vid maker here*

                            The scene where she orders them to leave. Ronon really had to drag John away....But had TH stayed on the show, it probably would've been even more dramatic. I miss her already....

                            The Teyla/Ronon scene was very sad, feeling like Weir was already dead. I didn't like the overall mood.
                            John's "I'll find her" gave hope. Respect to JF for his lobbying.

                            I loved Elizabeth's role in this episode and as a J/E fan I was happy with what was shown, but as a Elizabeth fan it made me sad. Such a wonderful character with really so much potential to be booted out. I'm disappointed with who ever came up with this decision. She did wonderful work in this episode (it showed her usual strength and strong will), but I wish they could've gone down a different road. Combined with behind-the-scenes politics, I guess they really don't know how to handle a character such as this one very well.


                              SL I fail to remeber where was that famous Chuck moment. Mind telling me?
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                Exactly! You can still know the reality but have fun sticking your fingers in your ears and going *lalala*

                                Yeah, the guy who plays Chuck is called Chuck Campbell. He said they were shooting the scene and Torri just looks up and calls him Chuck. He was like, "...aren't we shooting a scene?" So that slight confused look you see on Chuck's face is Chuck's reaction to Torri calling him by his name (bc until that point he didn't have a name)
                                Do you remember which ep that was? I wanna go see confused Chuck. Was it a mistake on Torri's part or just mucking around, did he say?

                                And JT, anytime you want to spin with me, I'd be delighted with the company!

                                Do you guys know when the offical eps are aired, when we can actually see them properly and confirm/disregard our theories?
                                'I am frightened that the flame of hate will burn me
                                will scorch my pride, scar my heart
                                It will burn and I cannot put it out...'

                                Sig by Falcon Horus- thank you!

                                my LJ of squee *myspace of angst * my fic of random

                                My OTP forever, by Stef, who is awesome:

                                Thanks, Stef!

