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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ooooo eye!pr0n day

    OT: never eat cake icing on its own because it will make you feel ill...even though it is so yummy and irresistable

    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
    ~You are who you choose to be~


      Eye!secks!!!!! Woot!

      Love your sig, Saz!


        Wait, wait, wait for meee!!

        They are the champions of eye!pr0n !!!

        Now I need to re - read that fic by Irony Rocks...

        BG, you corrupted me beyond repair!!

        (Let's call it pr0ny monday!!!!)
        Last edited by Anuna; 14 May 2007, 08:46 AM.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Sorry, no photo, they don't work for me for some reason.

          Although, I'm liking the moments!!!!

          I've read your fan fic by the way. It's entertaining.


            Well, anyway back on real discussions : BG's predictions even if they're not as good as SL's

            On s5

            I'm glad that we're gonna learn who the father of Teyla's baby is in s4. And considering it won't be John John, the new proud uncle, who loves to babysit, will consider making babies with Lizzie .

            On FS and s4.

            The reason I'm most looking forward to Adrift and Lifeline in terms of sparky is obviously due to John's actions throughout FS and he's reaction toward Lizzie by the end of the episode.

            And we know that Lizzie is apparently going to scream in one of these episode and many of us assume John will be by her side ( probably in the infirmary ) when it happens, considering the day the Pipe Band played outside Bridge Studios when they were filming that scene and that neither TH nor JF went outside with the rest of the cast to say hello to the fans or go see the Scottish tribute.

            So, I hope we'll get serious moments between the two of them and playful/flirty ones as well. BUT NO WHEELCHAIR! PLZ


              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              Well, anyway back on real discussions : BG's predictions even if they're not as good as SL's

              On s5

              I'm glad that we're gonna learn who the father of Teyla's baby is in s4. And considering it won't be John John, the new proud uncle, who loves to babysit, will consider making babies with Lizzie .
              Ha, that reminds me of Little Red's fic Object Permanence and Strategic Planning. Totally cute and worth reading.
              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                Every time someone mentiones

                Lizzie screaming, the same idea for the fic comes to my mind: what if she is going to be blind after what happened in FS? Head trauma can cause that. It can be temporary, and it is a great fic material - John looking after Lizzie.
                Wait, I could write that!!!
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                  Well, anyway back on real discussions : BG's predictions even if they're not as good as SL's

                  On s5

                  I'm glad that we're gonna learn who the father of Teyla's baby is in s4. And considering it won't be John John, the new proud uncle, who loves to babysit, will consider making babies with Lizzie .

                  On FS and s4.

                  The reason I'm most looking forward to Adrift and Lifeline in terms of sparky is obviously due to John's actions throughout FS and he's reaction toward Lizzie by the end of the episode.

                  And we know that Lizzie is apparently going to scream in one of these episode and many of us assume John will be by her side ( probably in the infirmary ) when it happens, considering the day the Pipe Band played outside Bridge Studios when they were filming that scene and that neither TH nor JF went outside with the rest of the cast to say hello to the fans or go see the Scottish tribute.

                  So, I hope we'll get serious moments between the two of them and playful/flirty ones as well. BUT NO WHEELCHAIR! PLZ

                  I like your ideas.
                  I really really really want an angst infirmiry scene *gets down on hands and knees and prays* lol
                  And I never thought of putting 2 and 2 together as to why both of them didn't come out to see the fans outside Bridge Studios so thanks for that.

                  Oooooo I just thought of something, sort of like what happened in Greys Anatomy last night: I don't know all the characters names, but one of the Doctors was having to have surgury to try and stop him being paralysed or something. Anyway they had to wake him up half way through it so they could see if he could still move his fingers. The called one of the student doctors (i'm not sure if they were like involved...possibly) in to try and keep him calm when they woke him up because obviously he was going to be in a lot of pain.

                  It was so angsty...not sure if I could deal with that much angst if it was Elizabeth in that much pain...but I could see something like that happening. John having to be there to support her through it, try and keep her calm.
                  And who knows what John might end up saying if he has to watch Elizabeth in that much distress.

                  (*calm, calm...SQUEE!* See what you people do to me. All this angsty speculation. I shouldn't be grinning like crazy but I am )

                  I'm so excited for the first 2 episodes. We are so going to get the Sparky angst/hurt/comfort.

                  @ Anuna
                  No blind Lizzie...OK but not perminantly anyway. I can just imagine a scene though. She wakes up and finds she can't see, so John takes her hand to show he's there and places it against his face.
                  OK, so that's a bit fanfictiony, but ya know, he would at least hold her hand

                  livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                  ~You are who you choose to be~


                    Of course not

                    blind forever, I'd hate that too! But imagine - her hearing could make up for lot of her missing sight, and I bet Torri could give us amazing performance!! Joe too!!
                    But I'll keep my imagination at fan fiction basis, I doubt we would get this. I think I'm so going to write this. Lizzie would recoginze John by the sound of his footsteps! He would lead her at first, only to lear she adapts and how could he not love that!!!

                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Every time someone mentiones

                      Lizzie screaming, the same idea for the fic comes to my mind: what if she is going to be blind after what happened in FS? Head trauma can cause that. It can be temporary, and it is a great fic material - John looking after Lizzie.
                      Wait, I could write that!!!
                      OMG ! ( S4 + Pic WARNING = nothing new here, lol )

                      That's the first time I hear someone mentioning she could end up blind from the head trauma... *screams* !!!!

                      Does it look like she's blind on that pic? OMG! Granted the fact that she's "almost" smiling would normaly indicate that she sees something nice. But we have no idea if that photo was taken while they were filming. So we have three options here :
                      -She's smiling but she's blind. ( filming )
                      -She's smiling but she's not blind. ( filming )
                      -I've completely lost it again... ( they're on their break )

                      Well, am I a horrible person for liking the idea of blind!lizzie ?



                        I mentioned it as a fic idea, not as a real speculation, I don't believe it's going to happen. it's too soap opera like. it's too simple.

                        Actually head injuries can give you lot of thing: coplete paralysis, semi - paralysis, blindness, various kinds of ataxia, they can impact your IQ, verbal skills... need I go on?

                        Actually what Saz wrote seems more likely and i am fond of the idea -

                        just give us Sparky hurt/comfort, another tight hug - and this time John could initiate it!!!
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Totally not a horrible person.
                          I would like it as long as it gave us a great Sparky moment.
                          Waking up in the infirmiry finding out she's blind, but John will be there for her. I mean that just screams needing a hand holding moment. And the angst!

                          Thing is though, how would blind lead to screaming? Actually I have ideas for this but I need to think about it properly before typing it up. Basically just what I said before. Maybe they'll need to keep her awake for the surgury and that is why she is screaming.
                          So we could get blind angst and surgury angst all equalling infirmiry angst.

                          These could end up as the best episodes ever.

                          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                          ~You are who you choose to be~


                            After the preliminary shock

                            how do you think Elizabeth would react to the blindness? How would John react? I personally think she would get on with it after some time, and keep her fears and doubts to herself. But John would be totally tormented, trying to help her with every single thing; feeling that he isn't doing enough at the same time. It could lead to an emotional burnout, and - BG here is your whish coming true - we get scene where John cries, and blind Elizabeth comforts him, and then we get pr0ny scene that could be interesting in more ways than one - blind people have to rely on their touch, hearing and taste.

                            I am so writing this!!!

                            EDIT: is writing!!!
                            Last edited by Anuna; 14 May 2007, 12:53 PM.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              Every time someone mentiones

                              Lizzie screaming, the same idea for the fic comes to my mind: what if she is going to be blind after what happened in FS? Head trauma can cause that. It can be temporary, and it is a great fic material - John looking after Lizzie.
                              Wait, I could write that!!!
                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              After the preliminary shock

                              how do you think Elizabeth would react to the blindness? How would John react? I personally think she would get on with it after some time, and keep her fears and doubts to herself. But John would be totally tormented, trying to help her with every single thing; feeling that he isn't doing enough at the same time. It could lead to an emotional burnout, and - BG here is your whish coming true - we get scene where John cries, and blind Elizabeth comforts him, and then we get pr0ny scene that could be interesting in more ways than one - blind people have to rely on their touch, hearing and taste.

                              I am so writing this!!!

                              EDIT: is writing!!!
                              I can't wait! And I offer my services as a beta right now... hope you got my e-mail with your beta'd story.
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                                Yes I got it and I have to thank both you and BG, for both of you read it and gave me suggestions about things to correct and add. I decided to work on that fic a little more, right now I aim to make John cry. Interested in reading, girls?
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

