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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hola! Don't have anything to say, just wanted to stop by! no reason for spoilers, just wanted to spark intrest. LOL



    "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

    "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
    ~ Me


      The boards are worryingly quiet *fears for future of Sparky*

      Vengeance speculation...

      After 38 minutes and Conversion, there's nothing like the Iratus bug to bring out the Sparky love And this while Michael's there to distract Teyla. Opinions?GW doesn't have details of location, do we think it's set on Atlantis or off world?

      Kay x


        Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
        Anyone want to point me in the direction of some sparky fic? Can someone give me their faves?
        Miera_C posted another fic at Langford_U. It's a short one but so great!
        Otherwise I'd recommand International Relations, still by Melyanna. Don't have the link though it's at her LJ.
        Last edited by Vicky; 28 January 2007, 08:13 AM.


          Originally posted by Kales View Post
          The boards are worryingly quiet *fears for future of Sparky*
          Who doesn't? But still, I'm trying to enjoy what we still might get, even if there's not much chance for anything definitive to happen, after all, like many of you, I also think none of the major ships will happen, tptb just aren't capable of following through with it.

          Vengeance speculation...

          After 38 minutes and Conversion, there's nothing like the Iratus bug to bring out the Sparky love And this while Michael's there to distract Teyla. Opinions?GW doesn't have details of location, do we think it's set on Atlantis or off world?

          Kay x
          I hope you're right,about everything you said.
          I was wondering myself, I hope it's set on Atlantis, I always prefer base episodes, also there would be more chance of something sparkling happening, right?
          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


            Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
            Anyone want to point me in the direction of some sparky fic? Can someone give me their faves?
            My favourite FFs can all be found here in my LJ memories.

            Furthermore I can recommend you all fics written by Melyanna, Athenaktt, Peanutbutterer, Irony_Rocks and Oparu, especially Unexpected.


              Yep very quiet here today. I've decided to concentrate on more creative things just now. I figure there's no point worrying about the fate of Sparky/Liz until we see what's actually going to happen at the end of the season.

              Anyway, here's my first attempt at a manip based on the gorgeous look Lizzie gives John in Tao of Rodney

              Thanks for the banner

              I heart the pretty people &
              And in an AU galaxy called the Uncharted Territories &


                Originally Posted by Suzotchka
                Anyone want to point me in the direction of some sparky fic? Can someone give me their faves?
                Originally posted by Ankareeda View Post
                My favourite FFs can all be found here in my LJ memories.

                Furthermore I can recommend you all fics written by Melyanna, Athenaktt, Peanutbutterer, Irony_Rocks and Oparu, especially Unexpected.

                My currently favorate is definately the "Unexpected". For the completed fics, I highly recommend Irony_rocks' "Beginning's end". I've read it twice since the shock news from TPTB. It moves me to tears every time.


                  TPTB POW-WOW room.

                  Writer 1:Well there's no more SG1 and we've got AT's contract option. I say let's bring her over to SGA to bring in more SG1 viewers and lets isolate Atlantis again. We'll also bring in JS as the new doctor to bring in the Firefly fans. Who knows maybe she can be Sheppard's new love interest or eyecandy for the fanboys.

                  Writer 2:Great idea! And since we've run out of ideas for Weir as a leader why don't we have her MIA or becoming a darker character like Replicator!Liz. That way we can have Carter leading Atlantis and Sheppard and his team go searching all over the Pegasus Galaxy looking for Weir. We'll get double the storylines!
                  Of course, we can't have her in every episode, we need to keep up the suspense.

                  W 1:You know this will kill two birds with one stone? This way we will have fresh stories and it will keep all those pesky shipper groups at bay. They are never ever happy with anything we do!
                  This way the Shep/Weir group will think Shep is going after Weir because he lurves her and the Shep/Teyla shippers will be happy because we've gotten rid of the main rival. Then we can just concentrate on more important stuff, like better plots on how to blow up more spaceships.
                  Man, I am soooo clever!

                  W 2:Yeah, yeah! And once they find her, DON'T have her as a leader again but have her do something else. Open up more avenues for stories.
                  Keep the UST going with all the main characters as long as possible. Maybe we can do a secondary relationship with the minor characters.

                  Or, you know, we can just kill her off after a few episodes. Maybe in the mid-season 2-parter.

                  Great post!
                  Don't get the anger be you though. I'm trying to get over it by telling myself that it is just a show and I can stop watching if it doesn't make sense anymore to me. The writers can't continue if nobody is watching
                  Mod Note: Sig oversized.Click to view.


                    Originally posted by Ebinia View Post
                    Yep very quiet here today. I've decided to concentrate on more creative things just now. I figure there's no point worrying about the fate of Sparky/Liz until we see what's actually going to happen at the end of the season.

                    Anyway, here's my first attempt at a manip based on the gorgeous look Lizzie gives John in Tao of Rodney

                    I love that look !!

                    I don't have a lot of manips to offer myself but here they are :


                      Originally posted by Kindu View Post
                      I don't have a lot of manips to offer myself but here they are :

                      Is the first one really a manip? Seems like a screencap to me. The second one is awesome!
                      Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                      at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                      R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                        Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                        Is the first one really a manip? Seems like a screencap to me. The second one is awesome!
                        Yes the first is a manip, believe me I so wanted them to watch at each other in that scene !!! (proof: look John's head on the left you'll see there is definitely a mistake )


                          Originally posted by Kindu View Post
                          Yes the first is a manip, believe me I so wanted them to watch at each other in that scene !!! (proof: look John's head on the left you'll see there is definitely a mistake )
                          Now I see. Yeah, John was looking at Elizabeth's computer then. Nice work, I didn't notice any mistake until you pointed it out.
                          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                            Originally posted by Kindu View Post
                            Yes the first is a manip, believe me I so wanted them to watch at each other in that scene !!! (proof: look John's head on the left you'll see there is definitely a mistake )
                            I am tryin to load it, but my computer is SO slow!!!



                            "At the crossroads of our life, when we pass in the dark like two silent ships. . .please hand me a flashlight" ~fyd

                            "When life gets weary and we can't stand alone. . I'll meet you for pizza at Papa John's"
                            ~ Me


                              Originally posted by Kindu View Post
                              I love that look !!

                              I don't have a lot of manips to offer myself but here they are :
                              Your creation is very well made, I adore.


                                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                                Some speculation...

                                I've just had a bad feeling that the writers are trying to push Sheyla the past few eps ... much as I want to deny it and THAT chemistry is still there (no matter what they do) ...

                                If Sparky's going down - which I'm still not convinced of and won't be until TPTB or TH says "Weir's dead/I'm leaving" and we see a funeral scene or at least weepy scene - it should go down in style with kisses and flirting.

                                This reminds me a little of when Oz left Buffy (yes, this is on topic. I'll get to it, honest). Seth Green said that he left it would have been better for his character to be recurring, not regular. Then he's only in it when it makes a difference/has a point. When he was a regular, they were obligated to have either him or his voice in the episode for at least a line or brief appearance, even if it was one scene in which he said "Buffy's right" or something equally generic.

                                I'm thinking here of the slightly arbitrary scenes in eps where elizabeth is in it for all of five min or two lines. Maybe if she's a recurring, she'll be in less eps but when she's in them, Weir will get decent story lines and make a contribution beyond "We're walking to the gate, I'm seeing you off, I'm checking on you via the radio whist standing in the control tower so that this ep meets my contractual obligations and yes, this time could have been better spent developing other characters."

                                I suppose I'm trying to make a point about quality over quantity.

                                Can I ask everyone's opinion... If it was a choice between Sparky going out all guns blazing in a tragic/romantic/shippy fashion and Weir 'disappearing,' never to appear again and maybe alive/maybe dead/totally forgotten by the writers anyway (see: Ford), which would we take?

                                Personally, I'd be more annoyed if they just 'phased the character out' and left her arc trailing. I want resolution either way. But that may require sacrificing the 'ship entirely, whereas the other way allows some small hope...


                                kay x
                                I would totally want the blaze of glory- admitting how they feel but it's too late scenario rather than a fade to black.... let her go down in a blaze of glory instead of just phasing her out and forgetting all about her.

                                Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                                In Sunday :
                                During her lunch with Mike, she clearly stated that she can't see a man and a woman being friends. Where does that leave us ? Then, what's her relationship with Sheppard? it can't be just work related, or even with Mckay, can it ? I know it was her way to say she didn't want to start something with Mike. But that left me confused...If she doesn't want to date any of the men she works with, how can it be that she thinks she can be friends with them ( cause clearly she seems to be ). Or does it mean, she has already got an issue with a certain Shep being more than just a friend to her ? *yep, it splits her focus*
                                True, true...I didn't notice that but it's true...that cements Sparky more in my mind... *giggle* even when TPTB are trying to kill it, we get some vital pieces of information that just gets us going stronger.... ^_^ and I mean
                                McKay has a crush on her, that much is certain and Carson...well, no she's just friends with Carson and Carson is just friends with her, though I'd say they have a more sibling relationship with Carson always looking out for her health (or is that in fanfics....I can't tell the difference anymore)

                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                Just posting a quick quote

                                "I can't do this without thinking of John. I thought I could but... I can't help but think of him when I'm kissing you"

                                ^_^ Love it!
                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                                I like the one where it went:

                                TPTB1: They want a hug in S2.
                                TPTB2: Sure, why not?

                                Just a little something I came up with after reading Athena's post on Submersion. Not really spoilery though.

                                “I do not need to be seeing that,” Ronon said in disgust.

                                “I think it’s sweet,” Teyla said from beside him, only to receive a dirty look in return.

                                “Are they meant to be doing that?” asked Zelenka. “I mean, aren’t their certain rules?”

                                “Rules like ‘Don’t make out in front of the kids’?” said Ronon as he got up and walked to the rear compartment of the Jumper.

                                “Well it’s certainly going beyond PG,” added Rodney and followed him to the back.

                                Zelenka looked forward and then wished he hadn’t. “I think I’ll go with them,” he muttered, standing.

                                “Perhaps that is a wise idea,” nodded Teyla, joining them.


                                As soon as the bulk doors hissed shut, Elizabeth climbed back into her chair. “Peace, at last,” she sighed, attempting to fix her hair.

                                “Didn’t I promise you an exciting, yet peaceful mission?” grinned John, then averted his attention back to the control panel, taking the Jumper off autopilot. Elizabeth chuckled and relaxed back in her seat. Yeah, she was definitely glad she came along.
                                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                                Shiny present for you all ....

                                A sparky Sig...

                                Not one of my best, but photoshop is making more sense to me now. I may even attempt wallpapers soon...

                                kay x
                                So beautiful....

                                Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                                Our Save Elizabeth Weir website is up! We are still a work in progress, but please pay us a visit and feel free to take an official campaign banner.


                                Or click on my sig.

                                Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for all their hard work in making the site possible!
                                Yay...such a great site- can't wait to look at it in more detail!

                                Loved it...totally great!
                                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|

