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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
    TPTB POW-WOW room.

    Writer 1:Well there's no more SG1 and we've got AT's contract option. I say let's bring her over to SGA to bring in more SG1 viewers and lets isolate Atlantis again. We'll also bring in JS as the new doctor to bring in the Firefly fans. Who knows maybe she can be Sheppard's new love interest or eyecandy for the fanboys.

    Writer 2:Great idea! And since we've run out of ideas for Weir as a leader why don't we have her MIA or becoming a darker character like Replicator!Liz. That way we can have Carter leading Atlantis and Sheppard and his team go searching all over the Pegasus Galaxy looking for Weir. We'll get double the storylines!
    Of course, we can't have her in every episode, we need to keep up the suspense.

    W 1:You know this will kill two birds with one stone? This way we will have fresh stories and it will keep all those pesky shipper groups at bay. They are never ever happy with anything we do!
    This way the Shep/Weir group will think Shep is going after Weir because he lurves her and the Shep/Teyla shippers will be happy because we've gotten rid of the main rival. Then we can just concentrate on more important stuff, like better plots on how to blow up more spaceships.
    Man, I am soooo clever!

    W 2:Yeah, yeah! And once they find her, DON'T have her as a leader again but have her do something else. Open up more avenues for stories.
    Keep the UST going with all the main characters as long as possible. Maybe we can do a secondary relationship with the minor characters.

    Or, you know, we can just kill her off after a few episodes. Maybe in the mid-season 2-parter.

    Great post!
    Don't get the anger be you though. I'm trying to get over it by telling myself that it is just a show and I can stop watching if it doesn't make sense anymore to me. The writers can't continue if nobody is watching
    LOL I have faith if we can get through season 4 without Weir dying I think we may get our ship after all I may be delusional but I am optimistic.
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      I'm not a happy camper with Weir's uncertain fate, but it's never crossed my mind that our ship is killed or even agonizing by any means.
      A ship is alive for as long as fans want to keep it alive, it might never be made canon because SG's tptb are like that, even if they choose a ship (and I've never seen them do it) they will be too scared of doing something definite.
      I think it's a mistake to be into a ship and waiting for it to be resolved if you are a shipper on the StarGate universe. Sure, some people expect something, but knowing these ptb, putting all your enjoyment of the ship in the uncapable hands of tptb is a sure way of becoming a bitter bitter shipper.
      There is not going to be ship of any kind on SG, all we will ever get are hints, small scenes, really subtle stuff, no matter which pairing you choose, all there will ever be is uncertainty. You better get used to it.
      I had made the decision of never coming back because I think that when fans stop watching there is no reason to go back to the boards, but people, seeing you all defeated, acting as if Sheppard or Weir got married to someone else, it's depressing.
      Canon is not everything there is to being a shipper (if it were I wouldn't ship McShep), there is a wonderful world for ship, a world where canon means nothing, a world were you laugh in the face of tptb's denial, a world were the characters of your ship are as in love with each other as you want them to be, it's called SUBTEXT.
      You have to be able to let go of that canon slavery that's bringing you down and not letting you enjoy your ship for what it is *TO YOU*. What matters isn't what other people think or say, you've got to be a bit selfish here, what matters is what you think of the ship, when you see a scene you can be as crazy as you want, over analyze all you want, delude yourself all you want.


        Originally posted by Luz
        I'm not a happy camper with Weir's uncertain fate, but it's never crossed my mind that our ship is killed or even agonizing by any means.
        A ship is alive for as long as fans want to keep it alive, it might never be made canon because SG's tptb are like that, even if they choose a ship (and I've never seen them do it) they will be too scared of doing something definite.
        I think it's a mistake to be into a ship and waiting for it to be resolved if you are a shipper on the StarGate universe. Sure, some people expect something, but knowing these ptb, putting all your enjoyment of the ship in the uncapable hands of tptb is a sure way of becoming a bitter bitter shipper.
        There is not going to be ship of any kind on SG, all we will ever get are hints, small scenes, really subtle stuff, no matter which pairing you choose, all there will ever be is uncertainty. You better get used to it.
        I had made the decision of never coming back because I think that when fans stop watching there is no reason to go back to the boards, but people, seeing you all defeated, acting as if Sheppard or Weir got married to someone else, it's depressing.
        Canon is not everything there is to being a shipper (if it were I wouldn't ship McShep), there is a wonderful world for ship, a world where canon means nothing, a world were you laugh in the face of tptb's denial, a world were the characters of your ship are as in love with each other as you want them to be, it's called SUBTEXT.
        You have to be able to let go of that canon slavery that's bringing you down and not letting you enjoy your ship for what it is *TO YOU*. What matters isn't what other people think or say, you've got to be a bit selfish here, what matters is what you think of the ship, when you see a scene you can be as crazy as you want, over analyze all you want, delude yourself all you want.
        I, for one, would prefer not seeing my 'ship canon in this case. I love being able to pick and choose what I see as a 'shippy moment and not have someone else tell me "look they are in luv" I might not be looking for "luv" in what they are showing me.

        I like the relationships that have been shown so far. They are based on trust, balance, and support. I can read as deeply into that as I want for each pairing. I love seeing all the characters interact on a personal level.

        I am going to stay positive about the upcoming season and take what comes. If I don't like what happens or things become bland and uninteresting, then I will make a choice of watching but not avidly or not watching at all.

        I have all the hope in the world that these changes will, if not add to my enjoyment of the show, at least keep me interested but maybe for different reasons than I watch now.


          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          I, for one, would prefer not seeing my 'ship canon in this case. I love being able to pick and choose what I see as a 'shippy moment and not have someone else tell me "look they are in luv" I might not be looking for "luv" in what they are showing me.

          I like the relationships that have been shown so far. They are based on trust, balance, and support. I can read as deeply into that as I want for each pairing. I love seeing all the characters interact on a personal level.

          I am going to stay positive about the upcoming season and take what comes. If I don't like what happens or things become bland and uninteresting, then I will make a choice of watching but not avidly or not watching at all.

          I have all the hope in the world that these changes will, if not add to my enjoyment of the show, at least keep me interested but maybe for different reasons than I watch now.
          *same here* Except, I think I'll keep on watching the show if the plots are still up to my expectations. Sparky is a bonus. And I'll never give up on it. It's my ship, it's my fantasies. I like what I have. And for the moment I have no idea what First strike will lead to so no I don't want the people who enjoy the same ship to feel down. I want you guys to cheer up and still fight for your ship ( in a way that makes you feel good ). Hey I love Gone with the wind, but I wanted Scarlett O'Hara to end up with Rhett Butler and for me they did ^^ A show is just a show, you've got the material, then imagination comes and what you make out of it is what matters the most. I think we could all become selfish about this, but I think knowing others feel the same as you do is the best part of the process. So we shouldn't stop sharing our thoughts, our creations... even if it's just imagination Wheter we like it or not, SGA created something more for us ( the sparky bonus ) and addiction sometimes can be a good thing especially if you prevent yourself from being depressive over it. ( Hope that made any sense ).

          And if you're feeling down go watch Athena's vid Probably ^^ : Is there something between John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir : Probably !



            Personally, I just felt drained this week by all the back stage hoopla at SGA. Makes me long for the good old days before internet. I must be getting old.

            I think part of the reason it's so quiet and depressing here is we're concerned about the fact
            we may not be seeing anything to interpret as Sparky if Elizabeth is going to be off screen for some length of time in season 4. Tends to dampen the enthusiasm when there's seemingly no hope.
            However, as several of you have said, we can't rely on the TPTB to make this ship canon. We probably wouldn't like how they do it anyway.

            So we need to concentrate on why we love Sparky. I figure any ship that can inspire me to write after so many years is pretty special. I won't be giving up on it any time soon.
            sig by SueKay

            My Team:


              It's weird, but of all the things that came to my mind when I heard the news about Weir our ship suffering wasn't one of them.
              Teyla hasn't been treated as a main character since the middle of season 1, I'd dare saying that even if tptb do the worst with Elizabeth she still won't get as little time and development as poor Teyla, and I don't see people from the other ship crying that their ship is dead because of it.
              Nah!, I don't think the ship is going to particularly suffer because of
              Weir being recurring during season 4. What's more, if anything happens to Weir and tptb don't show how much it affects Sheppard, then he'll be shown as a heartless b/tard.


                Originally posted by Luz View Post
                It's weird, but of all the things that came to my mind when I heard the news about Weir our ship suffering wasn't one of them.
                Teyla hasn't been treated as a main character since the middle of season 1, I'd dare saying that even if tptb do the worst with Elizabeth she still won't get as little time and development as poor Teyla, and I don't see people from the other ship crying that their ship is dead because of it.
                Nah!, I don't think the ship is going to particularly suffer because of
                Weir being recurring during season 4. What's more, if anything happens to Weir and tptb don't show how much it affects Sheppard, then he'll be shown as a heartless b/tard.
                That I agree with


                  Well, I'm falling behind a bit, too many unexpected events going on. But here's the "Submersion" transcript.


                    Originally posted by Luz View Post
                    I'm not a happy camper with Weir's uncertain fate, but it's never crossed my mind that our ship is killed or even agonizing by any means.
                    A ship is alive for as long as fans want to keep it alive, it might never be made canon because SG's tptb are like that, even if they choose a ship (and I've never seen them do it) they will be too scared of doing something definite.
                    I think it's a mistake to be into a ship and waiting for it to be resolved if you are a shipper on the StarGate universe. Sure, some people expect something, but knowing these ptb, putting all your enjoyment of the ship in the uncapable hands of tptb is a sure way of becoming a bitter bitter shipper.
                    There is not going to be ship of any kind on SG, all we will ever get are hints, small scenes, really subtle stuff, no matter which pairing you choose, all there will ever be is uncertainty. You better get used to it.
                    I had made the decision of never coming back because I think that when fans stop watching there is no reason to go back to the boards, but people, seeing you all defeated, acting as if Sheppard or Weir got married to someone else, it's depressing.
                    Canon is not everything there is to being a shipper (if it were I wouldn't ship McShep), there is a wonderful world for ship, a world where canon means nothing, a world were you laugh in the face of tptb's denial, a world were the characters of your ship are as in love with each other as you want them to be, it's called SUBTEXT.
                    You have to be able to let go of that canon slavery that's bringing you down and not letting you enjoy your ship for what it is *TO YOU*. What matters isn't what other people think or say, you've got to be a bit selfish here, what matters is what you think of the ship, when you see a scene you can be as crazy as you want, over analyze all you want, delude yourself all you want.
                    Very well-said! I wholeheartedly agree. Stargate isn't (and has never been) a ship-oriented show. Whatever ship existed in the past (I speak in particular of Sam/Jack here) has never been a major focus on the show - only a side note, albeit one that fans seem to latch on to. And I feel that if it were ever to become canon, I'd probably be more disappointed than anything, because I know that they wouldn't do it like I'd imagined, and that would be a letdown. That's exactly what happened with The X-Files. I was a die-hard MSR shipper... but got no fulfillment of the resolution there. It felt so empty. Bottom line? It's better to play out in all its splendor in my imagination than to watch my dreams trashed on the TV.
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                      Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
                      Very well-said! I wholeheartedly agree. Stargate isn't (and has never been) a ship-oriented show. Whatever ship existed in the past (I speak in particular of Sam/Jack here) has never been a major focus on the show - only a side note, albeit one that fans seem to latch on to. And I feel that if it were ever to become canon, I'd probably be more disappointed than anything, because I know that they wouldn't do it like I'd imagined, and that would be a letdown. That's exactly what happened with The X-Files. I was a die-hard MSR shipper... but got no fulfillment of the resolution there. It felt so empty. Bottom line? It's better to play out in all its splendor in my imagination than to watch my dreams trashed on the TV.

                      *crawls into the thread* You could also look at it this way:
                      We want the sexual tension, it's the chemistry that we shippers thrive on and by making the characters get together, though we claim that's what we want, all the excitement is gone.
                      The whole "Will they? won't they?" excitement fizzles out and all we are left with is "Oh look, John and Elizabeth are together. Cool" *changes channel*

                      The build up would be gone and the tension would be gone.

                      Not knowing if your ship is going to become canon, is the most exciting part, i think. The worry that it's not is what has us on the edge of our seats.

                      That would be lost if this show was more ship-oriented than it is. (not saying that i wouldn't want to see them closer...*giggles evilly*) /


                        Originally posted by Speckleberry View Post
                        *crawls into the thread* You could also look at it this way:
                        We want the sexual tension, it's the chemistry that we shippers thrive on and by making the characters get together, though we claim that's what we want, all the excitement is gone.
                        The whole "Will they? won't they?" excitement fizzles out and all we are left with is "Oh look, John and Elizabeth are together. Cool" *changes channel*

                        The build up would be gone and the tension would be gone.

                        Not knowing if your ship is going to become canon, is the most exciting part, i think. The worry that it's not is what has us on the edge of our seats.

                        That would be lost if this show was more ship-oriented than it is. (not saying that i wouldn't want to see them closer...*giggles evilly*) /
                        I don't really see it that way. I like the RST as well - Standoff and Farscape are two shows that've done RST well. But if it's as drawn out as CSI's canon 'ship, then I jump.


                          I would want them to get together in the very end of the show. I believe that was called 'finishipper' for a period of time on The X-Files? *lol* Oh yes, I'm old. I'd also like to add that I thought the RST on the X-Files was done BADLY. I believe resolving the UST in the end of a show *can* be satisfying... not saying that these PTB can do it, but I think it's possible in general.


                            Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                            I don't really see it that way. I like the RST as well - Standoff and Farscape are two shows that've done RST well. But if it's as drawn out as CSI's canon 'ship, then I jump.

                            I think it can be seen both ways. If a show does RST well, like Farscape and Standoff (which i haven't seen, so i wouldn't know), then power to them! But a show like Stargate, that is brilliant at the subtle little references that can either be confirmed or denied in the blink of your eye, can't choose what ship they want to make canon, then i'm not going to complain.

                            It's a personal preference thing really. Some people like RST, some like UST...and some shows do both of them well. Stargate seems to be cautious about ship, and i'm not phased by that in the slightest.

                            Those shows you mentioned, they do RST well, and Stargate does UST well. I think it's about balance and preference more than who is right or wrong in that sense.


                              Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                              Miera_C posted another fic at Langford_U. It's a short one but so great!
                              Otherwise I'd recommand International Relations, still by Melyanna. Don't have the link though it's at her LJ.

                              Internation Relations
                              (links to Part 4/4 but the links to Parts 1,2 and 3 are at top of that page)


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post

                                Internation Relations
                                (links to Part 4/4 but the links to Parts 1,2 and 3 are at top of that page)
                                Ooooh! i've read that, it's FANTASTIC!

