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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    And anyway, toyboys are all in atm.
    Toyboys? Whatcha talking about Sally? Have you been drinking again?

    Another picture I found while screencaping.

    Even working he can't keep his eyes off her.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
      Toyboys? Whatcha talking about Sally? Have you been drinking again?
      Um, nopes. No more drinking for Sally. Alcohol is bad! Or maybe it's just Rose Wine that's bad. Or maybe it's Sally that's bad, lol I just meant that even if she were older than him - which she isn't, and I know that, lol - that... ah, who cares!? They're hot together. End of.

      John: "Lizzie, I thought I told you to get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich!"
      Lizzie: "Uh huh, just finishing this, in a minute, darling."


        Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
        Exactly, the whole "Weir is too old for John" doesn't make sense becaues first of all Torri is younger than Joe. And that in the profile of Weir, I can't remember where i read it, maybe it says Weir is about 35 in Season 1, still making her younger than Sheppard. Just because a woman is more mature than a man sometimes doesn't mean she's automatically older.

        When people use that argument i just roll my eyes.

        *raises left eyebrow and smirks* A woman more mature than a man......right, like that ever happens *rolls eyes* boys are generally always just that....boys and I'm getting married to one of them....(picture if you'd like to see the grizzly)....but they can be times....and I'm not the most mature human being.

        I've wondered about the age thing with Elizabeth and John in the same manner ya'll have mentioned.... and I totally agree that when we mention age we are thinking of temperament (i.e. the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person) and not just the physical....

        That being said....I have to get to work...lots of microbiology to re-learn!!!

        It's M.D. as in Massive Debt
        Medicinae Doctor? HA!!
        ................................................................................ ............................

        Uh, anyone got a dollar I can borrow?


          Originally posted by Lili216 View Post

          Did you read my last post (10th Dec) about "Allies"??? What do you think??

          The shot they included did make the scene a little interesting.

          Originally posted by lizzyana View Post
          The scene shweir its really delicious.
          Tao of mckay

          In last, the famous position of Sheppard.
          John: Damn, Elizabeth.....that's some wedding guest list. 300 and counting??
          Elizabeth: What can I say, darling.....I have a large family.

          Originally posted by princessangels86 View Post
          I just saw "Tao of Rodney" yesterday and I'm almost ashamed to admit I liked it because I was so mad that "Sunday" didn't air!

          But liked it, I did.


          I see what there is for McWeir shippers to squee about, but I see it as pretty one-sided. Like, Rodney kind of let it out when he gave her the 500-page book all about Elizabeth, which was sweet because it's nice to see Lizzie get some love on the show,

          That really was a very sweet gesture from Rodney. "You've taken a lot of crap as the leader of this expedition and I just thought someone should do a record of all the good things you've done." Very sweet. It kind of reminded of some of the people who keep criticizing Elizabeth for everything (and sometimes the actress, sadly) and this being a nice way of tptb to show through one of their favorite characters (if not their most favorite) that she's done good things and doesn't deserve that much of crap she's gotten.
          And that scene in the mess hall confirmed to me again that someone does lurk here from time to time I think someone mentioned a scene like this long ago on this thread.
          Nice team interaction and some backstory. Keep it up tptb


            Originally posted by Vixen View Post
            That really was a very sweet gesture from Rodney. "You've taken a lot of crap as the leader of this expedition and I just thought someone should do a record of all the good things you've done." Very sweet. It kind of reminded of some of the people who keep criticizing Elizabeth for everything (and sometimes the actress, sadly) and this being a nice way of tptb to show through one of their favorite characters (if not their most favorite) that she's done good things and doesn't deserve that much of crap she's gotten.
            And that scene in the mess hall confirmed to me again that someone does lurk here from time to time I think someone mentioned a scene like this long ago on this thread.
            Nice team interaction and some backstory. Keep it up tptb
            Tao of Rodney
            It's nice to see Elizabeth getting some recognition, not to say this season she hasn't, because I feel she's been given more to work with, although sometimes she can be awfully neglected.
            Sometimes the way she gets treated on the show by people like the IOA, or Kavanaugh is so resembling of the crap the character and the actress get from some fans, there is honest criticism, and then there is calling someone names.
            Back to episode, it was a sweet gesture, I'd felt Rodney had loads of respect and admiration for Elizabeth, but it was really good seeing a some of it on-screen.


              Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
              Oh and to all you lovely vid makers out there, I just heard Josh Grobin's song 'You are loved/ Don't give up' and I thought that it would be perfect for our sparky.....

              ....just a thought ^_^
              That's funny! I heard "My confession" by Josh Groban yesterday and thought that it suits Sparky a lot. *lol*


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                You voiced my thoughts exactly on the McWeir ship. It's hard to explain what's just so wrong about it. I think she needs a man who will be in charge in the relationship, and noone IMHO can dispute that John Sheppard will be exactly that. All day she's a powerful woman who makes tons of command decisions. At night she needs to feel protected and loved and safe. John, in spite of his seeming lack of social skills *is not convinced he's a total dork* has proven this season that he's caring and thoughtful. He has a subtle, quiet way of helping people that would certainly extend to a lover. Right now with her, that manifests itself in teasing, but notice in eps like Progeny, Echoes, and especially TRW
                how attuned he is to her, and how quickly he jumps to comfort and try to save her.
                They are on the same wavelength and it shows in everything they do. He has that a bit with the rest of the team, especially Rodney *beats slashers back with a broom*, but he seems to actively seek her out more often to assess her mental state. He so wants to make her feel better. I'm hoping that after Tao
                Rodney will spark a little jealousy by continuing to insist that she loves him and John will get fed up and act.
                *goes back to her dreamworld*
                I'm no slasher either... to me Rodney and Sheppard are as straight as they come. Their banter is just too much like the het men I know -- some of the things they say to each other is so thoughtless and insulting that it's cringeworthy. Not to mention the amount of elbow jerking that I do. I'm organizing a group of singers to sing at a friend's wedding and the way these guys fool around is unbelievable. But when they put their minds to it, they are a great combination.

                Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                Elizabeth is SO in love with him in this pic. ^_^

                You know, that's the excuse that my mum uses....she doesn't see this ship and she does think that Weir is too old for John when they are both the same age (I think) in reality....and in terms of their characters. Yes, perhaps Weir is a little more wise than John, but John has a good head on his shoulders and they compliment each other perfectly. Besides, John is the one who can bring out the fun in Elizabeth so she's not so leaderish all the time. ^_^
                Sheppard's puppy dog demeanour is an act. She knows it, he knows it. We've seen TRW and we know that push comes to shove... Sheppard is all grit and determination. After almost 3 years, I suspect she has picked up on that.
                Underneathe all that he's still a man of the world, not someone cut off from the realities of life. When he puts on the military hat, he's all business. It doesn't mean of course, that he doesn't have a bit of fun on the side. I find that men joke around (especially around other men) A LOT but it doesn't mean that they don't have their serious side.
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  You voiced my thoughts exactly on the McWeir ship. It's hard to explain what's just so wrong about it. I think she needs a man who will be in charge in the relationship, and noone IMHO can dispute that John Sheppard will be exactly that. All day she's a powerful woman who makes tons of command decisions. At night she needs to feel protected and loved and safe. John, in spite of his seeming lack of social skills *is not convinced he's a total dork* has proven this season that he's caring and thoughtful. He has a subtle, quiet way of helping people that would certainly extend to a lover. Right now with her, that manifests itself in teasing, but notice in eps like Progeny, Echoes, and especially TRW
                  how attuned he is to her, and how quickly he jumps to comfort and try to save her.
                  They are on the same wavelength and it shows in everything they do. He has that a bit with the rest of the team, especially Rodney *beats slashers back with a broom*, but he seems to actively seek her out more often to assess her mental state. He so wants to make her feel better. I'm hoping that after Tao
                  Rodney will spark a little jealousy by continuing to insist that she loves him and John will get fed up and act.
                  *goes back to her dreamworld*
                  Before I could see the producers using Rodney as a plot device for Sparky, but I could also see them using Sheppard as a plot device for Snarky (is that what the McWeirs call the relationship...?). But what you said makes me root (I am positive I spelt that wrong) for Sparky a bit really have a way with words (why does that feel like a pick-up line?).

                  Lub Lub,


                    Originally posted by Promitikins View Post
                    Before I could see the producers using Rodney as a plot device for Sparky, but I could also see them using Sheppard as a plot device for Snarky (is that what the McWeirs call the relationship...?). But what you said makes me root (I am positive I spelt that wrong) for Sparky a bit really have a way with words (why does that feel like a pick-up line?).

                    Lub Lub,
                    Actually, Snarky's what the Rodney/Radek 'shippers call that 'ship. *clings to R&R*


                      With all the comments about Sparky & McWeir I broke down and read the spoiler tabs for Echoes. Sounds like a good episode.

                      I see Rodney as admiring Elizabeth, loving her but not "IN LOVE" with her. She is one of his closest friends, one of the first people he let in. And she took a chance on him as much as on John; Rodney might be a genius but there had to have been a lot of concern about making him lead scientist given his lack of people skills.


                        Originally posted by ddc View Post
                        With all the comments about Sparky & McWeir I broke down and read the spoiler tabs for Echoes. Sounds like a good episode.

                        I see Rodney as admiring Elizabeth, loving her but not "IN LOVE" with her. She is one of his closest friends, one of the first people he let in. And she took a chance on him as much as on John; Rodney might be a genius but there had to have been a lot of concern about making him lead scientist given his lack of people skills.

                        Do you mean the "Tao of Rodney"? If you're looking for the episode that sparked (hehe!...i just had to!) the debate about Sparky or McWeir...then it's the Tao of Rodney. Although in Echos, Rodney was just as cute. ("It's my friend!" *pinches cheeks*)


                          Tao of Rodney...again

                 know McKay's book that tells her side would make an interesting fan fiction...and I agree that it is nice to see the characters giving Elizabeth support when we all know that she seems to have her back up against the wall where the IOA is concerned... and all of us out here know that Torri is often critized.....but I love her acting and I am so excited to see her at TT21 next summer!
                          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                          |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                            Just because a women is more mature than a man sometimes doesn't mean she's automatically older.
                            Yes, I agree. The fact that she's so mature makes people say that. Well, mature women are awesome because they can stand up for themselves and would not let anyone walk all over them....


                              I was wondering, did anyone see the sunday episode? I mean...did it air anywhere in the world?


                                Nopes, Sunday hasn't aired yet.

