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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    There was also concern that if she did take it back, then it would still be on Earth in her apartment as she wouldn't have had time to go back and pack the essentials once their plan was in action, lol.

    I was going to suppose that Caldwell brought it back for her on the Deddy, lol, but I likes you theory better.

    ...and the saga of the mint jar continues...

    What a brilliant fic series that would be.

    "The fantastic adventures of 'The Mint Jar'"

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      What's this thread doing on page 2?! *engages in angry eyesex*


        Wow! Lots of catching up to do. Haven’t had a chance to read many posts recently cos I’ve been ill (think Whirl but instead of the comforting arms of John Sheppard I had my 11 month old son poking me in the face wondering why Mummy won’t play.)
        Guess I should say hi to everyone again, I’ve only recently delurked and used to post as “Lizzie ‘licious” but soon realised that having an apostrophe in your username is not such a good idea. So, I’ve changed. *waves*

        Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
        We are now well into the back half of Season 3, so, curious little creature that I am, I want to know what you guys thought of the Sparky scenes, if any, so far and what you want to see for Season 4?

        Is it

        a) I'm satisfied with the subtle Sparky so far this season and want it to stay like that.

        ) I'm satisfied with the subtle Sparky so far but want to see something a bit more canon.

        c) I'm definitely NOT satisfied with what I've seen.

        d) Sparky? What Sparky?

        e) To hell with subtle, bring on the RST!!!!!!

        f) Er, some other opinion....please state.
        I will definitely have to go for b because I’m greedy and want more more more. However, I do prefer slow burn stuff that’s subtle and in the background most of the time. I prefer the John/Delenn analogy as they were the two leaders of the station and I can see similarities with sparky. As much as I loved Farscape, I think a John/Aeyrn type relationship would be too much for ‘lantis. (*Random musings* both sci-fi John’s got together with their leading ladies, can we hope for a pattern?)

        Would definitely like to see Sparky become canon but what I mostly don’t understand is why TPTB keep insisting there will be no ship at all. What kind of show would that be? I’m not asking for a soap opera but if this is supposed to be vaguely believable (I know it’s sci-fi but it does pretend to be realistic) then of course relationships are going to develop. That’s just human nature. Look at Battlestar Galactica, a no holds-barred reflection of humanity, for better or worse there’s all kinds of relationships because that’s what would happen. Simple human nature. We have I think been pretty lucky as fans to have been listened to and been shown more friendship stuff this season but that’s only one type of relationship so I’m still not appeased.

        Just sayin

        Thanks for the banner

        I heart the pretty people &
        And in an AU galaxy called the Uncharted Territories &


          Eb - you could've just asked the mods to change your username, hon. We're not really supposed to have duplicate accounts.

          I agree with what you're saying here, though. This is my main gripe when I get into arguments with the "noromos" - human nature doesn't generally work that way. Normal human beings form attachments from birth and throughout their lives, whether positive or negative, and not going into the emotional and human aspect of a situation in some degree - though I really prefer it to stop well short of being soap-operatic - leaves a show only half a show.


            Ah finally saw "Tao of Rodney" it was an fun episode. Though transcribing this episode will be quite horrible since it's mostly Rodney talking again.

            There were many scenes where John and Elizabeth are conversing with each other. Even though they aren't ship related, it doesn't matter its just nice to see how relax John and Elizabeth are with each other. John continues his usual entrances into Elizabeth's office and interrupts by reading over her shoulder while she's working. The cute thing is he knows he's interrupting her and he does it anyway. Watching them having lunch together is also nice because several time we've seen Sheppard eat lunch with this team. And we hardly see Elizabeth eating on atlantis, and it nice to see her having lunch with John.

            I didn't seen any McWeir... at least not from both sides. I think it's probably a one way thing. I get a sense that Rodney has a crush on Elizabeth, and it amuses her and she humors him because he's her friend.

            But I think I saw McKay/Teyla more. Shhh it's my supersekrit ship. LOL Even though Teyla was in this episode for 50 seconds or something. Since McKay did go out of his way to find out when Teyla's father died and wanted to do an Athosian memorial tea ceremony with her alone.

            There were cute moments between Rodney and Ronon, and pretty much Rodney and everyone.

            Not to mention at the end when Rodney kept saying that Elizabeth had said she loved him. She reminds him she said "WE love you." Then he asked if John was still bugging her to let him use the machine to turn himself into a superhero even though we could turn into ectoplasm like Rodney almost did. Then Rodney says something that Elizabeth should let John use it. And of course Elizabeth said "absolutely not!" or something like that. See, no fear John is still Elizabeth's number one priority.

            Also Lorne is in the episode.

            Overall, a much MUCH better episode than last week.

            Now as for the mint jar. Here's a picture of it.


     sunday? *sigh* I really want to see Sunday--- sorta a morbid anticipation thing I guess....haven't actually watched the episode yet. Been too busy studying for exams. *sigh*
              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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                Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                Now as for the mint jar. Here's a picture of it.
                I don't know what's really going on as I haven't seen the ep yet, but it looks like he's staring at it, like, *lightbulb* hey, I gave you that!


                  Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                  You know, that's actually making me want to avoid this episode, because that's one of the few pairings I really can't 'ship...
                  I can't ship them either, but I love to see them in scenes together. For me I'll probably see them just as I always do. They're like siblings to me. It's all about perception when it comes to what the nature of the relationships are imo.


                    Hey guys...

                    Some time ago that I posted...
                    But now I'm back again...

                    Originally posted by Luz View Post
                    *moan* I'm bored, it's almost like we didn't have a new episode this week. So let's look at the pretty.

                    Season 3 (pics)

                    I hated this episode, but well, at least we had jealous Sheppard, and their confrontation was hot, seeing them fighting is hot, you can see the sparks flying.

                    Eyesex, and R/T having eyesex (or Teyla trying to have eyesex with Ronon - told you I was bored ).

                    Defending my honor?.

                    And my, oh my!, those looks they give each other at the end of TRW.

                    ETA: Those two flirt like mad, it's one thing seeing it little by little (or not so little) on the episodes, when you see them one by one, but when you peruse the episodes and look at those scenes one right after the other, it's hot like whoa!, they are a pair of shameless flirts.
                    I love these pics!!! Really sweet looks they give at each other... I don't have seen TRW yet but I'm really looking forward to it!!!

                    Did you read my last post (10th Dec) about "Allies"??? What do you think??

                    SAVE ELIZABETH WEIR


                      Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                      I can't ship them either, but I love to see them in scenes together. For me I'll probably see them just as I always do. They're like siblings to me. It's all about perception when it comes to what the nature of the relationships are imo.
                      That is exactly how I feel - their chemistry comes off too sibling for me to want to see TPTB try anything else with the two of them. That's what bothers me.


                        Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                        That is exactly how I feel - their chemistry comes off too sibling for me to want to see TPTB try anything else with the two of them. That's what bothers me.
                        I think see the TPTB trying anything with the two of them in this episode. It comes across as two friends teasing each other.

                        Besides this episode just bascially shows Rodney's relationship with everyone.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          I think see the TPTB trying anything with the two of them in this episode. It comes across as two friends teasing each other.

                          Besides this episode just bascially shows Rodney's relationship with everyone.
                          That's a relief to hear... I guess it is from different perspectives from different people, naturally.

                          I'll... get around to it at some point. Probably not tonight though... the RVP is on in about 20 minutes and I want to watch Idina!


                            The scene shweir its really delicious.
                            Tao of mckay

                            In last, the famous position of Sheppard.


                              Originally posted by lizzyana View Post
                              The scene shweir its really delicious.
                              Tao of mckay

                              In last, the famous position of Sheppard.
                              Ah, their scenes together were so classic. Too bad he didn't sit down on her desk, it's about time he does that again! Otherwise the imprint might be gone soon!
                              Looks like the vidders will be very happy with the ep, though. =D Many scenes with the two of them together!

                              Edit: Have you guys seen this yet?
                              There's a little John and little Elizabeth! (= Though their faces don't look quite like themselves, especially John. *lol* (I actually think they captured Jack and Teal'c best... oh. my. god. Have a look at Daniel. *gigglecough*)
                              Last edited by leelakin; 12 December 2006, 11:17 AM.


                                Originally posted by Major_Moomin View Post

                                What a brilliant fic series that would be.

                                "The fantastic adventures of 'The Mint Jar'"
                                OMG, that would be the best. Okay, who needs to be poked with the fic!poking stick?!
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