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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by RoryJ
    Don't worry Lizabeth; I did cry. I'm such a sap for my Rodney, it really is disgusting. And Kate is just wonderful. (I can't wait for A Dog's Breakfast now ...)

    I actually saw some very cute little Sparky moments. The one I loved best was when we first see Elizabeth and John walking down the stairs. He's joking around with her and she lets out this little giggle. Oh yes, it was a giggle. Elizabeth giggling is wonderful in and of itself, but giggling in response to John? So. Cute. I also loved how she cast him that sympathetic glance when Rodney and Jeannie walk away from the gateroom.

    And can I saw OMIGOSH CUTENESS!! to the Teyla/marine mention? Her stomping on his foot was just so cute. Very sibling like, yep. But I also love Teyla, so this scene made up for the whole two glances we got of her in the episode. (but where was Carson? Hmm? You stink, TPTB. )

    I have the benefit of loving Rodney, so this episode was easy for me to adore. It also makes it easier to ignore the lack of overt Sparkiness. I was too wrapped up in the sibling dynamic and Rodney's development to give it too much thought, which makes for a more stable blood pressure, I've found.

    Oh, and thanks hopalong! I'm like 47 posts short of 450, but you're a sweetie all the same.
    Whoops . That's what I get for being half-asleep when I post. I misread things! Sorry.


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      That's how I felt about the laughter too. Had we ever heard John really laugh like that?

      Might have been nice to see Elizabeth there at the end too, but I'm not sure how much sense it would have made. After all, the Daedalus was leaving soon, and I bet she was overseeing that.
      With all this talk of laughter I thought you'd like this. It comes from the commentary on The Lost Boys. It's a bit backwards with the JF laugh coming at the very end, but you do hear MG and DH teasing him about the laugh along with his self deprecating humor. IMHO the laugh is just part of the quirky charm. Wish we could hear it more.

      Brought to you by someone with entirely too much time and access to technology.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Lady Lethe
        So, thoughts on McKay and Mrs. Miller:

        Not a lot of Sparky in this one, but it was still a great episode. John and Elizabeth did have a couple of cute mind-reading moments, as well as lots of eye-contact. I did notice that whenever they were in the room together they were practically touching, which seems to be their modus operandi. Overall it was a pretty good episode.

        Awww, thank you so much for recommending my fic!
        *grins* You're welcome. It's great stuff.

        I will go back and read all the spoiler-tagged stuff in this thread... when I can actually watch the episode. My computer is being freakishly slow.


          Originally posted by Meg-Ann
          Oh cool, I didn't know that! So that's why she looked so much like him...


          So it wasn't just me? I kind of winced every time they laughed...Theyt sounded creepy.
          I found those cafeteria scenes cringe worthy.


            Hi! I have been away for some time but decided to drop in again now.

            Originally posted by Meg-Ann
            Oh cool, I didn't know that! So that's why she looked so much like him...


            So it wasn't just me? I kind of winced every time they laughed...Theyt sounded creepy.

            I too thought the laughter sounded creepy. Kinda got the feeling they had to shoot that scene over and over again, and in the end no one was able to laugh naturally anymore. But then again, maybe it was just because we are not used to laughter on Atlantis

            and another thing which I found cute
            The fact that Rodney asked John what Elizabeth is thinking about the whole two McKay issue like it was only natural that John would know her opinion. Not really sparky but I think it shows again how close those two have become at least on a close friends basis. Just thought this to be really nice.
            Sig by Cailliath - Thanks! And thanks to Leelakin for making the Clubcards!

            + = Squee!!!


              Originally posted by Luz
              I found those cafeteria scenes cringe worthy.
              I did too.
              They were obviously filmed at the same time with just lighting adjustments. They could have at least switched seats, or moved to another table. Duh. Plus I didn't like all the Rodney bashing and laughing at how he was bullied. My son has been bullied at his middle school because he is a "geek" and it is very painful - he absolutely hated those cafeteria scenes. They still could have teased Rodney without outright embarrassing him.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Hated cafeteria scenes as well. Although I found Ronon to be hysterical in the last scene, along with Teyla having a hissy at the marine comment. I still wanted to snuggle my Rodneykins though. Sisters can be mean (I don't have one, but I have stepsisters, and they're mean to each other, so ...)




                  Elizabeth: You wouldn't dare...

                  Have fun!
                  My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                  Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                    Originally posted by RoryJ
                    Hated cafeteria scenes as well. Although I found Ronon to be hysterical in the last scene, along with Teyla having a hissy at the marine comment. I still wanted to snuggle my Rodneykins though. Sisters can be mean (I don't have one, but I have stepsisters, and they're mean to each other, so ...)
                    I guess I can see why people would find that scene uncomfortable, but I found it hilariously true. But then, I'm a little sister and would so do that...

                    Yeah, I'm a bad person. I already know I'm going to the special hell.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      I met a girl who also likes Stargate. I asked her if she was a shipper and she didn't know what it meant so I explained it to her. Then I asked her again and she said she wanted Sam and Jack to get together. After talking about that for a little bit I asked her about Atlantis and she said she didn't know and asked me what I thought. I told her John and Elizabeth and she agreed right away and told me "They would make a perfect couple." She even cited The Real World before I even mentioned it as really showing their relationship.

                      So anyway, just thought I'd let you all know we have another convert!!


                        Originally posted by Melyanna

                        Yeah, I'm a bad person. I already know I'm going to the special hell.
                        *gasp* You're an evil little sister and you talk in movie theaters?! Tsk tsk.

                        Back to the Sparky goodness:



                          Being that we're all obsessed tv shippers here I think you'll all understand my current annoyance. I know JAG is long over and it's been even longer since I even watched the show (having given up in mid S9) but I just found out something horrid that happened after I stopped watching and now i feel utterly dirty and grossed out and like I need to take a bath in acid to get clean.

                          Sorry, strong I know. Thankfully I have Sparky. Should anything similar happen on this show I would surely cry.




                            Thoughts on M&MM:

                            No obvious Sparky, just the usual in each other's personal space. They are giving us the slow build up which is fine by me. Do you ever get the feeling they've been told to not look directly at each other too much? I'm seeing a lot of shifty-eyed half glances when the other isn't looking.

                            Loved, loved Jeannie. Kate was great. And I never thought I would say this, but I am slowing falling in love with Rodney. By showing the heart that lies underneath the arrogance they are making him into a more fascinating character for me.

                            As far as Sheyla, to me that was brother/sister teasing at the end. This week's episode should be very interesting I think. It would be nice to get something sorta, kinda, half-way definite before the break.

                            Now I'm going totally off topic, but it does circle back around. I'm putting it under a tag in case you're not interested in my rambling. This has to do with the issue of chemistry which was discussed awhile back:

                            I just finished watching the commentary for the pilot episode of Brisco County, Jr. The commentators were Bruce Campbell and Carlton Cuse. There were two women in the pilot (professor's daughter & Dixie, a singer) and the intention was for Brisco to have a relationship with the professor's daughter. Brisco has a couple of sweet scenes with her, but his scenes with Dixie were really hot. Both Bruce and Carlton say this and then Carlton admits they changed their mind after the pilot and the Brisco/Dixie romance was born. Bruce talks about the chemistry he had with Kelly Rutherford (Dixie) and says there was no way to explain it. If it's there, it's there.

                            Does this remind you of anyone?
                            sig by SueKay

                            My Team:


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              I guess I can see why people would find that scene uncomfortable, but I found it hilariously true. But then, I'm a little sister and would so do that...

                              Yeah, I'm a bad person. I already know I'm going to the special hell.
                              I'm a big sister and I gave the brother a very hard time when we were kids... *hangs head in shame*
                              My poor brother, how did he survive two bossy sisters?!
                              He must've though... we get on pretty well these days

                              I'm in the minority I know... but I liked the much reviled cafeteria scenes *ducks* For some reason it reminded me of camps and family dinners with or without the odd visitor.

                              Hell's probably too good for me...
                              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                                I liked the last cafeteria scene in M and MM because

                                you could tell the team knew they had teased Rodney beyond his limits before. He had just been thru a rough emotional time. He had reunited with his sister with whom he had not spoken to for 4 years and was trying to work out that relationship. He had met an alternate "him" and saw a little of what he "could have been". He had been forcibly reminded of a past experiment in which he had failed with catastrophic results. The poor woobie needed a little love. It was time to get things settled and back in their proper working order. I think they may have had a little discussion before he arrived and figured out they needed to show a little "love" hence the comments on Rod. I liked the look that John had when they all finished what they were saying. It was kind of like an off hand apology for the previous teasing and was meant, IMO, to ease any awkwardness Rodney may have felt trying to join back in. I mean, who would want to be a part of a group that you know doesn't like you and wishes you were someone else. Most people I know want to be liked for who they are not what they could be.
                                At the end of that scene, it seemed to me that all was right with the group and the city and the galaxy. It was a momentary breather from stress and Wraith and Asurans and depleted ZPMs. The obvious teasing of Rodney was over, but the subtle stuff is usually more fun anyway. It was Teyla's turn in the lineup for a bit of harassment.
                                Since Elizabeth had not been part of the teasing, to me it would have felt out of place for her to be there. Yes, she does tease people but I don't believe she would have joined in on the previous round of "let's harass Rodney". That probably would have stepped beyond her need to maintain a professional demeanor. I imagine she will have her own way to tease Rodney that we won't see onscreen.

