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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Welcome, Irish! GW's servers are occasionally a bit cranky, so maybe your post did end up in the Pegasus Galaxy and Rodney will find it later?
    Thanks Mel! You know, I wish I had Rodney at the office sometimes. Stupid computers.

    So, still analyzing TRW to pieces and noticed
    at the very end of the balcony scene, the last shot of Elizabeth is her giving John the infamous eyebrow. I'll bet he was still close enough to get the full effect. In fact, I'm sure John's next line was "You should turn in. If you can't sleep, I've heard that War & Peace is a great book."
    sig by SueKay

    My Team:


      Originally posted by A.L.
      My sis and I just finished watching TRW and CG trailer again and noticed a few things:


      1. Elizabeth takes her binky-blanket with her when she goes to find a wormwhole in her closet after Shep leaves her bedroom. LOL!
      2. Did anyone else consider that Shep might have been in her bed? Remember at the hospital when the blankets start to rise as though someone is in them? And we've already established that Shep was the only one trying to or actually got through to her.
      3. In the Common Ground trailer, Kolya says "I wanted to make sure you were around to see this" before Shep is fed on. As far as Maja and I can remember the only people he would be talking to would be Rodney and Lizzie because they were the only other two besides Shep he had a real huge beef with. And since I'm not a McShep shipper I'm going to believe that he was talking to Lizzie. *la*

      So? What do you all think? Did someone already mention these and I missed it?


      EDIT: Yay! I've moved up from Super-Soldier to Death Glider Pilot! *throws confetti, candy, pics of Sparky goodness* Watch out, it's hard candy. Never understood why they threw those at Parades. They hurt!
      ***drops in from hyperspace***

      If that is the case in Common Ground

      then we have another Sparky believer besides Rodney... KOLYA! LOL.

      Given at what happened in The Storm and The Eye, I think we can safely say that Kolya knows to pull which strings when it comes to John and Elizabeth. I honestly agree with you, that Kolya is directly addressing the situation to Elizabeth for two reasons:
      Reason 1: He knows how important Elizabeth is to John, given reactions
      when John thought Kolya killed her, and when John found out
      that she is alive, and well, about to be killed again. This time, I
      think Kolya knows he can get what he wanted when he uses
      John as a bargaining chip to Elizabeth. I think it's Elizabeth's turn
      for angst and John's turn for whumpage, heck, what else is new

      Reason 2: Elizabeth, as leader of the Atlantis expedition, will negotiate with
      him. He won't address it to Rodney unless it's something scientific
      that only he can fix with his brilliant mind, and he won't be talking
      to Teyla either, because they haven't met and Teyla is not the
      leader of Atlantis.

      And Common Ground, I hear, is a Shep story and supposedly, will give more background on Shep. Another character driven story with lots of action. And Kolya! It's time these two face off again.

      And to answer your question, there were comments about it, but nobody has posted the question. And congratulations for becoming a Death-Glider Pilot!

      Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


        Originally posted by A.L.

        1. Elizabeth takes her binky-blanket with her when she goes to find a wormwhole in her closet after Shep leaves her bedroom. LOL!
        I realised that too
        but only on the pics...I thought that was sweet

        Hm, I wonder when John will ask Elizabeth about the watch...I mean he saw her staring at it now 2 times when she was sad so ...that cries for a little sparky moment!

        Well I'm not very concerned about this episode... I'm looking forward to see Elizabeth flirting with someone and see her more John being jealous...I'm quite sure he will be especially after they will suspect the guy Maybe even a little (verbal)fight between Elizabeth and John would be nice

        I like the dynamic TPTB gives in the Sparky-direction...sometimes I see more romantical intention coming from Elizabeth and sometimes more from John... TRW was very much about John feelings this time and I really liked it so I hope more is coming, even if CG seems more like a lizzie-angst episode


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle

          That look. Come on, how can people not see love there.
          My tummy did little flipflops with that pic, and I don't think it was an ulcer acting up. LOL!

          Okie dokie, finally seen the whole episode and I absolutely loved it. Just re-iterating, I LOVE CARL BINDER! This episode is now one of my favourites.

          Just a few more thoughts.
          I agree when some others think John was there the whole 5 hours. How else would she had sensed his presence? It was only when he grabbed her arm and hand that she "saw" him. *more tummy flips again*

          Another thought, do you think there was a missing scene between her waking up and the balcony scene? I can't help thinking that one of the first things Liz would have asked was "Where's John?" since he was the one who helped her back to reality. It would seem quite natural for her when she was discharged to visit John in his quarantine part of the infirmary and have a quiet talk. Wish somebody would write that missing bit (hint, hint). This would explain the lack of "thanks for saving me" in the balcony scene.
          I also agree with the suggestion that Elizabeth would consider "dating" another guy because she realises her feelings for John are getting a bit too personal and she needs to distance herself. Now, (totally shallow moment), having seen "The Boy From Oz" yesterday can I just say I hope this Mike Branton in "Sunday" is a Hugh Jackman clone? Cuz it would take a truly charismatic character to distract Lizzie from the deliciousness that is John.

          Since I'm such a video sl*t. *Hangs head in shame* Can I just say thank you to you awesome video makers? You made my day.

          And Mel? Do you use Excel to keep lists for all things Sparky?

          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


            Originally posted by Bama
            Thanks!! Wow, truly unbelievable. And that doesn't even count the truly meaningful convos both professional-and somewhat personal-that they've had together *during* the episodes. Quite the body of evidence for focus pairing I'd dare say.

            I just re-watched TRW with the husband a bit ago
            and I turned and said to him at the end that Elizabeth doesn't really know who she is without John anymore. That was just yet another thought that popped into my head after that ending segment which I just get so, so much from about both of them and their inner feelings. Wow. Great, great ep.
            Just curious Bama, did your hubby see the shippiness in TRW.
            Mine didn't. He was one of those who thought it was just John being the hero because he's the star.

            Originally posted by Easter Lily
            I'm cool with that too. But my question is why didn't any of the others jump in and do the motivational stuff... (I noticed someone in the episode thread suggesting that it would have made more sense for Teyla to be the one. Which made no sense to me considering that the two women have hardly had any heart to heart talks.) It's one thing to have someone invading your psyche out of habit and whatnot but it doesn't explain why TPTB didn't use the others but Sheppard alone...
            Still, I have no doubt that Sheppard and Weir are not just colleagues but friends... and there's no better foundation for Sparky than friendship...

            Yeah, I know... I'm preaching to the converted...
            There has been an interesting trend lately toward fans portraying Teyla as near perfection. She's a leader, a warrior, a mystic, the bestest friend anyone ever had, wise beyond her years and culture, smarter than Rodney and Radek combined, able to
            fly massive hive ships with just her mind
            , and lest we hot mama. It's getting funnier by the moment. Personally I hope they never make Elizabeth infallible. That's just boring.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Good morning all... To kick off the work week, I bring you a little Monday morning picspam (from TRW):


              This is right after Elizabeth cuts off John's joking at the end.

              The look on his face kills me.

              Also, thank you to everyone who watched and commented on my video... I really appreciate it.

              Sparky on youtube


                Originally posted by Sukiyaki
                And Common Ground, I hear, is a Shep story and supposedly, will give more background on Shep. Another character driven story with lots of action. And Kolya! It's time these two face off again.

                Actually, regarding Common Ground:
                I heard that they scrapped Shep's backstory for this ep and put it in the episode "Echoes", which airs after McKay and Mrs. Miller, I believe. I'm okay with that, as long as we still get the damn backstory!


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Sorry about the monitor. *hands Trialia a sponge*

                  So anyway, I've been reading the episode thread etc. and am loving some of the reactions to TRW.
                  My favorite post implied that John performed some sort of sexual healing trick on Liz. ROTFLMAO! Yee Gads! they all see it now. It's sexualhealing!Sparky. The laying on of hands takes on a completely new meaning. *Just a little rural Southern religious reference. Nothing to see here.* But seriously the number of non-shippers who see the deep connection and actually like it seems to have grown exponentially. For once, which probably won't last long, I'm also enjoying the naysayers. This ep was boring, unlike Sateda when John talked to Teyla and touched her hand with tenderness and caring. I keep expecting someone to say he was actually angry with her for getting in trouble and endangering all their lives thus forcing him to once again play the hero. I guess he really wanted to choke her again but people were watching. Can't remember having so much fun.

                  Oh and you know what? TPTB are reading that thread and paying attention.
                  LOL SOuthern! Now I have Marvin Gaye singing in my head!


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    Just curious Bama, did your hubby see the shippiness in TRW.
                    Mine didn't. He was one of those who thought it was just John being the hero because he's the star.
                    If I press him to the wall about it, he'll admit that yeah, they've got something brewing. However, he really could care less about relationships and just wants action and more action! and so he just rolled his eyes at my shippy squeal! comments in that 'oh brother, I've seen this before' way that he does. He lives to tease me and he'll talk up any set of boobs that walks in the room with John just to try and irritate me. It's always like this between us:
                    Husband: "He's staring at em."
                    Bama:"Nope, he's thinking about Elizabeth."
                    Husband: "Well, I'm staring at them."
                    Bama: "So, I'm the only good taste you've ever shown in your life!"

                    That is the norm between us. LOL! We have a lot of fun with it but yeah, in all honesty, he knows there are some 'extra' feelings there between shep and weir.


                      Originally posted by Ronnikins
                      And Mel? Do you use Excel to keep lists for all things Sparky?
                      Can't say that I do. I just looked through a list of episodes. A few I had to glance at transcripts for. But like I said, I have a file of Shep/Weir clips I made last season that's fairly extensive through most of the first two seasons, so it's something I'd considered before.

                      Trust me, my total recall memory for The West Wing is scarier.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by RoryJ
                        Actually, regarding Common Ground:
                        I heard that they scrapped Shep's backstory for this ep and put it in the episode "Echoes", which airs after McKay and Mrs. Miller, I believe. I'm okay with that, as long as we still get the damn backstory!
                        You're right about Common Ground, but are you sure it isn't Phantoms, not Echoes?
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by Vixen
                          After seeing him appear repeatedly in her "dreams", and basically risking his wellbeing in the end for hers, I found the end scene between them quite fitting. The nanites didn't get him, he was fine, she was recovering nicely and again confided in him about what she had gone though ( when Teyla asked how she felt, Elizabeth didn't respond). It wasn't overly emotional, and they couldn't let their guard down completely seeing as they weren't alone there. John listened to her, offered comfort and even tried to lighten the situation a little. I loved it. Wonderfully written and acted, and it lasted about, what, 1 minute or so? *melts*

                          When he went inside the tent and grabbed her arm, I have to admit that DH's delivery of his line made the moment all the more powerful for me.

                          Also, another moment that I found powerful was one of John's earlier appearances in Elizabeth's dream (at least, it looked like him ) When he walked over to the door of her room and tried to open it. Knowing this was even before John started talking to her, it was intense.

                          This may be a little ot, but I have to ask:
                          What was DH's line? In what context?


                            I watched The Real World and I love this episod and John/Elizabeth ship inside it.

                            I like to see us that John is concerned for Liz and I love when he talk her the first time... I love too when he goes into next her and he take her arm and hand... and the final scene on balcony... wooohooo I love the John's gaze...They are so cute !

                            I hope that in the next episods, the ship will keep !


                              Originally posted by hopalong
                              This may be a little ot, but I have to ask:
                              What was DH's line? In what context?
                              DH's line:
                              When Shep was running into the tent to help Elizabeth, Rodney yelled out "Are you crazy? You'll get infected!" (or "she'll infect you", I'm not exactly sure ) At least, I think that's the line she's talking about.

                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              You're right about Common Ground, but are you sure it isn't Phantoms, not Echoes?
                              I really am not sure, but I thought Phantoms was the one with the whale, and Echoes was . . . not, lol. I'll have to go look it up.


                                Originally posted by hopalong
                                This may be a little ot, but I have to ask:
                                What was DH's line? In what context?
                                The line Vixen was referring to was
                                "What, are you crazy? She could infect you!"

                                Rory, I could be crazy. I just seem to remember someone from the JF thunk thread dropping in and clarifying that it was Phantoms.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

