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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by RoryJ
    Okay that was long and analytical, but I love names. (Is it wrong that very, very, very deep down, a part of me loves the Sparky pairing because of how classic and romantic the names John and Elizabeth are together? I didn't think so. )
    LOL! I have that same thought! I always think English royalty when I think of their names together. King John I and Queen Elizabeth I of Atlantis has a classic and important and right sound to it doesn't it?


      Originally posted by Bama
      LOL! I have that same thought! I always think English royalty when I think of their names together. King John I and Queen Elizabeth I of Atlantis has a classic and important and right sound to it doesn't it?
      Lord yes!


        Originally posted by firedust22
        OK guys, I have a mission for you!

        Question: If Shep and Weir ever hook up and they have a kid, what do you think they will name him or her?

        Just something to ponder on...
        I can't see them giving their kids trendy names. Or Ancient names, for that matter. In such matters I think they're probably far too conservative. Both of them probably had issues getting people to spell their last names right, so they'd probably give their kids really simple names too.

        I think it's also pretty likely that they'd name children after people who were important to them. That's why in my current series, their sons are named after Peter Grodin and Elizabeth's long-time friend and mentor.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Well, finally watched Common Ground:

          Not blatantly shippy but what a fantastic all round episode. I can't believe how Season 3 has started off and it's getting better and better with each episode. Shep was believable and heart-breaking in CG, (well, except for taking out the two guards unarmed when he was a gazillion years old). Kolya is my favourite enemy, I love Davi's subtleness in acting. This new wraith is one I want to meet again in a future episode. Elizabeth has re-inforced what a strong dynamic leader she is flowing through from NML and Misbegotten. Even the anti-Weir peeps couldn't really fault her in this episode though it was more giveth in one hand and taketh away with the other.
          I was a tad annoyed with Ronon being unchecked, but hey, a puppy is always fiercely loyal beyond reason to his master. And Rodney was quite cute but I wish they make him not so cowardly at times just to get laughs. And I think Teyla was in the episode somewhere? Can somebody please give her a decent episode, preferably one where she interacts with others other than her immediate team? This would flesh out her character far more than now. I like her, give her more.

          Now I'm going to fortify myself with some lunch and a couple of glasses of wine before girding my loins and posting in the Episode thread. Have to do my bit to have us heard I supposed. *Will probably ruin the rest of my day*

          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


            The episode thread isn't all that bad (yet) this week. Most people seem to be on the "like" side of it. There really wasn't much to latch onto to complain about. When the consensus is positive, there isn't a lot of room to argue/debate. It's a nice break!
            I put the "M" in stupid.


              If you had to pick names for the children of Elizabeth & John. I agree with you Bama classic English names are always good. Like Edward and Mary just the first names that came to mind.
              I reject your reality and substitute my own!


                Common Ground was amazing! One of my favourite ep so far. As for Sparky:
                Obviously she was really concerned about what her decision to not trade with Kolya would have on Shep's chances of living. But she made good decisions and like many of you guys said: Teyla hesitated because there was no guarantee that Kolya wouldn't have killed John after the exchange... I loved the fact that Teyla supported Weir on this against Ronon, but I also loved how Weir did the same with Ronon later on the episode. There's a great bond between these three Most of the shippy scenes have been mentioned. Nevertheless, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but I don't recall anyone mentioning that while John was being fed up on by the wraith the first time, Weir said: "Don't do it!" and then said " Stop! " two times, it sounded like she was crying it out. This, my friends, wasn't the leader speaking... I mean, don't you remember how she yelled at Kolya... This is kind of funny considering we can hear it but not see her reaction toward the scene, but the tone in her voice gives us a good look at what she really felt, while acting soooooo stoic^^ though, troughout the episode.



                  Originally posted by Trialia
                  Oh, I'm not arguing about that.
                  I know that she would prefer one person to die rather than so many, but if she hadn't been in the position where she would have been able to make that happen, you know, to kill so many other people, I think Teyla would still have hesitated, whether you're looking at it from either Sparky or Sheyla angle. I don't think that she would have wanted Elizabeth to have something like that hanging over her once she had come back to herself if they hadn't been in the position whereby killing him was the only way to stop Phoebus killing all the others.

                  I'm really not sure I'm making sense. I should definitely be in bed.
                  It's okay. I know the feeling. I'm not saying
                  she shouldn't or wouldn't hesitate. Elizabeth hesitated as well in telling Kolya no. Hesitation is fine. But it just felt like to me that they let it go quite a long time in TLG. Heck, of course Teyla would hesitate at first. Killing the man who helped her and her people, who always gave the trust when so many other didn't because they were from another planet? No, she'd definitely hesitate I just felt they dragged it out more to fill time in the epi than to show inner turmoil on her part. That was part of it but then it got really dragged out. I could be remembering it wrong. I was annoyed by the whole "he cares for you more than you know" line. I can put all the context around it I want but it makes my littler shipper heart cringe slightly.

                  Okay, I think I've sufficiently confused people so I'll drop this subject now. mcat? Trialia? Thanks for discussing this with me. It was fun. ;D



                    Originally posted by RoryJ

                    Hmm ... I both agree and disagree.

                    All this talk about John possibly revealing too much of his attachment to Elizabeth to Kolya really makes me wonder. Kolya saw for himself that Elizabeth wasn't going to give into his demands and that she was able to sacrifice John, even though Kolya also must have heard from her voice that he got the emotional effect he was looking for. Now, Kolya is a damn smart man; I don't think he'll make the same mistake twice and try to use Sheppard as leverage over Elizabeth, but I think the reverse is entirely possible.

                    Kolya also learned from The Storm/The Eye that Sheppard may not be able to make that sacrifice. He doesn't have the training Elizabeth does. He's trained to leave no man behind, and he believes in it to the point that his career in the military was severely compromised because he couldn't let go of those downed soldiers. Also, in TRW, Sheppard blatantly risked his life to go into the tent and help Elizabeth fight. Now, I love him to death because of both these things, because it makes him a more fascinating and interesting character, but there are times when that can be a weakness as well as endearing. And Kolya saw this first hand when he threatened to kill Elizabeth and John almost immediately gave in, promising to give him the puddlejumpers and even destroy all of Atlantis. Again, I love this side of Sheppard, but I think this makes Kolya all the more dangerous.

                    Kolya now sees that Elizabeth won't budge, but that Sheppard just might. It may very well be because of what Shep said in Sateda; this is the first time he's felt like he's had a real family, and he truly would give anything for them, especially Elizabeth. I can totally see Kolya changing how he works, which would mean playing on Sheppard's potential weakness - Elizabeth. This makes me more interested in "Irresponsible", though it sucks that Lucius will be in that ep. Using a character like Kolya that elicits such a personal and terrifying response in John and Elizabeth (and Rodney) in the same episode as a nonsense and immaterial character like Lucius just feels like it could be a waste good drama to me.

                    I hope that analysis made sense, seeing as I was kind of thinking on my feet.
                    I totally hope the writers are thinking what you are thinking. Maybe you should just write the next episode.

                    Originally posted by RoryJ

                    Okay that was long and analytical, but I love names. (Is it wrong that very, very, very deep down, a part of me loves the Sparky pairing because of how classic and romantic the names John and Elizabeth are together? I didn't think so. )
                    Not unless it's also wrong that I love Sparky, Elizabeth, and everytime John says her given name all the more because Elizabeth happens to be my own name. And I love that they don't nickname it! I never go by nicknames, Elizabeth sounds much more romantic, IMO.


                      I spent the morning catching up on all the posts... didn't have a chance to say anything until now. Don't think there's much more I can add to the comments except to say that
                      I didn't see too much sparky... but my favourite could-be sparky moment is when Weir stares distractedly from the balcony wondering how Sheppard is fairing. It is the one time she lets the chink in the armour show... Very effective little moment.

                      It is funny though that people are saying that in this episode that Weir is making the tough decisions in spite of her finer feelings... for the sake of Atlantis. The reality is... she always has. The thing is... we mightn't agree with the decision but she's always put the interests of the city ahead of her own feelings.
                      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                        I think I am gonna love another episode with Kolya in it... looks like we gonna see another storyline involving Elizabeth or John being captured while the other has to hear or see the torture in the future....

                        If I am Kolya it also fun to watch how the two behaved when they changing roles as prisoner and the watcher....

                        Very clever TPTB......


                          Ok I'm a billion posts late to this thread but wanted to say...

                          ... it took forever for me to figure out that people weren't talking about a boat and...

                          ... In The Eye, Sheppard was MAD in a distinctly MALE way when he thought Weir was gone. Awful lot of boat for no boat, from this male's POV.

                          And you know, I kind of liked that he was mad. Good show.

                          Frak! --Apollo
                          Frak you. --Cain
                          FRAK Me! --Kat
                          frakwit! --Tyrol
                          B*tch took my ride. --Starbuck


                            Originally posted by RoryJ
                            Hmmm, well, I'm kind of a geek for name origins, so I went and did some quick research. John means "God is gracious" in Hebrew, and Elizabeth means "Oath of God" in Hebrew (sigh ... even their names are compatible ... ). So I was looking through some lists and found myself in love with the names Daniel for a boy and either Mary or Jamie for a girl. Daniel (damn SG-1 for using the name!) is Hebrew for "God is my judge", which I think is very poetic considering the origin of John/Elizabeth. Jamie is a form of James, which is very old English and fitting with John/Liz's names (and yes, it's my real name, but that is TOTALLY beside the point ). Mary means a lot of things, including "rebeliousness" or "wished for child" (squee!) or even "beloved" in Egyptian. I also love how one of my friends spells her name, which is "Merry" (yes, from LOTR, but also meaning festive, joyous, or cheer).

                            Okay that was long and analytical, but I love names. (Is it wrong that very, very, very deep down, a part of me loves the Sparky pairing because of how classic and romantic the names John and Elizabeth are together? I didn't think so. )

                            Edit: I'll give the link I used for quick research in case anyone's interested. You can find it here.
                            Ha Ha. I thought I was the only name origin freak here....I wrote a 12 page paper on it in my popular lit. class last semester. I go to that's mostly because they actually have my name (not "Stephanie" redirected to "Stephen). Plus, I get a thrill out of seeing how much people like my name (they have a star system). I am finally vindicated, "Stefanie" is rated higher than "Stephanie." Ok...sorry for that.

                            I also like the simplicity of their names. They aren't some crazy versions of names or "soap opera" type names. They are just....classic. I've always loved the name "John" for that very reason. John sounds strong while Elizabeth just always sounds very intelligent to me. Plus, I always melt when John says Elizabeth's just sounds right coming from him....
                            ...especially in Common Ground.

                            And science-fiction shows seem particulary enamored with "John." You had Crichton from "Farscape" and of course Sheppard. The name "Jack" (as in O'Neill) was originally a nickname for John. So it seems a very popular choice for writers. I think it's just a very sturdy, good ole American/English name.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              hey i dont want to alarm anyone, but this freaked me out.
                              The latest most awesome spoilers for the season 3 episode "Sunday"!
                              Not only does Elizabeth Weir find herself a new love interest, but he will most likely be around for a while. The best part is Weir's assertion that she does NOT get romanticly involved with those who work for her! She only makes an exception because her new beau doesn't work *directly* for her! Looks like TPTB have spoken and Sheppard/Weir is officially a figment of someone's imagination!

                              i got it from a sheyla site so i dont know if its true. tell me its not true!!
                              three's a crowd...
                              ahh thats better

                              aww cute.

                              I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                              And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                                Originally posted by Lizabeth
                                Hmmm, I can think of the perfect fanfic for CG, a last scene I would have liked to have seen, but I don't know anything about posting that sort of stuff.
                                Write it, and send it to me as a word doc. I'll post it on my webpage (see link in my sig). I'm always looking for new authors!

                                Of course, someone has already made a similar offer or given you other options...

                                Still loving all the pitcure essays, wallpapers and so on!

