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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Descent
    You are free to use it Pong. But now, its even better!

    Least I think so. Better or worse guys?
    Welcome to the beauty that is J/E! Welcome to all the newbies!

    I have to say I prefer the previous version (it was very nice ). The hug pic looks a little streched out.
    Heh, the quote in your sig!


      Originally posted by Vixen
      I have to say I prefer the previous version (it was very nice ). The hug pic looks a little streched out.
      Heh, the quote in your sig!
      Wow I just noticed that, thank you. I also took out the grid pattern because it just looked...out of place.

      Here, final version. I know im using it:

      Any one of you can use any of them, I just want credit if you do so.
      Last edited by Descent; 18 August 2006, 11:23 AM.
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        Originally posted by Easter Lily
        Is it a Chinese thing, perhaps? I couldn't help but notice your location...
        I used to live in Singapore many moons ago actually.
        I am aware that in Chinese culture it is used to be that the expectation is that the man be older than the woman. It would be very unusual for a man to marry a woman older than him even today.
        That's assuming that your husband is Chinese, of course...

        As for the age thing... I think it's more scary to contemplate a 900 year old time lord making googly eyes with a 19 year old girl.
        Me being half-chinese and a big Shweir shipper, I don't think it's a Chinese thing... My mum is Chinese and she doesn't have a problem with Shweir... doesn't really watch Stargate though...
        Nice job, Descent.

        To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


          Originally posted by Elles
          Me being half-chinese and a big Shweir shipper, I don't think it's a Chinese thing... My mum is Chinese and she doesn't have a problem with Shweir... doesn't really watch Stargate though...
          I don't have a problem with it either... But I'm in a cross-cultural marriage too so age difference is the less radical option.
          But I was wondering if it is a cultural thing for some people... it keeps coming up from time to time.
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Since we're (sort of) on the topic of Progeny, I thought I'd mention a scene that really struck me, showing just how much Elizabeth has changed in the time she's been in Atlantis.

            When the team is in their quarters after Rodney returns from rewriting the code for the Asurans, and they're all talking about destroying fake!Atlantis, it's TEYLA who jumps in and questions what they are about to do and whether or not they'll be betraying Niam. That struck me as something Elizabeth would have said not so long ago, but in this situation she agrees with John completely.

            She doesn't even seem concerned by the fact that they are about to blow up an entire city, even if it is inhabited by what are essentially robots. After all, Elizabeth was the one who brought up the Geneva convention when Atlantis held the Wraith prisoner. Needless to say, she's come a long way, and I think a lot of it is that she's realized that pascifism doesn't work if the other side doesn't want to play nice. I wouldn't be surprised if John has had a major influence on her as well.

            “Le monde a tellement de regrets
            Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
            Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
            Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

            ~ Francis Cabrel


              Anyone remember Jamie from the X-files fandom? Right now I so wish we had one of her. Jamie got the earliest satelite feed from the network somehow and she would always post us the shippy details and post the shippy pic clips really early on Sunday afternoon!

              I've done a good job of keepin TRW out of mind all week and keeping my mind on the j-o-b but now it's finally Friday so nothing is hindering me!

              Here's raising a glass to all of you and hoping for a fantastic ep with a meaty ship bone to knaw on.


                Originally posted by Bama
                Anyone remember Jamie from the X-files fandom? Right now I so wish we had one of her. Jamie got the earliest satelite feed from the network somehow and she would always post us the shippy details and post the shippy pic clips really early on Sunday afternoon!

                I've done a good job of keepin TRW out of mind all week and keeping my mind on the j-o-b but now it's finally Friday so nothing is hindering me!

                Here's raising a glass to all of you and hoping for a fantastic ep with a meaty ship bone to knaw on.
                Hear hear...

                To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Yeah well, my prediction came true and they started bombarding poor BamBam with Sheyla questions. He came back with the party line of "sexual tension" that's under control. Whatever the heck that means. Remember he's the one who said the stick fight in Hot Zone was designed to show the UST so all he knows is what he's been told. I'm hoping this is the end of trying to drag him into the ship wars.
                  LMAO! Shep's hairbrush gets more undivided attention from him than Teyla ever has!

                  Yeah, I'd agree with the old boy. It's certainly "under control" alright.


                    We have Buggy542 when SGA shows in Canada.
                    3 hours for TRW *iz angsty*
                    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                      Apart from a few pics, I've kept myself reasonably spoiler free with TRW...

                      I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. Sounds like an interesting episode anyway. If it's half as good as Before I Sleep, I should be so happy.
                      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                        The Real World didn't finish yet? I'm dying for the good spoilers....
                        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan
                          The Real World didn't finish yet? I'm dying for the good spoilers....
                          It's barely started yet, IIRC.


                            It's 9 PM or 10 PM that SGA airs on the USA....? I thought it was 9 PM. My bad... So waiting paciently as much as possible for someone with good news...
                            Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                              Let's just cut to the chase...Real World spoilers:

                              Turns out it was John seeping into her delusion! She kept seeing a faceless man, whom eventually revealed himself to her and told her to fight her way out. Last half was quite full of angsty John. And to be fair, quite a bit of angsty Rodney and angsty Carson, but I saw mostly angsty John.

                              And omg...the 200th for SG-1! I was laughing through the whole damn thing. The puppets!! LOL
                              I put the "M" in stupid.



                                Is ded. John ran through the barrier. Squeeee!
                                : arrgh can't. *Passes out from squee.*

