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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy birthday, Foolish!

    The Real World
    My expectations for S/W in this episode are very high. The last time I got this excited over an episode was TLG, and gee, that went well. If the infirmary scene turns out to be any less shippy than it sounds, I'm gonna need a hug that support group.


      Diddo on the happy birthday! Have some delicious boxed cake.....mmmmm.....or a "real" cake if you prefer (though I don't see how you can do better than boxed cake).

      I am completely with you guys about the whole "The Real World" episode...
      I actually keep thinking of scenes I hope will word-for-word. Of course, as past expectations have shown me...the scenes/moments never live up to my wildest dreams. Come on writers, read my mind!

      But I think the fact that they say that Sheppard offers "emotional support"-which we know he's not very good at-is a big deal. They could have just said that he and his team hurry to try and save Elizabeth or that he'll stop at nothing to help her...blah, blah, blah (all of which we know he'll do anyway) but I think it was interesting that they said something about simply supporting her. And I don't know about you but I'm intrigued by that...especially since emotional support involves close proximity and no guns or violence (not that I don't like those things). If the writers draw from that wonderful scene in "Sateda" then there should be some good scenes ahead.

      I'm really being optimistic here but like many of you I am desperaly trying to temper my hopes and dreams for this no avail. If it doesn't work out, hopefully someone write a wonderful fanfic about it instead.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Happy Birthday, Foolish Pleasure!!!

        May I also just say that this thread has personified the word class over the last few days. If anyone says anything nasty about us now, they will have to make it up.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Happy Birthday, FP!! You've already gotten some cake, so here is some delicious bark!

          IMO, for sateda
          I didn't find anything shippy in this episode at all. Unless the ship is with Ronon, I think It would have been selfish to add in a random ship during an episode about Ronon's crisis and such. Of course, I'm not one to complain about all the boy loving.

          AHem, now back to your regularly tuned shipper...

          We so better get some good stuff during TRW b.c it will be really disappointing and dangerous to their health if there isn't any. muahaha.
          Citizen of Braneville


            Happy Birthday, Foolish Pleasure!!

            And a belated Happy Birthday to Tracy Jane!!


              Originally posted by Ronnikins

              One more thing to add to this ramble which piqued my interest was that particular hesitation after John said to Teyla " Friends? there's you, Elizabeth (pause)....Ronon, Carson and even Rodney." It's that pause after he said Elizabeth's name, he quickly glanced at Teyla with a goofy little smile before continuing on that has got me intrigued. I'm not saying anymore about it because I'm erring on the side of being neutral, but, you know, I've got my own theories here.
              Now see, I saw that too, but I thought perhaps he was pausing not because it was after Elizabeth's name, but because it was before Ronan's, and Ronan is the one after all, in jeopardy at the moment. But I do like how he mentions Elizabeth first, after Teyla since she's the one he's talking to. Since they're going to save Ronan wouldn't he have been more logical to say next? Apparently somebody else is on his mind too....

              Speculation on TRW:

              I am super excited for this episode. I'm excited to see everybody worried about Elizabeth for once, especially John. I'd really like to see him just sitting by her bedside, maybe talking, maybe not. Another thing I was thinking, I could see him getting upset because he can't do anything. He's a soldier after all, but he can't run off on one of his self-sacrificial rescue missions, all he can do is sit by her bedside and hope.


                I have some cake left over!

                No more birthdays for me though. Gettin' too old for these things.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by Lizabeth
                  Speculation on TRW:

                  I am super excited for this episode. I'm excited to see everybody worried about Elizabeth for once, especially John. I'd really like to see him just sitting by her bedside, maybe talking, maybe not. Another thing I was thinking, I could see him getting upset because he can't do anything. He's a soldier after all, but he can't run off on one of his self-sacrificial rescue missions, all he can do is sit by her bedside and hope.
                  Exactly, great point.
                  I think I read somewhere that its not until 1/2 way through the episode that we even get to see the "real world" ie Atlantis - before that is taken up with Elizabeths delusions. So any scenes we get with the Atlantis crew and John in particular, I think will need to be quite highly charged due to the limited time they have to portray everthing. So I think you may be onto something - we may see a quite frantic John urging Carson to do something to save Elizabeth and that we may see some real pent up emotion from him as he has nothing else to channel that into. I've a funny feeling that as a nice lead on from the J/T convo, it could be Teyla that is the one who witnesses this and has to try and calm him. Perhaps she may even make a comment about how emotional and upset he appears over Elizabeth? What I would love is for Teyla to make a comment that is designed to wake John up to his feelings for Elizabeth being more than just friendship. And what would make it for me would be for Teyla to mention something later to Elizabeth about Johns emotions. I'm interested to see if we ever get to see Elizabeths reaction but I wonder if we may get a counterpoint to this weeks J/T scene.
                  I'd really like to see Teyla in a role between the two - just think is sits well with her measured and astute style and follows on nicely from the family conversations. Plus it would give some nice J/T and T/E vignettes and possible character / friendship development in the future.


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    I have some cake left over!


                    No more birthdays for me though. Gettin' too old for these things.
                    Happy birthday!!! Pass me a slice, would ya? Not too dusty, please...
                    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                      Hmmm...I don't have mint cake, but I do have chocolate cake!

                      Happy Birthday!
                      SLA Stargate: SG-6

                      If Stargates are a reality...
                      count me in.


                        Originally posted by Stef
                        But I think the fact that they say that Sheppard offers "emotional support"-which we know he's not very good at-is a big deal. They could have just said that he and his team hurry to try and save Elizabeth or that he'll stop at nothing to help her...blah, blah, blah (all of which we know he'll do anyway) but I think it was interesting that they said something about simply supporting her. And I don't know about you but I'm intrigued by that...especially since emotional support involves close proximity and no guns or violence (not that I don't like those things). If the writers draw from that wonderful scene in "Sateda" then there should be some good scenes ahead. [/spoiler]-Stef
                        I'm totally thinking that the whole
                        'I don't do emotions well' scene
                        was a set-up for something we'll see later from John.


                          Happy Birthday, FolishPleasure !!!!!

                          I know I have desappeared from this forum for quite a while, but I said this could happen eventually. I just had to come in and give FP a happy birthday wish, since she and everyone else were so nice to me when I could be a more frequent poster.

                          I wish I could be seeing the new episodes, but for what I'm reading about them they rock! I can't wait for the new season...

                          I agree with what Bama just said, it's something I've always expected from John. Confusion about emotion and expression of his own. Good to know my theories are blossoming into cannon.

                          night_owl89, perhaps I should send my work to TPTB. Does anyone know the adress of the studio where Stargate is filmed in Vancouver? Perhaps I could get a job with Stargate and be that female writer you want so much. I'm finishing another episode of my fanfic season of SGA. It rocks IMHO. I'll put the link up when finished, two scenes to go. I write script form fanfic. To be honest, I'm really seriously thinking about it. If you give me the adress, I'll send it to them. What's the worst that could happen? They not liking it? I can live with that, but if they do I can live with that much better......

                          I'll try to be on more, I promise.

                          Happy Birthday to everyone who had a birthday while I was gone.
                          Welcome to all the many newbies I've missed for not showing up in about three months I guess.... I really need to come here more....
                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            Originally posted by Trialia

                            Didn't we get past that whole age issue with the fact that she's not even three years older than Shep? {Not clear-headed enough to calculate it exactly, but I could if necessary! } And I'm not attacking you or your significant other, just so we're clear, but that is just a completely stupid thing to say.
                            Yes, we who support the ship have cleared it up but in his defense he's not quite as big a fan as I am so it's possible he hasn't seen as many epi's to know the truth. We'll forgive him that one small fault. However, he does agree on the Ronon/Teyla angle so at least he's not trying to ship Shep with Teyla. I can accept that. But then he could be teasing me.



                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Rachel is beautiful in the right lighting especially. I'm one that doesn't mind tptb showing us that she's beautifully female but I just think tptb have at times tried to play up the sexuality aspect of Teyla at the expense of real character growth. I must say that I really enjoyed her last night.
                              She really 'gets' these men and understands their weaknesses and strengths and while I know this isn't the Teyla thread-I feel it's ok to share thoughts amongst you folks. I love the way she is the only one that can make Ronon listen and I truly loved that little eyeroll she gave toward John's exaggerations when he didn't want to be 'bested' by the girl in the bunch.
                              LOL And she and Rodney's yappings are priceless as she puts up with his cockiness and popping off like a devilish saint! She displays a ton of patience with all of them and to me, that cute scene with John was simply one more example of her understanding of them and her smooth dealing with them. Teyla has really grown on me the last year in spots and she has some potential aside from her xena warrior sexuality that I hope the writers can tap into properly.
                              I think one of the moment's I think Teyla is most pretty is in Suspicion when she comes to Elizabeth for her turn to interview and they have a little heart to heart. That shirt she wears is very modest but gorgeous, and the way her hair was done was beautiful too. I think it's kind of a cheap shot at Teyla/RL when they force that skimpy cleavage busting kind of thing. I'm not saying she has to dress like a nun but talk about stereotypical Sci-Fi alien chick. She deserves better than that.



                                Originally posted by Blower'sGate
                                Ok so, Sateda was one of my favourite episode so far. Jason was fantastic in this episode, I loved almost everything about this episode. The cafetaria scene between Teyla and our flyboy was very intense in a way that I might have dread if it hadn't been handled correctly. I'm going to put my point under spoiler tags.

                                What I mean is, that if you look at the scene without, in most cases, assuming that there are sparky things going on, you'll see that there might be a little John/Teyla "thing" in it ( it's exactly what the John/Teyla shippers believe at the moment, like we do for our own ship ) but nevertheless it is clear to me, in an objective way without any jealousy of some sorts towards an other ship, that this scene was about friendship and the bond they have built for the past two years. I even 'd like to quote Rodney on that: "We have an unspoken bond and there are things that go deeper than words my friend" Rodney talking about his friendship with Ronon, lol! John looked like a kid, letting his guard down, he almost cried ( so sweet! ), he isn't at ease when he's not in control of his deepest emotions, he's just the strong funny guy with this huge heart. Teyla and John had a great scene that, at least, let us know where is Ronon in the middle of all those main characters and that as far as he has a back story and, as far as we know what his team leader and Teyla think of him, we'll probaby see this character around for a while.... GREAT!!!!

                                Now let's head to a certain sparky way of seeing things through:

                                Their conversation was different than any conversation we had between Elisabeth and John I can recall. Why? Because John's emotions in that scene were mainly meant for Ronon. He was the trigger to John's true feelings toward, not only his team, mentioning Teyla first obviously because she's right in front of him, but to Elisabeth the superior ( lol sounds like a p-rn movie lol !) She was the second person to be mentioned ( not that it really means something but to please some of you, it's still something, lol!
                                And there's something else that's interesting, the fact John mentioned everybody means this conversation wasn't about him expressing feelings other than you're a friend, even family, for Teyla.

                                So, IMO these two (not so detailed) analysis proove a point:
                                There's still so much sparkiness in the "TPTB's" air! lol, I love to say it this way even if it doesn't mean a thing.

                                Good night and Good luck folks!

                                I'm beginning to agree more and more about this scene. I still haven't watched it again but, Yes, it can
                                be seen as Shep/Teyla. But the fact that he mentions her first is telling. It shows quite a difference than if he'd named everyone else first, paused for a moment or two almost akwardly then added her last. If it had happened like that, I'd see more Shep/Teyla and less Friendship.


