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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by GateByte
    I loved Inferno. ITA
    After 2 years together Elizabeth had better have a good idea how to push his buttons .

    It seems like Shep's actions are trying to take the attention off of Rodney because he seems a bit jealous that the girl isn't paying any attention to him. Then there's also the fact that he might just be doing it to bug Rodney .
    Well, Elizabeth has had experience in International relationships and diplomacy. She would know how to read people one would think. With regards to Inferno
    I tend to agree that John may be a bit put out that Rodney's the focus of the girl's attention and not him. This is why I am looking forward to "Irresistible". If he behaves like this with Rodney then imagine what he will be like when he sees Elizabeth making googoo eyes with Lucius and totally ignoring him. Priceless.
    Likewise, with "Sunday". Be interesting to see how he reacts to Mike!Sean!Hugh!Jamie!Karl!HotGuy.

    OT, my friend emailed me the Italian soccer team pics in calendar poses (nuff said). Don't know why she thought I would be interested???? Didn't want to hurt her feelings so I scrutinised the pics closely.

    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      ... And to keep this even remotely on topic... Atlantis is full of Europeans. Season 3 should have at least some reference to the World Cup, for the sake of realism if nothing else.
      I noticed you made that same point in one of your WW crossovers.

      I can see Carson or one of the other Brits pointing out to John that that's really "Football", totally confusing Teyla, and Elizabeth having to jump in to clear up the "2 nations separated by a common language" confusion.


        I don't think John thinks it's his place to be jealous, therefore he tried to turn his naturally jealous reaction into one that might be labelled as one that would be a typical "guy" response. However, I have yet to see the episode, so... yeah.
        My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

        Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Heheheh. Some things never really change. For me it's always been the wirey ones, which probably explains in part my recent addiction to soccer. Joe Flanigan would make an interesting Dirk Pitt, but I've got to say that I loved Matthew McConaughey (even though I keep forgetting how to spell his name, and in U-571 he looked frighteningly like one of my cousins) and Steve Zahn. Sahara was just a fun buddy movie.

          Crap. Plot bunny. *files Cussler-style Shep/Weir idea away with film noir Shep/Weir idea*

          And welcome to all the newbies!
          Hmm personally didn't like Matthew McConaughey as Dirk Pitt, having read all the books I actually pictured him a lot more like a Joe Flanigan than a Matthew McConaughey...

          Good movie but the casting was all wrong (although Al was adorably cute he was nothing like the book character )

          Yeah off topic again - but Cussler-style Shep/Weir ideas are good Mel, write them


            Originally posted by ddc
            I noticed you made that same point in one of your WW crossovers.

            I can see Carson or one of the other Brits pointing out to John that that's really "Football", totally confusing Teyla, and Elizabeth having to jump in to clear up the "2 nations separated by a common language" confusion.
            That reminds me of a fic I'm working on for the wild west community LJ. John is playing American football with the kids in town and Carson is going to argue that's not football. There's some sparky in it too.


              Originally posted by SGLAB
              That reminds me of a fic I'm working on for the wild west community LJ. John is playing American football with the kids in town and Carson is going to argue that's not football. There's some sparky in it too.
              *Feeling fic deprived* When will we be getting all these fics?

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY GATEBYTE!!!!!

              Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                *Feeling fic deprived* When will we be getting all these fics?

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY GATEBYTE!!!!!

                I've got several plot bunnies at the moment and I'm not sure how to continue with the wildwest one at the moment.





                    Hi all! I'm trying to be a bit more of a regular poster, though with 3 school age kids it's going to be tough!

                    I missed Inferno the first time around, because one of the aforementioned kids messed with the DVR, and I missed it on the rerun because I was out of town. Fortunately, the kids were out of town, too, so the DVR was able to record it, and I finally watched it today. After reading all the discussions here, I knew a bit of what to expect and look for, but there was one scene in particular that just made me cringe.

                    Though I don't like the "Kirking" I've seen this season, there's never been a scene that's made me want to run for the Anti-Kirking thread and sign on the dotted line......until now. I've written Skanktuary off to writers unfamiliar with the characters, I can kinda sorta sympathize with the situation in Epiphany, and I continue to live in denial about The Tower. (Well, it's not denial, really, cause that scene that explained all should never have been cut.) But this? Just.......Eewww.

                    There's a scene where Rodney, Shep, and scientist chick are all in a control room together, I think in the Orion. There's a big tremor, and scientist chick falls down or cowers low to the ground, and John hovers over her to protect her. When the tremor is over they all stand up, but Shep and scientist chick are in each other's personal space making googly eyes at each other. That scene, more than any other this season, just smacks of the "male gigolo" mentality. Completely disregarding my shipper status (cause I'm a sci-fi fan, first and foremost) I thought this was the most inappropriate display of "Kirking" that I've ever seen in either Stargate series. I could almost hear Joey Tribiani...."Heeyyyy, how YOU doin'?"

                    Though I actually enjoyed the majority of the episode, and liked some of the small John/Liz and Teyla/Ronon moments, it's funny how one scene can make me not want to watch an entire episode ever again.



                      i know, it becomes annoying after awhile when sheppard's always trying to hit on the ladies lol. i think lizzie should get some revenge and flirt or something with a guy rite in front of shepp, that'll teach him.
                      three's a crowd...
                      ahh thats better

                      aww cute.

                      I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                      And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                        On the occasion, I like the aspect of Shep's character that makes him a flirt, like in Aurora. My favorite moments is still from Underground when he says Sora is very beautiful or something and her dad goes off on him: "I wasn't hitting on your daughter, I just . . .". I always laugh my butt off. Obviously, I like when Shep flirts and it doesn't work. (except on Liz, hee)


                          yeah i liked that part aswell. love it when flirting doesnt work for shep, its somehow cuter!
                          three's a crowd...
                          ahh thats better

                          aww cute.

                          I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                          And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                            *pops in*

                            Hey guys jsut made this wallpaper.. not very good


                            *crawls back under rock*

                            Edit: Sorry guys taht wasnt my final Copy gah

                            heres the real one

                            Real Wallpaper
                            Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 29 June 2006, 05:30 AM.
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Just a raelly quick post so I can rec Second Chance

                              Chapter one

                              Chapter two

                              Warnings: Just to be safe everything from Season 1 and Season 2
                              Summary: An alternate reality where John and Elizabeth knew each other before the mission to Atlantis.


                                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                                *Feeling fic deprived* When will we be getting all these fics?

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY GATEBYTE!!!!!
                                Thank-you! 22, I'm so old .

                                If you feel deprived and want some fics, I've got a couple new ones almost finished. Should be able to post links to them on the weekend

