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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    What strikes me about Sheppard and Weir in this episode is that the presentation of their relationship is two-fold.
    On the one side, we see them in the height of professionalism – "Colonel" and "Doctor" through most (if not all) of the episode. They're working together smoothly, probably better than we'd seen them together in a long time. Yet at the same time, this was probably the episode with the most flirting yet. The Mensa line was adorable, and the end scene had so much more than a history conversation going on.

    This picture just kills me every time.

    Coup and slight Inferno spoilers ahead.

    It's interesting
    I liked the fact they were using their titles with each other. Not that I don't love the fact that they are on first name basis with each other, but it has actually thrown me when they've addressed each other with first names in front of certain people. Like in front of that leader in Inferno when Elizabeth was on the planet and talking to John via the radio. There's still a personal vibe between them even with their titles used.


      Once again, thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

      And Mel, congrats on 3000!

      Now onto Sunday

      I, too, am intrigued by this "men and women can't be friends" thing - I wonder what it says about how close she is with John, because I really would argue they have a friendship. But now I'm wondering how exactly she views their relationship, and then I start wondering if it's confusing her...

      And this Branton guy sounds pretty interesting. Personally, I wasn't too worried about this episode even before this, because I think that anything that gets Elizabeth (and possibly John) thinking about personal relationships in the expedition, about where they stand with the people they work with, and specifically where she stands as far as relations (platonic or otherwise) with subordinates, is a good thing. Or a good thing as far as Shep/Weir is concerned.

      Now if only we can get Sean Maher for this...
      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


        Originally posted by SGLAB
        Coup and slight Inferno spoilers ahead.

        It's interesting
        I liked the fact they were using their titles with each other. Not that I don't love the fact that they are on first name basis with each other, but it has actually thrown me when they've addressed each other with first names in front of certain people. Like in front of that leader in Inferno when Elizabeth was on the planet and talking to John via the radio. There's still a personal vibe between them even with their titles used.
        I love it when...
        they use their first names with each other in front of other Atlantis personnel. I almost keeled over when John said, "eLIZabeth" in Hot Zone. In fact, I think that (first name usage) may be a large part of why Rodney and Carson are (sekrit, or maybe not-so-sekrit, because of TLG) John/Liz shippers! But even when it's not appropriate to use first names, I love how Liz can imbue the word "Colonel" with so much meaning.

        On another note...I guess I'm feeling a bit pms'y or something, but it's a bit disheartening to me that I've not been welcomed back to the board. And maybe my memory is a bit faulty, but I don't think I've ever even been offered mints!

        I first visited this thread back when it was still a part of Delphi forums, and then made the move to Gateworld forums. I've a 37 year old mom of three, college graduate, former school teacher, married almost 17 years, and have been a sci-fi geek all my life. I watched SG-1 from its first episode, and was a die-hard Sam/Jack shipper. I was a bit wary of watching Atlantis, mostly because I read all of the preview information for the months leading up to the first ep, and was put off by all the talk of an already established ship(John/Teyla). Going off of my Sam/Jack shipper experience, I just didn't trust TPTB to do ship well. But before the first ep premiered I read that they were backing off of the established ship, so I decided to give it a chance. Lo and behold, what did I behold? Chemistry between John and........not Teyla!........but Elizabeth, even from Rising. I thought, maybe it's just me? But after The Storm/The Eye aired, I thought that there MUST be others who saw the John/Liz chemistry, and I went searching for other such like-minded folk. I found them, and have been a happy lurker ever since.

        Even though I'm mostly silent, I lurk on a daily basis, and want to say thanks for the great discussions about my favorite ship couple. Also, thanks to all the amazing fic writers who champion the John and Liz pairing. Wow...there are some amazingly talented people on this thread! (Bama--why haven't you finished some of your dangling stories!!!!!?????) I am so glad to be a (somewhat silent) part of such an amazing ship community. Kudos to us all! :-)


          Okay, firstly, Happy Birthday LurkaLa, Welcome Elmindreda, and Congratulations Melyanna!

          Now, as I've only seen as far as 'Epiphany' and 'Critical Mass' I can't comment on anything else. So, I'll just have to post my latest wallpaper.


          Edit! My computer's rather dark, so when I did the manip, I didn't realise where her hand was!


            Episode 3.14 - Sunday: It's Sunday on Atlantis, and most personnel should have the day off, but a lot of them are working anyway. Beckett want to go fishing. Zelenka is playing chess. Sheppard and Ronon try golfing. A new scientist asks Weir to lunch. Then a bomb goes off while Teyla is walking somewhere.


              i so wanna know wat MckAy is doing and i wonder if shepp and Ronan Successed in golfing .. ironic enough its not football lol!
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                Speaking of good fics and vids--I just watched Hatcheter's "Fix You" ( again. It was great. Hatch, do you think you could make a vid using Coldplay's "The Scientist"? Might be hard to script, but it's a great song.
                Someone already made a video to that song but I can't link because lj is not working.

                I love it.
                My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                  Finally got home from work and watched Coup d'etat.

                  1)When Sheppard trusted Weir enough to let her do all the talking at the very beginning. He never once tried to interupt, and they seemed to be able to read each others minds just by the looks they gave each other. 2)Elizabeth wanted John to head up going to see Landon (sorry is that how you spell it?) It shows again the trust they have in one another. She wanted to send in her best man to make sure and check out the Genii "defector" Plus, to go and tell Cowan what they had learned. 3)Mckay's line "They didn't even try and kill us, or anything." 4)Ronan and Teyla together trying to find out about Lorne and his men. They seem to have such chemistry. I especially loved Ronnan's facial expressions when they were talking to the scientist Lindsay. It just tickled my funny bone at how much it horrified him that Lindsay was no help to either Lorne's men or Teyla and him. 5)Ronan's line "I just want to know who dosen't think I am a threat." It was such male ego, and I loved that the women barly blinked an eye at his childishness. 6)Mckay... "Did you see? I almost stunned that guy." Sheppard..."I must have missed it." Mckay..."If he would have just moved a little to the left, I would have gotten him for sure." LOL Mckay and sheppards friendship always makes me giggle. 7)I love love love that Major Lorne aka Major dimples is alive and kicking. We need to find out more about this guy! Finally....8) Sheppard sitting at the edge of Elizabeth's desk. They are so comfortable with each other, and it is just such an easy friendship between them. More More More!! ::sorry got off track while chanting at TPTB::

                  Only thing I didn't like very much...
                  why oh why do they keep trusting the Genii?!?! I know that we keep coming out on top, but will they ever learn their lesson? Then again, it does make for good stories.

                  All in all, it was an awesome eps. It is my second fav of the season. My first is can't wait to talk about this one next.

                  Ok, now I am going back to catch up on posts.
                  "We'll name it later!"
                  - - - -
                  Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                  Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                    Originally posted by LurkerLa
                    Now onto Sunday

                    I, too, am intrigued by this "men and women can't be friends" thing - I wonder what it says about how close she is with John, because I really would argue they have a friendship. But now I'm wondering how exactly she views their relationship, and then I start wondering if it's confusing her...

                    And this Branton guy sounds pretty interesting. Personally, I wasn't too worried about this episode even before this, because I think that anything that gets Elizabeth (and possibly John) thinking about personal relationships in the expedition, about where they stand with the people they work with, and specifically where she stands as far as relations (platonic or otherwise) with subordinates, is a good thing. Or a good thing as far as Shep/Weir is concerned.

                    Now if only we can get Sean Maher for this...
                    Hmmm. The character to me....
                    sounds a bit arrogant, to be honest. Like the kind of guy who isn't used to taking no for an answer. I like your thoughts about it getting Elizabeth to think about her relationship with John. There'd better be something Sparky to come out of this episode.


                      Originally posted by gambit
                      Episode 3.14 - Sunday: It's Sunday on Atlantis, and most personnel should have the day off, but a lot of them are working anyway. Beckett want to go fishing. Zelenka is playing chess. Sheppard and Ronon try golfing. A new scientist asks Weir to lunch. Then a bomb goes off while Teyla is walking somewhere.
                      Darn! I was hoping we were going to see Shep surfing or swimming!!



                        I am usually a lurker, however I read some interesting news on Eonline today that may be of interest, and have decided to post for the first time ever.
                        Apologies to anyone if this doesn't work.

                        This was from an online chat that Kirsten (the TV journo) does on 'Watch with Kirsten'


                        From Zora: You never talk about Stargate: Atlantis! What gives?!
                        Sorry, Z. Can I get back on your good side with this little tidbit? The Sci Fi network is looking to cast a new recurring character on the show: Mike Branton, a new scientist assigned to the Atlantis team. He's described as good-looking, smart, charming and a great catch for anyone. And he's got a thing a thing for Dr. Weir! I'm hearing that, although it's pretty much against Atlantis rules, she agrees to go out with him and it goes quite well.


                          Golf?!? They play golf?!? Fantastic! Doesn't this suggest that Ronon and Sheppard will be on the Mainland during this ep - at least at the start? Lost opportunity for Shep whumping (I think that's the right words, it's been a while since I used it) there (plus I just want to see a scene with Liz by John's bedside
                          Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                          In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                          Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                            Originally posted by Bow2873

                            I am usually a lurker, however I read some interesting news on Eonline today that may be of interest, and have decided to post for the first time ever.
                            Apologies to anyone if this doesn't work.

                            This was from an online chat that Kirsten (the TV journo) does on 'Watch with Kirsten'


                            From Zora: You never talk about Stargate: Atlantis! What gives?!
                            Sorry, Z. Can I get back on your good side with this little tidbit? The Sci Fi network is looking to cast a new recurring character on the show: Mike Branton, a new scientist assigned to the Atlantis team. He's described as good-looking, smart, charming and a great catch for anyone. And he's got a thing a thing for Dr. Weir! I'm hearing that, although it's pretty much against Atlantis rules, she agrees to go out with him and it goes quite well.

                            WELCOME BOW2873! Good you made your first post in this thread. What took you so long? You and I joined up at the same time. Thanks for the spoiler. Now I don't know what to think anymore. On "Sunday" (which I swore not to mention again).
                            This extra bit of information along with Melyanna's sides (Thanks Mel) have got me seesawing on whether it's good for Sparky or not so good. Seems like he'll be a recurring character since it has been mentioned in a few sources but as what? Will he and Elizabeth have a definite relationship or will he just keep chasing after her? Does this mean TPTB want to let Sparky shippers down easy because they have something else in mind for John for a canon ship or will this be the litmus test for John and Elizabeth to realise their feelings for each other? This can be played out either way and the spoilers have been no help at all in deciding which aspect. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Still think it'll be a good episode for character development though.

                            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX



                              I may be in the minority here, but I don't like Elizabeth's character development bieng tied into developing a romantic relationship. To me, such tactics with a recurring character end up having a detrimental affect. I would much prefer it if a deeper understanding of her came from interaction with and perhaps even opening up to her team; (all of them).

                              On the topic of whether this 'relationship' is good or bad for the ship itself, I'm very worried. If the producers et al had ever acknowledged Shep/Weir then I might be more optimistic, but they haven't---quite the opposite from what I've been hearing. I fail to see them going for this as a catalyst for a ship they prefer to ignore. I see this as a means of attempting to wean fans off the ship. Particularly as this character is now to be a recurring one. If Dr Mike is sticking around, I can see a new ship bieng floated to split the existing one. NOT good.

                              I'm hoping (no, praying) that I'm wrong.
                              Last edited by HelenT; 20 June 2006, 03:20 AM.


                                WELCOME Bow2873 ... Lurk no more
                                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!

