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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    May as well chime in on Sunday.
    When I first read the spoilers I thought it was a good thing. Liz gets a beau. A young beau. That'll show John. If he can do it numerous times, why can't she do it once? Then reading all the comments here I went through various stages of disappointment, anger *at the writers* and finally resigned to wait and see. *big sigh* There are a lot of "ifs" here. Where is John? Will he even know or care about Mike? The most interesting thing I can say that hasn't been mentioned is that it appears like John and Liz are the only two characters to be getting romances. That tells me that they are "the" couple. *Mulder and Scully anyone?* The Carson/Cadman thing is being handled very casually in a no-big-deal way, causing no angst or conflict. But both John and Liz are getting involved in things that will potentially hurt the other. Hmm? Now go ahead and flame me, *I deserve it* but I have to pop a few balloons. At this point Shep and Teyla could be a couple which has led Liz to think she needs to move on. Season 3 could turn out to be a test of how much agony we can take. TPTB may have set out to prove to us that all their denials of any tension between S/W are true. Then there's nothing left for us to do but convert to Sheylas and let them get on with their original plan. The fact that they went ahead with the day off ep tells me that they listen to fans. But they don't necessarily listen to shippers. Especially us.
    I really hesitate to post this and then I thought what the heck. You know what Southern, Pfft to PTB. The S/J debacle on SG-1 proves they couldn't do ship then and there's nuthin' I've seen on Atlantis that proves me wrong so far. So they trundle on with their original intention (which actually I'm pretty chilled about), they'll just make an unholy mess of it. I'm all for having lots of fun in fandom which you guys do. Just keep having the fun and avoiding the angst that's the recipe. Or become a multi-shipper, they have the best fun of all.


      Been reading more of the recent Gero interview where he first mentioned at interest in writing a 'day off' episode.


      Looks like he never thought he'd get the chance to do it. Mainly because he thoguht that brad wouldn't want to do something that didn't have sort of jeopardy in it. So it loos like Gero has managed to spin this idea to the rest of the team with that jeopardy thrown in... and they've taken it! He also mentioned that it would have focused on each character - like five short films. So it might not be completely focused to Elizabeth and the explosion. But more of entire team. We've already got a Weir centered episode this season... it'd be strange to have two (although I wouldn't be complaining)

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        I really hesitate to post this and then I thought what the heck. You know what Southern, Pfft to PTB. The S/J debacle on SG-1 proves they couldn't do ship then and there's nuthin' I've seen on Atlantis that proves me wrong so far. So they trundle on with their original intention (which actually I'm pretty chilled about), they'll just make an unholy mess of it. I'm all for having lots of fun in fandom which you guys do. Just keep having the fun and avoiding the angst that's the recipe. Or become a multi-shipper, they have the best fun of all.
        I thought of that (S/T) as well based on other spoilers I've read elsewhere but decided not to add it to my list since it seemed rather traitorous on this thread.
        Multi-shipping is a good idea if that happens. Strange thing is I can pair Weir off with Ronan, Lorne, Rodney, Caldwell, Beckett or anybody really because I want her to be happy but I would have a harder time pairing off John without gagging a bit. Odd that.......

        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
          Been reading more of the recent Gero interview where he first mentioned at interest in writing a 'day off' episode.


          Looks like he never thought he'd get the chance to do it. Mainly because he thoguht that brad wouldn't want to do something that didn't have sort of jeopardy in it. So it loos like Gero has managed to spin this idea to the rest of the team with that jeopardy thrown in... and they've taken it! He also mentioned that it would have focused on each character - like five short films. So it might not be completely focused to Elizabeth and the explosion. But more of entire team. We've already got a Weir centered episode this season... it'd be strange to have two (although I wouldn't be complaining)
          Gero also said in that interview...
          ...that he had written a scene in Weir's bedroom. It's probably in this episode, given when the interview happened. Let's hope that's waking up on Sunday morning and not... something else.

          In other spoiler-related stuff,
          I actually agree with Sally on the kirking thing. The only reason that it seemed so bad in Season 2 was that the episodes were crappy (for more reasons than just the girlfriends) and rather close together, and flanked by two alien-induced kisses.

          Like I said last night, Stargate has done this well. Sam's relationship with Martouf, for one, was handled very well. (The symbiote's confession through Elliot on Ravenna that Martouf had loved Sam for who she was always gets to me. ) And I thought One Hundred Days worked too, and it worked for the ship. Their track record has actually been better with boyfriends than with girlfriends, though, as the ambassador from 2010/2001 was an interesting character, and Narim was good too.

          Finally, I haven't seen the sides yet, but this strikes me as a very small part of the plot. Probably early, unless it's following the pattern that Major_Moomin suggested. And as someone pointed out last night, it's entirely possible that this guy turns out to be the villain.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            I'm really not feeling great about this episode.
            I'm also really, really hoping that this character is not a recurring one. It seems out of character for Elizabeth to get into something with someone so far below her in the chain of command. So he may not be directly answerable to her -- who knows what the actual position he has is -- but it's still something that I could imagine her considering, given the fact she's the leader. Everything she does would be held up to scrutiny by the others. Ugh! Not happy. Wait for people in a certain other thread to start on about it. Please let Teyla and Ronon get together!!!!


              Originally posted by Ronnikins
              I thought of that (S/T) as well based on other spoilers I've read elsewhere but decided not to add it to my list since it seemed rather traitorous on this thread.
              Multi-shipping is a good idea if that happens. Strange thing is I can pair Weir off with Ronan, Lorne, Rodney, Caldwell, Beckett or anybody really because I want her to be happy but I would have a harder time pairing off John without gagging a bit. Odd that.......
              What's strange about that? I have exactly the same problem. I'm multi-ship when it comes to Lizzie, have even written Weir/Cadman, but have a very hard time seeing Shep with anyone else. Not that I have any idea why.

              atlantis_babe.. I hated Pete because he was an annoying 2D stalker, not because I 'ship Sam/Jack- which in canon, I actually don't.


                Originally posted by alyssa
                I'm really not feeling great about this episode.
                I'm also really, really hoping that this character is not a recurring one. It seems out of character for Elizabeth to get into something with someone so far below her in the chain of command. So he may not be directly answerable to her -- who knows what the actual position he has is -- but it's still something that I could imagine her considering, given the fact she's the leader. Everything she does would be held up to scrutiny by the others. Ugh! Not happy. Wait for people in a certain other thread to start on about it. Please let Teyla and Ronon get together!!!!
                Right! But please, please don't bring it to my attention when they do, they give me a headache when they do that.

                I seriously think Ronon/Teyla could work as canon with the status quo, and I wouldn't mind seeing it.


                  And another thing. I just finished an exercise tape which I have no memory of because I was thinking about this. I must have done it because I'm sweaty. Anyway, Sunday.
                  This may also be the first time it has been spoken that Elizabeth is beautiful and desirable. Yeah, I know we had Simon, but pffft. Then they spent a whole season making it look like she had a one-sided interest in John. Maybe this ep will redeem her, and as someone said above kill the idea that she's too old for John. If the boyfriend turns out to be the bomber, it will be a very good thing. This could also be the catalyst episode for Sparky. Speculation will only get us in trouble and the next thing you know we'll have Liz flying a spaceship while singlehandedly holding off the Wraith and giving birth to an alien lovechild.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Ronnikins
                    Multi-shipping is a good idea if that happens. Strange thing is I can pair Weir off with Ronan, Lorne, Rodney, Caldwell, Beckett or anybody really because I want her to be happy but I would have a harder time pairing off John without gagging a bit. Odd that.......

                    It comes down to chemistry. Torri has chemistry with everyone. For Joe, he has his best work with Torri and David Hewlett. He's just brilliant with those two.


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      I'm really not feeling great about this episode.
                      I'm also really, really hoping that this character is not a recurring one. It seems out of character for Elizabeth to get into something with someone so far below her in the chain of command. So he may not be directly answerable to her -- who knows what the actual position he has is -- but it's still something that I could imagine her considering, given the fact she's the leader. Everything she does would be held up to scrutiny by the others. Ugh! Not happy. Wait for people in a certain other thread to start on about it. Please let Teyla and Ronon get together!!!!

                      please tell me you didn't hate pete in stargate...

                      i think it will be good for character development and if its a complete flop.. then obviosly they wont do it again but i think its good for the character to go outside the square.. it shows a whole new side to them.. sometimes its intriging... sometimes its not...
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        Speculation will only get us in trouble and the next thing you know we'll have Liz flying a spaceship while singlehandedly holding off the Wraith and giving birth to an alien lovechild.
                        *snickers* And just yesterday I was thinking that for my WW/SG series, I could write some tabloid stories, like "Daniel Jackson Possessed by Sixteen Alien Entities!" and "Weir Pregnant with Asgard Lovechild! Sheppard Enraged! Pictures on Page 12!"
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          *snickers* And just yesterday I was thinking that for my WW/SG series, I could write some tabloid stories, like "Daniel Jackson Possessed by Sixteen Alien Entities!" and "Weir Pregnant with Asgard Lovechild! Sheppard Enraged! Pictures on Page 12!"
                          lol *smirks* ...*flicks to page 12*
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Gero also said in that interview...
                            ...that he had written a scene in Weir's bedroom. It's probably in this episode, given when the interview happened. Let's hope that's waking up on Sunday morning and not... something else.



                            ...Because lord knows, we don't any more 'something else's' on this show right now.

                            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              I'm really not feeling great about this episode.
                              You and me both. In fact, I'm becoming more disgusted by the moment. Elizabeth is a great character and she deserves better than what this episode seems to be becoming. I've stopped watching SG-1, I really don't want to stop watching Atlantis too. But I will.


                                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                                I definitely think we shoud wait until there is more info to make any judgments about it. Actually, based on the spoilers I read, I wouldn't be surprised ("Sunday" speculation ahead)
                                the doctor Elizabeth dates inthe episode is repsonsible for the possible bombing. I;ve seen this type of plotline developed in other shows and it can be quite effective--especially when one of the parties involved has a growing relationship with osmeone else (aka Shep). It would be an excellent opportunity for Shep and Elizabeth to evaulaute what they really mean to one another. I expect jealous inquiry regardless of how the ep plays out. Aside form all of that TPTB need to address what has happend with Elizabeth emotionally since she broke ot off with Simon. I think this ep will be a good vehicle for that as well.

                                I'm optimisitic about this one actually--I doubt TPTB, and especially not Gero, would turn this into a kirking thing.

                                Curse my weakness!!! I've been spoiled and I have no one to blame but myself because you fabulous people do your job by hiding things. Ah well. I'm learning (not learned but learning) to not take spoilers at face value. As Mel said, things can be cut, rewritten, added, etc. We shall just have to wait and see. At least we've got a good seven months or so to contemplate this and put our own spin on all that we hear/read.


