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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Carl Binder -- squishably, huggably cuddlesome for so many fans. And that's the word.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by Lady Lethe
      That makes perfect sense and certainly fits with what I was trying to say. I think it would be pretty out of character for John to start getting all emotional and saying "I love you." We know he does get emotional when Elizabeth's in danger, but other than that, he seems to keep a tight rein on his feelings. I think someone mentioned that another reason John might not show as much emotion is because he's military. I'd have to heartily "amen" that. My dad is retired from the Air Force and I can count on my fingers the number of times I've heard him tell my mother he loves her, and they've been married for 20 years! He gets angry and shows it; he teases us and jokes around, so he shows those emotions, but when it comes to anything related to the "L" word, it's like pulling teeth, I know he loves my mom though, because of his actions. He goes out of his way to make her happy by getting her things when she least expects it, making dinner, letting her keep a ridiculous amount of pets .

      Like we've been saying, that's how John shows he cares too, not by necessarily saying the words (Although maybe toward the end of this season he'll be thinking about saying them, at least in extenuating circumstances.) but by his actions.
      I think if john has stronger feelings thna he should have for liz he does his absolute best to contain them probably becuase liz is his boss and the military is very strict about respecting your superior's. Feelings for liz are probably filed under "forbiden thoughts" an when he has them i bet he's very glad for the privacy of his own head, at the moment that is. Probably has had to take an icey shower a couple of times to

      I think it will take seeing liz as more of a person, to let him be more open about those feelings with her (has this been said before?) But like you said his feelings speak in actions...his protective streak over liz. And after seeing his kirking i doubt he's had feelings for a woman like he might develop them for liz (if he hasn't already) admiting to someone that he cares for them will probably be a difficult thing.

      Did that make sense?


        *comes in*

        Sunrise and Sunset, chapter 10

        Light and Shadow Play, chapter 17

        *goes out*


          *comes back in*

          Know you y'all were poking La to update Family Matters? Well, she didn't do that. But she did write this other awesome fic

          Rest For The Weary, at LJ and ffn

          *goes back out*


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            *comes back in*

            Know you y'all were poking La to update Family Matters? Well, she didn't do that. But she did write this other awesome fic

            Rest For The Weary, at LJ and ffn

            *goes back out*
            Oh yeah, I've read that one. I love your fics La.

            Sal, thank you SO much for that Teddy link. It was so cute and sweet

            Lovebar made by natz099
            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


              Thanks for the fic rec

              I've got 2 ideas for fic's but i'm not sure wether i'm brave enough to write them John angst anyone?


                Originally posted by Lady Lethe
                That makes perfect sense and certainly fits with what I was trying to say. I think it would be pretty out of character for John to start getting all emotional and saying "I love you." We know he does get emotional when Elizabeth's in danger, but other than that, he seems to keep a tight rein on his feelings. I think someone mentioned that another reason John might not show as much emotion is because he's military. I'd have to heartily "amen" that. My dad is retired from the Air Force and I can count on my fingers the number of times I've heard him tell my mother he loves her, and they've been married for 20 years! He gets angry and shows it; he teases us and jokes around, so he shows those emotions, but when it comes to anything related to the "L" word, it's like pulling teeth, I know he loves my mom though, because of his actions. He goes out of his way to make her happy by getting her things when she least expects it, making dinner, letting her keep a ridiculous amount of pets .

                Like we've been saying, that's how John shows he cares too, not by necessarily saying the words (Although maybe toward the end of this season he'll be thinking about saying them, at least in extenuating circumstances.) but by his actions.
                That behavior that you mention here is not really typical of John in a sense though. I do believe his 'military' training helps him hide his emotions yes, but John is different from most career military men I've encountered. I married into a family of them and I love them a lot but most are 'by the book' guys more along the lines of what you see with Caldwell or Lorne. John is more fascinating because he is multi-faceted behind the military facade. When you watch him you sense that he could care so deeply and be hurt the same in return. You sense that he's got a softer, gentler side that he hides. You sense that he's capable of so much more than just being a 'grunt' and has the capacity to be a great leader because of this rare condition he has of seeing beyond the 'military box'. It's really shippy in the sense that he doesn't share as much of his 'other' self with others as much as he does with Elizabeth. In their quiet, down time together-that both cherish and *make* the time for- he drops the pretenses somewhat and he lets himself peek through and reaches out for her to do the same with him and to her own emotional surprise and betrayal, she finds she cannot resist his call to her.

                Have I said just how much I love these two together lately?


                  Hey, just dropping in with a rec. I was recently reading this really good and suspenseful Teyla/Elizabeth friendship piece that surprised me with Sparky overtones, so I thought I'd mention it to the fine people here.

                  Salvation by Irony_rocks. Enjoy!
                  Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                  You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                  Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                  Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    That behavior that you mention here is not really typical of John in a sense though. I do believe his 'military' training helps him hide his emotions yes, but John is different from most career military men I've encountered. I married into a family of them and I love them a lot but most are 'by the book' guys more along the lines of what you see with Caldwell or Lorne. John is more fascinating because he is multi-faceted behind the military facade. When you watch him you sense that he could care so deeply and be hurt the same in return. You sense that he's got a softer, gentler side that he hides. You sense that he's capable of so much more than just being a 'grunt' and has the capacity to be a great leader because of this rare condition he has of seeing beyond the 'military box'. It's really shippy in the sense that he doesn't share as much of his 'other' self with others as much as he does with Elizabeth.

                    Oh yeah, I totally agree that John has a much softer side to him than your typical military guy, but I do think his training would allow him to push those feelings aside longer than Elizabeth will be able to, especially if he thinks it's safer for them to be apart.

                    Originally posted by BAMA
                    Have I said just how much I love these two together lately?
                    I don't know, but I am also of the opinion that you can't say it enough!

                    “Le monde a tellement de regrets
                    Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
                    Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
                    Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

                    ~ Francis Cabrel


                      I think John is a very sensitive person who can form attachments to people very easily and strongly. I get the sense that kind of scares him. There are a few examples through out the last two seasons showing his attachments to others and what happens when trouble comes up in those relationships or with those people. And those were friendships. What happened with Ford deeply effected him. I think at the end of Trinity he was more angry at himself for putting so much blind faith and trust in Rodney than at Rodney himself.

                      I think maybe falling in love is something he'd be guarding his heart from.


                        Originally posted by SGLAB
                        I think John is a very sensitive person who can form attachments to people very easily and strongly. I get the sense that kind of scares him. There are a few examples through out the last two seasons showing his attachments to others and what happens when trouble comes up in those relationships or with those people. And those were friendships. What happened with Ford deeply effected him. I think at the end of Trinity he was more angry at himself for putting so much blind faith and trust in Rodney than at Rodney himself.

                        I think maybe falling in love is something he'd be guarding his heart from.
                        It kind of makes one wonder if something happened in his past to make him like that. I too think he is the type to guard himself from falling in love. Personally I feel that he hasn't quite realized the debth of his feelings for Elizabeth yet. Well, maybe not consiously, and I wonder if when he does realize them, if he will start to distance himself from her.

                        TPTB did say they are going a more character moments and relationships so...

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                          It kind of makes one wonder if something happened in his past to make him like that. I too think he is the type to guard himself from falling in love. Personally I feel that he hasn't quite realized the debth of his feelings for Elizabeth yet. Well, maybe not consiously, and I wonder if when he does realize them, if he will start to distance himself from her.

                          TPTB did say they are going a more character moments and relationships so...

                          It would certainly be nice to get some hint of something that would confirm these speculations about him. There's nothing solid about these speculations just little moments from him. The way he's responded to certain things that have happened in the last two seasons. And it wouldn't surprise me if he started to retreat a little from Elizabeth the more aware he becomes of his feelings for her.


                            on the french forum we made drawings about the couple


                            bébé sokar's drawing

                            and mine


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              *comes in*

                              Sunrise and Sunset, chapter 10

                              Light and Shadow Play, chapter 17

                              *goes out*
                              Wooooooooo! *jumps on both*


                                Originally posted by SGLAB
                                I think John is a very sensitive person who can form attachments to people very easily and strongly. I get the sense that kind of scares him. There are a few examples through out the last two seasons showing his attachments to others and what happens when trouble comes up in those relationships or with those people. And those were friendships. What happened with Ford deeply effected him. I think at the end of Trinity he was more angry at himself for putting so much blind faith and trust in Rodney than at Rodney himself.

                                I think maybe falling in love is something he'd be guarding his heart from.
                                You've got some good points here. I think the trait that causes most of John's problems (I wouldn't call it a weakness, exactly) is how personally he takes everything. Elizabeth has had to remind him that these things aren't his fault. And she's right, but he holds himself responsible for it anyway.

                                And to veer off onto another topic, I made a random connection this morning. In Before I Sleep, Elizabeth asked Old!Elizabeth if she was in any pain, and Old!Elizabeth indicated that neither of them would admit it if they were. Yet a few episodes earlier, at the end of The Eye, John asked Elizabeth if she was okay, and she said no, quite emphatically. I found the contradiction, as it were, rather interesting.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

