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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mirafemina
    I wonder if John has finished War and Peace yet? Would be a nice bit of continuity for him to still be reading it, or have someone comment on him starting another big read.
    I think that would be nice, for him to pass the book over to Elizabeth if she was ever stuck in the infirmary, saying "It helped me pass the boredom of being stuck in here."

    Or when we get to see Lizzie's room, it could be lying on her bed-side table *lalala*


      Hehehehehee. That would be nice, wouldn't it? See a little shippy nod that could be interpreted both ways... that would be just like TPTB, in fact...

      And yes, I love that pic! I made a wallpaper from that long ago. <3


        Hahaha! Yeah I remember those TLG speculations..It's so funny if you go back and read it again .
        And some people *points to self* were so excited, it wasn't even funny! But now, IMO, The Siege III is still the best S/W episode of the two seasons..

        I hope we won't be disappointed with TRW, especially because we get a Weir fan for a writer in this one.

        Maybe it's better to stop speculating so much anyway .


          Originally posted by Erised
          Maybe it's better to stop speculating so much anyway .
          Lack of speculation leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to the dark side (ie non-Sparky).

          I love speculating, if only for being able to go back and see how wrong you were!
          I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

          Visit my LJ?


            But... but... if we stop speculating, what the heck are the spoiler-tarts going to DO until July!?!


              Originally posted by Erised
              Hahaha! Yeah I remember those TLG speculations..It's so funny if you go back and read it again .
              And some people *points to self* were so excited, it wasn't even funny! But now, IMO, The Siege III is still the best S/W episode of the two seasons..
              With The Seige 3 it was sort of the opposite, we all knew what we would've loved to see, but kept telling ourselves that it wasn't going to happen.
              I remember someone saying something like "wouldn't it be cool if we got a hug?" , and we were all like *sigh* yeah, it's good to dream on, lol. And i don't remember who mentioned it first, but when the peek came of Sheppard's "i'm home" you could see Weir coming down the stairs, and someone here said something like "wouldn't it be great if she hugged him?", i was like "nah!, not gonna happen, too soon for them to give us a hug", i'm so glad i was wrong .
              Maybe it's better to stop speculating so much anyway .
              Nah!, speculation is a fun way to pass the time, as long as we remember it's our ideas we're talking about, and not the actual spoilers. I think we are capable of doing that.


                Sorry I meant I should stop speculating so much Never turns out good anyway


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  Don't bite my head off but sparky did seem a little too one-sided lately. I'd like to see it switch sides for a bit and then balance out.
                  That's kind of interesting because I didn't really get that it was one-sided at all. You have to remember, John's a guy, and he's not going to show his emotions as readily as Elizabeth; not to mention the fact that she hasn't been put in danger as many times as he has, so he hasn't had a lot of opportunity to angst over her. I think his feelings are made known whenever he's in a room with her. There's all that gazing going on, plus a complete lack of personal space in most instances, and he's very protective of her. Plus there's that soft tone he reserves just for her. You know, the one he uses when he's worried or concerned? It makes my Sparky heart go all aflutter.

                  Anyway, I guess I can see where you're coming from. I do agree that season three will probably bring more opportunities for John to angst over Lizzie instead of it always being the other way around.

                  “Le monde a tellement de regrets
                  Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
                  Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
                  Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

                  ~ Francis Cabrel


                    Originally posted by Trialia
                    But... but... if we stop speculating, what the heck are the spoiler-tarts going to DO until July!?!
                    OMG Spoiler-tart I love that! Soooo much classier than spoiler-ho!

                    This interview fills me with so much GLEE I can hardly stand it! (It's the one y'all are referring to.)

                    The writers of Stargate Atlantis are making a key change in their approach to the hit series this year: a more deliberate focus on the relationships between the main characters, something some fans have found to be lacking in the show after two years on the air.

                    It's like they've read our minds (or thread!)


                      Originally posted by Lady Lethe
                      That's kind of interesting because I didn't really get that it was one-sided at all. You have to remember, John's a guy, and he's not going to show his emotions as readily as Elizabeth; not to mention the fact that she hasn't been put in danger as many times as he has, so he hasn't had a lot of opportunity to angst over her. I think his feelings are made known whenever he's in a room with her. There's all that gazing going on, plus a complete lack of personal space in most instances, and he's very protective of her. Plus there's that soft tone he reserves just for her. You know, the one he uses when he's worried or concerned? It makes my Sparky heart go all aflutter.

                      Anyway, I guess I can see where you're coming from. I do agree that season three will probably bring more opportunities for John to angst over Lizzie instead of it always being the other way around.
                      Forgive me if this seems a little of topic, but I think it's kind of relevant.

                      I recently went to a book signing for a new book, a romantic comedy of sorts that was coauthored by a man and a woman. He wrote the male character's POV, she the female's. During their talk about the book, the woman mentioned that in the initial drafts, the male character never once said "I love you" to the female. The man explained that it didn't seem like something the character would do - from his perspective actions spoke louder than words.

                      Thinking back on bits and pieces of this season and the first one (and it's not all straight in my head yet, so I'm sure I'm missing key moments) I think that's what we're seeing from John. (And I by no means mean that we're at a point where we should be hearing "I love yous" from either of them.) While we've seen more of the overt worrying from Elizabeth, and some flirty moments from both, I think John shows things through his actions. In season one we have The Storm/The Eye - that's a key one, of course - and Before I Sleep, for just two examples. Conversion's a good one from season two, and I'm sure there are others but I'm all confuzzling myself so they're blurring together.

                      Anyway, this made more sense when it first came into my mind... If someone can figure out what I was trying to say, please feel free to post it more coherently.
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        I think that would be nice, for him to pass the book over to Elizabeth if she was ever stuck in the infirmary, saying "It helped me pass the boredom of being stuck in here."

                        Or when we get to see Lizzie's room, it could be lying on her bed-side table *lalala*
                        You mean she's put it there while reading it after borrowing it from him? Nah. That's so tame.

                        See, it's in her room because he accidentally left it there when he came over one night - he got there before she did so he brought the book to read while he waited. Yet another reason we need to see her room - so we can notice all the things he's accidentally left there while they were "visiting."
                        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                          Originally posted by Lady Lethe
                          That's kind of interesting because I didn't really get that it was one-sided at all. You have to remember, John's a guy, and he's not going to show his emotions as readily as Elizabeth; not to mention the fact that she hasn't been put in danger as many times as he has, so he hasn't had a lot of opportunity to angst over her.
                          When I was first watching season 1 all I could see was John following Elizabeth around and being overtly flirty with her. My sister would scream at me that they had something going on, and I just kept telling her that it was all coming from him. Which is understandible as Elizabeth was still emotionally attached to Simon. But the lovely hug changed all that.

                          Season 2 was very much angst heavy for Elizabeth, but as Lady L said, that's not unusual when the guy you lurve keeps getting into all sorts of trouble.

                          Anyway, I guess I can see where you're coming from. I do agree that season three will probably bring more opportunities for John to angst over Lizzie instead of it always being the other way around.
                          If we're going to get more character moments then surely some Shepangst is in the offing?
                          Also, if Elizabeth is going to be put through the ringer, either emotionally or physically, she might shut herself off and be far less the Elizabeth we know. I'd like to see a change in her behaviour (nothing extreme like Shep's bug craziness) over a series of episodes, which John ends up confronting her about.

                          We can then have some lovely eye sex. Or, you know, actual sex.
                          I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

                          Visit my LJ?


                            Originally posted by mirafemina
                            We can then have some lovely eye sex. Or, you know, actual sex.
                            PG-13, Mira!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Trialia
                              PG-13, Mira!!!!!!
                              Eek! Sorry kids. Will keep my Sparky thoughts cleaner (but not in my head).
                              I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

                              Visit my LJ?


                                Originally posted by mirafemina
                                Eek! Sorry kids. Will keep my Sparky thoughts cleaner (but not in my head).
                                *giggles* Oh, you can keep whatever you want in your head. Like Nurse John, for instance. *sweet smile*

